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Key tips for a successful web design


When your company or institution has a presence on the Internet through a site or portal, various relevant aspects must be taken into account to achieve a successful web design. In this article we provide you with some key tips to achieve this goal.

First of all, for your site or web portal to be successful you must ensure that the pages have Fast Downloads. As is known, the speed of Internet connection affects many visitors so it is essential not to place heavy components on your website (especially on the home page). Every day people have greater anxiety to achieve quick responses in all services and the Internet does not escape this.

In turn, in the first 5 seconds your website must be able to Capture the Attention of the visitor. Remember that your competition on the Internet is one click away so the download of your pages should not exceed this time.

Avoid using Flash Components that are too heavy. Make sure your website supports File Compression Techniques that are handled automatically by servers and browsers.

Use AJAX Technologies that allow some information to be updated in certain areas of the page without having to reload all its elements. This is based on the exchange of data between the server and the visitor's browser without requiring the change of the entire page.

Arouse Interest by supplying what people are looking for. To do this, provide all the information about your products and services, which is well presented, well diagrammed and well written. Highlight your Differentiating Elements based on the Benefits and Advantages for your clients. Present the information in a fresh, different, novel way, in such a way that it invites the visitor to read what you expose them and want to acquire what you sell.

Display what you are offering prominently. Don't let your visitors get lost in content and effects that distract you from what you really sell. Your products and services must be understood immediately without ambiguity. Make it easy to navigate so that your products and services are quickly and clearly known. The greater the importance of the product, its position should be at the top. People read in the shape of a Z, from the upper left corner to the right, going down looking to the left to culminate in the lower right corner.

Capture your potential customers with a very powerful Title that captures their attention from the beginning and that invites the visitor to continue reading your website based on the most important benefit for him or her.

Maintain the interest of your prospects and visitors by writing your paragraphs based on the benefits of your products and services, citing your competitive advantages and exposing their characteristics in emotional and rational terms.

Provide some value-added gift to your visitors that is only obtained if they subscribe to your newsletter or fill out their contact details. We must give in order to receive. This gift can be something simple but appealing to your prospects, from a video or eBook to a physical gift that promotes your brand and is sent through the mail. We must give up something and this can be to give up knowledge, give up a prize or any other interesting value.

Your graphic design should not be too elaborate and complex. Simplicity is increasingly appreciated in sites that, although minimalist, are practical and direct. Use fresh colors that do not affect the view, use text sizes that allow comfortable reading

Check for grammatical errors or spelling errors. Remember that your site or web portal is the showcase to the world that exposes the image of your company, product or brand. If people see errors of this type, they may intuit that your products are not of good quality. In general, the products that you sell are not what you say they are, but what customers perceive them to be.

Provide a Site Map in such a way that the customer can quickly understand the navigation structure and thus can easily reach the content that interests them. This is particularly important in portals that have a large number of pages and very varied content.

Post your contact information on as many pages as possible. Put your phone numbers and links to the most relevant social media where you can be contacted (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,, LinkedIn, etc.). Provide a contact form that visitors can fill out to voice their concerns. Put your mailing address clearly. In general, provide the visitor with various options to contact you.

Make use of Live Chat systems in such a way that an operator of your company can invite visitors to chat through a chat on your website as well as attend Live contacts when visitors have concerns that they want to talk immediately. These types of tools even allow operators to know the route that the visitor has made within the website, in such a way that they can know in advance which page they entered and what their possible interests may be.

Have a section of Frequently Asked Questions (or FAQ for the acronym in English of Frequently Asked Questions). Typically your visitors have common questions or concerns whose answers can be self-served if your website has an area where those questions are exposed with their corresponding answers. Place in this section the answers to the aspects of the contracting or purchase process, forms of payment, delivery times, policies, terms and conditions of use, guarantees, among others.

Depending on what you expose or sell on your website, it is important to add a Glossary of Terms since in many cases the visitors do not necessarily have knowledge of some details of what is exposed or do not handle the lexicon or the terms used for it. topic. A simple glossary of less common technical words will be highly appreciated by your visitors.

Finally, to achieve the success that your company or institution requires in its presence on the web, remember to consult the experts who will provide you with the best business solutions on the Internet.

Success for all…

Key tips for a successful web design