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Production order cost system, practical case


The Cía. Manufacturera de Plásticos SA produces toys through the Production Order Cost System, based on absorbing historical costs. It has several productive departments to manufacture toys. The operations of a cost period are as follows:

At the beginning of January 2001, the opening balances are shown in the following Trial Balance:

Bill Balances
Debtor Creditor
Banks 700,000.00
Raw material warehouse 250,000.00
Production in process 150,000.00
Machinery and equipment 1,200,000.00
Deprec. Accum. Of maq. And team 300,000.00
Providers 450,000.00
Social capital 1,500,000.00
Utilities to be applied 50,000.00
Sums 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00
  • The analysis of the warehouse of raw materials and production in process is as follows:
Raw Materials Warehouse
Plastic raw materials 10,000 kg A $ 20.00 each $ 200,000.00
Metallic raw materials 5,000 kg. A $ 10.00 each $ 50,000.00
Total $ 250,000.00
Production in process (manufacturing stage order)
Order 210 Electric Trains
Direct raw material 100,000.00
Direct labor 20,000.00
Indirect manufacturing charges 30,000.00
Total 150,000.00
  • $ 550,000.00 of raw materials are purchased from local suppliers as follows:
Raw Materials Warehouse
Plastic raw materials 20,000 kg A $ 20.00 each $ 400,000.00
Metallic raw materials 15,000 kg. A $ 10.00 each $ 150,000.00
Total $ 550,000.00
  • Defective metal raw materials returned for 2000 kg. At $ 10.00 = $ 20,000.00 In the period direct raw materials are consumed according to concentrations of exit vouchers as follows:
Order 210 Electric trains
Metallic raw materials 3000 kg A $ 10.00 $ 30,000.00 30,000.00
Order 211 dolls
Mat. Plastic Premiums 15000 kg A $ 20.00 $ 300,000.00
Mat. Metal premiums 4000 kg A $ 10.00 $ 40,000.00 340,000.00
Order 212 Parlor games
Mat. Plastic premiums 10,000 kg A $ 20.00 $ 200,000.00
Mat. Metal premiums 8000 kg A $ 10.00 $ 80,000.00 280,000.00
Total mat. Direct premiums consumed 650,000.00
  • The payroll for the month for paid labor amounts to $ 250,000.00. The application of direct labor according to reports of concentration of time worked is as follows:
Order HRS DIR FEE X HR Total
210 Electric trains 5000 6 30,000
211 Dolls 15000 6 90000
212 Living room set 10000 6 60000
Totals 30000 hrs $ 180,000.00
  • According to the same concentration of time worked, salaries for indirect labor matter the amount of $ 70,000.00 The application of predetermined indirect charges is made through a predetermined quota that is generally paid based on hours of direct labor with the formula:

Default charges quota = charges in. Defaults / total hrs. From MOD.

Default indirect charge fee = 225,000 / 30,000hrs = 7.50

Order Hrs. MOD Quota of c.ind. pred Default CI
210 5000 7.50 $ 37500.00
211 15000 7.50 112,500.00
212 10000 7.50 75,000.00
30000 hrs $ 225,000.00
  • Indirect charges for manufacturing expenses incurred and paid during the cost period are $ 150,000.00 Depreciation of machinery and equipment at 10% per year imports $ 10,000.00 per month. During the month production orders 210 and 211 were completed. Finished toys are sold for orders 210 and 211 as follows:
210 Electric trains 375,000.00
211 dolls 800,000.00
  1. The cost of sales of the previous orders is recorded The distribution costs of the period amount to $ 260,000.00
Distribution costs 150,000.00
Administration costs 100,000.00
Financing costs 10,000.00
  • Records are made for the following provisions:
Provis. For ISR 38750
Provis. For Part. Of workers in the utilities 6250

Required: Journal entries to reflect the activities of the cost period.

Financial statements: Production costs and income statement.

Seat Concept Partial Should To have
TO Banks 700,000.00
Raw material warehouse 250,000.00
Plastic MP 200,000.00
Metallic MP 50,000.00
Production in process 150,000.00
order 210 150,000.00
Machinery and equipment 1,200,000.00
Machinery and equipment depreciation 300,000.00
Providers 450,000.00
Social capital 1,500,000.00
Utilities to be applied 50,000.00
= Beginning balance record
one Raw material warehouse 550,000.00
Plastic MP 400,000.00
Metallic MP 150,000.00
Providers 550,000.00
= Mat purchase record. Cousin
two Providers 20,000.00
Raw material warehouse 20,000.00
Metallic MP 20,000.00
= Mat return record. Defective premium
3 Production in process 650,000.00
order 210 30,000.00
order 211 340,000.00
order 212 40,000.00
Raw material warehouse 650,000.00
Metallic MP 150,000.00
Plastic MP 500,000.00
= MP Consumed Record
4 MO 250,000.00
Banks 250,000.00
= Registration of MO payroll
5 Production in process 180,000.00
Order 210 30,000.00
Order 211 90,000.00
Order 212 60,000.00
MO 180,000.00
= Payroll payment record
6 CI 70,000.00
MO 70,000.00
= MOI registration
7 Production in process 225,000.00
order 210 37,500.00
order 211 112,500.00
order 212 75,000.00
Applied ICs 225,000.00
= Default CI registration
8 CI 150,000.00
Banks 150,000.00
= CI registration
9 CI 10,000.00
Dep. Of machinery and equipment 10,000.00
= Depreciation record
10 Warehouse of finished items 790,000.00
10 Production in process 790,000.00
order 210 247,500.00
order 211 542,500.00
registration of orders 210 and 211 completed
eleven sales 1,175,000.00
VAT payable 176,250.00
banks 1,351,250.00
= Sales
12 Sales cost 790,000.00
Warehouse of finished items 790,000.00
= Cost of sales record
13 distribution cost 150,000.00
administration cost 100,000.00
financing cost 10,000.00
banks 260,000.00
= Cost record
14 distribution costs 45,000.00
prov. For ISR 38,750.00
prov. For part. Of the trab. In the utilities 6,250.00
= Record of provisions of the month
fifteen Low or over-absorbed IQ 230,000.00
CI 230,000.00
= Low or over-absorbed IQ record
16 Applied ICs 225,000.00
Low or over-absorbed IQ 225,000.00
= Low or over-absorbed IQ record
17 Sales cost 5,000.00
Low or over-absorbed IQ 5,000.00
= Low or over-absorbed IQ record
EQUAL SUMS. 3,225,000.00 8,101,250.00 8,101,250.00

Inc. Manufacturera de Plásticos SA de CV

Statement of production and sales costs

For the period from January 1 to January 31, 2001

Initial inventory of production in process 150,000.00
Plus Direct raw materials consumed:
Inv. Initial raw materials 250,000.00
Plus Net purchases of raw materials 530,000.00
Partial 780,000.00
Less Final raw materials inv. 130,000.00 650,000.00
Plus Direct labor employed 180,000.00
Plus IC incurred:
Applied ICs 225,000.00
Low or over-absorbed IQ 5,000.00 230,000.00
Production cost incurred in the period 1,060,000.00
Total production cost 1,210,000.00
Less Inv. End of production in process 415,000.00
= Cost of finished production 795,000.00
Plus Inv. Initial production finished 0
= Cost of finished production available 795,000.00
Less Inv. End of finished production 0

Inc. Manufacturera de Plásticos SA

Income statement for the period from January 1 to 31, 2001.

Net sales 1,175,000.00
Less Sales cost 795,000.00
= Gross profit 380,000.00
Less Distribution Cost 195,000.00
Administration cost 100,000.00
Financing cost 10,000.00
Net profit for the period 75,000.00
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Production order cost system, practical case