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You can make a difference with environmental participation in your community

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Citizen participation in the development, improvement and sustainable maintenance of the Quality of life of cities is fundamental and essential, and demands their prompt action to correct and reverse the effects that citizens have been causing the environment and the environment consciously or unconsciously. therefore deteriorating the current and future quality of cities.

The quality of life of cities has to do fundamentally with the quality of their environment (coverage of the distribution and supply of drinking water, disposal of solid waste, quality of water bodies such as rivers and lagoons, soil quality, air quality and the control of greenhouse gas emissions produced by motor vehicles, factories and industries), the quality of public spaces for recreation and sharing of its citizens, with citizen safety, quality of streets and pedestrian areas, and with the capacity of the municipalities and parishes to invest in projects to improve the city.

Every citizen can make a difference in their municipalities, parishes and cities through their participation in community organizations, professionals and NGOs to:

  1. Promote studies and projects aimed at diagnosing, identifying and correcting environmental, urban and fiscal problems that cities present. Participate in the formulation of the Improvement Plans for the quality of life of cities through the presentation of projects Exercise citizen control through the surveillance and auditing of the city's improvement projects to ensure that the projects are executed satisfactorily. Promote continuous maintenance of works resulting from projects to ensure sustainability.

However, there is a very important factor where each of the citizens plays a fundamental role regardless of their social and economic condition, and which greatly affects the quality of the cities.

This factor has to do with the cultural, attitudinal and educational patterns that define citizen behavior. Caring for and maintaining the city, its clean and preserved spaces depends on the behavior and attitude of the citizens.

It is necessary to strengthen day by day the principles and values ​​associated with the conservation of the city in schools and in homes to contribute to having better citizens. It is not enough that there are crews continuously maintaining parks, forests, streets, etc. if citizens throw garbage into the streets, rivers and lagoons.

Companies and industries have a great social responsibility that they must assume immediately through the contribution to reduce greenhouse gases produced by factories and industries.

Assuming our individual citizen responsibility and actively participating in the conservation of the environment, promoting city improvement projects, and exercising citizen control in auditing projects, we can make a valuable difference that contributes to a better quality of life and develop sustainable cities.

You can make a difference with environmental participation in your community