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Process cost system for a bottling plant in Cuba

Table of contents:


Cost is one of the factors that most strongly affects business results, an essential requirement for its analysis is given by the need to determine the causes that originate deviations against the actual and planned costs and their discussion by the cadres and leaders of the companies, in order to be able to dictate the measures that avoid the negative action of the factors that generate said deviations. Taking into account the above, it is essential to have adequate control of the use of material and financial resources to achieve a more efficient economy with favorable results.

In the UEB Bottler of Ciego de Ávila beers, effective instruments are used to measure cost, but there is no design proposal that accumulates the 5 steps to follow to determine the cost of production at the end of an accounting period.

This research includes a design proposal for the implementation of a Process Costs System according to the characteristics of its production.

Keywords: cost system, control, economy and efficiency


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beers UEB Bottling blind of Ávila utilize efficacious instruments for the cost's measurement themselves in her but a designing proposal does not exist that he accumulate (subj) the 5 steps to follow for the determination of the production's cost to the finalizing a countable period.

Show it (subj) investigation gather a designing proposal for the implementation of Cost's system for Process according to his production's characteristics.

Keywords : cost system, control, economy and efficiency


In the field of economics, companies continually review and improve processes in all their areas: production, administration and finance, marketing and sales, research and development. In this way, they achieve sustained success in an increasingly rapidly changing world.

Companies must accept changes, that is, be innovative, or die. Reaching this position requires systematic management through analytical techniques and methods based on information, both internal and external, particularly that related to costs; This being the support for decision-making in all innovation processes.

One of the fundamental objectives that companies must take into account to achieve favorable economic results is to reduce their costs, or at least incur costs in adequate proportions with the volume of goods or services obtained. For this, it is necessary to carry out a detailed study of costs and expenses, and in this way evaluate the economic-financial results that the entity wants to know.

There are companies that have obtained important benefits derived from an adequate implementation of a cost system; There are also others that due to poor project management have not been able to reduce costs, increase profits, improve performance or make any changes, in which cost planning has played a passive role by not mobilizing existing productive reserves.

Taking into account the above, the problem to be solved in this investigation

How to implement a Process Costing System in the Ciego de Ávila Beer Bottling UEB?

In the “UEB Bottler of Cervezas Ciego de Ávila” the necessary techniques for the correct use of cost as an instrument in decision-making are not applied consistently, so we selected this business unit to apply the procedures that allow it to design a system cost that responds to its productive characteristics.

From here the Hypothesis is established : with the presentation of a methodological procedure for the design and validation of the Cost System by processes for this Business unit; a better use of material, financial and human resources in the production process would be achieved.

For this reason, in order to solve the problem and validate the hypothesis, the investigation starts from the following General Objective:

Propose to the Business Unit a methodological procedure for the design of a Cost System that responds to the characteristics of its activity and that contributes to minimizing costs, increasing its financial results and making decisions.

To carry out this work, several research methods of the theoretical and empirical level were used, it is the way and the procedure to reach solutions, allowing to present the subject from its importance and need for companies.

The novelty of the work and its main contribution consists in providing the managers of the Ciego de Ávila Beer Bottling Base Business Unit with a tool that helps them diagnose the behavior of production costs as an important aspect in the economic development of the company. entity making it possible to achieve greater efficiency in the use of resources.


Analysis of the results

To carry out the costing of products in this cost system, five important steps are proposed.

In order to design this costing system, it is recommended to undertake the following phases:

  • Elaboration of the flow of the production process, where the production and service departments are established, in order to know how the product passes through each phase of the process Design of cost centers and responsibilities in each of them. the time horizon in which the calculation is being carried out, locate the indirect production costs for the period in each cost center Calculate the activity or work unit of each of the cost centers, that is, measure the causality of the activity units in relation to each cost element accumulated in the center.

The first phase will establish the necessary mechanisms to capture all the information related to the flow of products and carry out the first two steps proposed by the system:

Step 1: Summarize the flow of physical units through the unit movement report.

Step 2: Calculate the equivalent production.

The rest of the phases allow to proceed to the following three steps:

Step 3: Summarize the total costs.

Step 4: Calculate the unit costs.

Step 5: Costing the production obtained.

Each step recommended above is covered below.

Step 1: Unit movement report

This report is divided into two sections: the first shows the number of units available in each production area to carry out their work at the beginning of the economic period, while the second shows the destination given to that magnitude once it has concluded.

The quantity on hand is made up of the physical stocks at the beginning of the reporting period and the inflows during the same. The destination given to the available units can be completed and transferred, completed and not transferred, and units that have not yet been completed. This information is presented in an organized manner as follows:

Amount to be accounted for: Department I

Put into production xxx

Total available xxx

Distributed as follows:

Completed and transferred xxx

Terminated without transferring xxx

In process at the end xxx

Total distributed xxx

It should be noted that the results that are reflected in the two parts of the report must be the same, since they are the same units seen at two moments of the economic period, that is, at the beginning of the period and once the process has concluded.

Step 2: State of Equivalent Production

For the elaboration of equivalent production, expenditure elements are grouped according to the moment at which they are incorporated into the production process, generally direct materials, direct labor costs and indirect manufacturing expenses are applied differently, Therefore, the equivalent production is commonly divided into these categories, that is, considering in terms of dose or percentage of materials and conversion costs what is incorporated in the period to the different production groups, that is, finished and in process.

It is important to point out some aspects that characterize the definition of the degrees of completion of the units in process depending on the resource being analyzed, since not all of them are incorporated into the product at the same time, or in the same way.

In this case, direct materials are introduced into the production process in two moments:

  • At the beginning of the production process, as is the broth in the beer-making process, it is stated that all the production in process in this case contains 100% of the incorporated material At the end of the production process, as it turns out in the Bottling department with its fundamental material, the Bottle, which is added at the end, so that the production in process does not contain any of the fundamental material, that is, 0%.

Together with the foregoing, it must be borne in mind that two or more materials can be introduced in a process at any of the moments mentioned above, which would imply a separate analysis for each of them. It is also possible that in certain processes in departments subsequent to the first one, direct materials are not incorporated, in those cases the direct materials element is not analyzed in the calculation of equivalent production.

The other two components of cost are direct labor and indirect manufacturing costs, these elements are incorporated into the product gradually and throughout the production process.

To establish the degree of completion for the conversion costs (MOD and CIF), the production technicians determine to what extent a process has elapsed and that is the percentage that is applied.

So far, reference has been made to the generality of the situations in a first department, because when moving to a second department it is found that in addition to the costs referred to, there are accumulated costs in the previous department. In this case, the degree of completion will always be 100%, since for an item in one process to be transferred to the next department, it must be completed in the previous one.

In this way, it can be summarized that in departments subsequent to the first, the equivalent production has three components; materials, conversion costs and previous department, which are analyzed for all the production obtained, that is, finished and in process.

The structure of the State of equivalent production is presented as follows:

Equivalent Production Status

Previous department


Costs of


Finished Xxx xxx xxx
In process at the end Xxx xxx xxx
Total Xxx xxx xxx

Product costing becomes more complicated when there are initial inventories of products in process. These inventories do not exist in the first period of a production process, since production begins at that moment and therefore, no elaborated stock can precede it, however, in the rest of the months, when there is production in process at the end for one period, this constitutes the initial in-process inventory for the next.

The productions in process make it necessary to take into account the existence of inventory methods, which influence their costing.

These methods are:

  • Weighted Average Method First In First Out (FIFO) Method

The weighted average method that is applied in the entity is explained below.

Weighted Average Method

According to the weighted average cost, the costs of the production inventory in initial process are added to the current costs of the period, and this total is divided by the equivalent production to obtain the weighted average unit cost, losing their identity the costs associated with the units still in process.

The cost of the opening inventory is therefore treated as if it were a current cost for the period. No distinction is made between completed units of work in progress and completed units of new production. There is a single final unit cost for all finished units: a weighted average unit cost.

This method is characterized because it does not distinguish between the costs of the previous period and those of the present period of the finished units, so it only takes into consideration for the analysis the finished and in-process at the end.

State of Equivalent Production, average method

UEB Ciego de Ávila Beer Bottling Company

Department No. 1


Conversion costs
Finished Xxx xxx
In process at the end Xxx xxx
Total Xxx xxx

For department II, the equivalent production report should consider the previous department column with its corresponding reports, as shown below:

State of Equivalent Production, average method

UEB Ciego de Ávila Beer Bottling Company

Apartment No. 2

Previous department


Conversion costs
Finished Xxx xxx xxx
In process at the end Xxx xxx xxx
Total Xxx xxx xxx

It should be noted that up to this point the information has been handled in terms of physical units, both in the unit movement report and in the status of equivalent production, from here on, reference will be made to the costs associated with those units, and therefore, the information will be expressed in value.

Step 3: Total costs

The total costs constitute the sum of the cost per elements that is obtained through the registration of the primary information accumulated in each of the cost centers during the period, and responds to their fundamental activity. The cost of initial inventories is also considered, both for production in process and finished, which appears as the balance of these accounts. For departments after the first, it also includes the cost of production transferred from the previous department.

Department 1

Direct materials Costs of


Total cost
Initial process inventory Xxx xxx xxx
Of the period Xxx xxx xxx
Total Xxx xxx xxx

Department 2


or earlier

Direct materials Conversion costs cost


Initial process inventory Xxx - xxx xxx
Of the period ** Xxx xxx **
** xxx xxx **

** In these concepts, amounts cannot yet be indicated as the costs of department I have not been calculated with which the total costs of department II would be completed.

Step 4: Unit costs

The unit costs are calculated from the total costs, and on the basis of the equivalent production, that is, they are obtained by dividing the total cost by the corresponding equivalent units, according to the grouping by elements that is determined, the direct materials, direct labor and indirect manufacturing costs.

In the total cost per items to be used to determine unit costs, using the average method to find equivalent production, the numerator will add to the costs of the period, those that have accumulated the initial inventory of the previous month, since this method does not it distinguishes between the costs of the period and those brought from previous periods, as already explained.

Unit costs, Average Method

Direct materials Conversion costs Total unit cost
Inv. Initial Xxx xxx
Period costs Xxx xxx
Total cost Xxx xxx
Equivalent production Xxx xxx
Unit costs Xxx xxx xxx

With the average method, the portion of the beginning inventory of production in process in the last period is double counted, and it is included as part of the equivalent production of the last period and also as part of the production of the current period.

By the Average method these units are reflected together in the concept of Finished and the sum of the accumulated cost of the Initial Process Inventory is divided with the costs of the month, by the total equivalent production, it is an average cost.

Step 5: Production Costing

In this step, the cost of the inventories of both finished production and production in process is finally calculated, obtained through the valuation of the production equivalent to the previously calculated unit costs.

When using the average method, the cost of production is made up of: § The cost of the units finished and transferred and finished without transfer valued at total unit cost.

  • The cost of the units in process for each grouping or cost item, at its corresponding unit cost.

Summary of the average cost of the UEB Bottling Beer

Ciego de Avila

Department No. 1

Cost of finished production and (xxx u. To $ x.xx) $ xxxx.xx transferred

Production in process cost at end $ xxxx.xx

Direct materials (xxx u. To $ x.xx) $ xxxx.xx

Conversion costs (xxx u. To $ x.xx) xxx.xx

Total cost to be accounted for $ xxxx.xx

We have seen the explained procedures applied to Department I, now let's see what happens in the second department.

To do this, unit costs must be calculated and then applied to production using the average method.

Below is the procedure for department 2 applying the Average method.

The unit costs calculated by the Average method indicate the following:

Materials Department Cost Costs

previous direct unit conversion


Inv. $ xxxx.xx - $ xxxx.xx


Period costs xxxxx.xx $ xxxx.xx xxxxx.xx

Total $ xxxxx.xx $ xxxx.xx $ xxxxx.xx Production xxxx or xxxx u. xxxx u. equivalent

Unit costs $ xxxx $ xxxx $ x.xx $ xx.xxx

Summary of the average cost of the UEB Bottling Beer

Ciego de Avila

Apartment No. 2

Cost of finished and transferred production (xxxx u. to $ xx.xxx) $ xxxxx.xx
Cost of finished production without transfer

Production in process cost

xxxx to $ xx.xxx xxxxx.xx

$ xxxx.xx

Previous department (xxxx u. to $ x.xx) $ xxxx.xx
Conversion costs (xxx u. to $ x.xx) xxxx.xx

Total cost to be accounted for

$ xxxxx.xx

These cost summaries serve as the basis for the preparation of the Production Cost Statement that is presented below.


Department1 Costs for the month $ XX XXX.XX

Cost of the final inventory in process X XXX.XX

Total cost $ XX XXX.XX


Costs for the month $ XX XXX.XX

Cost of the final inventory in process X XXX.XX

Total cost $ XX XXX.XX

Once the entire procedure for calculating the cost of production has been carried out, we have the necessary information to prepare the journal entries to record the operations carried out, as described in the accounting cycle for a cost-by-process system..

Cost inventory entry and exit are reflected in the department's work-in-process account. Work in process is debited for production costs (direct materials, direct labor, manufacturing overhead) and costs transferred to the department (direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead from units completed in the previous department and transferred to the department). When finished units are transferred, production-in-process inventory is credited for the costs associated with those finished units.

The journal entries associated with these operations are shown below, noting how the accumulation of costs occurs in each department and how the transfer between them occurs, which is reflected in the Processes account debiting and crediting as appropriate to each cost center, to finished production and in stock.

Accounting for operations

Detail Partial Should To have
Production in process $ xx xxx.xx
Department 1 $ xx xxx.xx
Direct materials $ xx xxx.xx
Direct labor x xxx.xx
Indirect manufacturing costs x xxx.xx
Materials inventory $ xx xxx.xx
Payroll payable x xxx.xx
Indirect production costs x xxx.xx
Recording period costs
Production in process xx xxx.xx
Department 2 $ xx xxx.xx
Production in process xx xxx.xx
Department 1 $ xx xxx.xx
Recording the transfer of the cost of finished production from department 1 to department 2
Production in process xx xxx.xx
Department 2 $ xx


Direct materials $ x xxx.xx
Direct labor xx xxx.xx
Indirect manufacturing costs x xxx.xx
Materials inventory x xxx.xx
Payroll payable xx xxx.xx
Indirect production costs x xxx.xx
Recording period costs
Finished production xx xxx.xx
Production in process xx xxx.xx
Department 2 $ xx xxx.xx
Recording the transfer of the cost of finished production


  • In applying the process costing technique, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the production process, the trajectory of these units through the different departments and the existence of finished and semi-finished products or in process in correspondence with the transit of a period In the costing of inventories, the main task is to determine the unit costs for the calculation of equivalent production as an expression of physical units with a certain degree of incorporation of work. Cost Accounting must contribute directly and indirectly to maintenance or to the increase in profits, providing figures that allow decisions to be made on reducing production costs or increasing sales volumes.


  1. ESTRABAO SANTIAGO, LAURA., (2011): "Procedure for the elaboration of the Default Cost Sheet for the productions of the Ceramic Workshop of the Branch of the Cuban Fund of Cultural Goods of Ciego de Ávila.", Diploma Work., P 10.FUENTES MARTÍNEZ, AM, (2011): “Analysis of the cost system in a company that produces pasta”, <http://www.eumed.net/ce/2011a/>,
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Process cost system for a bottling plant in Cuba