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Software for the management of nutritional information in cuba

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The need to train a professional as comprehensively as possible is an imperative of Cuban society.

For this, access to higher studies has been expanded, making it full thanks to the new stage of Universalization of the Cuban University in full integration with the universalization of knowledge.

The present research aims to contribute to this purpose by providing software that allows planning the diet for university students, not only with the requirements of users, but also contributes to the comprehensive training of professionals.

When certain deficiencies arise in the non-teaching information process regarding food, whose influence affects not only the nutritional balance but also the education of a food culture in students, it is necessary to implement a solution capable of contributing to reduce such deficiencies and further help the training of professionals.

Given the wide possibilities offered by the non-teaching informative process, the influence relationships that occur between the nutritional information process and the training of the professional are revealed, in addition to the characteristics of the Cuban university training model that favor it, such as its flexibility, focusing on the student with a new generation of study plans, to use a computer application that contributes to this purpose with breadth and impact.


In his speech at the World Conference on Higher Education at UNESCO, Paris, the then Cuban Minister of Higher Education expressed: “the new information and communication technologies, which have impacted all social and productive life, constitute necessary tools such as part of the design of modern management models in Higher Education entities and also facilitate the creation and operation of information systems that support decision-making for managers and provide greater confidence in the institution abroad, favoring the image positive that is required of higher education in the country. " (Vecino, 1998, seen in MES, 2002).

Starting in 1996, in Cuba the first steps were taken to organize a continuous work aimed at promoting the use and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), thus in 1997, the regulations were approved for the first time. General Guidelines for the Computerization of the Society, with general objectives until 2000, which up to now remain essentially in force and in whose achievement there were advances that, although discreet, led in January 2000 to the creation of the Ministry of the Informatics and Communications (MIC), with the fundamental mission of promoting the massive use of ICT in the national economy, society and at the service of the citizen.

Considering the equal importance of teaching and non-teaching indicators, as elements through which support decisions are guaranteed for university processes identified as substantive and supportive, it is necessary to collect information through primary records capable of using ICT as an imperative for the operation of Cuban universities.

There is a tendency to give less attention or enhancement to the support processes with respect to the nouns, however, they generate a variety of information on which rigorous controls are carried out, since the use of resources to be used in a rational way is implied. and whose destinations are those previously foreseen.

It seems that it is considered that the training of professionals is achieved only with the successful execution of the substantive processes and that the support processes have no impact on it. Also in the practice of work there is a tendency to separate these types of processes, since a group of workers dedicate themselves to certain tasks and others to others, which isolates them relatively.

The need to exploit all the educational possibilities that support processes can provide is not appreciated, which can be used to the extent that the interactions that make it possible are duly disclosed.

This allows us to consider that there is a gap, insufficiently known in the interrelation of support processes and substantives, the relationships between both types of processes, which are part of a system, and which affect in a certain way are not sufficiently clear in the comprehensive training of professionals, acting separately or integrated, given the synergy that actually occurs between the two.

It is taken into account that the University is an organization and all the processes that are developed in them act in a concrete way in the training of professionals, so that graduates, as an essential result of this, take in their training a portion of each one of those processes both independently and in an integrated way in the system that is the University, given the synergy that occurs between them.

According to the author's judgment, the need for an investigation is justified by being required to discover what are the relationships of certain processes that are used as a service, complement or support, without which the desired professionals could not be trained, always thinking about education for life, a life with quality.

Characterization of the nutritional information process at the University of Las Tunas

Since the 1987-1988 academic year, the University of Las Tunas counts among its enrollment with scholarship students, when the regular day course was enabled for the first time, since that time the food service has been guaranteed through the dining room.

The food service of scholarship students has been a policy followed by the Cuban State and Government, in order to achieve a series of conditions that favor their training at different educational levels, therefore the University has not excluded itself from such endeavor.

In the entire period of existence of scholarship students at the current University of Las Tunas, the level of physical activity of its scholarship students had never been taken into account, meaning the degree of physical effort used by the individual in the performance of their duties.

Due to the presence of groups of adolescents, whose ages fluctuate between 18 and 25 years of age, in full physical and mental faculties, the Ministry of Higher Education (MES) decided to assume a high level of activity to determine the nutritional requirements for these students, which is why the need for daily assimilation of 2300 kilocalories is established as an element of energy contribution, as well as 69 grams of protein and 53 of fat.

Based on the tables of equivalences of the food contributions, the technician in charge of the nutritional balance performs the calculation of each of the materials used in the preparation of the dishes provided, for which he must multiply the consumption norm used for each serving by the contributions that the food in question has for this type of dish, broken down into energy, proteins and fats, then proceeding to divide it by 1000 to express it based on the nutritional indicators established by the MES.

The sum of the values ​​of each of the materials used, provides the data of the nutritional contributions received by each diner on the corresponding dates and types of meals, serving in turn to fill in the statistical information to be provided, however, the process What must be done to reach them has several steps, it requires careful work.

There are numerous calculations and models to fill in to reach the final result of the nutritional supplement and issues related to the effect, to reach the decision-making process by the methods used so far they are not always timely and effective, these would be possible to adopt in a short time and with the required quality through the application of new technologies.

Nutritional information constitutes a process, within another larger process, which is the statistical information system.

A diagnosis was carried out in order to identify the existing difficulties in the process as well as the potentialities of use in order to positively influence the training of the university student.

The problems detected in the nutritional information process are:

  • The elaboration of the menu is done manually. No previous calculations of the nutritional contributions of each component of the diet are made. A greater amount of time is invested in manual processing of the primary data.

In addition to the above aspects, a survey was conducted with teachers in order to know their criteria on the convenience of including the formation of a food culture in the training of students.

Using a convenience sampling, 87 university professors who use the cafeteria services regularly were surveyed.

When asked if they consider it convenient to include the formation of a food culture in undergraduate students as part of their comprehensive training as professionals, 89.65% answered affirmatively; 6.8% considered that it can be included but that they do not consider it necessary, while the rest answered flatly that it was not.

Regarding the advantages that this would bring, the teachers considered the formation of a food culture in correspondence with the needs of the human organism contributing to its health as the main advantage, indicated by 45 respondents who represent 51.7% and in second place is the fact that it improves the comprehensive general culture and the recognition of the importance of nutrition, indicated by 13.79% of those surveyed.

Only one of the respondents considered indicating a disadvantage with respect to the proposal, but this was not precise. However, he indicated that he did not see it clearly in the conditions of Cuba and gave examples of a diet based on meat.

In addition to the above, the respondents were asked to express their criteria about the ways that can be used to achieve the aforementioned training. The routes that were most considered were:

  • Through optional courses - 60- 68.96% Through the University's network or website - 57-65.51% Through the canteen services department - 57-65.51% Through morning and evening hours - 48 - -55.17%

The teachers considered that they can also be used:

  • Through curricular strategies or master strategies Through morning and evening hours Through optional courses Through the University's network or website Through the direction of dining room services Dissemination on murals and posters Foldable Fair Power Talk on the base radio

Another of the existing deficiencies in the nutritional information process is that in addition to the fact that one part is done manually, another is made with the help of an Excel application, which does not in fact constitute a true computerization of this process because it does not respond to a program that allows primary records, data processing and information that serve as the basis for decision-making and other uses that also guarantee real-time integration with other processes.

A software with all the requirements that the development of informatics has achieved offers greater possibilities for the convenient exploitation of the fundamental advantages that it offers: large information storage capacity, almost instantaneous processing, and a help system, among others.

Taking into account the above and the conditions in which the country's economic development is found, it is considered appropriate to design a software with whose application this process will be computerized so that it is executed with the greatest possible rationality and that it is also used appropriately in the training of students as an inherent part of university processes.

The students were also surveyed in order to find out their interests regarding the use of software that would contribute to the formation of a food culture.

One hundred percent of the students surveyed answered affirmatively to the question that asked if they were interested in developing a food culture that was part of their personality within the framework of their training as a professional.

Regarding the reasons why they answered affirmatively, they stated that:

  • Greater information and culture.-- 85-34.41% It prepares us for life by making it last longer -67-27.13%. The performance of study and work depends on food -19-7.69%. It is necessary to know the benefit from the food consumed. -31-12.55% Possibilities of disclosure of information -45-18.22%.

Of the aspects listed above, the first two were those in which the largest number of students agreed.

Another aspect included in the survey referred to the way in which they prefer to receive this preparation. Variants were considered:

  • Through the professors in their classes Through optional programs included in the degree Through the University's Intranet Through murals and posters Through special talks or seminars on the subject

The results obtained allow us to consider that the most preferred variants, since they were placed in the first priority, are those referred to the use of optional programs included in the degree, the internal network of the university and through the professors.

In the second level of priority that the respondents considered are the variants referred to the talks or special seminars that deal with the subject, first and then followed by murals and posters, through the teachers and finally through the intranet.

In the third priority the variants of murals and posters and the inclusion of optional programs in the race were placed, almost very close together. The alternatives continue through talks or seminars and the use of the intranet.

Doing an analysis of the variants separately, it can be seen that the variant referring to the inclusion of optional programs in the degree seems to be the most preferred. It should be taken into account that the distribution of the responses allows us to see that none of them chose the second priority for what the others preferred the other priorities. This aspect must be analyzed later since different alternatives can be offered so that students can receive this training.

It can be seen that the variants with the greatest uniformity in the distribution of the answers are those that refer to the formation of a food culture being carried out by teachers in classes and the use of the University intranet. The variant of teachers in classes may require selecting in which subjects this can be included for the teachers to execute it, or if they will be all. It should be recognized that although the facilities offered by the intranet are many, it is not always available to students due to access problems.

In the opinion of the author of the research, the greatest offer of information could be available on the intranet, but that it is necessary to use other variants so that they can be used by the students, when they can use them. In each case, these must be differentiated from each other, that is, not be the same or not offer the same in each of them in order to maintain interest and motivation or not cause boredom due to repetition. In any variant, the contents to be considered must be carefully dosed, so that they do not exceed the level of assimilation of the information of each person and do not overload the student's activity.

Design and development of software for the determination of nutritional balance

Taking into account all the above, the collection of elements for the development of the proposal begins, given the existing need to achieve adequate nutritional education, mainly aimed at university students, generalizing its application when considering the interest of solving the problem for groups of people or independent users interested in the subject, based on this need, it is necessary to assume the task of developing this software, allowing the possibility of forming a culture in people and teaching them to assume healthier and more responsible behaviors when selecting the ingredients for the feeding process.

In this way, the software can be seen as a support tool to deal with this issue in various areas of society, as well as its function aimed at solving the problem in vital issues such as health.

System model

Software has been created that provides sufficient and up-to-date information on nutritional parameters.

Users have at their disposal content and information that make it possible to better understand the topics discussed, allowing them to assimilate the need to prevent and fight the onset of diseases associated with the lack or excess of certain nutrients in their daily diet.

In the same way, each independent user will be able to make their own decisions based on the personal characteristics they have, determined by weight, age, level of activity that they develop or diseases that they suffer.

The computer system helps the user to create a menu that gathers the necessary components to avoid the appearance of diseases that limit their actions in life and their role in society.

With the application of the software it is desired to determine the nutritional values ​​to be supplied to the students, at the same time that it helps them to raise the nutritional culture, according to the recognized parameters, through the use of updated information on the deterioration of health and measures to take for their improvement.

The system allows entry to the user who will attend to the elaboration of the menu to a group or collective of people through the "Technical" module, accessing once the password has been written, or for the same purpose but with a much more personal or individual requirement, through of the consulting user profile called "Student", which can be freely accessed.

Based on the above, the software will give access to the corresponding interface, allowing the creation of the menu taking into consideration the ingredients or dishes made.

Users have the possibility of making a menu with the use of pre-established parameters, as well as modifying ingredients or dishes in the event that it does not meet their requirements or preparation possibilities.

In the case of the user who has selected the "Technical" option, the software will also have the possibility of saving the results in the database to be used as later queries or to issue statistical information.

Design of the topic base

Tables that make up the database:

1. Company: this table stores the information corresponding to the entity that operates the system and that will be used in the headings of the different reports issued by the program, it consists of the following fields:

  • Name: refers to the name of the Company Organization: is the Agency or Ministry to which the entity belongs Estab: refers to the name of the establishment, if applicable Month: is the name of the month in which it begins to operate the program.Acces: saves the encrypted key in code.Acces1: saves the encrypted key in code.Compare: saves a value that indicates whether the person opening the system is an administrator or not.

Key: codemp.

2. Products: saves the data of the different food products that are used in the preparation of the dishes.

  • Codprod: conventional number or identifier of the product Contributions: the nutritional contribution of the product based on its use UM: the unit of measurement used for it.

Key: codprod.

3. Dining room: Saves the data regarding the dining rooms owned by the entity.

4. Dishes: Dosage of the necessary components in the preparation of each plate.

Interface description

The interface is designed in a simple and accessible way to any user, provided with an image related to the subject and an ordered menu to facilitate better exploitation of the system, however, it also has Help, in order to complement the necessary instruction.

The user can interact with the system through the mouse, by clicking on each word in the menu, in which… (three ellipsis) where required, indicating that in this case there is a menu with several options, to which It is accessed in the way explained above.

The following figure shows this home screen.

The user who accesses as the Technical variant, will be able to open the option "Masters" that allows him to update the different classifiers with which the system works.

  • CompanyProductsPlatesProducts by dishesDiseases

By choosing the option "Make menu" you access the options to capture the various dishes in the menu, divided by events: Breakfast, Lunch or Lunch.

This option is common for both users, however only the Technician will have privileges to save the information in the database.

With the option "Editions", you can access the different Reports issued by the system.

  • Nutritional contributions Material Consumption Request for Materials Average Meals

The Student user will only have permissions on the first report.

The "Consultations" option allows access to elements of interest related to nutrition, such as the main vitamins and minerals that are required for good health, as well as symptoms of some diseases of nutritional origin or those related to the subject and your treatment.

Through the "Tools" option you will have access to:

  • Save Restore Password Change user

By clicking on the "Help" option, the methodology or procedure to be followed in the exploitation of the software is displayed; With the "Exit" variant, the system is closed.

Methodology for the exploitation of the Nutritional Balance System software

The Nutritional Balance System (SIBANU) software has been created with the purpose of providing various users with a quick and easy way to prepare a menu that meets the nutritional requirements required to maintain an adequate level of health and therefore a greater possibility of success to face the diverse activities.

For this purpose, the option of breaking down its exploitation into two modules has been considered, dedicating one for its application in groups of people, whose food will depend on the administrative procedures that are carried out and its execution will be the responsibility of the nutrition technician; a second module will allow the user to prepare the menu.

When accessing the software, the image of the nutritional pyramid appears, which will remain permanently active behind the other options used, allowing the ideal location of the food to be consulted at all times when preparing the diet.

On the far left, the interface that allows access to the type of user will open, requesting a password for the Technician module, not for the Student module, which will be free.

If the choice made by the user corresponds to the Technical module, the access options to the following services will be enabled:

Master files

  1. Company: It allows the updating of the data referring to the entity, entering in the corresponding squares, the name, the body to which it is subordinate, the establishment that provides the service, the date on which the system begins to operate, as well as the names of Responsible for requesting and dispatching the materials for the preparation of the dishes. Dining rooms: The dining rooms that are owned in the entity are declared. Products: The data corresponding to the product code and its name will be reflected in the squares enabled for this purpose, as well as the contributions of Energy, Proteins and Fats that it will contribute to the diet for every 100 grams of food used in the preparation of the dish.Plates: The code and name of the dishes are expressed.Products by Dishes: In this aspect, the codes of the dishes, their name,code of the products that comprise it and the standard that will be used in its preparation. Diseases: A group of diseases related to nutrition, their symptoms, effects and nutritional recommendations to face them is related.

For all cases, there is a task bar at the bottom of each Master, allowing the necessary movements to be made, in a much more agile way, such as First, Previous, Next, Last, Search, Print, Add, Modify and Delete, which are self-explanatory, as well as the Exit option that allows the abandonment of the tasks of the document in question.

Make menu

When accessing this option, a list of options slides that collect the possibilities of making the menu for Breakfast, Lunch or Lunch, with the aim of selecting a variant according to the criteria to be used by the user.

For all cases, an interface will appear requesting the data regarding the type of event that will take place, such as:

  1. Dining room: The button located to the right of the square is pressed to choose from a list the option that you want to apply Date: The date on which the dishes are selected to make up the menu will be written. Servings: The number of servings that you want will be noted. They will be made from the dish in question. Dish: The button to the right of the square is pressed to display the list of options and select the dish to be made, a search engine has also been enabled in order to streamline the search.

Once the plate has been selected, a list will appear with all the materials that are required to make the desired option, each of which will have a mark on the far right, indicating their inclusion.

If you want to replace any ingredient in the dish, place the cursor on the box that saves the inclusion mark of the product and a click will be given, with this action it will be removed immediately, then press the button Add Product to the Dish.

The list of options to select from the list of products will appear immediately, the desired one is chosen, then writing the standard to be used.

In the same way, products can be added to the plate without the need to substitute any.


Through this option, the search criteria for statistical information can be established, allowing the situation to be assessed according to the interests of the user, the options offered are:

  1. Nutritional contributions received: Select the period to be analyzed, establishing the dates on which the search will be framed and the type of dining room, you will receive detailed information on the amount of Energy, Protein and Fat received on average in the period in question., as well as a consolidated of all the events carried out Material Consumption: Information regarding the quantity of products used in the elaboration of the menu options will be available, for this the date for the information must be specified, as well as the options Search for Breakfast, Lunch and Lunch by type of dining room, both for a specific product and for all those that have been used.When the menu is established, the model can be issued to request the supply levels necessary from the warehouse to meet the demand for the event, it will be necessary to identify the dining room, establish the date and the activities of Breakfast, Lunch or Lunch. dates in which the analysis is desired, the search options can be established by activities (Breakfast, Lunch, Lunch or Total)


The user will be able to relate to details of the main vitamins and minerals required by the human body for its normal development and functioning, as well as some diseases of nutritional origin or associated with their effects.

Once you have selected the option you want to view, a list will be displayed that allows you to select a variable with the corresponding explanation.


Through this service, the processed information can be saved, locating it at the address that the user wishes.

If there is something unforeseen or the software deteriorates, all the processed information will not be lost, through the "Restore" option it is possible to recover the last information that has been saved and establish it in the database.

Changing the software access password is enabled within the "Password" option, which is self-explanatory, as well as changing the user type, also located within the possibilities of this section.

If the choice made by the user corresponds to the Student module, the access options to the services will be enabled to make the menu, you can view the contributions received through the diet prepared during the day.

In the same way, you will be able to have access to consultations of vitamins, minerals and diseases of nutritional origin or associated

You can change user if you have the user password for the other module.

The other services maintain the procedure expressed above.

Access permissions will be denied to the Student user in those exclusive services of the Technical module.

In order to evaluate the feasibility of applying the software, a group of specialists and officials from both the University and other companies was created, made up of the Economic Vice-Rector, Director of the Economic Department, Head of the Dining Kitchen, dieticians and programming specialists..

The software was shown to the group, demonstrating its functionality and applications.

The group agreed that: it reduces the chances of mistakes being made, necessary indicators can be determined in the Economic Department, primary information is available with any evaluative cut, agility in data processing, it arouses interest in the subject of nutritional information to contribute to the comprehensive training of students.

It was suggested that notifications from users be included in an automated way, as well as adding other options that enrich the interactivity of students with the software.

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Software for the management of nutritional information in cuba