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General merchandise inventory system

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The following work is based on the background of the " General merchandise systems " which consists of registering all merchandise operations in a single account.


It is also known as "Global System", which is based on having an account for all concepts, that is, in a generalized way. This means that the results of losses and profits have a greater probability of having errors, or that personnel have been killed, in addition to not having the verification for each concept, which makes it more vulnerable to errors or fraud.

Methodological aspects

A documentary research is carried out, since at the beginning of said research, as its name indicates, it is carried out relying on documentary sources, that is, on documents such as those obtained through bibliographic, newspaper sources, and other documents found in files such as official letters, circulars, files, etc. "Based on the research, bibliographic sources were consulted in accounting texts such as" MA Octavio Rolando Lara Martínez.

The generic method was also used since it looks for the genesis of the events, that is, the antecedents. This method announces in its own title, what is its purpose: to find the initial cause, the generating event.

Applied Information Tools

Some of the documentary tools applied in the investigation are the following:

  • Internet Document review Collection and analysis of information.


In the present investigation, use was made of the benefits that technology provides us today, such is the case of the internet, using it as a means to obtain more information more quickly.


review The documentary review was an important point to structure the conceptual theoretical framework from the consultation of some books, articles, newspapers, magazines, or some other tool where information on the subject could be found.

Information collection and analysis

This technique is important since it studies merchandise registration systems.

Theoretical framework

Definition of operations register

"The purpose of the registration of operations is to record the transactions carried out by the entity in the general journal as well as in the largest, to prepare the trial balance and integrate the financial statements."

It should be noted that the journal and ledger were previously filled manually.

Definition of inventory

"It is defined as the total registration of assets and other things belonging to a person or community, done with order and precision."

By extension, inventory is called the verification and counting of the physical stocks themselves and / or with the theoretical ones documented.

In order to record and control inventories, companies adopt the relevant systems to assess their shortages of goods in order to determine their possible mass of production and haggling.

Definition of motion

“To explain the movements and balances, we represent the account by means of the following scheme. The sums of charges and payments are called movements ”.

Development of the topic

Global system

"It is also called" general merchandise system ", It resides in establishing a single account to register these operations. The account that constitutes the global system by itself is called Goods or General Goods ”.

In any business, the record of merchandise operations is one of the most important, since the accuracy of the profit or loss in sales depends on such record.

For the registration of merchandise operations, there are several procedures, which must be established taking into account the following aspects:

  • Economic capacity of the business Volume of operations Clarity in the registry Desired information

Therefore, the procedure that is implemented for the registration of goods must be in accordance with the previous points.

The main procedures that exist are the following:

  • Global or general merchandise procedure Analytical or detailed procedure Perpetual or continuous inventory procedure

Global procedure or general merchandise.

They consist of registering the different merchandise operations in a single account, which is opened under the name of general merchandise. The movement of this account is heterogeneous, since in it items are recorded at cost price and at selling price, so its balance has no significance, since it does not represent the cost of the final merchandise inventory, nor the profit or loss gross.


  • “At any time you can know the amount of the initial inventory, purchases, purchase expenses, returns and purchases; sales, returns and sales, because an account has been established for each concept. ”It facilitates the preparation of the income statement, because the balances of the accounts that comprise it are known. The recording of operations is easier And simple.


  1. “At the end of the accounting period it is not possible to know or identify (easily) the different sale and purchase operations carried out; that is, we cannot determine the amounts of sales, returns and over- sale, purchases , expenses , returns and purchases, which makes it difficult to prepare the income statement. It is not possible to know the amount of the final merchandise inventory, in Due to the fact

    that no account is established to control the stocks To determine the amount of the ending inventory, it is necessary to take a physical inventory and value it. Errors, thefts or losses in the handling of the goods cannot be determined, since there is no account that controls such stocks. As the amount of the final inventory is unknown (before the physical count), neither the cost of sales amount nor the gross profit can be determined.

Derived from the above disadvantages, it is obvious that it has little or no use or application, but it insists on the fact that it is not only interesting, but also necessary to study it, since the other registration procedures derive from it ”.


This research was carried out in order to have knowledge about the general merchandise system, with which we can register the accounts of the operations since, as mentioned, it encompasses everything, making accounting an increasingly fast and easy-to-use tool. with day.

It must be taken into account that for any business, this system is one of the most important and facilitates the preparation of the income statement. However, as well as having several advantages, it also has disadvantages, among which we find that at the end of the period it is not possible to identify the different sales operations carried out due to the great importance of this system in the registration of goods, it is vital to know in which we benefit and how it may affect us, since through this record the accuracy of the profit or loss in sales depends.

We suggest you watch the following group of videos on inventory management basics to learn more about the subject:

Bibliographic references

  1. http://www.conocimientosweb.net/dcmt/ficha15484.html Retrieved on May 08, 2015.http: //fcaenlinea.unam.mx/2006/1134/doc/unidad6.pdf Retrieved on May 08, 2015. Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria Financial Information http://itcved-tu.blogspot.mx/p/21-concopio-de-inventario-y-tipo-de.html Retrieved on May 8, 2015, Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (2006). Financial Reporting Standards. Mexico: IMCP. / Lara, E. (2005). First accounting course. Mexico: Trillas. Retrieved on May 08, 2015.https: //sites.google.com/site/estradarodriguezcinthiayareli/unidad-4-proceso-de-mercancias/ventajas-y-desventajas-del-sistema-analitico Retrieved on May 08, 2015.MA Octavio Rolando Lara Martínez. Notes.

Notes or references:

MA Octavio Rolando Lara Martínez. Notes.

fcaenlinea.unam.mx/2006/1134/doc/unidad6.pdf Retrieved on May 08, 2015.

Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria Financial Information http://itcved-tu.blogspot.mx/p/21-concept-de-inventario-y-tipo-de.html Retrieved on May 08, 2015.

Genesis UAG. Retrieved May 08, 2015.

MA Octavio Rolando Lara Martínez. Notes.

Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (2006). Financial Reporting Standards. Mexico: IMCP. / Lara, E. (2005). First accounting course. Mexico: Trillas. Retrieved May 08, 2015.

sites.google.com/site/estradarodriguezcinthiayareli/unidad-4-proceso-de-mercancias/ventajas-y-desventajas-del-sistema-analitico Retrieved on May 08, 2015.

www.conocimientosweb.net/dcmt/ficha15484.html Retrieved on May 8, 2015.

From the authors

Xochiehecatl Chávez Ordoño.

Guadalupe Zárate Guirao.

Jhovana Amaranta Gómez Camacho.

Jesica Margarita Viza Hernández.

Students of 2nd semester of Engineering in business management.

Technological Institute of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico.

General merchandise inventory system