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Book review, working without a net by morris r. shechtman


This book, which I read some time ago as part of the assigned texts in my master's degree, in my opinion is a gem that I recommend consulting all people interested in growing personally and professionally.

Among the topics covered in it, I will point out some aspects that the author recommends to overcome the most common obstacles in the work environment, that is:

To overcome the most common obstacles we must:

First: Clarify confusing values, there must be a correlation between the values ​​of people and those of the companies for which they work. Clarifying confused values ​​will allow everyone to bring out the meaning and purpose of life and the company, in this way companies benefit because it will be easy for them to select the personnel that best respond to those values ​​as well as streamline the team of management, this is when it is necessary to make staff reductions, it will also facilitate the retention of individuals within the company.

Values ​​accompany people wherever they go or where they work.

The second thing is: Get used to Late Development, that is, get used to the fact that in the modern world the majority of people are delaying their personal fulfillment (family) giving priority to intellectual training, therefore today in companies we see the behavior of adolescents in people between 20 and 30 years of age, young adults also range between 30 and 40 years of age, while adults (the most productive age) that previously was from 30 years now begin this stage at age 40, that is, when most companies do not want them.

Shechtman suggests effective methodologies to treat each individual according to the stage they are in and also refers to the gray areas, for example a 50-year-old executive who divorces and begins dating young women, descending this to the behavior of the teenagers.

The third aspect is: Responsibility and its seven prerequisites. Responsibility is one of the two fundamental values ​​to survive in a world without a network, when responsibility is structured through relationships and work scenarios, employees assume adult behavior more quickly and the management system based on values ​​is strengthened.

The author suggests seven prerequisites to promote responsibility in the workplace, one of them refers that this value resides in individuals not in groups, also people must be clear about their areas of responsibility, and there must be clear, measurable and with their respective consequences.

Finally, Shechtman points out as the fourth obstacle that must be overcome: the Goals and again Responsibility, considering both as the most important values ​​to survive in a world without a network, he emphasizes that we must try to find our personal mission in life and thus establish objectives.

When there are clear objectives, we avoid spending energy and resources on useless issues, thus attracting strength, order and constancy, which allows us to stay in an unpredictable and threatening market.

Book review, working without a net by morris r. shechtman