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Activities for teaching history in a municipality of Cuba



This research gives treatment to a current problem related to the inadequacies presented in the IPU Emma Rosa Chuig¨ in teaching the history of Cuba and its link to local history, so it is pursued as a goal the development of a teaching material containing a system of actions to treat Local History through unit 2 of the Cuban History program in 11th grade, which will allow teachers to efficiently direct that process, for the development of the Research uses both theoretical and empirical level methods, among which are analysis and synthesis, historical, structural systemic, survey and interview.


We are an entity, among other things, because we are memory. For whom in this troubled world are there forgotten peoples? (José Martí 1875). This is well known to our teachers and to all those who in one way or another influence the historical education of our children, youth and people in general.

Because a people that does not know its history is doomed to failure, it is prone to be humiliated by other peoples.

Well, to say of our National Hero José Martí: "From loving past glories strength is obtained to acquire new glories." And later he warned: "One who loses, or does not keep enough memory of old heroic acts, is in danger of losing strength for new heroic acts." (José Martí 1875)

That is why in the education of the new generations the formation of a basic historical culture cannot be lacking. Any attempt to approximate what an individual's general comprehensive culture should be, of his political culture, would be incomplete if historical culture were not taken into account as an essential component of the formation of the new man. So we are not referring to the training of a history specialist, but rather to history as an essential part of the knowledge of each and every member of our society.

Fidel said on May 4, 1984: “For us, history, more than a meticulous and detailed chronicle of the life of a people, is the basis and support for the elevation of their moral and cultural values, for the development of their ideology and his conscience; it is an instrument and vehicle of the Revolution ”. (Fidel Castro 1994).

Knowledge of the Universal History of America and Cuba is a source to sow ideas in the students, to explain what the history of the peoples has been and the reasons for the struggle for their freedom throughout the centuries. Understanding the world of today and guiding the new generations has in memory an intellectual and moral foundation; Through history we know the experiences of the past, the identification of the enemy of mankind, the knowledge of their actions over time, the reasons why the exploitation of some men by others arose and what this has meant, the power to respond why there are poor countries and rich countries today and why working for a better world is not only possible, but essential.Memory is the premise for critical thinking and one more way of being cultured that continues to be, as Martí taught us, the only way to be free.

The study of history can influence learners, it teaches us to discover the internal "gear" that exists under the diversity of facts that are studied, which will help to reflect on the past to contribute to assuming the present with a transforming will.

The History of Cuba studied at school contributes to reinforcing national identity, strengthening individual and social self-esteem and self-recognition, raising the cultural quality of life, becoming a regulatory agent for the life of man on the basis of his functions of diagnosis (reconstruction of the past) and prognosis (towards where reality can turn), and provide a human lesson given its educational potential, since history, as a reference, allows man to construct his own social meanings. In other words, history enriches the memory of peoples.

At the present time in the subject of History in pre-university education, it does not fully meet its objectives in relation to the treatment of local history, particularly in those elements where there are a series of insufficiencies in students. After analyzing the applied diagnosis, it was found that there were a series of insufficiencies in the treatment of local history:

  • Knowledge about the events that took place in the locality where they live is insufficient; the elements that they have about the history of their locality are insufficient to assess the fighting capacity of their people in the colonial period.

Programs History of Cuba 11 not grade the indications given for the treatment of local history lacking the necessary details to address through the contents of this program the events that occurred in the town, so that poses as a scientific problem : How to enhance the treatment to local history through the history of Cuba in the 11th no degree of pre - university?

To give treatment to this problem is proposed as an objective the development of a set of actions to provide treatment to local history through the history of Cuba in the 11th no degree IPU "Enma Rosa Chuig Arnau" which will help expand the historical knowledge about the History of Cuba linking the local history.


Proposal for the action system to link Local History with National History.

Objective: The preparation of the teacher of the Humanities area to efficiently guide the teaching-learning process of the History of Cuba and its link with local history in eleventh grade of the IPU ¨Enma Rosa Chuig.

In order to link local history with national history, a series of activities are proposed to be carried out:

  • Scientific society. Visits to the Mangos de Baraguá National Monument. Making camping trips. Visits to the museum. Linking local events through the class.

Through the class: What is the fundamental way, we will work directly with the students to the extent that the main events that occur in the Mella municipality make it possible. Through the class, the teacher exposes to the students the fundamental elements of the content they are dealing with, that is, that the class is the main link in the chain of knowledge where its content linked to Local History, will enable greater learning in students.

Application of contests: it will make it possible to measure the student's level of knowledge, and to what extent they have appropriated knowledge about local history, in addition to measuring the degree of interest and motivation that has awakened in them, the fact that your municipality there are important historical events.

Scientific society: Through it the students will investigate the incidences of the events of the colonial period, who were the main historical personalities that stood out, how to work in them, where the fighting of the Liberation Army took place. The result of this scientific society will serve as the basis for the creation of the History Room since the investigated elements will be exposed in it.

Camping: It is intended that students get in direct contact with the place where the historical event occurred, so that they create affective relationships with the past, an example of them: The Obelisk of Mangos de Baraguá, a historical place where it was staged (L a Protesta Baraguá).

Workshop: Through this the students will investigate the incidences of the events of the colonial period, they will expose their knowledge which will serve to enrich the cultural heritage of the other students.

Action # 1 Workshop

Theme: The period of (1868-1898) on the stage of the Mella municipality.

Objective: To exchange experiences among teachers on how to exploit the potential offered by the program 11 no degree of History of Cuba for the inclusion of local history in the period (1868-1878).


They hold a workshop where teachers share their experiences of how to tap the potential offered by the program 11 no degree of History of Cuba for the inclusion of local history in the period (1868-1878).


They will seek and explain from the program the potential of this to achieve the insertion of the contents of local history, they will rely on the historical synthesis of the municipality, the content will be exposed by class systems, giving adequate treatment to local history.

For the development of the workshops, the class systems will be oriented beforehand so that the teachers arrive at this time with the greatest amount of information regarding what content to treat in each class; will be debated from the presentation and analysis of each of these classes.


The performance of the teachers will be evaluated through the revision of the lesson plans with the categories of good, fair and poor.

Action # 2 Classes where local history can be treated.

Objective: To determine what content of Mella's local history will be treated in each of the classes in Unit # 2.


Dose each of the classes in unit # 2 and select which facts or events in local history can be treated in those classes, as long as the content of the classes allows it.

Methodological indications

  1. The activity will be guided in sufficient time, so that the teachers are prepared in the topic to be discussed. The search for the topics where the history of the town can be treated will be indicated. All teachers will participate in this activity.

11 no degree

Unit # 2: The Cuban Revolution: The struggle of the Cuban people against Spanish colonial rule (1868-1898).

In topic 2.1 On October 10, 1868, the beginning of a unique revolutionary process for the Cuban people, the following local events can be treated:

Defeat of the Spanish in the matches of Candelaria, Palmarito de Cauto and Sabana de La Burra.

Development of another weapons action in the Mijial.

In the theme 2.2 Victorious Actions of the Liberation Army, the attacks that occurred in the Mella municipality can be treated such as:

On August 23 and 24, 1870, two important attacks were carried out against Spanish troops.

Attack on the hamlets of Los Guayabales and Jesús María.

2 and 3 José Maceo operates in the Monte Oscuro area.

In topic 2.3 Antonio Maceo and La Protesta de Baraguá. Historical significance.

Facts that occurred in the Protest of Baraguá, can be given treatment to the importance of it and the Constitution of Baraguá.

Action # 6 Scientific Society

Topic: What happened in the towns of Mijial and Pinalito?

Objective: to investigate the events that took place in the towns of Mijial and Pinalito.


Realization of a scientific society where they can investigate the actions that were carried out in the most remote places of their municipality that played an important role in the fight for the independence of our country.

The topics to be discussed are the following:

  1. Who was Antonio Maceo? What was his main action? In what localities did the Mambí Army meet with the Spanish Army by Antonio Maceo? What other figures stand out in our municipality? They will investigate the events that took place in the municipality in the period of the colony. Was any person from the municipality integrated into the independence struggle? Assess their role in the struggle. What were the most prominent places in the municipality. Their contribution to the struggle for independence was important. Why? In your opinion, the history of your locality should be included in the treatment given to national history.


They will carry out a scientific society, they can be made up of more than 8 members, it must have a general objective, topics to be investigated, a guide for working with the scientific society, objective, members. They will investigate with people who live in the town, in the museum, the events that took place in those towns, will be supported by the historical synthesis of the municipality.

General methodological indications of how to apply the proposal.

The proposal should be applied preferably by teachers of the subject of the IPU Enma Rosa Chuig. For its instrumentation the weekly methodological preparation spaces of the department will be used, and it will be applied through the contents of the program using for this the class shifts, the visits to museums, tarjas or historical places, the independent study will play a determining role for the implementation of the proposal.

Taking into account that the professors and students will be the protagonists of the actions, their preparation is imposed beforehand for some of them, if this is not done, the activities will not have the required quality.

Evaluation routes of the proposal.

The development of each activity will be evaluated with the categories of Good, Regular and Bad which will be collegiate among the participants in the case of teachers; Each student will be told if their work was effective, they will be awarded individually the score of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 points corresponding to the level of preparation they demonstrate.

It can be evaluated through the performance of the teachers, in the visits to classes, in the spaces of the methodological preparation on weekdays, in addition to the events that are planned in the center.

Assessment of results

Regarding the diagnosis made to the students: (see annex 5) it was determined that of 43 students interviewed, all were able to answer about the local events that occurred in the municipality, in the colonial period, they know which were the main military chiefs who were in the municipality and developed military actions, they have elements to value it for 100%.

In the interview carried out with the students (see Annex 6), they state that they do know the events that took place in their locality, and that all their teachers establish a relationship between the historical events of the Municipality with the History of Cuba, only 2 state that they do not have elements sufficient to value the fighting capacity of its people in the colonial period for 4.7%.

In other interviews with students of a total of 43, all expressed that their teachers treated the events of the locality for 100%, if they are encouraged to investigate in the community based on a system well organized activities.

In the survey of history teachers, they state that they do use historical sources in the teaching-learning process, only 2 consider that the sources cannot be exploited as a link to allow students to come to investigate the local facts that took place in the colony for 91, 100% say in the programs of 11 non - degree are not given methodological guidelines for treatment that should be given to the inclusion of local history with the history of Cuba but with the proposed system can perform actions inserting local stories on the History of Cuba program of 11 non Grado, all argue that they do consider important these guidelines are for 100%.

In the interview with the director of the center, he states that only 2 of his teachers know how to treat local history through the teaching-learning process for 88.8%, and that 100% of his teachers take advantage of it in all its dimensions. the diversity of sources in the teaching of local history to treat tarjas, busts, historical monuments and thus be able to link local history with the history of Cuba.


It was found that a key aspect to achieve the inclusion of local history in the history of Cuba in the 11th no degree, as well as the fundamental form of organization of the teaching - learning process (class) are working in museums, historical teaching excursion, testimony, work with monuments, tarjas, busts; that are of core importance within this entire process.

In the diagnosis made, it was found that the IPU Enma Rosa Chuig, there are a number of shortcomings that limit the treatment to be given to local history linked to the contents of the History of Cuba that is taught in 11 non - degree and therefore to the learning of the students of this institution.

A teaching material was prepared containing a system of flexible activities with the character of a system aimed at strengthening the treatment given to local history and its insertion in the History of Cuba in the unit: # 2 of eleventh grade of the IPU Enma Rosa Chuig.

Carrying out a diagnosis after applying the proposal confirmed the feasibility and effectiveness of its application.


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Activities for teaching history in a municipality of Cuba