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Environmental management system for a dairy company


In this article entitled: "Projection of an environmental management system for the Escambray Dairy Products Company, an Environmental Management System is proposed in the Escambray Dairy Products Company and an application of said system is carried out in the production line of Blue Cheese from Cuba.



Industrial pollution is a global phenomenon that affects its internal environment and external receptors (water, air, soil). Substantial changes are taking place in the relationships between the concepts of Industrial Development and Protection of the Natural Environment, considered antagonistic long ago. These changes mean moving from concern for the fight against pollution, to give more and more importance to its integration with the economic factor. In effect, classical economics treats the pollution derived from a certain agent as a negative effect of that agent's activity, which is not reflected in its internal costs or benefits; that is, free use is made of priceless public goods (atmosphere, water, soil). This concept is changing.Currently there is a trend towards the modification and development of new industrial processes that drastically reduce pollution and also the recovery of by-products, water and energy. Today, harmonization between competitiveness and environmental protection is a necessary condition for industrial expansion.


Procedure to implement an Environmental Management Model.

The proposed procedure corresponds to the cycle of continuous improvement of the processes enunciated by Edwuard Deming (figure 2.2).

Fig. 2.2: Cycle of continuous improvement of processes. Source Rolando Morejón Revilla (2007).

The cycle of continuous improvement of environmental performance through an environmental management system is possible to achieve by completing a series of steps.

Fig. 2.3: Cycle of continuous improvement of environmental performance.

For the development of the procedure, a preparatory phase is recommended that includes, forming the work team, training and communicating at all organizational levels about the content and tasks that must be developed to develop and implement the management system, define the documentary structure of the system, define and prepare tools, identify the processes involved in the system, analyze and / or improve the structure of the organization.

Work Preparation Phase:

Different tasks are included in the preparation, among which we can find:

  • Define the organizational structure on which the management system will rest Generate communication procedures throughout the company Define the documentary structure of the management system Define and prepare the tools to be used.

The group of experts at the company level (EEM) is selected in the sense of Harrington (1992). All categories and groups of processes must be represented on the team.

The application of the survey for this company showed a negative result, which describes that there is no concern for the environment, but it shows us that there is a concern on the part of the general administration of the company, which constitutes a point in favor already that the standard emphasizes that in order for an environmental management system to be established, the commitment and continuous leadership of senior management is of utmost importance.

The fundamental problems that are summarized in the questionnaire result are the following:

There are no preventive actions for negative environmental impacts.

  • There are no procedures to identify and assess impacts. There are no adequate monitoring plans for this type of industry. There is no training for personnel in environmental matters. Monitoring records are not accessible.

Selection of the process to describe: The Cuban blue cheese production process is selected because it is of utmost importance in the collection of currency for said unit.

Elaboration of the SIPOC diagram.

In this stage, a process analysis is analyzed step by step, that is, by activities or operations, where all the inputs and outputs of each activity from the beginning to the end of the production process are made very clear. This facilitates subsequent work as you have full control of the production line. This diagram is shown in Annex # 1.

Preparation of the AMFE.

To develop this stage, teamwork and the gathering of information from knowledgeable people of the process are necessary. In this phase, several stages are executed that are necessary, it begins with the identification of the potential failure modes in the process, the identification of the effects associated with the failure, the identification of the causes of the failure mode, and registration. As a result of the initial review the following can be concluded:

  • There is no declared environmental policy with the intention of improving the environmental performance of the company. There are the governing documents of the activity and they are considered as a legal framework in the actions that the company undertakes. The communication of the actions and intentions of the management does not are generalized to the large mass of employees Personnel training programs do not always include environmental training actions There is high water consumption, especially in cleaning operations Large amounts of liquid waste are generated with large amounts of organic load and cleaning chemicals.

Policy definition:

The policy must express specific objectives and must be consistent with all the organization's policies, such as the quality policy, occupational health and safety, among others.

Fig. 2.2.4: Scheme of elaboration of an environmental policy. Source Jorge Ganoso-Diego Alarcón, Forest Institute of the University of Chile (1999).

The management and all employees of the Cienfuegos Dairy Products Company have the goal of being recognized as a leading company in sustainable dairy production in environmental, social and economic aspects, for which, the General Administration (Direction) will be the one who defines the company's environmental policy. This policy must consider the mission, values ​​and central principles of the organization, impose communication requirements between all involved actors, establish a policy of continuous improvement, ensure the prevention of pollution, ensure compliance with regulations, laws and other environmental criteria. that the organization has subscribed to. This policy statement must be reviewed and reformulated when the conditions that generated it are modified,According to this, an example of an Environmental Policy for the Company is proposed:

»Escambray Dairy Products Company., a company in the food industry, strictly complies with the General Law on Environmental Bases and any other Law or regulation that regulates the environment. For this, it has been proposed to establish an Environmental Management System which will be periodically reviewed, fully complying with the concept of continuous improvement, applying it in all its production processes.

The company will communicate to the entire community its intention to improve its relationship with the environment, it will keep updated information on all environmental documents that are useful for the purposes that it has proposed. To the extent of our economic scope, the machinery will be renewed and the corresponding improvements will be made to all areas of the workshop and in this way ensure a safe work environment for all our employees. Training and training for all members of the organization will be favored and encouraged. The company will encourage the staff so that the garbage that is eliminated has a previous process that ensures its recycling

Throughout the company, the consumption of water and electrical energy will be minimized as well as natural dyes will be preferred.

Environmental Strategy

The environmental policy indicates a commitment to continuous improvement. To control this process, the company requires establishing environmental objectives and goals, which serve as a way for the purpose of the policy to be transformed into action.

Environmental objective: Corresponds to a general objective of environmental behavior or performance that the company determines for itself, and that arises from the environmental policy.

Environmental goal: Detailed requirement of behavior, possible to quantify, applicable to the company or any of its parts and that arises from the environmental objectives and it is necessary to establish and comply within a defined period to achieve said objectives.

To have the desired effectiveness, the objectives must be clear and realistic and the goals measurable. And it is very important that there is agreement between objectives and environmental policy commitments.

Rals to chemicals and always applying preventive criteria in the event of emergencies that have an impact on the environment.

EPLE strategies

  • Establish environmental commitments with suppliers Establish systems for detecting the levels of environmental knowledge of workers through surveys and interviews Establish systems for systematically identifying, reviewing and obtaining environmental aspects and environmental impacts involved in each activity, which affect directly at the level of environmental performance of the company Establish procedures for evaluating direct and indirect environmental aspects Foster in workers the need for innovations, economically viable technological alternatives, problem solving and environmental impacts Establish safe communication procedures internal and external Implement documented management tools.

3.8.2. Objectives of the EPLE EMS system.

  • Work on the integration of prevention with other management systems in the plants and other Administrative Units Have available the documentation that determines the specific applicable EMS regulations Carry out the annual EMS program and prepare a periodic compliance report Keep updated the Environmental Impact Prevention Plan Provide EMS specialists with the information and training necessary for the exercise of their functions Consult EMS specialists, prior to their execution, about preventive decisions Provide semiannually and annually to the board of directors, information on the program of preventive activities prepared in order to guarantee the supply of the necessary resources for its implementation.

Environmental impact prevention program.

The prevention program proposed for EPLE includes the following aspects of action:

  1. Consumption of natural resources.

Monitoring the consumption of natural resources (water) by process and if possible by activities.

Maintenance of transport networks.

Design of good management practices for this resource.

  1. Liquid waste.

Sources of wastewater by processes and activities.

Characterization of wastewater.

Volume of wastewater.

Preventive and corrective actions.

Design of a sampling of liquid waste where the following aspects are analyzed:

Design of the action plan:

The action plan is in annex # 2.


  • The proposed program is the basis for implementing a measurement and control system and the documentation of the system, specifically the preventive action procedures, corrective action procedure and environmental impact assessment procedure, as can be seen in the action program The company's environment is the responsibility of all workers and managers. Some offer information, others design programs, others evaluate them and others make decisions for improvements, but all have the possibility to participate in environmental improvement.


  • Bird, Frank E. Health and Safety Congress / Frank E. Bird. -Nueva Orleáns:, 1985.Cortés Díaz, José M. Occupational prevention and hygiene techniques / José M. Cortés Díaz.-Madrid: MAPFRE, 2000.-760p.Cuba. Ministry of Labor and Social Security: Law 13 Protection and Hygiene of Work.-La Habana., 1973.-14p.Martí Dalmaus, Francis. Management of Safety and Health at Work. Taken From: www.prevention-world.com., May 25, 2007.NC 74: 2000. Prevention of occupational hazards. General rules for the implementation of an Occupational Health and Safety System. In force Since 2000.__18p.NC 75: 2000. Prevention of occupational hazards. General rules for the evaluation of Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Audit processes. In force Since September 2000.__ 16p.

Annex # 16: SIPOC “Production and commercialization of Blue Cheese from Cuba”.

Annex # 15: Plan of action for the protection of the environment.

Source: EPLE planning documents.

Not Chores Assurance Activity Responsable Executor F. Comp.
one. Study of residuals 1.1 Contract residual analysis services with INRH Group. NMCC Group. NMCC December


two. Evaluate the environmental situation in sanitary hygiene inspections. 2.1 Carry out inspections to the areas to evaluate to assess the environmental situation.

2.2 Check compliance with the measures dictated by the governing bodies.

Group. NMCC

Group. NMCC

Control C.

Group. NMCC



3. Develop an environmental education program for the workers' group. 3.1 Give seminar to boiler operators on combustion efficiency based on gas analyzer.

3.2 Give morning in the areas to create an environmental education.

Energy Esp.

Directors of UEB.

Esp. Energ.

Directors of UEB.



Four. Improve the liquid waste treatment system in the Company. 4.1 Complete the protective grids, the covers and their fixation.

4.2 Plan the preventive method and its execution to the registers, drains and industrial grease traps in each workshop and / or factories.

4.3 Execute the grease trap project for each production line.

4.4 Execute Mtto to the conductive pipes of liquid waste.

4.5 Clean fuel oil traps and swimming pool.

Director UEB Mtto.

Director UEB Mtto.

Director UEB Mtto.

Director UEB Mtto.

Director UEB Mtto.

Mtto Brigade

Planif y J Taller Transporte.

Brigade Cont. Own resources.

Brig. Mtto Emp Factory.

Brigade M. Fca.






5. Take advantage of waste and waste from production processes. 5.1 Recovery of multilayer bags, sugar bags and fat buckets.

5.2 Recovery of aluminum tapes.

5.3 Recovery of nylon bags.

5.4 Recovery of cardboard.

Use of the rinsing water for technological equipment, jars and buckets.

Recycle boxes and plastic containers.

Recovery of cleaning equipment with return of the systems.

Use of soybean hulling straw.

Esp. Technology UEB Past

UEB Ice Cream

UEB Cheeses

2006 - 2009
6. Protect the air from combustion residues. 6.1 Systematic analysis of combustion gases in boilers.

6.2 Apply corrective measures for combustion defects in boilers.

Energy Specialist

Energy Specialist





7. World Environment Day. 7.1 Specify special actions of areas and factories.

7.2 Disclose in the morning.

7.3 Take stock of compliance with the Company's Environment strategy.

NMCC Group

NMCC Group

Dir. Tecn. and development.

NMCC Group

NMCC Group

Dir. Tecn. and development.




10. Optimize the use of materials to reduce discharge of organic loads from residuals. 10.1 Review, update and possible modification of the gross consumption rules.

10.2 Elimination of leaks of milk or dairy products.

10.3 Adjustment maintenance of ice cream packaging and freezing machines.

10.4 Have rubber gaskets for pipe joints.

Esp. Technology

Dir. UEB Productivas.

Director UEB Mtto.

Director UEB Mtto.


Oper. J Receipts.

Mec Industrial.






13. Reduce consumption rates and efficient use of water. 13.1 Assembly and mtto of water meters.

13.2 Recovery of defective valves.

13.3 Record of water consumption in each area and / or factory.

13.4 Closing of water valves at the end of productions and general services.

13.5 Purchase a water gun.

Dir UEB Mtto.

Dir UEB Mtto.

Energy Specialist

Energy Specialist

Dir UEB Mtto.

Dir UEB Mtto.

Plumber and mech.

Dir UEB Prod

Operator yj areas.







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Environmental management system for a dairy company