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Spintronics and nanotechnology to expand the capacity of usb memory sticks

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Many of us, wanting to carry out a file transport, always find ourselves in the need to have a USB device on hand, which satisfies our need for file transport.

Although the USB device is an acceptable solution for this type of need, many of us find ourselves in the need for this device to have a greater capacity of flash memory, since having a greater memory capacity our files can be transported in a good quantity, without having limitations to be able to insert new files in the USB device due to the fear of memory shortage.


But nowadays, USB devices with a larger memory are very rare, most of them have a price that exceeds the economic limitations of people. This is why a good percentage of the population acquires USB devices (memories, Mp3, Mp4) with relatively low flash memory, we would be talking about “512 Mb, 1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, which are the USB devices with the lowest memory storage

This makes people have many limitations when it comes to using their USB, they cannot transport files that occupy a large part of the memory, since it would subject the user to only put files that are less memory covers. This is why most people always expect new USB devices with much more memory to appear, but these hopes seem distant since when a new USB device appears, it comes at an unimaginably high price.

An IPOD is the latest trend in players, with an interface similar to MP4, it is distinguished by its great playback capacity, it also has much greater capacities than that of MP3 and MP4, which can reach up to 160 Gb, the which is the IPOD CLASSIC that can play up to 40,000 songs, but as expected its price is approx. $ 15,000, a large sum for low-income people.

3. Problem

There is a deficiency in the storage capacity of the USB device and at low cost

4. Object of the Investigation

Hardware Engineering

5. Specific Field of Research

The flash memory of USB storage devices (mp3, mp4, ipod)

6. Research Objective

Increase the capacity of flash memory and at a low cost than the usual ones, based on “Spintronic” technology.

7. Hypothesis

If the capacity of the flash memory is increased and at a low cost than the usual ones, based on the “Spintronic” technology; then the deficiency in the storage capacity of the USB device will be overcome and at low cost.

8. State of the Art

There is a lot of research explaining improvements in USB flash memory capacity; many authors have provided definitions and memory models. Although the models still have difficulties to be inserted in the market, they are important for the development of the flash memory of this study.

One of the aspects covered in these definitions is the different technologies that can be used to reduce the space that a file type occupies on USB flash memory.

The magazine Mac Word (2007) presents a report on flash memory, giving very basic definitions for their development. Here, it is mainly stated that “flash memory has become basic for BIOS chips, because they make it easy for users to update it. You can simply download a file from the manufacturer's site and then run a utility that clears the contents of memory and writes the new data to it. It is possible to erase and also write to some selected areas of the chip, but some can be protected by not allowing access to them.

These features make flash memory attractive for portable devices like PDAS and digital cameras, where users may want to alter some areas and leave other areas intact. Some of these devices have a 3.5-inch drive, usually a floppy drive, installed to move storage, but this mechanical device is large, requires more power (leading to a shorter battery life), and has limited capacity. On the contrary, SONY has the Memory Stick, which is faster, has less consumption, and its storage can rise to 32MB (more than 20 floppy disks).

It is from these definitions of Mac Word (2007) that Roche (2007) proposed that the capacity of flash memory could be expanded through the movement of electrons, as is known when we save some text on the USB memory, this file it contains an electric charge, which has electrons.

For this reason, Roche (2007) refers to the new technology created and called “Spintronic”, as a “technology that uses the movement of electrons in order to shrink their capacity and thereby reduce their weight”.

Wolf and Treger (2007) give us a very important introduction to the Spintronic, or electronic spin, “it refers to the study of the role played by electronics based on devices that specifically use the properties of spin in order to have better dynamics. in its fluids ”.

But the purpose is not to shrink the weight of the files, but to increase the memory capacity, that is why an article was published in the journal Science (2008) referring to the manufacture of a USB flash memory, with the technology “ Spintronic ”, as this technology will increase the speed of flash memory.

That is, it will be possible to read and write the memory in a faster way, taking advantage of the electrical discharges that each file produces in a certain memory position, which would improve the speed of this memory, reduce the energy capacity to use for this and it will cost less to produce it since it would only change a part of the memory hardware but with many more functions.

Albert Fert & P. ​​Grunberg, the two winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics (2007), presented a model of memory expansion on hard drives, these models were based on the giant magnetoresistance , that is, they used the magnetism provided by electrical charges to increase memory capacity.

IBM CORPORATION has announced that it is planning the invention of a new type of computing memory that could expand data storage capacity up to 100 times more than current devices. "The so-called 'racetrack' memory would allow music players to store half a million songs, or video devices to have many hours of movies and operate for several weeks on a single battery charge."

Racetrack memory stores data in segments known as domain walls, between magnetic regions in nanowires. The device was dubbed a racetrack, or racetrack, because data is sped up around the cable or track as it is being read or recorded.

Domain walls can be read through a mechanism that takes advantage of weak magnetic fields generated by the rotation of electrons. The tiny amount of electricity required to exploit these fields allows that memory to generate much less heat than current devices.

This prototype of device that is in plans in the industry, which has a reading head and a storage memory of giant cells such as magnetoresistive technology (GMR) that consists of the alternation between the metal layers.

Sankar Das Sarma (2008), a Stamford researcher and Spintronic developer, states that currently spintronic devices have two different approaches. In the first, they try to refine the current GMR based on magnetoresistive technology, either by developing new materials with larger populations of electrons (called spin with polarization) or by making improvements to existing devices in order to provide better the filtering turn.

The second effort, which is more radical, focuses on finding new ways to generate and use a spin-polarized currents, that is, to actively control spin dynamics. The intention is to thoroughly investigate the spin transport in semiconductors and search for the ways in which semiconductors can function as spin polarizers and spin valves, this is why by turning the spin, energy can be saved, since a single spin it could do the work of many.

This is why Sankar Das Sarma (2008) argues that spin is essential to be able to develop spintronic devices, but also tells us that the development of these devices could not be carried out without the development of a methodology that fits into the Spintronica and that methodology is nanotechnology.

Ross (2008), a professor of digital electronics at Stanford University, presented a very important article on this topic where he explained that its impact on modern life still seems like a science fiction story. Drugs that work at the atomic level, microchips capable of performing complex genetic analyzes, generation of inexhaustible energy sources, construction of buildings with micro robots, pest control and contamination on a molecular scale, are just some of the research fields that are developed with the use of nanotechnology, knowledge that allows the manipulation of matter on a manometric scale, that is, atom by atom. That is, this technology is based on the creation of products that are smaller and smaller but with 100 times better performance than the originals.This is why nanotechnology is vital for the development of USB devices with greater capacity, since this technology could be used for the development of flash memory hardware in order to have a better storage capacity and in a best size and cost.

In a few years, computers will be quite different from today. Advances in the field of nanotechnology will make computers stop using silicon as a system to integrate the transistors that compose it and begin to deal with what is called quantum mechanics, which will make them use atomic-scale transistors.

In 2010, the size of the transistors or chips will reach the limits of integration with current technology, and no more transistors can be packed in an area of ​​silicon, then the atomic level or what is known as quantum mechanics will be entered.

With this comes another type of computing which is quantum computing, which according to the magazine Hogar Digital, “conventional computers work by symbolizing data as series of ones and zeros - binary digits known as bits. The resulting binary code is conducted through transistors, switches that can be turned on or off to symbolize a one or a zero. "

Instead quantum computers use a physical phenomenon known as

"Superposition", where objects of infinitesimal size like electrons or atoms can exist in two or more places at the same time, or rotate in opposite directions at the same time. This means that computers built with overlapping processors can use quantum bits - called qubits - that can exist in both on and off states simultaneously.

With all these concepts it could be concluded that the model, without including the USB flash memory, has many interpretations that are still based on the implementation of new technologies such as "Spintronic", "quantum computing", "nanotechnology", which They are not well known to many but they are vital for the development of this type of memory.

9. Conceptual Theoretical Model

The use of USB devices is currently so required by society, as a primary need for the transport of files. Although this transport is currently of very small caliber due to the low memory capacity of today's USB devices, the population does not lose the expectation of being able to have a highly efficient device, that is, with a very high degree of memory capacity and that is within the reach of the economy of the population.

The hardware of a USB device is based on many highly sophisticated components (silicon plates, transistors, integrated circuits, etc.) which make its physical composition very complex and exact.

Considering the architecture of a USB device and its performance when recording, reading and providing data, a model of how the aforementioned process is carried out can be proposed, in order to be able to make the corresponding changes that can give you another panorama to the storage capacity of USB devices.

Taking as reference the first two graphs previously raised on how the logical process of connecting a USB device to a PC happens. We will give the guidelines to make some changes in the logic model of a USB memory.

The boards and all the electronic components that a USB device contains are intelligently located in order to have a better use of space and a better development of the logic functions within the circuit. This is why USB devices are based on integrated circuits, which by means of silicon, one of the main components of these plates and a naturally halogen chemical element, causes this element to react to electrical charges.

These electrical charges cause effects on the silicon and on the entire circuit, these charges bring with them a flow of electrons which pass through the buses that contain all the memory and reach the tracks of the USB memory system. Therefore, being on the tracks of the system, they bring with them the writing and reading signals of the computer, that is, it creates communication between these two elements.


Now, this communication contains within it domain walls, which in another language would do what is known as the information grabber or the part of the hardware that contains the information inside the USB device, it should be noted that for this information to arrive to the domain walls of usb devices it has to go through sophisticated conduits that carry this information or cables if we wanted to call them something else.

Fig. 12. Information transport through buses

Now if we have understood this process, we can also understand some changes that can be developed in this logical process, with the help of nanotechnology and Spintronic. Applying the concepts of Roche (2007) on the Spintronic, we can realize that this technology is beneficial and very important for the development of our memory.

With the Spintronic we can take advantage of the flow of electrons emitted by the electrical charges that occur when one performs the process of connecting, writing and reading data through USB devices, that is, when we perform any operation on our USB device we emit a electrical charge. Which will generate a flow of electrons that go to the memory of the USB device through the buses, which are connected to cables that have the function of serving as lanes to reach their destination, which is the main memory of this device.

But, with the Spintronic everything changes, since this technology changes the flow of electrons, that is to say, first, the USB hardware must be subjected to Spintronic radiation (only created for artifacts), which causes the electrons to be stored in this memory change their behavior. The behavior of an electron is based on its Spin since it is this which gives it the electrical charge that it will carry.

The Spintronic is mainly based on that, the Spin for this science is the matrix of all the processes to be developed via electrons, since this science does not take advantage of the electric charge of the electron, but its capacity for movement, which is a key point for this new memory prototype. Since with this we give a 180 degree turn to the operation of the memory of current USB devices.

Taking advantage of the movement of the electron we could make the USB device faster in the processes of reading and writing data, since as we know when we save or open files on our USB memory, we generate electrical charges, and when we save several files at the same time or we open several documents at the same time, we generate many read and write processes in memory at the same time that create a conflict in memory, but with the Spintronic everything would change since its speed could be multiplied by 100.

Taking advantage of the electron movement we will reduce the saturation of the information lanes or buses, without loss of information since when the flow of electrons reaches the memory through the cables; These electrons are found spinning in the memory of the device and are positioned in the memory when a large number of electron streams are conglomerated.

If we are based on the laws of electrical physics, there is a mathematical formula which could tell us what is the exact number of electrons at most that can be circulating. This formula is COULOMB's

E = K e. q 1.q 2


E = # electrons

q 1 and q 2 = electric charges

K e = 8.9875 × 10 9 Coulomb

With this formula we can calculate the exact amount of electrons that once they are circulating are deposited in the memory occupying a space in it, so if we take advantage of the movement of the electrons and not their electric charge we would store much more information in our device USB. With which it would be very clear that with the Spintronica we could make our USB device and hard disk have much greater capacity only with the Spintronica radiation process.

10. Quantum Model

Starting from the prototype of memory that was raised previously and with the help of nanotechnology we will explain how this prototype of memory for USB devices can work.

As explained above, the space that a file occupies in a USB memory is mainly given by its weight, but this weight is in turn the reference of its electrical charge that it produces, therefore if we wanted to generalize we would say that a file or document it has an electrical charge that occupies space in a memory of a USB device.

Now the logic model for the operation of this prototype is based mainly on nanotechnology, from which we would rescue nanowires, which are devices that are 100 times thinner than human hair, which can be manufactured in gaseous plasma chambers, they are 10 to 100 times stronger than steel and have very interesting electrical characteristics such as the transmission of electric charges or the flow of electrons, which are times more efficient than steel cables.

The graphite, which is a semi-metal found in this nano cable, produces the conduction of electrical charges, apart from being an electron aligner, that is, it orders them according to their charges, that is why the nano cable with so thin it can carry electrical charges 100 times faster than a normal cable. It should be noted that when performing the Spintronica radiation, these nano cables must already be implanted in the USB device since if they are not the radiation would not affect the electrons found in the cables.

After the charge is in the nano cables, when entering the memory of the USB device, a reference electrical load (00110011) is assigned to the Spin in order to be located within the memory of the device.

This process is repeated each time a flow of electrons enters, for example if we wanted to save a file of 35 kb weight, this flow of electrons generated by this document would carry an additional charge to its normal charge, so that at the time that I require from that file, the memory locates it according to the load since the data flow will not be static but will be rotating around the memory through the memory tracks explained above.

With this we could affirm that if we have the charges rotating around the memory of the USB device we would generate more space, since these electric charges would be doing this operation until reaching a certain number of electrons.

We are going to exemplify this number below:

If we have an image that has a weight of 15.6 KB

This image is going to have two electric charges which are going to be based on two fundamental aspects, its pixelation and its size, and these charges are as follows:

Q 1 <Q 2; The equation is satisfied whenever (image weight> 0)

The general value of pixelation is = 1.6 x 10 4 e

The general value of size is = 1.8 x 10 4 e

Returning to our image, we will obtain that if we apply the formula to calculate the charges, we would carry out the following mathematical operation:

Q 1 = (1.6 x 10 4 e) (15.6kb)

Q 1 = 24.96 (Kb) (e)

Q 2 = (1.8 × 10 4 e) (15.6 Kb)


Obtaining these charges we would establish the general Coulomb equation to be able to help the flow of electrons that are transferred in that image when it is saved to a USB device.

E = Ke. q1.q2

1 Kb 2 e = 1 Coulomb

Now replacing our data we would obtain the following result E = 8.9875 × 10 9 Coulomb x Eye:

1e = 1 C 2

E = 7560.97524 X 10 9 electrons

Therefore, in the image we have a flow of electrons of 7560.97524 x 10 9 e, which enter the memory through the nano cables that through graphite distribute this amount of electrons by charges, that is, positive (+) and negative (-), which enter the memory to circulate in it until they are required again. It should be noted that for this flow of electrons to be deposited in memory it must be greater than the figure of (1.8 x 10 135 e) which is the figure established by Coulomb for a maximum pack of electrons in an electrical circuit (Science 2008).

That is, when the circulating electrons reach that figure they will only be deposited in the memory, which by logical deduction will be very beneficial since it would increase the normal capacity of a memory by 100 times.

With this graphic we would be explaining how the writing and reading process would be carried out in a memory of a USB device, taking as a reference the electrical charges and the nano cables that are essential points for this type of memory together with the Spintronica. With which it is suggested to the different hardware development companies to implement Spintronica and Nanotechnology since, as noted in this work, they are very important to be able to create very efficient hardware.

Some technology centers in which Spintronica and nanotechnology are used are:


USA Standford 80% 20%
JAPAN UT Tokyo 90% 10%
SPAIN UP Madrid 70% 30%

Knowledge about Spintronic and nanotechnology in major technological powers (Science 2008)

With this table it can be seen that there are already three technological powers worldwide that are already carrying out their studies at Spintronic and trying to deepen their development in order to improve the quality of hardware that is favorable to society.

11. Formulation of the Research Title

Independent variable = Spinctronics and Nanotechnology (X)

Dependent variable = USB memory capacity (Y)

Effect of X on Y

"Effect of Spintronics and Nanotechnology on the Expansion of USB Memory Capacity"

12. Tasks, Schedule and Budget



Problematic 12 240
issue 12 240
Object 10 200
Specific Field 5 100
objective 6 120
Hypothesis 4 80
State of the art 25 500
Conceptual Theoretical Model fifteen 300
Quantum model 18 360
Research Title 3 60
TOTAL 110 2200

13. References

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Spintronics and nanotechnology to expand the capacity of usb memory sticks