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3 Keys to selling services on the internet

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In previous articles that I will tell you about later we dealt with 'basic' online marketing and getting customers. Today we are going to refer specifically to the sale of services, which is different both online and offline from the sale of products. This time we go directly to the sale to our client, the last link in the chain after making ourselves known through marketing.

1. Key - Make yourself known

Service businesses are very connected to help, but remember that if you don't sell you don't help anyone. We are usually afraid of marketing and sales, but it is only the result of ignorance. Once you know the techniques you will reconcile with these terms and start to truly enjoy your business connecting with your client.

We have already talked in previous articles about the steps necessary for 'basic' online marketing and how to get customers through the Internet. In them you will find information about what you need to know to make yourself known in the internet market, which connects you with people not only from your country but from the whole world, the possibilities are endless.

2. Key - The sale of services

Have you looked closely at what you just read? Yes, sale of services. We are 'at the service' of our client, that's what this is about. Here the important thing is not to sell but to serve, it does not matter if we are on the internet or outside. This does not mean that you give away your work, on the contrary, when your client 'feels' that you are truly at their service is when they want what you can offer them, not before.

If you have started (or are thinking about starting) a service business with earning money as the first premise, you are wrong and you have everything to lose in this game. Because here what really counts is how and how you are going to help your client. Ask yourself what you know or have that sets you apart from others, who is interested in what you can help with and you already have the answer to what and to whom to sell services online!

3. Key - How to sell services on the internet

Once you have made yourself known on the internet through your marketing plan, you have to start offering your services. Marketing experts say that the ratio in which you must offer services or by-products for sale is 1 to 5: for every 5 messages with valuable information, you can send one message with advertising. Make sure that it is not boring nor can it be an aggressive sale for those who read it.

It is recommended to create a page within your website with the very detailed information of what you offer, the sales letter, while in the newsletter you will only put an introduction plus a brief description and the link to the previous page, so that whoever is truly interested can easily access and receive all the information you need. You will have to decide whether to put a payment button on that page of the web, or whether to have a previous interview with interested candidates.

Before thinking about selling services you should think about how you will help your client. Once you know, you can create a marketing plan that helps you to make yourself known, in this case on the internet, you will have to offer your services through your newsletter without being heavy or aggressive, and you will have to send interested people to a sales page hosted on your website, in which you explain in detail what you offer.

“There are only three groups of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who ask what happened» Nicholas Murray Butler.

3 Keys to selling services on the internet