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Artificial intelligence theory for quality

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The origins of artificial intelligence could be located with the definition of the formal neuron given by McCulloch and Pitts, as a binary device with several inputs and outputs.

Already in 1956 the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) was touched upon at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by John McCarthy where the Dartmouth conference was held in Hanover (United States). In this contest McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester and Claude E. Shannon established the foundations of artificial intelligence as an independent field within computing.

Previously, in 1950, Alan M. Turing had published an article in Mind magazine, entitled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, in which he reflected on the concept of artificial intelligence and established what would later be known such as the Turing Test, a test that allows to determine if a computer or computer behaves according to what is understood as artificially intelligent or not.

Artificial intelligence in the sixties, as such, did not have many successes since it required too much investment for that time and most of the technologies were typical of large research centers. In the 70's to 80's some significant advances were made in one of its branches called Expert Systems, with the introduction of PROLOG LISP.

Basically what artificial intelligence intends is to create a programmed sequential machine that repeats indefinitely a set of instructions generated by a human being.

At present, much research is still being carried out in the large educational and private technological laboratories; without neglecting the notable advances in computer vision systems (applied, for example, for the classification of scrambled items -screws or pieces marked by color codes, to name one case-), autonomous robotic control (Sony, with its robots capable of moving in an almost human way and reacting to pressures just as a person does when walking), fuzzy logic applications (application of automatic tracking in our videotapes, to name one application), etc. However, Artificial Intelligence is still largely limited by its technological dominance, and little has been able to reach the final consumer market or industry.


Regarding the current definitions of artificial intelligence, there are authors such as Rich and Knight and Stuart, who generally define AI as the ability of machines to perform tasks that are currently performed by human beings; Nebendah and Delgado define it as the field of study that focuses on the explanation and emulation of intelligent behavior based on computational processes based on experience and continuous knowledge of the environment.

Farid Fleifel Tapia describes AI as: 'the branch of computer science that studies the resolution of non-algorithmic problems by using any available computational technique, regardless of the form of reasoning underlying the methods being used. apply to achieve that resolution. To complete that definition, some not so formal definitions issued by different AI researchers considering other points of view are:

  • AI is the art of creating machines with the ability to perform functions performed by people require intelligence. (Kurzweil, 1990) AI is the study of how to get computers to perform tasks that, for the moment, humans do better. (Rich, Knight, 1991) AI is the branch of computer science that deals with the automation of intelligent behavior. (Lugar and Stubblefied, 1993) AI is the field of study that focuses on the explanation and emulation of intelligent behavior based on computational processes. (Schalkoff, 1990).

Two different approaches can be observed in AI:

  1. AI conceived as the attempt to develop a technology capable of providing the computer with reasoning capabilities similar to those of human intelligence. AI in its conception as research related to the mechanisms of human intelligence that are used in the validation simulation of theories.

The first approach focuses on utility and not on the method as we saw previously with algorithms, the key issues of this approach are the representation and management of knowledge, its most representative authors are McCarthy and Minsky.

John mccarthy

In the second approach we find that this is oriented to the creation of an artificial system capable of carrying out human cognitive processes, making utility as the method no longer important, the fundamental aspects of this approach refer to learning and adaptability and its authors are Newell and Simon of Carnegie Mellon University.

AI trying to build machines that apparently behave like human beings have given rise to two opposing blocks: the symbolic or top-down approach, known as classical AI, and the subsymbolic approach sometimes called connectionist.

The symbolics directly simulate the intelligent characteristics that are intended to be achieved or imitated and the best that is also at hand is man; For the builders of expert systems, the representation of human knowledge is fundamental, where thanks to these advances two types of knowledge have been found: knowledge about the particular problem and knowledge about how to obtain more knowledge from what we already have. The most representative example of this trend is the Cyc Project by Douglas B. Lenat, on a system that has millions of interconnected facts in its memory.

Within the other stream: the subsymbolic; Efforts are aimed at simulating the lowest-level elements within intelligent processes in the hope that these, when combined, will allow intelligent behavior to emerge spontaneously. The clearest examples that work with this type of orientation are neural networks and genetic algorithms where these systems work under autonomy, learning and adaptation, strongly related concepts.


AI is divided into two schools of thought:

  • The Artificial Intelligence Conventional Computational Intelligence.

Conventional Artificial Intelligence

Based on formal and statistical analysis of human behavior in the face of different problems:

  • Reasoning based on cases: Helps to make decisions while solving certain specific problems Expert Systems: Infer a solution through prior knowledge of the context in which it is applied and certain rules or relationships Bayesian Networks: Proposes solutions through statistical inference Intelligence Artificial based on Behaviors: Complex Systems that have autonomy and can self-regulate and control themselves to improve.

Computational Artificial Intelligence

The computational intelligence (also known as subsymbolic artificial intelligence) involves development or interactive learning (eg interactive modification of parameters in connectionist systems). The knowledge is achieved based on empiric facts. Some methods in this branch include:

  • Vector Machine Support: Systems that allow high-power generic pattern recognition Neural Networks: Systems with great pattern recognition capabilities Hidden Markov models: Learning based on time dependence of probabilistic events Fuzzy Systems: Techniques to achieve reasoning under uncertainty. It has been widely used in modern industry and in consumer products, such as washing machines. Evolutionary Computing: Applies concepts inspired by biology, such as population, mutation, and survival of the fittest to generate successively better solutions to a problem. These methods in turn are divided into evolutionary algorithms (eg genetic algorithms) and collective intelligence (eg ant algorithms)


Marvin Minsky, has given a classification for the programming languages ​​used in this discipline:

  • Do now: Where the programmer supplies instructions to the machine to perform a certain task where everything is specified, except perhaps the number of repetitions Always do that: Here you can write a program that will help the computer to solve those problems that the programmer does not know how to solve but knows what kind of solutions can be tried. Constraint: Programs are written that define structures and states that condition and limit each other.

But Minsky admits that it will still be necessary to develop two more types of languages ​​to obtain an AI comparable to human intelligence; and these could be:

  • Do something that makes sense: Where the program is allowed to learn from the past and in a new situation to apply its teachings. Improve yourself: There you can allow yourself to write programs that henceforth have the ability to write programs better than themselves.

Another point of course has to do with the issue we are dealing with here is of course the concept of what creativity is, which at first glance is something that we cannot explain satisfactorily, because it is the result of a special gift but, studies on AI They have begun to make it possible: they tell us that to the extent that programs that exhibit ownership are written, creativity will begin to be explained to the same extent.

Another property that is expected to be associated with AI is self-awareness; that according to the results of psychological research they speak on the one hand that, as is well known, human thought performs a large number of functions that cannot be classified as conscious and that therefore self-consciousness contributes in a certain sense to preventing efficient mental process; but on the other hand it is of great importance to be able to have knowledge about our own capacities and limitations, this being of great help for the functioning of the intelligence of both the machine and the human being.

But it would be impossible to try to contemplate the subject of AI without turning to the question of complexity; where intelligent behavior is the result of the interaction of many elements and which is surely one of the most valuable contributions when trying to simulate human intellectual phenomena in the machine.

AI has been developed as a discipline from the conception of intelligence that was carried out within psychology and from which different categories were developed.


Artificial Intelligence classifies the techniques that can be used as tools to solve problems in the following categories:

1. Basic Techniques: So called because it is at the base of various AI applications:

  1. Heuristic Search for Solutions, Knowledge Representation, Automatic Deduction, Symbolic Programming (LISP) and Neural Networks.

These techniques are the foundation of the applications. For the most part, it does not need to be known by the end user, but by the professionals who are dedicated to its application and the generation of commercial applications.

2. Technologies (or combinations of several Basic Techniques) aimed at solving families of problems. The Technologies are more specialized than the Basic Techniques and are closer to the final applications. They can be mentioned:

  1. Robotics, Vision, Natural Language and Expert Systems.


AI has the following classes or types of applications:

  1. Diagnosis, Prediction (self-control systems for atomic reactors), Sequencing of operations ("Scheduling"), Design and Data Interpretation.

All of them are families of type problems. For example, diagnosis refers to finding the causes of failures, whether they are failures in a production line or illness in a person.

The Fields of Application of AI are: Engineering, Medicine, Manufacturing Systems, Administration, Support for Management Decision Making, etc. They all fall within the areas of Computer Systems, but are considered as clients of AI.


For an intelligent system to be considered complete, it must include various functionalities that include:

  • Intelligence: There are many definitions of "intelligence." For practical uses we use this: Intelligence is the level of the system in achieving its objectives. Systematization: A system is part of the universe, with a limited extent in space and time. Parts of the system have more, or stronger, correlations with other parts of the same system; than with parts outside the system.Objective: An objective is a certain situation that the intelligent system wants to achieve. Normally there are many levels of objectives, there can be a main objective and many sub-objectives.Sensory Capacity: A sense is the part of the system that can receive communications from the environment. The senses are needed so that the intelligent system can know its surroundings and act interactively. Conceptualization: A concept is the basic element of thought.It is the physical storage, information material (in neurons or electrons). All memory concepts are interrelated in a network. The ability to conceptualize implies the development of levels of abstraction. Situation: The situation is integrated with a series of concepts that the intelligent system uses to represent the information that its senses received from the environment. Rules of action: A rule of action is the result of an experience or the result of interpreting one's memory. Relate situation and consequences of action. Memory: Memory is a physical storage of concepts and rules of action. This includes the experience of the system. Learning: Learning is probably the most important capability of an intelligent system.The system learns concepts from the information received from the senses. Learn rules of thumb from their experience. The performance, sometimes done at random, is stored with its value. A response rule increases in value if it allowed the achievement of a goal. Learning includes the fixation of abstract concepts, based on concrete examples and the creation of compound concepts that contain the concepts of parts of an object. Learning is also the ability to detect relationships (patterns) between the "situation" part and the "future situation" part of a response rule.Learning includes the fixation of abstract concepts, based on concrete examples and the creation of compound concepts that contain the concepts of parts of an object. Learning is also the ability to detect relationships (patterns) between the "situation" part and the "future situation" part of a response rule.Learning includes the fixation of abstract concepts, based on concrete examples and the creation of compound concepts that contain the concepts of parts of an object. Learning is also the ability to detect relationships (patterns) between the "situation" part and the "future situation" part of a response rule.

The incorporation of intelligent decision agents, neural networks, expert systems, genetic algorithms and programmable automata for optimization of production systems is an active trend in the industrial environment of countries with high technological development and with a large investment in R&D. Said components of Artificial Intelligence have as main function to independently control, and in coordination with other agents, industrial components such as manufacturing or assembly cells, and maintenance operations, among others.

There is a growing trend towards the implementation of more autonomous and intelligent manufacturing / assembly systems, due to the market demands for obtaining products with very high levels of quality; which with manual operations becomes complicated and makes underdeveloped countries like ours do not reach competitive levels worldwide. When designing a computer-integrated production system, importance should be given to the supervision, planning, sequencing, cooperation and execution of the operation tasks in work centers, added to the control of inventory levels and quality and reliability characteristics of the system. The mentioned factors determine the structure of the system and its coordination represents one of the most important functions in the management and control of production.

Very often, the reason for building a simulation model is to find answers to questions such as What are the optimal parameters to maximize or minimize a certain objective function? In recent years there have been great advances in the field of optimization of production systems. However, progress in developing analysis tools for simulation model results has been very slow. There is a large number of traditional optimization techniques that only individuals with great knowledge of statistics and simulation concepts have made significant contributions in the area.

Due to the rise of meta-heuristic search algorithms, a new field has opened in the area of ​​optimization with simulation. New software packages, such as OPTQuest (Optimal Technologies), SIMRUNNER (Promodel Corporation) and Evolver (Palisade Software), have come on the market providing friendly solutions for optimizing systems that do not require internal control over the built model, but over the results. that said model throws under different conditions. In addition, new artificial intelligence techniques applied to stochastic optimization problems have demonstrated their efficiency and computational and approximation capacity.

Reinforcement Learning is a set of techniques designed to solve problems based on Markovian decision processes. These are stochastic decision processes that are based on the concept that the action to be taken in a given state, at a given instant, depends only on the state of the system at the time the decision is made.

One of the areas that may have the greatest direct impact on the production processes of the industry worldwide is the design of support systems for decision-making based on the optimization of the operating parameters of the system. For this purpose, the use of intelligent parametric and non-parametric techniques for data analysis is of great interest. However, in the opinion of the authors, most of the architectures proposed so far for computer-integrated manufacturing lack a fundamental integration factor. Communication between the various hierarchical levels of a production plant is very little, since each department limits itself to carrying out its function without seeking an integration of the entire production plant with the exception of companies such as ABB with its Baan software, etc.


I) Automatic quality control operation using a computer vision system.

(Royman López Beltrán, Edgar Sotter Solano and Eduardo Zurek Varela. Robotics and Automatic Production Laboratory. Universidad del Norte).

Every industrial process is evaluated for the quality of its final product, this makes the quality control stage a crucial phase of the process. The mechanisms used to establish the quality of a product vary depending on the parameters that are relevant to it. When the relevant parameter is the geometry or shape of the manufactured object, it is usually left in view of the operator who carries out both inspection and verification functions for quality control, however there may be errors in the geometry of an object that escape from the sight of an operator and then prevent the proper functioning of said object. In a case like this, a good alternative emerges to use an artificial vision system capable of detecting those errors that an operator could overlook.The Robot Vision PRO artificial vision system is capable of fully automatic object identification and quality control tasks.

The Robot Vision PRO system is a vision software package that enables image acquisition, pre-processing and segmentation. It also performs high-level data processing that provides image filtering, clustering and patterning, and object identification. This system has a video camera and a monitor in charge of identifying each of the salient parts of the process and making a comparison with parts of 100% quality to later determine if the packaging can go to market or should be discarded.

Below are some images supplied by the Robot Vision PRO system for the execution of the quality control operation. The packages were arranged in such a way that the geometries were fully contained in the program, and the quality control for each of the packages was subsequently carried out individually.

The two subsequent figures show defective packaging because they do not meet the necessary specifications and therefore the quality system rejects the product.

The Robot Vision PRO computer vision system after being evaluated in the company was efficient for the detection of geometric defects in the packaging of centrifugal compressors, since the flexibility of the software allowed to adjust the process conditions to the quality system required for the proper measurement of packaging. This system is didactic enough to develop expressions that allow measurements of the object, recognition and quality control tasks to be carried out fully automatically.

The authors believe that the use of this technology is very suitable in companies where the surface finish of a part is very demanding or where there are tight tolerances, such as spare parts for cars, industrial instrumentation, etc.

II) Projects under development by the line of research and development of artificial intelligence.

(Research group of the University of Manizales).

to. JAT (Intelligent Dispatch and Control System for Public Transport):

Its main idea is to improve the urban transport service of the city of Manizales through dispatch and intelligent control that allows improving the quality of service and reducing operating costs. The intelligent part is in charge of scheduling the dispatch of routes, ensuring that all buses cover them equally.

b. Intelligent Remote Monitoring and Surveillance System:

The aim is to implement closed circuit TV systems, which include the capacity for remote monitoring through a computer and a telephone line from anywhere in the world and through the Internet.

c. Recognition of Environments in Mobile Robotics through Neural Networks

This study is focused on the global identification of environments carried out by a mobile robot based on the training of a neural network that receives the information captured from the environment by the robot's sensory system (ultrasound). It is considered that the robot, through the neural network, has the sole task of maximizing the knowledge of the environment that is presented to it. In this way it models and explores the environment efficiently while executing obstacle avoidance algorithms.

The result of this study is of great importance in the field of mobile robotics because: the robot acquires greater autonomy of movement, the use of ultrasound as an obstacle detector is optimized and it is an important tool for the development of planners of trajectory and intelligent controllers.

One of the examples with which the network was trained (for more details consult research by Rivera and Gauthier Universidad de los Andes) is, using the training parameters: learning constant of 0.2 and moment constant of 0.9, the robot to detect three obstacles.

The robot is located in eight different positions and in each of these a sweep was made and in this way eight files were formed with which the network was trained, and this, recognizing the environment, will not crash with any obstacle.

In the neural network, as the inner layers increase, it will have more capacity and speed to learn different environments.

The authors determine that the use of mobile robotics is very important in production processes where man cannot withstand high or low temperature environments for long intervals of time, such as MEALS, where a customized robot could be trained. that his training is perfected prepare him later as a cargo transporter.

d. Genetic algorithms applied to the quadratic facility allocation problem, QAP.

(Department of Operations Research, School of Industrial Engineering, University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, 2001).

QAP is a combinatorial problem, considered by some authors as NP-complete. The objective of the QAP is to find an allocation of facilities to sites, in order to minimize a function that expresses costs or distances. The location and distribution of facilities is one of the most important topics in the training of professionals in the area of ​​Industrial Engineering and of all those professionals who are responsible for the planning, organization and systematic growth of cities. In the daily and professional life of every individual, a great variety of problems of location of facilities arise.

The problems of location and distribution of facilities are strategic for the success of any manufacturing operation. The main reason is that material handling costs comprise between 30 and 75% of total manufacturing costs. A good solution to the problem of allocation of facilities would contribute to the total efficiency of the operations, a poor distribution can lead to the accumulation of inventory of products in process, overload of the material handling systems, inefficient set-ups and long queues. Within this broad class of problems that can be classified as QAP is the generalized line flow problem, which is a flow line in which operations flow forward and are not necessarily processed on all machines in the line.A job on such kind of line can begin to process and complete its process on any machine, always moving downstream by successive operations according to the process work sequence. When the sequence of operations for a job does not specify a machine positioned ahead of its current location, the job has to travel in the opposite direction (upstream) in order to complete the required operation. This “reverse trip” of operations is called backtracking, and it deviates from an ideal flow line for a specific job, resulting in a less efficient work structure, as shown in the following figure.always moving forward (downstream) by successive operations according to the process work sequence. When the sequence of operations for a job does not specify a machine positioned ahead of its current location, the job has to travel in the opposite direction (upstream) in order to complete the required operation. This “reverse trip” of operations is called backtracking, and it deviates from an ideal flow line for a specific job, resulting in a less efficient work structure, as shown in the following figure.always moving forward (downstream) by successive operations according to the process work sequence. When the sequence of operations for a job does not specify a machine positioned ahead of its current location, the job has to travel in the opposite direction (upstream) in order to complete the required operation. This “reverse trip” of operations is called backtracking, and it deviates from an ideal flow line for a specific job, resulting in a less efficient work structure, as shown in the following figure.This “reverse trip” of operations is called backtracking, and it deviates from an ideal flow line for a specific job, resulting in a less efficient work structure, as shown in the following figure.This “reverse trip” of operations is called backtracking, and it deviates from an ideal flow line for a specific job, resulting in a less efficient work structure, as shown in the following figure.


  • The great advances in AI applied to production systems have made the industry, in its constant search to improve its competitiveness, achieve its objectives with greater speed and quality every day; However, this in many cases displaces a large amount of the workforce, which leads to a social deterioration that is reflected in global indicators of unemployment and poverty levels. We urge the professionals responsible for the use of AI to respect life and contribute, with their new discoveries, to the sustainable development of it, thus recovering the health of our planet.


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Artificial intelligence theory for quality