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Technopathologies. disorders associated with the use of technology

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Currently the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are a fundamental tool for society since they generate a certain ease in the activities that are carried out daily either personally or professionally, however the constant use of technology can come to be a double-edged sword, by misusing it negatively affects health since we are creating excessive dependence, diseases or disorders that affect not only psychologically but physically and socially, unfortunately those who are more exposed to suffer from some disorder are children and adolescents. Nowadays, with the rapid advancement of technology, there are psychological treatments that can help people with this type of disorder to know and prevent these addictions in time, correctly managing the time and activities that are carried out having a self-control over the themselves, in order to avoid more serious cases that affect the development of a normal life.

Keywords: technologies, technopathology, disorders, excessive use, digital age.


Undoubtedly, the use of technology has been seen as a need that was not had before, and it is through these technologies that the way of interaction with other people is modified since social networks and ICTs generate a great psychological, physical and social impact.

To find out how dependent you are on these new technologies, just ask a few simple questions: Do you get upset easily because your cell phone battery ran out? Are you angry for having forgotten your cell phone at home? Do you constantly check your cell phone to see if you have a message? If the answers to the questions are “yes” it reflects how dependent you are on these technologies, it is necessary to know what to do in these cases, even if it is necessary to take psychological therapy or treatment to help counteract these disorders and prevent these addictions. affect family and social relationships.

Finally, it can be said that everyone at some point feels identified by some of these Technopathology, since the lack of communication in families, with friends, low self-esteem and depression that exists today in young people results in the excessive and inappropriate use of the internet and social networks, thus generating technodependence, techno-anxiety and even addiction to these technologies, resulting in isolation in people and different physical alterations, such as postures when using mobile phones or computers, among others physical affectations.


Although the use of the internet or ICTs is known to be an essential tool in daily life, it radically changes the way of interacting with the people around us since they are often used for leisure purposes, in such a way that society isolates itself and degrades the quality of life mainly the new generations, so that "new diseases arise mainly due to the positions we take when interacting with the devices that in modern youth is at any time of day" (Ramos, CH, Cruz, CY, and Reyes, BR, 2017: para. 14).

What are Technopathologies?

"Technopathology is a term that refers to mental, physical and social disorders that are related to the abuse of technology" (Prieto, 2018: para. 1).

These 2.0 diseases are not new disorders, they are alterations related to dependencies, addictions, relationship problems or distortion of reality that have adapted, or have found their trigger, in the misuse that can be made of mobile devices and the Internet. (Psychiatry, 2018: para. 3)

It can be said that these new disorders that have appeared in what is the digital age have affected society without measuring social status, and that it can be as addictive as alcohol abuse, including drugs.

Main Technopathologies

The therapist and writer Dr. Mariza Navarro mentions "They do not cause fever, they do not have obvious symptoms, you do not have to go to the emergency room for them, but they affect the general condition of the child and are as disabling as the major flu" (2018: para. 1). The following table shows the main Technopathology that are most common today.

Technopathology characteristics
Nomophobia: It appears when tranquility and well-being depend on always carrying your mobile with you. 50% of users suffer from it and it worsens when they forget their mobile at home, the battery runs out and the charger is not at hand, it runs out of coverage…


It is typical of those who need to compulsively check their mobile to see if someone has contacted (they look and check even if there is no message, but they reread what has already been received to interpret if they are online, why they have not
answered…) this generates stress, anxiety and a state of intense nervousness
Imaginary message syndrome. Being aware of the mobile all day makes them think that they hear it or feel it vibrate, even if it is not true. Then the goby appears to know what is happening.
FOMO syndrome (Fear of missing out). It is the fear of missing something that may be happening in their groups or networks. They suffer great anxiety and anguish at the thought that they cannot connect when they would like to.


State of anxiety, insecurity and depression when seeing that other profiles have better photos and show off great friends. This is linked to digital narcissism: which is the constant need to take selfies so that others can see the moments lived and thus admire them and give them a "like".
Technointerference At lunch, during games, at studies, the constant input of activity on the devices means that all their activity is interrupted by the input of messages.
Social isolation Being aware of virtual friends, groups, etc., isolates the child socially, because he loses interest in playing with real friends and does not leave the room.
Confusion of virtual life with real life. They come to think that the virtual world is part of their world, confusing one and the other, misconfiguring the concepts.
Table 1: Main Technopathologies

Source: Dra. Mariza Navarro

"In the same way, the continuous and obsessive use of computers, mobile phones, the Internet and digital platforms can lead to diseases, such as computer vision syndrome, electro-sensitivity and mouse elbow" (Chance, 2017: para. 2).

“It must be recognized: we are technopaths and we suffer from technopathology, to a greater or lesser extent. The problem comes when these become impossible to develop a normal life and can cause withdrawal syndrome, anguish, stress, anxiety, low self-esteem or depression ”(Sáez, 2018: par. 1).

Knowing these different disorders helps in a way because you have the awareness of knowing the dangers to which you are exposed due to the misuse of technology and spending too much time in front of a computer.

Other issues associated with technology

These tools over time have facilitated many activities, however excessive use of this tool has caused a negative psychological state in people and therefore an adaptive response to these changes.

Some authors define techno-stress as the negative impact that tic's have on attitudes, thoughts and behaviors, and that they generate a high level of psychophysiological activation of the organism. Organizational behavior and behavior specialists point out that other conditions have been derived such as information fatigue syndrome, caused by information overload and excessive handling of information, technophobia, which is characterized by fear or anxiety towards technologies, in the same way There are those who want to be up to date with technological advances and have technoaddiction: uncontrollable compulsion to use ICTs, generating the need to be connected through mobile devices at any time of the day. (El Universal, 2017: para. 310)

How to counteract disorders

Finally, it can be said that there are people who at some point have suffered from these diseases or technopathologies and who have chosen to go to a specialist to counteract these conditions.

It goes through undergoing what is known as Psychological Treatment for Non-Chemical Addictions, which consists of psychoeducation so that the patient understands how an addiction is maintained, accompanied by behavior modification techniques, such as stimulating control and the elimination of leaks, which They help us to progressively get rid of bad habits and acquired vices; as well as modification of beliefs to make rigid ideas more flexible; and learning assertive skills to defend our rights without invalidating those of others. (Sáez, 2018: para. 10)

Finally, ICTs can be used in a healthy way by correctly managing time and activities, to avoid relapsing again into any of the aforementioned disorders.


With the unstoppable technological advances that are experienced in the 21st century, diseases of which were not aware have appeared, many times it is thought that a tool as powerful and effective as technologies and the internet, could cause disorders or diseases with the simple fact of using them, but as it is known "everything in excess is bad" because we see the emergence of new diseases of which it is necessary to have knowledge about these technologies, in order to be able to counteract in some way the effects that these cause. Society faces a monster such as the internet and technologies, however, you have to learn to live with them and use them correctly,manage the time properly so that the use of ICTs is considerable, thus avoiding using them for leisure purposes. Taking into account that there are many methods and psychological help with which we can avoid or counteract these disorders that affect the physical and mental health of many people.


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Technopathologies. disorders associated with the use of technology