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Environmental management system for a steel company in cuba


This work was developed at the ACINOX Las TUNAS Company belonging to the Ministry of the Mechanical Sidero Industry where a diagnosis of the environmental situation was made, the main polluting effluents and their impacts on health and the environment were determined based on the characteristics of our technological processes and what they generate, applying the new concepts of cleaner productions in the productive activity of the entity. To achieve the conformation of this work, analysis techniques and information gathering were used, the observation of the production processes, the analysis of the harmful factors that have their influence on man and the environment, a review of the specialized bibliography on the subject of environment, analysis with groups of experts,as well as the legal and technical regulations on environmental protection in force in the country. Carrying out this work allowed us to identify the main polluting effluents of the environment generated by the company and their impacts, carrying out an analysis of opportunities and an economic and social assessment with the application of cleaner productions, based on information and technological innovation. environmentally safe, complying with the Environmental Policy and Strategy drawn up by our entity to meet the strategic objectives of our Ministry and achieve economic and social development on a sustainable basis.This research is of great importance since it was possible to apply the cleanest productions, increasing the company's profits and improving the environment with a decrease in energy consumption, water resources, management of toxic and dangerous products, consumption of materials, reduction of the pollutant load among others, as well as the performance of the company in terms of the Environmental Management of all the indicators that have a negative impact on this matter, and what had a financial impact, allowing an economic and social analysis of the impact of its management.as well as the performance of the company in terms of Environmental Management of all the indicators that have a negative impact on this matter, and what had a financial impact, allowing an economic and social analysis of the impact of its management.as well as the performance of the company in terms of Environmental Management of all the indicators that have a negative impact on this matter, and what had a financial impact, allowing an economic and social analysis of the impact of its management.


The conservation of the environment should be considered as a system of social, socioeconomic, and technical productive measures aimed at the rational use of natural resources, the conservation of typical, scarce and endangered natural complexes, the protection of man as the main element as well as the defense of the environment against contamination and degradation.

Cleaner production constitutes an integrated preventive strategy that is applied to the entire production cycle in order to:

• Increase productivity by ensuring more efficient use of raw materials, energy, and water.

• Promote better environmental performance by reducing the source of waste and emissions.

• Reduce the environmental impact of products throughout their life cycle by designing products that are friendly to the environment while remaining economically efficient.

Cleaner production requires changes in attitudes, the exercise of responsible environmental management and the promotion of technology change.

All this constitutes a policy of our state and at the same time a requirement at the international level to achieve competitiveness of our products, in an environmentally safe way that allows us to maintain an image before the community and customers and insert ourselves in the market, since from the end From the eighties, the idea of ​​making environmental protection compatible with market requirements began to gain more force, and of considering the environmental resources that the company consumes scarce resources and that must be internalized, as well as other resources that are needed to production, to avoid unfair competition from companies that do not value them compared to those that do.

With the development of the ISO 14000 standards, environmental management is incorporated into the General System of company management as a way of continuous improvement to achieve these environmental objectives

Overall objective

Achieve an increase in the production of steels and laminates, complying with the principles of sustainability for 2010 where man, economic resources and the environment coexist harmoniously.

Specific objectives

-Have a comprehensive approach to environmental problems and guarantee a homogeneous vision.

- Apply the cleanest production technologies to improve Environmental Management.

-Achieve the obtaining of the Environmental Recognition or Certification.

-Guarantee a better image before the community and customers, as well as greater competitiveness in the market.

-Achieve the introduction of technological improvements to production equipment with the aim of raising the Safety and Health of workers and in turn the protection and conservation of nature.

Technology description

This work was carried out based on the need to apply the cleanest productions to increase the benefits of your company and improve the environment. With this it is possible to achieve better productive results and better environmental performance in our entity and encourage all Those involved will adopt a more active role in protecting the environment based on the fact that environmental behavior together with technological innovation and quality - safety enable competition and insertion in a market with a respect and certified image.

Based on these principles and based on the current information and perspective of the production of steels and laminates, the implementation of a Business Environmental Management System is decided, so we draw up an Environmental Policy and an Environmental Strategy, based on the results of the initial diagnosis and with the application of the cleanest productions that in this matter would allow the elaboration of an Action Plan to solve the detected problems that affected both man and the environment and thus fulfill the objectives outlined in this work. Starting from the identification of opportunities and the application of these novel concepts to achieve better results in environmental performance and in the benefits of the company.

A cleaner production program will save you money and gain recognition as it covers a number of aspects such as:

• Reduce costs

• Increase productivity

• Improve the image of your company

• Keep your customers satisfied

• Keep your customers satisfied and motivated

• Reduce risks

• Protect the environment

For this, opportunities were identified such as:

• Possible reduction in energy, material and water consumption.

• Reducing the generation of waste

• Improving the safety and health of workers

• Understanding the life cycle of products

• Integrating ourselves better with the local environment

This is why we carry out three fundamental tasks:

• We analyze the situation and identify opportunities by carefully studying each process and the conditions in which they were carried out.

• We determine priority opportunities

• We drew up an Action Plan and put it into action.

With the initial diagnosis we were able to determine the main polluting effluents that had their influence on both man and the environment, which are listed below.

Main polluting effluents

1. Industrial emissions in the form of smoke and dust, which are released into the atmosphere and pollute the air and influence the Ozone layer.

2. Wastewater of industrial origin that constitutes the main source of water pollution.

3. Sewage waters from human activity.

4. Chemical products from industrial activity.

5, Solid waste from industry and domestic activities.

6. Gaseous emissions produced by automobile transport.

7. Dispersion of hydrocarbons in rainways.

8. High Noise Levels.

9. High temperatures.

With the identification of these polluting effluents, we were able to determine a series of aspects that implied a great impact on environmental issues, relating the following as the main ones:

Main environmental aspects

Use of non-ecological refrigerant gases.

Deposits of aggregates and construction materials in the surroundings of the plants.

Emanations of dust and fumes from the ferro-alloy system as well as in the casting process.

Emanations of hydrochloric acid and caustic soda gases into the atmosphere from the storage tanks and during their handling.

Energy inefficiency.

There is no proper water management and waste disposal.

There is no established environmental monitoring system.

There is no program for the management of toxic chemicals and hazardous waste.

High noise level and high temperatures in the Steelworks and Lamination workshops.

Lack of trees in the perimeter areas of the industry.

Poor information, training, dissemination and environmental education of workers.

Through the meticulous study of the existing regulations on environmental matters and direct observation of the processes, we determined the main environmental impacts of the Acinox Tunas company, which we list below.

Main environmental impacts

1. Air pollution.

2. Pollution of surface and groundwater.

3. Soil contamination.

4. Deforestation in the areas surrounding the industry.

5. Depletion of the ozone layer.

6. Influence on the greenhouse effect.

7. Deterioration of the Landscape.

8. Effects on the health of workers with various occupational diseases.

The generation of the main polluting effluents that cause environmental impacts, taking into account the amounts of solid waste, dust, smoke, gases with an impact on the greenhouse effect and on the ozone layer, water and soil contamination, etc., with its corresponding impact on man can be seen in Annex C. (Table with the amounts of pollutants generation).

For all this, we implement a Management Plan in environmental matters that covers all spheres and that demonstrate the intention and awareness of the highest management of the company to solve the existing environmental problems, and that these results are shown below.

The opportunities and the application of solutions that not only brought an impact on the productive results of the plant but also on the improvement of the health conditions of the collective, especially of man as our fundamental element of the environment, were analyzed, and they were applied various measures depending on the management materializing it and achieving an economic impact. Environmental and social. Of these measures are materialized and generalized in other entities such as CUPET, METUNAS and DURALMET are expressed below.

Results of the application of the Cleanest Productions in ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT.

To solve these problems, an Environmental Management Plan was implemented which includes actions aimed at reducing and eliminating environmental impacts, opportunities were identified and their impact before and after the management was assessed as shown in the Annexes.

Main results in environmental activity and the application of Cleaner Production

Water resource management

• Biodegradable, corrosion-inhibiting, antifouling and iron passivating substances are applied, not harmful such as VAPEN in water treatment, fuel stations are waterproofed, a residual system is established to treat waste of this type in the entity, water collection trays have been built and communication systems have been established between cisterns to avoid spills, the lubricant is reused in the various areas of the entity and it is recirculated to the processes avoiding water contamination and the reduction of the pollutant load.

• Repair of the acid station in the water treatment plant is achieved with antacid material that has allowed better storage, avoiding spills and breakdowns for these concepts as well as the aggressiveness of the gases that emanate into the environment and the impact to the surrounding facilities, in case of emergencies, the capacity of the tanks and their greater control are achieved.

• Use of our own solutions in sanitary furniture for its operation, with accessories created that have allowed its operation and improved water consumption, (discharge attachments and manufacture of parts for hydraulic installations). 11 facilities were repaired this year that were not working.

• The lamination line water recirculation system is designed and put into operation, which has allowed a daily recirculation of 300m3 of water and its reincorporation into the line through the dirty cycle and assembly of the cooling system.

• The glass fiber cooling tower fan nozzles were replaced by metallic ones, managing to maintain the temperature and save energy due to their automatic operation by approximately one degree.

• The TR4 towers were partially assembled, allowing better cooling, reducing the temperature by around one degree Celsius.

• The 80 plates of the exchangers were mounted, avoiding spillage due to this cause.

• The exchanger was enclosed and a collecting tray was placed to connect to the cistern area to avoid water losses and take advantage of it.

• Installation of water consumption meters at the entrance to the Chemical Plants, as well as floating systems, and valves to avoid spillage of this precious liquid.

• Stable operation of the filtering plant to improve the quality of the inlet water to the Water Treatment Plant.

• The cisterns were interconnected to take over the water from the overflow and avoid its losses with the given solution.

• 80 new plates were mounted to exchanger number two.

• The area where there are spills was enclosed, allowing the reception of the water to the area of ​​the channel designed to evacuate the water and feed the cistern directly, avoiding wastage of water.

• A repair has been provided to the entity's fire water system, hydrants and PCI systems by placing boxes with their integral systems for these in all areas of the entity that were obstructed.

• Assembly of the water pumping and recovery system for the water treatment plant, and installation of a pump in the 200T plaza.

• Replacement of all pipes and connections avoiding losses of all kinds in the water treatment plant.

ENERGY resource management

• The air-conditioned premises in the area of ​​both mills, both socio-administrative buildings and interior offices of the workshops, were covered with reflective paper, representing energy savings, a better environment in the premises, better use of interior lighting, better use of air conditioning of the premises.

• A control system for the entity's exterior lighting was installed.

• Control system of energy carriers, which encourages the savings of all energy carriers and that until the end of September in the Steelworks all consumption rates have been improved, compared to what was achieved in the previous year, but not in relation to approved by the MEP for this year, motivated by not being based on solid elements the reduction of energy carriers. In the case of the Lamination Workshop, the consumption rates have not improved compared to what was achieved in 2008, motivated by the low productive rhythms whose causes are centered on the instability of the workforce at the beginning of the year, the elaboration of a 3/8 ”profile and problems with the laminating tooling. A control system is designed for key positions, they have also been more efficient than the one achieved in 2008, except the L-200T oven,for the reasons stated above. Currently, a series of actions are being taken that will allow the energy indicators to be further improved: Automation process of the L-200T Oven, Work with 2 pans, Stability in the supply of cold plates, a temperature control is being mounted on the burner horizontal pan # 2, mounting of temperature controls on FOL heaters, among others. In the case of the Steelworks, at the end of September, savings have been made due to the reduction of the electricity consumption index, compared to the previous year 1972.03 MWh, a figure that is enough to satisfy 15 651 families from Tunisia in one monthWork with 2 pans, Stability in the supply of cold plates, a temperature control is being mounted on the horizontal casserole burner # 2, mounting of temperature controls on the FOL heaters, among others. In the case of the Steelworks, at the end of September, savings have been made due to the reduction of the electricity consumption index, compared to the previous year 1972.03 MWh, a figure that is enough to satisfy 15 651 families from Tunisia in one monthWork with 2 pans, Stability in the supply of cold plates, a temperature control is being mounted on the horizontal casserole burner # 2, mounting of temperature controls on the FOL heaters, among others. In the case of the Steelworks, at the end of September, savings have been made due to the reduction of the electricity consumption index, compared to the previous year 1972.03 MWh, a figure that is enough to satisfy 15 651 families from Tunisia in one monthThis figure is enough to satisfy 15651 families from Tunera in one monthThis figure is enough to satisfy 15651 families from Tunera in one month

• The automatic operation of the fans of the water plant was achieved, allowing better operation and energy savings.

• The automation of the operation of the smoke dampers was carried out, allowing savings since with the closing of the Dampers when extraction is not necessary, their consumption is reduced approximately from 60 A to 35 A in 6 KV, representing a 42% saving of energy in each motor, these movements were carried out manually depending on the telephone communication between the furnace operators and the Smoke Plant operator which was inefficient and in most cases was not carried out, achieving after the implementation of the At work, we analyzed the information stored from the dampers' closings in one month of work, when it was not necessary to keep them open and representing a saving of 141.45 MWh of energy.

• 13 freon 12 air conditioning units were replaced, where 7.30kg of polluting gases from the ozone layer were reduced, and those located are less energy consumers. All the LB12 was removed and the freon 12 in the entity has been replaced by ecological charges with 134 and 404ª.

• Retaining walls of fuel tanks were repaired.

• The area of ​​the fuel track was waterproofed to prevent these harmful products from passing to the water table.

Minimization, recycling and reuse of waste

• The area of ​​the entrance to the landfill was rehabilitated and an identification fence was placed on the road to prevent the entry of outside personnel, as well as to allow only the waste generated in the entity with authorization, assigned to deposit these, such as slag and smoke dust, and they are deposited independently, positioning themselves correctly in the deposit designated for these purposes, achieving, this year, a suitable location, with the closing of September of 8,694 tons of slag and 2,898 tons of powders, 1,449 were melted casts until September 2009.

• Monitoring of the waters up and down the sanitary landfill has been maintained, verifying their environmental quality.

• Controls and requirements in this area have been perfected and it has been possible to recycle as internal scrap, end of September 4,472.20 tons representing a saving of 335 415.0 cuc according to scrap prices. With the reuse of tundish bottoms, billets out of quality specifications, palastros, ovalitos, deformed metals and scrap from the rolling process, as well as the shavings from the machine shop as recirculation and cooling scraps in the foundry shop achieving a decrease in the consumption of scrap.

• Recirculation and reuse of water used within industrial facilities, as well as replacement of pumps for more efficient ones.

• Reuse of 499 liters of lubricants with a saving of approximately $ 5988.00 cuc in the year.

• Rice straw ash is used as cover powder, which only costs about 25.34 usd / Tn.

• Residual scale is used as a base for filling in virgin areas of the sanitary landfill.

• Technological improvements in processes.

• Modifications in the underground hopper of the insurance sector that allows to achieve the most optimal use of the equipment for feeding the additives and ferro-alloys system, prevents the deposit of materials that contaminate the water table, avoids that workers have to carry out cleaning in the interior of the same humanizing the work, the corrosion of the equipment that was put in said area decreased, an inclined ramp for the entrance of the automotive transport was also designed, as well as the access entrance to the offices of the insurance sector where the they expose less to noise, environmental harmfulness, etc.

• 2880 hoses were replaced and 360 solenoid valves were recovered from the fume treatment and purification plant, achieving better efficiency in its operation by reducing the concentration of gases and dust in the environment of the steelworks.

• A hermetization work was carried out in the intake ducts of the steelworks and up to the smoke plant.

• A total cleaning of the smoke duct was carried out, rehabilitating the area behind the reverberation zone and porous plug, rebuilding the filling and upper part of the same that supports the duct structure, as well as the access shafts, with the hermetic sealing correspondent.

• Technological improvements have been made in the operation of the secondary circuit of the water plant, eliminating harmful substances such as sulfuric acid and improving operation and efficiency.

• The solution was made to the HAE vault drainage…

• Modification of the electro valve and electrical circuit of the rolling table of the rolling mill that improved the efficiency of the process and prevented breakdowns.

• Oxygen scrap cutting is introduced during HAE shutdowns, improving HAE efficiency and saving energy.

• Carrying out a series of work on the turntable such as replacement of wheels, supports and new support bases for the wheels, leveling of the rails, replacement of protective plates for the different sections. As well as filling and making systems to prevent the entry of water to the lower level.

• A device was designed and manufactured for the centering of the blade in the pass in the corrugated of cylinders.

• An attachment was designed and manufactured for the manual movement of the moving head of the C13B lathe.

• Recovery of the jaw of the disc cutter that has facilitated the manufacture and recovery of parts that has achieved the maintenance of the operation of the plant.

• Recovery of the elastic coupling of the flat grinding machine spindle that has allowed the manufacture and recovery of parts that has achieved the maintenance of the operation of the plant.

• Manufacture and recovery of filter press piston pump parts in the machining area.

Forest resources

• 30.2% of the soil were reforested with fruit and timber plants of the evergreen type, allowing an absorption of 54.36 tons of CO2 according to FAO criteria, and a reforestation project continues in the areas surrounding the industry, and the rehabilitation of areas damaged by hurricanes.

• The rehabilitation of the entity's landscaping and gardening has been maintained as a process of continuous improvement, the green areas and gardening of the entire entity have been revived, maintaining cultural attention to these issues both in the areas surrounding the industry and the protective strip. Trees that deteriorated in the aftermath of the hurricane were reused as chocks and live stakes.

Efficiency in productive activity and cost reduction

• This inventory is established for greater control and spending all the refractory material that is assembled in the kilns of the Lime Plant and that depreciates according to the production made and the place where it is located inside the kiln. It allows to control all the materials, whether in total or partial repair, keeping control of what is left at the end for the next repair

• In the HAE, as a result of the wear of the tip block, it is necessary to replace this weekly, this work allows to eliminate the unplanned times of impact on production outside of peak electrical hours in the replacement of this block, this task took time the entire shutdown of the electrical peak hours and extended an average of 2.5 hours above this, constituting a time of impact on production, in addition to physical efforts, high temperatures and risks due to height to which the workers were exposed, manufacturing a truss that is placed under the block to be able to hoist it with a crane without having to use a hammer and pistol to demolish it in the same runway humanizes the work and makes the function more effective.

• Use of more efficient technology in water treatment that allowed the total elimination of sulfuric acid, maintaining the required water indicators. Elimination of the use of sulfuric acid that was used in the neutralization of the PH of the water.

• The solution of the Velco machine that when one of the three cells of the original weighing system of the Velco machine failed, the control of automatic IV carbon insufflation went out of service, so it was necessary to add it manually and this caused strains to come out. off-brand as well as increasing the probability of violent reactions that can affect the health of those who work in the area, three weigh cells were recovered and after doing all the necessary tests and measurements they were adapted to the machine, with this work losses in excess of 500,000 cuc were avoided

• The design, manufacture and assembly of the IVC Typac converter test board was achieved, allowing it to be kept in operation.

• Sales control systems are perfected by being automated, managing to verify clients, suppliers, and especially the control of authorizations and suppliers.

• A computerized system was designed to control the status of accounts by suppliers, allowing better decision-making to the commercial activity of the entity.

• A system of tables and graphs was designed that allows the verification of the behavior of exports in the entity.

• A device was designed that allows the handling of all types of cable hoses and especially the specialized elements with which the entity works, guaranteeing an efficient delivery and no delay until specialized equipment is available for their handling.

• Use of a multi-system equipment for the injection of powders and gases in the Electric Arc Furnace (HAE).

• Reestablishment of level control in the Continuous Emptying Facility (IVC) due to nuclear radiation. Installation of a more modern and efficient steam boiler.

• Modifications in the underground hopper of the insurance sector that allows to achieve the most optimal use of the equipment for feeding the additives and ferro-alloys system, prevents the deposit of materials that contaminate the water table, avoids that workers have to carry out cleaning in the interior of the same humanizing the work, diminished the corrosion of the equipment that was exposed in that zone.

• 2880 hoses were replaced and 360 solenoid valves were recovered from the fume treatment and purification plant, achieving better efficiency in its operation by reducing the concentration of gases and dust in the environment of the steelworks.

• A set of solutions have been made for the use of black steel tubes for the HAE oxidation process.

• Recovery of trough backing material has been achieved.

• The pot life of the pot closure blocks has been increased with various solutions.

• Technological improvements have been made in the operation of the secondary circuit of the water plant.

• The weight of the final product has been optimized in Acinox.

• Information systems were perfected for the efficient exploitation of refractory materials at the acinox company.

• The solution was made to the dome drainage of the HAE.

• Automatic opening and closing of the dampers of the Smoke Plant fans.

• Recovery of the IVC scintillation sensor.

• Modification in HC ramp to increase controlled flow rate during the process.

• Full implementation of the HC power increase from TAP 9, which increases the efficiency of the furnace and there is no loss of sequence.

• A greater demand has been achieved with greater results in the adjustment during the discharge in HC and has allowed.

• Optimization of the use of lime in the HC.

• The heating of the refractory of the casserole has been improved, which has improved the process both in HAE and HC with the previous preheating process with the burner, achieving better work efficiency in these aggregates.

• Implementation of automatic control for the vertical lathe of the 200T rolling mill.

• The use of cylinders out of season in the rolling line.

• Improvement of the operating conditions of the 35KV switch of the HAE.

• Manufacture of shock absorber for the tilting table of the 200T rolling mill.

• Modification of the output conductor pedestals of the 200T Methodical Furnace.

• Modification of the inlet conductor to the 200T Rolling Mill.

• Modification of the electro valve and electrical circuit of the tilting table.

• Assembly of the grease decantation system in a dirty cycle basin.

• Refractory repair of Kiln No. 2 of the Lime Plant.

• Cutting scrap with oxygen during shutdowns in the HAE improving the efficiency of the HAE.

• Use of OLTEC equipment with combined probes to take the sample before pouring, which avoids delays in the HAE process.

Environmental monitoring

• The residuals (dust, slag and water) have been characterized and the water quality control was achieved, as well as studies with the EMPLENI Nickel Employer Unit and the Provincial Centers of Hygiene and Epidemiology.

Management of Chemical-Toxic Products and Hazardous Waste. equipment that uses ozone-depleting substances.

• Chemical dispensers are used

• Chemical pesticides, fertilizers and herbicides have been substituted for biological products, and a protective belt with Nin trees was planted around the organoponic plant, which constitutes protection for what is grown in this area from those affected by the Hurricane.

• Retaining walls of fuel tanks were repaired.

• The area of ​​the fuel track was waterproofed to prevent these harmful products from passing to the water table.

• Modification of the facilities of both fuel oil fuel stations was carried out in Rolling Mill IV and Rolling Mill 200T.

• An independent warehouse for dangerous products was built and rehabilitation has been provided to several lubricant depots in areas of the entity (Transportation, machining, lamination.

• We continue to work with the range of Vapen ecological products such as anti-fouling corrosion inhibitors and iron passivators, saving $ 840.00 cuc per ton of product.

• The inventory of equipment with substances that deplete the ozone layer was carried out and is kept updated

• Repair and conditioning of the retaining walls of fuel stations to avoid spills and contamination to the water table and soils.

• Substitution of Potassium Dichromate for VAPEN, which is less aggressive and harmful to health and the environment.

• Implementation of investments and modifications to acid stations to avoid spills and greater safety of products in Chemical Plants.

• The risk areas have been identified and the products have their corresponding danger cards.

• Proper handling of used lubricants is achieved.

Refrigerant Gas Management

• The equipment containing non-ecological gases has been inventoried and the action plan for their treatment has been drawn up.

• Courses on good refrigeration practices have been carried out and equipment such as vacuum pumps have been purchased to recover gases that affect the ozone layer.

• 41 air conditioners and 8 refrigerators were replaced, where 24.30kg of ozone layer polluting gases were reduced, and these are less energy consumers, and all those containing freon 12 were replaced in the entity with a reduction of up to 275kg of load, reducing 300KG of polluting load.

Human resources management

• Acquisition of Protective Equipment, both individual and collective for the protection of workers.

• Introduction of technological improvements to minimize the exposure of workers to risk factors.

• An environmental training, information and dissemination program has been developed and implemented.

• Environmental management work is linked to educational centers as well as the surrounding community.

Contingency plans

• Plans against breakdowns and catastrophes have been prepared for each of the risk areas that are linked to explosions, fires, spills of chemical products, radioactive contingency and others.

Forest Resources Management

• 7.3 hectares of fruit and timber trees have been reforested.

• A landscape recovery project is developed to reforest areas with potential, which includes the revival of green areas.

Forest resources

• 22.7% of the soil was reforested with fruit and timber plants of the evergreen type, allowing an absorption of 53.2 tons of CO2 according to FAO criteria, and a reforestation project continues in the areas surrounding the industry, and the rehabilitation of areas damaged by hurricanes.

Economic technical analysis. Social and environmental impact of environmental management and the application of clean productions

1. Recycling of wastes such as ovals, rod trimming, glues and billets heads, metal waste from maintenance workshops, tundish bottoms, slabs, copper and aluminum included in the internal recycled scrap tables, etc. has been achieved.

2. Based on the fact that one liter of oil or fats contaminates 1 million liters of water, it was avoided that in these three years they were contaminated by saving 1 208 liters of lubricants that were stopped being discharged into the environment and have been recovered, with approximately a saving of 7 264.00 cuc and its environmental impact.

3. A total of 1 122 600 m3 of water has been reused with the actions carried out, which represent a saving of 9,855.50 pesos, using ecological and biodegradable products.

4. The dumping of dust and slag was eliminated for a total of 31,668 tons of slag and 10,556 tons of dust in these three years, placing them correctly in the sanitary landfill, the entrance was rehabilitated with an identification fence.

5. The hermetization of the smoke cart was achieved and the waste was removed to the area designated for these purposes, avoiding contamination of the soil, water, and atmosphere.

6. The discharge of fuel oil to the water table was eliminated with the assembly of the new supply conduit to the fuel oil station of the Steelworks to the ground and to the water table and connection systems in fuel stations. (Quick-closing joints, waterproofing, collecting trays)

7. A management plan has been established for paper, cardboard, tires, batteries, copper, miscellaneous scrap, pieces of equipment, among others, in coordination with raw materials that has enabled recovery from an economic and environmental point of view (they are reflected in the environmental key findings document).

8. The collection of the pebble and the lubricant from the hydro-sweeping system and its reuse as fuel in the daily tank of the 200T has been achieved, recovering around one ton per week.

9. Recycling of 2761.21 Ton / year of internal scrap has been achieved in 2006, which represented a saving of 179 478.00 CUC, from 3 576.7 Ton / year in 2007, which represented a saving due to not having to buy scrap of 268 252.50 CUC and in 2008 a total of approximately 4105.35 Ton / year representing around 307 901.3 CUC, with the impact on the soil, landscape and environmental health in general.

10. Solid waste from both direct production is adequately deposited in the sanitary landfill approved with its environmental license, as well as communal waste, providing adequate treatment in landfills and final disposal areas.

11. It has been possible to reduce the pollutant load to the water, to the soil with a total of 38,853.80 tons of solid waste, directly affecting the quality of the air and the landscape by stopping depositing on the ground and contaminating the water table, with wide environmental impact.

12. It has been possible to receive 55.56 cuc for waste management concepts in 2007, in 2008 11.40MN and 159,420cuc, and in 2009 15.30 in MN and 455,200 cuc, avoiding lead contamination of batteries, the acid electrolyte from lead batteries or dielectric oil with polychlorinated biphenyls from transformers and capacitors, as well as dioxins and furans to the environment.

13. By recycling 1.2 tons of paper and cardboard, a ton of virgin pulp is obtained, saving 15 to 14. trees of 10 years of life, and 65% of the energy (electricity and oil), 82% of water, and 92% of pollution.

15. The 212 gaskets of one of the exchangers of the water treatment plant were replaced, thus avoiding water spills, and interconnections were established to recycle the overflowing water.

16. Filtration has been provided to 98 577 m3 of water and 1 122 600.0 m3 has been recycled at the chemical plants so far this year at the steelworks.

17. By replacing 1751 40-watt lamps with efficient 32-watts, which represents a direct saving of 14008 watts.

18. The residuals generated from the rice ISCs (rice straw ash) are used to replace the cover powder, which represents a saving of 31 299.96 USD / year.

19. Gas emissions that affect the ozone layer are reduced by 100%, and freon 12 was reduced by 100% in the state, as well as ecological gases were replaced.

20. The replacement of 16 tons / year of Potassium Dichromate (PQT) by a range of biodegradable products in water treatment is achieved, representing a saving of 840 USD / ton of product.

21. It is possible to reduce 75% of the inorganic pollutant load in solid waste, equivalent to a ton of chemical compounds with a consequent impact on the quality of soils, waters and the landscape.


With the completion of this investigative work, we reached the following conclusions:

1. The polluting effluents generated by the company have a great impact on all aspects of the environment (Man-Nature).

2. The ACINOX - TUNAS company has raised its environmental awareness demonstrated in the results of this work.

3. The application of the cleanest productions constitutes the most intelligent option of the current Cuban industry to achieve development on a sustainable basis.

4. Environmental Management is a strategic factor for competitiveness.

5. To achieve compliance with the action plan of the Environmental Strategy, human and financial resources are required to obtain the Environmental Certification or Recognition.

6. It made it possible to achieve the National Environmental Award in 2007, the environmental certification in 2007 and the Recognition of environmental work in 2008.


1. Maintain constant updating of the Identification, Evaluation and Control of Occupational Risks according to Resolution 31/2002 (Methodology for the Identification, Evaluation and Control of Occupational Risks), with the participation of all areas.

2. Comply with the Cleaner Production Action Plan in order to continue improving the results of Environmental Management.

4. Raise the level of demand on the use of the means of protection given to workers to mitigate the effect of polluting factors that cannot be eliminated.

5. To comply with the Action Plan of the ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY of the company to reduce or eliminate the impact of polluting effluents.

6. Maintain the application of clean productions in all company management.

7. Manage the necessary financing for the Environment Category and investments by the Administration of the company, at the corresponding levels, for a better environmental performance.

8. Encourage comprehensive work based on environmental sanitation as a task of all factors.


1. Resolution 31/2002. Methodology for the Identification, Evaluation and Control of Occupational Risks.

2. Joint Resolution No. 2/96 (MINSAP / MTSS). Occupational Diseases.

3. Dr. Joaquín Álvarez Denis. Occupational Diseases in Cuba. Year 1987.

4. Dr. Jorge Ramón Cuevas / Fernando García Gutiérrez. Natural Resources and their Conservation. ”.

5. National Directorate of MINSAP. Environmental Hygiene. Year 1984.

6. Law 81/97. "Law of the Environment".

Environmental management system for a steel company in cuba