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Summary and conclusions of cop23

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Bonn, host city of COP23

The curtain has fallen on the stage that hosted the 23rd “Conference of the Parties on Climate Change”, held between 6 and 17 November 2017, in Bonn, chaired by Fiji. The German city provided the space, infrastructure and part of the organization necessary to carry out the event. Why Bonn? Because it is the permanent headquarters of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). For these conferences, Bonn has confirmed its competence and experience on multiple occasions. Among them, it is worth mentioning the UN climate meetings, such as COP5, 1999 and the second part of COP6, 2001.

Fiji, its vulnerability and analogy with football

Fiji is a tiny island country in Polynesia, a three-hour flight from the nearest mainland, nestled in the solitude of the ocean and frequently hit by cyclones and floods and the fury of waves. With its nearly 300 islands of volcanic origin, Fiji's territory is made up of atolls, whose low elevation makes it highly vulnerable to the foreseeable effects of climate change. For this reason, the Prime Minister of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama, assumed the presidency of COP23 determined to maintain the momentum of the Paris Agreement, and the effort to reduce carbon emissions, the main cause of global warming. Already at COP22 he had said: “To use a sports analogy much loved in our islands,the world community cannot afford to lose the ball in the decisive response agreed in Paris to tackle the global warming crisis that we all face, wherever we live on the planet. The ball is going to get to Fiji and I intend, as COP President-designate from a small island developing state, to take it as far as possible (…). '

COP23, one conference - two zones

The event, like every year, was sponsored by the UNFCCC, this time under the coordination of Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, its executive secretary, who worked hard to bring the great event to a successful conclusion. Espinosa is a Mexican diplomat who has served in the position since 2016. Before that, she was head of the Mexican Embassy in Germany.

The COP23 had as its motto “one conference, two zones”, because in the “Bonn Zone” the events focused on climate action were held while the “Bull Zone” was where the governments held their conversations. In Fijian the word “bula” means “hello” and expresses a wish for good health and happiness.

The pavilions and security measures

The pavilions of China, France, Great Britain and Germany were very close to each other, located under the big top of the Bonn area. The surroundings were decorated in the colors of Fiji, in the shape of a semicircle, inviting dialogue and cordiality. The India pavilion featured a futuristic design featuring a digital globe. An indigenous pavilion was also present, belonging to the representatives of the original peoples of the Amazon, the Andes and the coasts of South America.

To penetrate this conglomerate of pavilions, you had to pass through a security space filled with infrared devices, metal detectors and trained guards. In addition to all these controls, the authorities took extreme measures, such as requiring press, diplomatic or technical accreditation. Whoever carried a bottle with some liquid, had to take a drink to show that it was not a dangerous substance.

Seven vital issues on the table

In the first three days of the Global Climate Action (GCA) agenda, actions were focused on seven main areas: energy, water, oceans and coasts, human settlements, transport, industry and forests. On the 13th and 14th the events focused on the high-level segment, these days the prominent participants presented topics on innovation, resilience, sustainable development. On the afternoon of the 15th, the most outstanding aspects of the ACG program were presented directly to the delegates of the countries, ministers and heads of state, in the main plenary meeting of negotiations.

United States and COP23

The United States appeared at the conference with a low-ranking delegation, following President Donald Trump's decision to abandon the Paris Agreement. However, it did not block the negotiations. German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks called the performance of Americans "professional and constructive." In addition, several states, cities and representatives of companies and American civil society were present at the meeting, from where they sent a clear message: "We are still in", "we continue in", signed by universities, governors, mayors and senators, including the Republican party, ensuring that they would meet the goals assumed in the Paris Agreement. Through the America's Pledge association, which brings together personalities such as Jerry Brown, California Governor Michael Bloomberg,Former Mayor of New York and Ed Markey, Governor of Massachusetts, ratified their commitment to the planet. Senator for Hawaii Brian Schatz said: "Even the most powerful man in America cannot stop the development of clean energy." Markey noted: "the president occupies a" temporary "mandate, while the climate fight is a bet for the future." The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) added: "More and more governors, mayors, businessmen and other actors in the United States are stepping forward to lead the battle against climate change.""The president occupies a" temporary "mandate, while the climate fight is a bet for the future." The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) added: "More and more governors, mayors, businessmen and other actors in the United States are taking a step forward to lead the battle against climate change.""The president occupies a" temporary "mandate, while the climate fight is a bet for the future." The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) added: "More and more governors, mayors, businessmen and other actors in the United States are stepping up to lead the battle against climate change."

China takes advantage of space left by the United States

The absence of the largest economy in the world was taken advantage of by the second largest economy on the planet and the first emitter of greenhouse gases. China installed a huge pavilion in the center of the Bonn Zone, on the banks of the lake in Rheinaue Park, the green lung of the city, next to the River Rhine.

The speech of the Asian giant showed a more active role compared to previous conferences. China's special representative on climate change issues, Xie Zhenhua, stated that he aspired that these UN climate talks would produce essential results that would address issues concerning developing countries, as well as a firm determination to implement the Climate Agreement. Paris. Xie made the remarks at the high-level forum on South-South cooperation on climate change, in his country's pavilion.

A good surprise, but only half: an alliance to leave coal behind

Coal is one of the most polluting fuels and the first to be used massively three centuries ago. Today, despite the time that has elapsed since then, its use is still widespread throughout the planet. Coal is one of the main sources used in electricity generating plants, accounting for 40% of world production, a fact that very few know, since it is not as newsworthy as oil and gasoline. In addition, coal, with 25%, is the second primary energy source used in the world, only behind oil. For all this, the burning of coal is one of the main sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) of anthropogenic origin, causing global warming.

The good news is that in the middle of COP23 it has become known that more than twenty countries have created a global alliance by means of which they commit to eliminate coal from electricity generation before 2030. The creation of the “Powering Past Coal Alliance” it was promoted by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada, Catherine McKenna, and the Minister of Climate Change and Industry of the United Kingdom, Claire Perry. The agreement to leave the use of coal as fuel in the past was signed by Angola, Austria, Belgium, British Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, El Salvador, Fiji, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Marshall Islands,

Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Niue, Portugal and Switzerland. However, non-signatory countries include Germany, host of the conference, Spain and Poland. Neither do the three largest CO2 emitters and coal consumers, such as China, India and the US.

Three days after the conclusion of COP23, the states of Oregon and Washington from the United States and Alberta, Ontario, Quebec and Vancouver from Canada joined the alliance.

The inevitable last minute impasse

The meeting proceeded normally and each day focused on a different activity, as scheduled, until, on the last night, ready to raise their glasses, an unpleasant situation arose that paralyzed the meeting, which lasted until high hours of the morning. Not infrequently at the COP it has happened that, at closing time, when the road already seems paved, a hare jumps that turns the conference on its head. And this is what happened that night. This was explained to Efe, in an interview, by the European Commissioner for Climate Action, Miguel Arias Cañete, who explained that “nations that have not objected in the entire process prior to and during this climate summit, are putting in this moment with the hope of obtaining results for their countries ”.Both the commissioner and other sources consulted by Efe assured that the states that raised these objections are the so-called “Developing Countries with the same Vision”, such as China, India, Saudi Arabia and Iran. These countries want to “distort”, according to Arias Cañete, an article of the Paris Agreement, called “Facilitating Dialogue” or “Talanoa Dialogue”, in which the countries committed to reviewing the ambition of their national climate commitments in 2018. Finally, the controversies were settled. We will see what happens at COP24, Kotowice, Poland, 2018.called “Facilitating Dialogue” or “Talanoa Dialogue”, in which the countries undertook to review the ambition of their national climate commitments in 2018. Finally, the controversies were settled. We will see what happens at COP24, Kotowice, Poland, 2018.called “Facilitating Dialogue” or “Talanoa Dialogue”, in which the countries undertook to review the ambition of their national climate commitments in 2018. Finally, the controversies were settled. We will see what happens at COP24, Kotowice, Poland, 2018.

Opinions and conclusions

Among the main achievements of COP23, it was agreed that the most industrialized countries provide every two years a report on the provision of the $ 100 billion annually that must be raised to finance developing countries, starting in 2020, the year in which it will enter Paris Agreement in force. These funds will be used for the adaptation required in the fight against climate change.

The synthesis of COP23 was very well expressed by Michael Schäfer, from the environmental organization WWF. “The climate conference was not a big blow, but it had the expected results. Fine print was being done in Bonn and the conference produced a lot of fine print. But we have not yet reached the goal by far, "he valued. Brazil's Environment Minister José Sarney Filho concluded: "We left Bonn having advanced some distance in the direction of our collective goals, but it is an ambitious journey and all countries will need to improve in the future."

Patricia Espinosa, among other things, said: “With the adoption of the Talanoa Dialogue, the conference has provided a launching pad to move to the next stage of greater ambition. It has also advanced in the implementation guidelines of the Paris Agreement so that in 2018 it is really possible to support international cooperation in a sustained way, and national efforts to achieve a safer, more prosperous and better world for all ”.

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Summary and conclusions of cop23