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Use of information technologies for the management of the documentary heritage of the university of zulia


The general objective of the research was to analyze the Information and Communication Technologies for the Conservation of Documentary Heritage in the Information and Archive Sector Units of the University of Zulia. It is framed, in the postulates Rosario (2005), González (2006), Silva (2007) and Franchi, (2010), among other authors who have leaned towards the variables: Information and Communication Technologies and Conservation of Documentary Heritage. The methodology was descriptive, field, non-experimental and transactional, its population was made up of 59 subjects in general, being distributed by 25 Coordinators (Chief) of archives and 34 File Assistants, belonging to the different faculties, departments and nuclei of LUZ, as a data collection technique, the Standard questionnaire was applied, structured and self-administered, based on Lickert-type scale questions. One (1) questionnaire was applied to the Coordinators and Archive Assistants of LUZ, assigned to the Sectorial Units of Information and Archive of LUZ. This research was inclined to provide solutions on the effective and efficient management of information in the university environment, as in the competitiveness of archival institutions,in the quality of decision-making of such organizations involved in the historical, social and cultural development of their documentary heritage. For this reason, it is necessary to apply the management of technological resources to streamline the administrative processes for the conservation of documentary heritage in the Sectorial Information and Archive Units of the University of Zulia.


The investigation had like general mission to analyze the Technologies of the Information and the Communication for the Conservation of the Documentary Patrimony in the Sectorial Units of Information and File of the University of Zulia. I frame myself, in the postulates Rosary (2005), González (2006), Whistles (2007) and Franchi, (2010), among others authors who have inclined towards the variables: Technologies of the information and the Communication and Conservation of the Documentary Patrimony. The descriptive methodology was of type, of field, no experimental and transactional, its population was conformed by 59 subjects generally being distributed by 25 Coordinators (Head) of archives and 34 Assistants of file, pertaining to the different faculties, dependencies and nuclei of LIGHT,as technical of data collection I am applied to the questionnaire Standard, structured and car administered, based on scale questions Licker type. I am applied (1) to a questionnaire directed to the Coordinators and Aids of File of LIGHT, assigned to the Sectorial Units of Information and File of LIGHT. This investigation I incline to provide solutions on the effective and efficient handling of the information in the university scope, like in the competitiveness of the archive-related institutions, in the quality of the decision making of such organizations involved to the historical, social and cultural development of its documentary patrimony. Therefore,the application becomes necessary of the management of the technological resources to make agile the administrative processes for the conservation of the documentary patrimony in the Sectorial Units of Information and File of the University of Zulia

1. Introduction

Changes in the world context, grouped in practical terms, in globalization have been approached scientifically through the postmodern paradigm, thus generating changes in all areas of human endeavor, and therefore, in management. The classic business management scheme, in force for a long time, is being replaced by a new management model with a set of characteristics that emphasize the subjective and human level, where flexibility in the face of the speed and vertiginousness of technological changes in the face of company, facilitate the path of organizations, which with values, attitudes, beliefs, assume the roles of the new business paradigm to efficiently and successfully achieve their objectives.

This is how, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are unquestionable and are there, they are part of the technological culture that surrounds us and with which we must live. Expand our physical and mental abilities. And the possibilities of social development ”In this way, this author points out that Information and Communication Technologies are three words that are linked and that each one forms a set of advances that information technology, communication and technologies provide us, which They understand the technological advances and developments of the world. That is, they are tools that provide us with information to achieve the communication process and channels (Castells, 200: 5).

However, the use of Information and Communication Technologies are defined as a set of technologies that allow the acquisition, production, storage, treatment, communication, registration and presentation of information, in the form of voice, images and contained data. in acoustic, optical or electromagnetic signals ”(Rosario, 2005: 58.).

From this perspective, two conceptualizations are proposed, one is related to all aspects of information management, processing and communication. (Pávez, 2000) And the other, as a technique used by human beings, to process data and generate information, increasingly considered as a basic factor for business success. (Valley, 2002).

From this perspective, the aforementioned authors state that Information and Communication Technologies are given by the needs within the organization, they also consider it as a set of highly advanced techniques, procedures and devices for the storage and transmission of data.

In this sense, it is important to be aware of the usability of these technologies for the registration of information and at the same time, for the conservation of documentary heritage due to the amount of physical records that accumulate over time, it allows a large conglomeration of documents that are exposed to deterioration and loss and difficult recovery of the content of many of them

This is how the records of documents are related to apply conservation to them; but it is important to know that there are conservation laws that obey a cultural character, after there is an exposed content and represents a historical value, it is necessary to establish a memory that allows obtaining all the content and making use of it when required, it is then When the communication process is applied to information that represents the past and present for users who need this type of information that is originally stored physically - materially.

From the above (Silva 2007: 86) states that conservation "is the set of actions, programs, plans, policies that aim to prevent, cushion and delay the effects of deterioration suffered by documents, trying to ensure that they survive for the future generations ”, this author indicates that conservation is important to maintain scientific development since, to safeguard (increase life expectancy) of a collection or object.

In this sense, the universities have redesigned policies to obtain the best results within the organization, adapting to the new paradigms of information and communication management; all this in order to have a better relationship with the university population, and greater projection as a transforming entity of society. On the other hand, it is mentioned that technical progress advances rapidly and competences quickly lose relevance, for this purpose it would be convenient to promote the acquisition of more flexible learning mechanisms in the different areas of knowledge, instead of imposing a rigid set of knowledge definite.

In turn, these factors have been transgressing the natural limits of the traditional models of universities, with the appearance of new knowledge, as well as its organization in increasingly specific disciplines and in increasingly complex and less complex “knowledge networks”. hierarchical that put into question the viability of the operation of the universities.

This situation has had a strong impact on universities, institutions that have redesigned a series of policies to obtain the best results within the organization, adapting to new paradigms and oriented towards achieving efficient management in the production and reproduction of knowledge and that are manifested in the Information and Communication Technologies for the conservation of documentary heritage in the sectorial information and archive units of LUZ.

All this in order to have a better relationship with the university population and greater projection as a transforming entity of the information society. Where information management also efficiently implies information and communication technologies, in this regard (Joyanes, 2001: 31) that:

“Technology is, by itself, a social value of the first degree. In this sense, technology in general and information and communication technologies (ICT), in particular, constitute a macro-social point of reference whose objectives or purposes are well defined in relation to the economic sphere as a value that defines progress. Progress is the only hope of the masses, because it is economic. And economic progress is only achieved with technological progress ”.

Where this author indicates that information and communication technologies (ICT) plays an important role for society since it has a social and economic value and represents technological progress for university organizations. It is for this reason that the purpose of this research study is to analyze information and communication technologies for the conservation of documentary heritage and professionals from the information and archive sector units of the University of Zulia.

For this reason, it is necessary to reflect on the members of LUZ's sectorial information and archive units, in order to generate alternatives that will lead to incessant intellectual development and in the knowledge society. This is how, based on the study of the documents that have a historical record, the intervention of information and communication technology is proposed to preserve the documentary heritage of these sectoral units, as a framework of the problem situation concerning this research, locates the review and updating of information and communication technologies where there are weaknesses in the conservation and restoration of said documentary material.

On the other hand, it was observed in these information units and files there is an outdated technology platform where there is little frequency in the use and handling of these technological tools due to this situation. Likewise, there are shortcomings in standards and procedures for the conservation and recovery of documentary heritage.

Likewise, there is weakness in the application of conservation and restoration strategies since there is no quality control to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the documentary procedures, this shows little training and training in the areas of conservation and restoration.

2. Information and communication technologies as tools for the conservation of documentary heritage in the university sector

At present, the use of technologies to store, process, search and retrieve information has increased; vehicle that transmits knowledge, and is transforming in many aspects the way in which all kinds of activities are displayed, as well as a main resource in the scientific and technical development of modern society.

That is why the personal computer, access to databases, data banks, compact discs, multimedia, optical memories that facilitate the storage of large amounts of information and finally the appearance of the global network such as the Internet has modified and changed the traditional paradigm in information systems.

In this way, information and communication technologies (ICT) have allowed access to information in the university sector, mainly in universities and within them, in information and archive sector units, which has facilitated users use of them, thereby seeking a better integration between the two parties: user and technology, and in turn permanent communication, constant information and high-quality materials that respond to academic needs.

However, ICTs represent a stage of social development characterized by the capacity of its members (citizens, companies, and public administration) to obtain and share information instantly, from anywhere and in the way they prefer. (Castells, 2001).

On the other hand, (Rosario, 2005) points out that “Information and communication technologies to the set of technologies that allow the acquisition, production, storage, treatment, communication, registration and presentation of information, in the form of voice, images and data contained in signals of an acoustic, optical and electromagnetic nature. Information and communication technologies include electronics as the base technology that supports the development of telecommunications, information technology and audiovisuals ”.

That is why these authors highlight each of the processes by which ICTs are formed, and they are very useful to obtain and share information instantly, from anywhere and in the way that is preferred such as electronic literacy as one of the key requirements for organizational success. The services that integrate information and communication technologies vary, but the most frequent according to (Ramírez, 2004) are:

a) Administration and management of courses: registration, directory of participants and teachers, agenda, consultation of grades, suggestion box, among others.

b) Preparation and distribution of content

c) Messaging service -email- between all participants.

d) Tools for collaborative work: forums, chacos, mailing lists, electronic whiteboard, tools to “raise your hand” or vote virtually and audio / videoconference.

e) Access to online catalogs, directories and libraries.

f) Tutoring services: synchronous and asynchronous.

In this way, it can be said that this aforementioned author agrees that information and communication technologies are very useful to obtain and exchange information instantaneously since, it allows clients / users accessibility to the variety of knowledge directly and indirectly.

On the other hand, it is important to determine the tools for collaborative work, a set of knowledge, tools, skills and competencies that form a basis that allows them not only to face the development of their academic career, but also to facilitate their training throughout life and their professional performance, in an environment where information and knowledge are generated and communicated, if not in a unique way, increasingly in a privileged way, in electronic networks. (Cañas, 2003).

This author tries to encourage employees to acquire knowledge and skills that are not only procedural mental, but fundamentally symbolic and attitudinal: Learn in a flexible way, alternating between heteronymy and increasingly advanced degrees of autonomy, overcoming habits and practices acquired in more behavioral and traditional models. The skills and competencies are described below:

a) Interact with content on any of the media and media in which it is found.

b) Formulate problems, seek information, evaluate it and articulate content with a critical attitude

c) Learn from collaborative work among peers, actively participating in the processes of negotiation of meanings and social construction of knowledge.

d) Therefore, being active participants capable of learning to learn, in a much larger information environment that is the Internet.

We will call these skills and competences hyper-readers, in the sense that they give (Burbules and Callister, 2001) the term “hyper-reading”. A hyperreader:

1) “It questions the credibility of the information and the sources, but rather the parameters for issuing judgments, and perhaps the purposes

2) They are more willing to mistrust existing criteria and objectives, and to study to what degree they depend on the context, that is, they are not absolute

3) You are better prepared to act actively and creatively in restructuring and interpreting information and communication environments, rather than simply accepting or rejecting them as they are. A hyperlect is one who knows the basics of content design, is one capable not only of consuming information, but of intervening by creating their own texts.

4) He is capable of questioning what has been said, but also what is not said, developing.

5) Competences to critically examine the meaning and “hidden rhetoric” of links ”.

6) Is able to criticize not only the information, but the context in which it is presented. Her criticism is a social and cultural criticism.

3. Potentiality of ICT Information and Communication Technologies

Immateriality can be conceived from a double configuration: its raw material is information and the ease that some of them have to construct messages without external references. This widens the margins for generating and processing information, such as the use of information technology; enabling access to large volumes of information and in short periods of time; presenting the user with the same information with different linguistic codes; and transmitting information to distant destinations, with decreasing costs and in real time (González, 2006).

According to this author, interactivity plays an important role in information and communication technologies since it allows the user not only to elaborate messages (an activity that can also be carried out with other more traditional technologies), but also to decide the sequence of information To follow, establish the pace, quantity and depth of the information you want, and choose the type of code with which you want to establish relationships with the information. All this, within ranges that can go from absolute freedom to limits set by the program designer.

Thus, the instantaneity of information, breaking the temporal and spatial barriers of nations and cultures, as does satellite communication, being at the same time a characteristic and an accelerating factor of the local-global relationship since the user can access databases and databases located throughout the world.

In this way, connectivity has a very broad meaning, far superior to putting two or more people in relation to each other. With this, the Network has created a new universal space for shared information, with a completely new factor: the ability to find information and to group people with common interests.

The result has been that since the late 90's of the twentieth century, the idea has been raised at the level of economic relations, of the existence of the law of connectivity to designate the fact that "the network economy it feeds on the double “bigbang” between a universe of telematic connections and a universe of miniaturized electronic microprocessors. The era of computers is over. The one that is starting now is that of communications ”. (Kelly, 1997: 14)

However, it is nothing new to point out that these technologies are associated with innovation, in principle, any new technology aims at improving, changing and qualitatively and quantitatively overcoming the previous technology and, therefore, the functions that it performed.. This should not be understood as that ICTs come to surpass their predecessors, but rather complement it, and in some cases, enhance and revitalize them.

This emerging information society, driven by a vertiginous scientific advance in a neoliberal-globalized socio-economic framework and sustained by the widespread use of powerful and versatile information and communication technologies (ICT), involves changes that reach all areas of human activity.

Its effects are manifested in a very special way in work activities and in the educational world, where everything must be reviewed: from the reason for being of the university and other educational institutions, to the basic training that people need, the way of teaching and to learn, the infrastructures and the means we use for it, the organizational structure of the centers and their culture.

Immateriality is one of the characteristics that ICT has, which is “the possibilities of digitizing Information and Communication Technologies convert information, traditionally subject to a physical medium, into immaterial. Through digitization it is possible to store large amounts of information on small physical devices (discs, CDs, USB sticks, etc.). In turn, users can access information located in remote electronic devices, which is transmitted using communication networks, in a transparent and immaterial way. (Joyanes, 2003).

This author points out that this type of characteristic has come to define what has been called "virtual reality", that is, not real reality. Through the use of ICT, groups of people are being created who interact according to their own interests, forming virtual communities or groups.

4. Conservation of Documentary Heritage in the sectorial information and archive units of the university sector

The preservation of documentary heritage are necessary actions to ensure continuous and relevant access to digital information for as long as it is required and for any legitimate purpose ”. However, (Fuentes, 2007: 68) affirms that “conservation as something necessary, sometimes totally essential, to enable the subsequent dissemination of the materials and avoid loss of information. Maximum use must be compatible with maximum conservation. It is a requirement of the heritage conservation laws of any country (Keefer and Gallart, 2007).

For these authors, preserving is maintaining the physical and functional properties of the documents to achieve the fulfillment of their information transmission purpose. Which implies a whole foresight work, so that it anticipates the damage that may occur to the materials, and not a work that acts when the damage has already occurred.

However, today there are strategies for the conservation of documentary heritage. These strategies for the preservation of documentary heritage is the state of the art about how the preservation of digital documents should be considered reveals several trends, although none of them fully solve the problem ”. (Keefer and Gallart, 2007)

However, data migration is a set of organized tasks designed to achieve the periodic transfer of digital materials from one hardware and software configuration to another, or from one computer technology generation to a later generation (Kenney, 2003: 84).

In this sense, migration is the most widely used strategy today, partly because it is a highly experienced computer process. However, it carries the risk of losing special elements such as codes that control the format or functionality of the original environment that cannot always be preserved during preservation.

In which the strategies are especially suitable for large batches of resources in a single format. Where the possibility of scheduling migrations in advance to carry them out at the right time will help keep costs down. In addition, savings are expected if the frequency with which it is necessary to migrate the formats is reduced. However, this will be achieved through the adoption of standard formats for the creation of resources instead of the use of proprietary formats, however up-to-date they may be.

For this author, it is important that migration is carried out at the right time, it is relatively simple. To do this, constant monitoring of advances in technology is recommended, through a “technological observatory” that would allow to anticipate future changes and thus make the appropriate decisions about the selection of the new environment and schedule migration in time. On the other hand, it is important “conservation in the documentary heritage represents the conservation laws, far from the materialistic intention, they understand that all cultural good is above all because of its metaphysical values. That is, it is a means of communication between the past and the present. Every work has two aspects that are completely a reflection of man as a member of society. Man adapts, interrelates,organizes and connects his thoughts and having as an end the wonderful and noble purpose of preserving it, with its characteristics that are: preserve or restore it ”. (Franchi, 2010).

For this author, there are many definitions of digitization; but it can be summarized as a process that converts documents, of different formats, from a real image to digital electronics with the help of a scanner or digital camera that encodes them according to their chromatic characteristics and that are stored on electromagnetic or optical media.

Where the paper support, far from disappearing, has a wide use and brings together a thriving business that moves huge amounts of money around the world; However, the fragility and strict dependence of digital support on electrical energy and certain technological conditions do not allow us to ensure a hegemony of the latter over the former at least in the short term, the handwritten and printed era generated reading modes in accordance with the text as which was being built.

Hence, digital writing is, therefore, the first non-biological support in history. The digital age allows the utopia of hypertext, that is, a text that no longer needs scriptural or reading linearity to construct itself. It is therefore the last great cultural revolution in which we are immersed by generating a morphology and writing characteristics radically different from the traditional texts known up to now, a new way of human perception of reality.

5. Conclusions

Information and Communication Technologies have been freely adapted to many theoretical positions that, far from defining a conceptual and pertinent contribution, reflects a pragmatic way of evaluating them, without being adapted or applied to their real context, which leads to distortion in their management and However, it should be a priority in that information and communication technologies play an important role for the conservation of documentary heritage in the information and archive sector units of the university sector.

This research was inclined to provide solutions on the effective and efficient management of information in the university environment, as in the competitiveness of archival institutions, in the quality of decision-making of such organizations that are involved in historical, social and cultural development of its documentary heritage. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the management of technological resources to streamline the administrative processes for the conservation of documentary heritage in the sectorial information and archive units of the University of Zulia

As can be deduced from the results obtained, it was possible to detect in the findings that it is necessary for the different sectorial information units of the university sector to assimilate and adapt information and communication technologies, for the processes of conservation and restoration of documents. Efficiently through these tools, to carry out work that helps to manage administrative and technological processes and thus be able to streamline the tasks and activities that are executed within archival institutions of this autonomous university in the Zulia region

Likewise, they must have a high quality of administrative management of documentary and technological information that promotes the management and use of information and communication technologies for the conservation of the documentary heritage of these archival institutions. To achieve, the immateriality, instantaneity and multimedia applications acquire importance to have their potential of computing capable of performing tasks such as storing, processing and transforming data from the operational activities of your organization, as a set of highly advanced techniques, procedures and devices for the storage and transmission of data that you want to keep and protect.

On the other hand, strategies for the preservation of the documentary or digital collection must be applied, in order to use the norms and safeguard policies for the protection of deteriorated documentary collections. In addition, it was achieved with these findings to detect that in these archival institutions, they use the creation of records to identify the hardware and software environment and thus monitor the behavior of the same programs.

On the other hand, it is necessary that there are adequate controls in the sectorial information and archive units of the University of Zulia, to improve environmental conditions through internal and external policies or standards that project the protection of the environment in each of the spaces of These institutions that have a documentary fund, in order to monitor or control the physical and environmental conditions of these organizations, to reduce risks due to failure or malfunction of equipment, software, data and storage media. In addition, it was achieved with these findings to determine that the sectorial information and archive units of the University of Zulia, store the documents in conservation units and in the appropriate furniture,providing efficient and effective access to the data they handle in their organization.

6. Recommendations

This research has served as a fundamental basis to make certain recommendations that the sectorial information and archive units of the University of Zulia should consider, to improve the processes of conservation and restoration of documentary heritage, through the tools provided by the Technologies of the information and the comunication.

The creation of viable projects for the acquisition of new technology is recommended in order to increase the technological capacity of these services and satisfy user demand. As well as, Audit the information and communication technology installed in the different sectorial information and archive units of the University of Zulia, with the aim of renewing obsolete equipment or buying new, because these were estimated to be moderately fast or slow, with the except for the Compact Disc (CD). Regarding the databases, they were defined as up-to-date, but not the hardware technology that the teams currently have.

And finally, to guarantee the use and priority management of information and communication technologies for the areas of projection, information and digital knowledge aimed at improving the conditions of conservation and restoration of the documentary collection of these archival institutions.

On the other hand, training programs are recommended for the coordinators (chief) and file assistants of the different information units, on the management and use of new information and communication technologies, as key tools for control and domains on these technologies that are necessary for the protection and safeguarding of the documentary collection of these information units.

It is necessary to implement new strategies to improve the processes of conservation and restoration of documents, to help the coordinators (chief) and file assistants of the different information units of the University of Zulia, to promote their good performance allowing a service of quality, efficiency according to the needs of users. Likewise, it is mandatory to examine physical spaces, lighting, environmental pollution, environment, cleaning, storage, handling, biological agents, lighting, permitted levels, disasters and security, with the intention of achieving truly adequate facilities and thus achieving an effective management of information to the type of service offered.

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Use of information technologies for the management of the documentary heritage of the university of zulia