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Use of keywords for positioning on the internet. How to identify what type of internet entrepreneur you are?


With the arrival of the Internet, new horizons and alternatives are opened for businessmen and entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses, but are we really using this powerful innovative technology well and getting the most out of it?

If I have been able to notice something in this world of online business, it is that the easiest and most difficult at the same time is to identify the ideal client.

It seems that I am messing the subject, but you will see that now I explain myself better.

Why is it easy to identify the ideal customer for your internet business?

Because the internet is like a gigantic library where what is most abundant are words and phrases. Therefore, it is super easy to be able to identify which are the keywords that our potential clients use in order to use the same ones and “speak the same language”.

The Internet gives us all kinds of tools to be able to identify our ideal client or in other words, detect our hungry market.

But why is it the most difficult at the same time?

You see, although as an entrepreneur you will know your business better than anyone else, I know that the most difficult thing is to take the step of changing the mentality from an expert in the field to an expert in identifying the keywords and speaking "the same language" that your ideal client uses.

Let's say the biggest problem or challenge faced by an entrepreneur who starts on the internet to attract customers and earn more money is to step into the shoes of his potential client and in turn locate the hungry market.

All of this comes down to knowing how to identify which keywords our ideal customer / hungry market uses.

And… How can I identify which keywords my ideal customers or hungry market uses?

Google offers us totally free tools with which it is very easy to analyze and find the keywords most used by our clients when they enter the Internet to do their searches.

Go to Google and type: "Keyword Tools or Google Keywordk Tool."

It is surely the free tool most used by experts in marketing and advertising. It not only shows search volume sorted by local volume, global volume, etc. It also shows the position and Average CPC (Cost Per Click) of Adwords, and other data such as trends and level of competition. It gives the option of selecting the type of agreement (broad, phrase, exact) which are very useful values ​​for the creation of Google Adwords campaigns.

Therefore, as entrepreneurs we must do keyword research before starting the optimization of our website or business blog and before creating our Google Adwords campaign.

Keywords play the most important role in internet business, they are the protagonists of our work. Everything will revolve around the keywords. They are "the key." By our work I mean all of our creation on the internet: capture pages, business blog, Google Adwords campaigns, etc. everything will revolve around the keyword.

Or tell me something: If you don't know what that keyword is, how can you set up your business website or blog? What do you base yourself on as an Internet entrepreneur?

Why is it so important to know the keywords?

Because they are the words that your potential client will type in the search engine. They are the words that are on your mind. It is what worries you at the moment you are writing them and for which you want to receive a solution.

In short, Google, which is very intelligent, will offer you the best results and the pages that are closest to that keyword.

Therefore, if you want to do business online, you must know what your potential customers are looking for using their same words.

So …

What type of businessman or entrepreneur are you in your Internet Business?

1. The subject matter expert who uses the correct terminology, technical language… and does NOT receive visits from potential clients.

2. The one who occasionally uses words that he knows are used frequently and waits to see what happens… and gets SOME visits from potential customers.

3. The one that uses the keywords that your ideal customers use in their searches when they surf the internet… and receives TONS of visits.

Check your answer well and if you do not identify with Number 3, then you should work more on keyword research. You agree with me?

Use of keywords for positioning on the internet. How to identify what type of internet entrepreneur you are?