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Internal and external accounting supports

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In the present work we will see the accounting supports. The accounting supports are the documents that serve as the basis for registering the commercial operations of a company, which is why special care must be taken when preparing them. Where they are made in original and as many copies as the needs of the company require.

Taking into account the legal requirements that are applicable according to the type of act in question, the economic facts must be documented by means of internal or external sources, duly dated and authorized by those who intervene in them or prepare them.

The supports must adhere to the respective accounting vouchers or, leaving a record of such circumstance, be kept on file in chronological and consecutive order and in such a way that their verification is possible.

The supports can be kept in the language in which they were issued, as well as be used to record operations in books or detail.


The objective of this work is to introduce us to and handle the different accounting supports, as well as:

  • Identify the main accounting supports used in a company Completion of accounting supports according to the characteristics of each format Record transactions according to accounting supports Assess the importance of accounting supports to legalize accounting records


All economic operations carried out by companies must be recorded in the accounting books, but in turn, for each of these records to be justifiable, they must be supported with the relevant documents for each of them, which is why they are presented below the main commercial papers and securities that can be used in the accounting cycle, their definition and their main characteristics.



The cash receipt is an accounting support in which the cash income collected by the company is recorded. The original is delivered to the client and the copies are filed, one for consecutive filing and another to be attached to the daily accounting voucher.

The cash receipt is posted with a debit to the cash account and the credit according to its content or concept of the payment received. Generally it is a support of the partial or total credits of the clients of a company for different concepts of cash sales since for them the support is the invoice.

Cash receipt or proof of income


This is a receipt that banks prepare and provide to their clients so that they can fill it out when depositing. The original remains in the bank and a copy with the stamp of the cashier or the stamp of the register machine, serves for the accounting of the company that consigns.

There are two types of deposit formats, one for depositing cash and checks from local banks and the other for depositing remittances or checks from other places.

The accounting supports are made in original and as many copies as the needs of the company require.

Consignment receipt


Savings and credit corporations have designed formats that they provide to their clients, in notebooks, so that they can be filled out when depositing, or withdrawing money from their savings account. This support has two options to choose only one; deposits in cash or checks from local banks and withdrawal in cash or by check, according to the amount and requirement of the client.

Proof of deposit and withdrawal from savings accounts


1.4.1. Concept

The commercial invoice is an accounting support that contains, in addition to the general data of the accounting supports, the description of the items bought or sold, the freight and taxes incurred and the payment conditions.

From the seller's point of view, it is called the sales invoice and the buyer's, the purchase invoice. Generally, the original is delivered to the client and two copies are made, one for the consecutive file and another to be attached to the daily accounting voucher.

1.4.2. Invoice Requirements:

The invoice must be issued with the following requirements:

  • Be expressly referred to as a sales invoice. (pre-printed).Numbering in consecutive order. (pre-printed). Surname and name or company name and NIT of the seller or of the person providing the service. (pre-printed). Surname and name or business name of the purchaser of the goods or services. Date of dispatch. Specific or generic description of the items sold or services provided. Total value of the operation The name or business name and NIT of the invoice printer. (pre-printed).

Indicate the status of withholding tax on sales.

1.4.3. Documents equivalent to the invoice: these are documents equivalent to the invoice:

  • Tickets from cash registers Entrance tickets to public shows Transport tickets Receipts for payment of tuition and pensions issued by education establishments recognized by the government Insurance policies, capitalization certificates and the respective payment vouchers Extracts issued by trust companies, investment funds, foreign investment funds, mutual investment funds, stock funds. Pension and severance funds Electronic invoices: electronic invoices are understood to be the computational document that supports a transaction of sale of goods or provision of services, transferred under a universal standard language called EDIFACT from one computer to another Those who are not obliged to invoice: they are not obliged to issue an invoice in their operations:

  • Savings and credit cooperatives, employee funds in relation to the financial operations they carry out, Responsible persons enrolled in the simplified regime, Retail distributors of petroleum-derived fuels, in relation to these products, and those who provide public toilet services in relation to with this activity Natural persons who sell agricultural products, when the value of the operation does not exceed the amount indicated for each year by the national government Individuals linked by an employment relationship in relation to this activity Companies that provide urban public transport service or metropolitan passenger

1.4.4. Merchandise sales invoice in cash

When accounting for cash sales, cash is debited and wholesale and retail trade is credited, if the merchandise is not taxed; If it is taxed, the sales tax payable account is also credited.

When accounting purchases in cash, purchases are debited, if the merchandise is not taxed, sales tax payable is also debited, and banks or cash is credited

1.4.5. Merchandise sales invoice on credit

The seller prepares the original invoice and copies, in accordance with its accounting organization, as follows: original for portfolio, one copy for the client, another for the consecutive file and another to attach to the daily accounting voucher. The company that buys merchandise in cash or on credit, selects the suppliers that quote the items according to the quality, price and payment conditions that meet their needs. After studying the merchandise requests from their warehouse, they place the merchandise orders by means of a purchase order for the chosen supplier, having presented the best quote.

Merchandise sales invoice on credit

1.5. Proof of sale by credit card.

1.5.1. Credit card concept

The credit card (or plastic money) is a means of payment that the cardholder uses in the establishments affiliated with the system.

The credit card is acquired through a credit card opening and use contract, signed by a financial institution and a natural or legal person. Through the contract, the cardholder agrees to use this document personally and non-transferable and to periodically pay the financial institution the amounts corresponding to the goods or services purchased through this means.

The commercial establishment, to join the system, signs a contract with the financial institution, by which the affiliate agrees to accept credit cards as a means of payment for their customers; and, in turn, the financial institution undertakes to pay the affiliate the sums of the purchasers signed by the cardholders, deducting a commission percentage ranging from 5% to 10% for the service.

Proof of sale with credit card

1.5.2. Consignment of the sales receipt:

The seller consigns the proof of sale with a credit card in the affiliate's checking account, for which the settlement is presented and the established format duly filled out.

1.6. Check

It is a security by means of which a person called "drawee" orders a bank called "drawee" to pay a certain sum of money to the order of a third party called "beneficiary."


1.7. Proof of payment or discharge

Also called a payment order or proof of discharge, it is an accounting support that supports the payment of a certain amount of money by check.

Generally, in the company it is prepared in duplicate, the original to be attached to the daily accounting voucher and the copy for the consecutive file. For greater control in the payment receipt there is a copy of the check, since the security title is delivered to the beneficiary.

The accounting supports must be established in an orderly and summarized manner, clearly expressing the transactions that are carried out daily in a company.

Proof of payment or discharge

1.8. Bill of exchange

This negotiable document or security is an unconditional payment order given by a person called "drawee" to another called "drawee", to pay to the order or to the bearer, a certain sum of money, at sight or on a specific date.

In commerce, the bill of exchange is used as a guarantee of payment in purchases and sales on credit. The seller makes his customers sign bills of exchange and they are called bills receivable; the buyer accepts the bills from their suppliers and they are called bills payable.

Bill of exchange

1.9. I'll pay

It is a security by which a person is obliged to pay a certain amount of money on a certain date. This document is used to support bank loans.

I'll pay

1.10. Debit note

It is a receipt that the company uses to charge the account of its clients, a higher value due to omission or error in the settlement of invoices and the interest caused by financing or by default in the payment of its obligations.

Debit note

1.11 Credit Note

When the company grants discounts and they are not settled on the invoice or when customers make total or partial returns of the goods, a voucher called a credit note is used for their accounting.

This voucher is prepared in one original and two copies; the original for the client, a copy for the consecutive file and another to attach to the daily accounting voucher.

Credit note

1.12 Petty Cash Receipt

The petty cash receipt is a support for the expenses paid in cash, for minimum amounts that do not require the drawing of a check, for this a fund called petty cash is established.

Petty Cash Receipt


2.1 Accounting note

It is the document that is prepared in order to record the operations that do not have an accounting support, such as the correction, adjustment and closing entries.

Accounting note

2.2. Daily accounting voucher

It is a document that must be prepared prior to the registration of any operation and in which the number, date, origin, description and amount of the operation are indicated, as well as the accounts affected with the entry. Documents and supports that justify it are attached to each voucher.

Daily accounting voucher

El Almacén Extraluz Ltda. Carries out the following commercial transactions in the month of October:

to. It sells merchandise in cash to several clients, natural persons, according to invoice Nos. 3456 to 3520, for a value of $ 1,327,586; VAT, 16%.

b. Sell ​​merchandise on credits:

  • Invoice No. 3521 to Luís Agreda for $ 387,250, VAT, 16% Invoice No. 3522 to Diana Gómez for $ 435.00; VAT, 16% Invoice No. 3523 to Andrés Salas for $ 547,600.; VAT, 16%

c. Consign in the Bancomercio the amount received for cash sales and customer payments.

d. Purchase merchandise in cash from Distrinar SA, according to invoice No. 7890 for $ 1,374,400; VAT, 16%. Withholding tax, 3.5%, paid by check No. 4024760 from Bancomercio.

and. Buy goods on credit: VAT, 16%, AND WITHHOLDING AT THE SOURCE, 3.5%, Thus:

Invoice No. 4520 from Almacén Prix for $ 874,300: supplier large contributor.

Invoice No. 4520 from Casa Nova for $ 743,800: common regime provider.

Invoice No. 4520 from Fabrica Santy $ 465,600: supplier large contributor.

3. Transfer to ledgers and auxiliary books:

  • The column moves to partial ledgers The co lumnas debit and credit are transferred to the journal columnario.

Three partners constitute the company Surtí modas Ltda. On July 1 by public deed No. 4863 of the 4th Notary. From Bogota, with the following information:

  • Partner Jorge Dávila contributes a plot of land worth $ 2,500,000, according to public deed No. 40, Notaria 4ª. From Bogota. Partner Javier Zaruma contributes $ 2,500,000, and office furniture worth (1,800,000, according to invoice No. 450. Partner Iván Rosero contributes merchandise worth (1,200,000, according to invoice No. 320; (2,000,000 with check No. 239045 from Banco Nacional, according to cash receipt No. 002.

Proof of opening

Sales slip

Proof of consignment



All accounting supports must contain the following general information:

  • Name or company name of the company that issues it Name, number and date of the voucher Description of the content of the document Signatures of those responsible for preparing, reviewing, approving and accounting for the vouchers.

They constitute the basis of the accounting record of the operations carried out.

Internal For internal use
For external use

External vouchers are those issued outside the company and then received and kept in the company. Eg: purchase invoices, receipts for payments made, etc.

Internal receipts are the documents issued in the company that can be delivered to third parties or circulated in the same company. Eg: sales invoices, collection receipts, estimates, vouchers.

On the other hand, not only commercial documents are registered: public instruments (deeds, mortgages) and private (lease contracts, deposit) and any receipt that is supported by an accounting record, is a source of information (payroll, reports).


  • University Accounting, advancing with the new generations. Fourth Edition, MCGRAWGIL editorial, unit 5, topic 5.1 - 5.2 pages 67 to 92 LUY DEL CARMEN CORAL DELGADO, Graduate in specialized education, specialty in commerce and accounting, master's degree in educational administration, professor of accounting and legislation INEM Mariano Ospina Rodríguez.EMMA LUCIA GUDIÑO DAVILA, Graduate in specialized education, specialty in commerce and accounting, professor of accounting and legislation INEM Mariano Ospina Rodríguez. WEB PAGE: www.contaduria.gov.co

This is followed by a video lesson (4 videos, 35 minutes), from the National Distance Education University of Spain, in which the importance of accounting supports is discussed, their treatment is explained and some of the main supports are presented.

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Internal and external accounting supports