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You are in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia

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The Case of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

Contemporary society was sold the belief that the discredited "climate change" is of anthropogenic origin, a term that is not included within the characterizations of the problem, because, according to each one of us, the origin is not anthropogenic, and In this we must be clear and precise, the origin of environmental deterioration disguised as "climate change" is of transnationalist and bureaucratic origin mimicked of "sustained growth", since it is not possible to generalize and include the entire human species as responsible for the deterioration Therefore, there are many native communities of many peoples in the world that fight to defend their ancestral rights, preserve their ecosystem and defend life.

The problem of environmental deterioration, product of the unbridled greed to get richer and richer at the cost of the suffering of others, has its origins in the large projects executed by transnational corporations and the country's corrupt bureaucracy involved in environmental barbarism, because a ruler or official with principles never allow them to destroy their country and leave their offspring hopeless.

During these days I had the opportunity to attend a conference on "climate change" and by information from an aviator in conversation when he told him that it is impossible for a thaw to occur on a snowy peak such as the case of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta which is the Colón and Simón Bolívar peaks at a height above sea level at 5,775 meters. He told me that he has found temperatures of 15 degrees Celsius at that height, a situation that confirms the hypotheses that he had previously raised, especially in my article "Chair of shame in the uninorte of Barranquilla." I was also consulting the article in the newspaper El Tiempo on May 25, 2015,Article written by Javier Silva Herrera / Lifestyle writing on May 25, 2015 in which a photograph of the Colón and Bolívar peaks completely discovered appears, which ipsofacto deduces that the temperatures at that height are above 0 ° C and they average between 10 and 15 ° C. So far, valuable information on the temperature at that height, because effectively for a thaw to occur, the temperature must necessarily be at zero degrees Celsius, which is the melting point of water in solid state, from there to there you need 15 degrees Celsius so that the water is totally liquid in ambient conditions, of course if you go up to the top you will feel a pleasant climate (15 ° C), in that there is no problem, what the researchers do question as in my case, is the question:If the masses of air vapor rise by convection, naturally this is an outburst, because in this area the highest temperatures occur not properly in the geographical Ecuador, but in a line that passes through the north of Cuba in July. and on the other hand, in January it descends to Brazil: this line is called THERMAL ECUADOR and passes through Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, the Antilles, Central Africa and South Asia. These areas generally have temperatures above 27 degrees Celsius.This line is called ECUADOR TÉRMICO and passes through Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, the Antilles, Central Africa and South Asia. These areas generally have temperatures above 27 degrees Celsius.This line is called ECUADOR TÉRMICO and passes through Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, the Antilles, Central Africa and South Asia. These areas generally have temperatures above 27 degrees Celsius.

Scientifically it has been shown and explained with elements of judgment that the heat in the atmosphere is well heard in the atmosphere and, worth the redundancy, diffuses or propagates by convection, that is, that the air masses move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, that is, when the heat of the surface causes the gas molecules to heat up, they expand and rise, causing the densest and heaviest (cold) to descend, in addition the air masses rise due to pressure differences (adiabatic transformation), as hot air masses rise, they cool down again, then transfer their energy when condensing (becoming liquid). For this simple reason, the temperature decreases one degree for every hundred meters of height above sea level.

In order for a temperature of 15 ° C to be experienced at the height of the Colón and Simón Bolívar peaks of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, at least the temperature on its slopes or at ground level in the city of Santa Marta should have a temperature Between 65 and 70 ° C and a temperature of these in only six seconds produces third degree burns to living beings, which can simply be verified and verified in a simple field work by measuring the temperature in various parts of Santa Marta and taking an average, but reality shows us that there are no people who have experienced third degree burns in six seconds of exposure, so that you have an idea, the hot coffee that is served when you ask, ranges between 65 and 70 ° C, according to data from IDEAM and from national scientific institutes,Local and international, that should be the average temperature of Santa Marta so that those in the Colón and Simón Bolívar peaks of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta can reach those temperatures of 15 ° C, which is the one that supposedly has caused their thaws. Therefore, as a researcher, I consider that technology is being used to prey on the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, that is indisputably being done with microwaves and magnetrons, if they are not doing it with geostationary satellites in the upper atmosphere, it is being done with microwaves and Radars located in neighboring areas: I suspect the communication antennas installed there, and not only the Ministry of the Environment is involved in this,So is the Ministry of Tics (communications) since it regulates the electromagnetic spectrum today delivered to transnationals by our governments, the National Mining Agency (ANM), that is, the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in addition to the governments and mayors. of the neighboring departments (Magdalena, Cesar and Guajira) as well as the Regional Autonomous Corporations of the aforementioned departments, as well as IDEAM.

Another question arises: And why the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta? Precisely the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is the highest coastal mountain system on the planet, located in the north of Colombia that constitutes by itself an isolated system of the Andes, on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, rises from the coasts of the Caribbean Sea to a height of 5,775 meters in its snowy peaks. With an approximate area of ​​17,000 square kilometers, it is the highest mountain in Colombia, isolated from the Andes mountain range by the system of valleys formed by the Cesar and Ranchería rivers. Its highest peak is the Cristóbal Colón peak. Because it is a mountain, especially 5.7775 meters high, it has all the thermal levels, from the hot dry to the perpetual snows.Likewise, the climate of the entire region is determined by the trade winds and by the elevation with respect to sea level. That is why the temperature goes from 30 ° C in the lower part of the park and even below zero degrees Celsius in the highest coastal mountain in the world. (According to IDEAM it is between 65 and 70 ° C so that the colon peak is 15 ° C due to “climate change”, a situation that is totally distorted with reality).

UNESCO declared it a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site in 1979, given the network of ecosystems that are home to countless life forms and that are home to various indigenous communities. This important mountain is located in the north of Colombia and occupies the departments of Magdalena, La Guajira and Cesar. Important rivers of the Colombian Caribbean region are born from it, such as the Cesar River, the Ranchería, the Palomino, the Don Diego, Guatapurí, the Fundación and the Aracataca. These rivers, important to the region's economy, drain about 10,000 million cubic meters of water annually.

A new question arises: What is the interest in razing the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, thawing its peaks and drying up the rivers mentioned above? I manifest this without setbacks and with certainty, because that has no other explanation or justification, the first objective, to dislodge the cultures protected by UNESCO, the other, is to force the inhabitants of neighboring towns (Magdalena, Guajira and Cesar) to that they emigrate from their lands, by depriving them of water supply, fostering drought and hunger, this is where it is detected that the national government is not alien to this situation, leaving them with an alternative: or they move away from there or starve !, because we need to exploit and loot their communities.But the most focused question lies in the mining projects in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and surrounding regions.

And the last question, why does UNESCO declare a biosphere reserve -the biosphere involves from 0 to 200 meters above sea level- in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, and does not include the peaks and snow-capped mountains of this? Within the RAMSAR zones, if it is precisely from here that bodies of water and rivers originate that supply populations that are in extreme temperature conditions, as is the case of La Guajira?

So that we understand a little why I insist that the climate in the area is being manipulated with the use of radars and communications antennas or also by satellite, because it is impossible that a thaw naturally occurs in a snowy peak, even the convective system of masses and air current is the one that has given rise to these given the property of gases and more so in the case of water vapor, taking into account that the water molecule, that is, has electrical polarity with excess negative charge together with oxygen compensated by another positive distributed between two hydrogen atoms,This has a peculiarity and it is that the microwave makes it rotate because it is bipolar about 2450 million times per second, which causes the collision between the water molecules to produce frictional heating - the microwave is a large atmospheric heater and no one speaks when In this regard, they only try to divert attention to other distractors-, these microwaves are produced through a component called a “magnetron”, which transforms electrical energy into microwaves (microwave ovens: heaters), more however, the magnetron has another peculiarity: if it is regulated by lowering the frequency it does not emit microwavesbut pure energy (radiation) and through this mechanism it is allowed to dissociate water molecules -because it is bipolar- water has a chemical property and that is that it dissociates by electric current and we have the case and the way how to proceed to disassemble molecules of water at the site of the assigned coverage (call them páramo, call them snowy peaks, call them clouds) and with the microwave through the magnetron we melt the ice and we can evaporate that water and that is why despite talking about thawing in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, it has not been seen where this water went.Call them clouds) and with the microwave through the magnetron we melt the ice and we can evaporate that water and that is why despite talking about thawing in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, it has not been seen where this water went.Call them clouds) and with the microwave through the magnetron we melt the ice and we can evaporate that water and that is why despite talking about thawing in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, it has not been seen where this water went.

Therefore, we must bear in mind that there is no “climate change”, climate change is a natural process that has formed and is part of terrestrial homeostasis-in low latitudes the total radiation received annually remains and in high latitudes the radiation lost In spite of this, the tropics do not overheat or the polar zones are re-frozen, thanks to the transport of heat carried out by the air, to differentiate it from the climatic manipulation that is being carried out in countries that are victims of the imposition of extortionate and hegemonic norms and measures on the part of the powerful and that in environmental summits have given it the figure of "sustainable growth."

The breezes and the wind are part of the climate regulators on Earth, that is, they play the role of terrestrial thermostats, both the water and the breezes are part of the climate in the regions of the planet, altering the normal course by diverting its cycle preventing formation of snows or mountain rains is to alter the water cycle and therefore is climatic manipulation, to demolish hills, mountains and moors is to alter the climate in the regions subject to predation.

As conclusions and suggestions, the native authorities, the communities of the Sierra Nevada, are asked to form the committee of "Sentinels of the Sierra" who will be in charge, through their ancestral laws, to take care of and ensure that this important heritage does not continue to deteriorate of ethnic, cultural and ecological biodiversity, training in information and knowledge on how to detect the presence of microwaves and other kinds of settlements in the area, in addition to constantly monitoring the temperature in the Sierra Nevada, both in the foothills and in the peaks Simón Bolívar y Colón, and measure the amount of radiation emitted by the communications antennas and radars placed near the Colón and Simón Bolívar peaks or, otherwise, request their removal and transfer or replacement by a satellite communications system,that it has international oversight and supervises the kinds of radiation it emits with the collective participation of the communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

This article constitutes an international public denunciation and I hope that all advanced and democratic media will facilitate its publication so that the whole world knows and finds out about the reality.

UN CC and environmental entities, please follow up on the dissemination.

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You are in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Colombia