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10 Tips to improve your life in a job you don't like

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Having a job that does not satisfy you or even that you hate can harm your physical and mental health, although many times it is impossible for us to simply leave that job that we no longer like because we are studying or waiting for a new opportunity, perhaps simply because we are waiting for the appropriate moment to change of course etcetera.

According to the experts, to make our lives more bearable at work, it is important to feel motivated, because if we allow our working life to hinder the other areas of our life, it cannot be enormously harmful.

Here are some very effective tips

1.-Set yourself weekly goals: these goals must be personal; since this way you will be able to stay motivated and you will feel useful; In addition, the day goes faster when you have a certain goal in mind and above all, try to reward yourself when you have reached that goal.

Even if you hate your current job, you should find something that makes you happy and keeps you busy and motivated. These goals can range from sending 20 applications in a week or doing all the market research for the new business you want to start, you can also do a vocational exam to discover what your true vocation is and start making your profession change.

2.- Do something every day to help you achieve your goals. For example, write in your organizer a task such as writing to a friend who can help you promote yourself somewhere, reading a book on how to change jobs.

3. -Give yourself some time in the morning before work and dedicate it to yourself, the simple fact of spending 5 minutes a day relaxing before going to work or doing a little meditation or taking a relaxing bath in the morning and using your favorite perfume, drink your freshly brewed coffee or listen for a moment to the music that you like the most; It will set the precedent for you to start the day with better spirits and a smile.

4. -Create fun for yourself in your office, if being in your office makes you feel trapped, if the incessant calls bother you, do something that makes your mood a little higher, for example look for some joke on the Internet and tell your colleagues, stick your favorite photograph in front of you or where it is most visible, buy a pot and put it on your desk; If you can, listen to your favorite music and drink a delicious coffee or tea for the simple purpose of relaxing.

5.-Develop your skills in your spare time; Doing so will keep you ready for any new opportunity that comes your way. If you want to learn English, start by learning verbs or adjectives and then vocabulary. If your company offers training courses, sign up to as many as possible or ask your boss to send you to training; This will make you feel much better, read an illustrative book during your lunch hour, maybe you can change positions if you grow a little more and within the same company.

6.-Leaving work prepare an activity that makes you feel revitalized and helps you shake the moth of the day, for example sign up for a gym or dance class, every day do something that makes you happy and do it on schedule in your schedule as if it were part of your

work day.

7. -Consent yourself, the fact that you work so hard to get ahead deserves that you love and treat yourself well, that you give yourself credit for everything you do for yourself and for yours, not to mention your community and everyone the taxes you pay the government. Thank yourself and find new ways to show that you love and take care of yourself, buy the books you like best, go to your favorite restaurants, go to the movies and go shopping with your friends, use aromatherapy and go to relaxing massages as often as possible.

8. -Maintain a high quality standard in your work, it is important that although you are not comfortable in your work, you continue to do your work with great quality, regardless of whether your salary is unfair, Do it as a personal goal and for your own Well because that's the way it really is. If you set goals for your current job and meet them, you can use them in the future when looking for a new job to demonstrate your ability.

9.-If you are going to change jobs do not burn your bridges, maintain good relations with your current boss and coworkers, you never know if in the future you will need any favor from them.

10.-Realize that this will soon pass, at the moment it may seem like an endless nightmare, but be convinced that you have a bright future and go over it, "if the mountain does not go to Muhammad, Mohammed goes to the mountain" remember that you You are the only captain of your ship and relax knowing that the day you decide to make a change you will achieve it.

10 Tips to improve your life in a job you don't like