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4 Mistakes that women make when establishing sources of income

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The 4 most common mistakes that women make when establishing sources of income in their business and how to avoid them

Do you feel overwhelmed by continually looking for new sources of income for your online business? I am going to give you a great revelation: it is not necessary! Learn the 3 most common mistakes that women make when establishing sources of income in their business and how to avoid them.

Do you have an effective plan to establish multiple sources of income that continuously flow to your online business?

Most online businesswomen, even those who have been on the web the longest, do not have it.

They peck around here, according to a course they have taken, and then they copy something else, to see if it works, but they fail to establish a stable flow of income that allows them to project themselves long-term with their business.

Basically, I see that they are wrong in 3 areas:

  • They create sources of income that do not match the stage of their business. They create sources of income that do not contribute to a continuous flow of money. They create sources of income that lead them to invest a lot of energy in projects that pay them almost no money.

These errors -or the combination of them- are expensive: many times they lead to fatigue, exhaustion and even abortion of the project.

So that this does not happen to you, I am going to share some valuable tips that will help you establish different options to generate income online, without falling into these 3 classic errors:

1. Implement sources of income according to the stage in which your business is

Not all products and services are suitable for the different stages in which online businesswomen find themselves.

For example, when you are starting, you have to focus more on creating accelerated income through personalized consultancies in which you can immediately share your master's degree in exchange for a high price, without needing a large list or a website.

2. Establish a product path for your customer

It is important that you do not make all your products and services in isolation from each other. For this, it is very important that you specify your niche well and position yourself as an expert in solving its most pressing problems.

As you are incorporating new products and services, try that the consumption of one naturally leads to the purchase of the next so that you can offer the same customer several options at different stages of their development and at different price levels.

3. Establish programs that ensure recurring income

The biggest effort for an online businesswoman will always be to attract new clients. That is why it is so important to have continuity systems in which the customer makes the purchase decision once, but pays time after time.

4. Regulate the level of access to your person

In an online consulting and help business, the caring and caring spirit of women often works against them and they tend to give too much in all their services. The underlying problem is the fear of not being good enough in what they offer.

If you do not learn to value what you deliver, you will easily fall into the mistake of giving away too much and never being able to get out of the trap of very low prices.

One way to fix it is very simple:

What gives value to what you do is not necessarily your material, nor your knowledge, but access to your person.

Limit yourself to just giving information and no access to yourself with your low-priced products and start charging more for services in which your clients can count on your personal “input”.

The formula is simple: the more access you have, the higher the price they will have to pay for a product or service of yours.

With these valuable tips you can avoid falling into the burden and stress of constantly working with the production of new sources of income for your online business.

4 Mistakes that women make when establishing sources of income