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Benefits of coaching and empowerment

Table of contents:


The present research work begins with the etymology (broad sense) of two theories that are tools within any organization and initially in the daily life of the individual; Coaching and Empowerment have managed to go beyond what is established in companies to make routine and necessary the fulfillment of activities into motivation and a pleasure to carry it out, since it is through these and other tools that it is possible to have committed collaborators and with high sense of belonging. The topics are addressed individually and later viewed at the organizational level, finally highlighting their importance and application advantages.

Introduction .

Within any organization there is a series of elements that drive continuous improvement in the processes and systems that comprise it, useful tools that when implemented generate results in the operational effectiveness of the company, however, special emphasis is not always placed on those that have personal impact on the collaborators, since since they are the ones who, when carrying out their assigned activities, are affected by emotional, social, political, motivational, situational factors, etc. Facts that in the long run are reflected in their work performance. Then, then, the leader of the organization should not focus solely on the operational or theoretical training of the individual, but also invest in personal development since it is demonstrated that it transcends from the interior to the tangible in the same organization.

In this research, topics will be developed that promote continuous improvement of the company, addressed from human capital, such is the case of coaching that through certain techniques achieves the individual's personal motivation and seen from the business perspective, has beneficial results.. On the other hand, empowerment will be shown as a concept, process and basic elements to finally emphasize that the transformation of an organization arises from within the individual who, by himself, hardly feels committed to relating in his work environment because the same policies or scope of his position, prevent him from taking leadership, being that point, the watershed for the use of personal and work empowerment.


Coaching is used in many cases creating confusion, this is because the media often misrepresents it because it is used many times as a synonym for training, consulting, mentoring or therapy, but coaching does not refer to that.

What is a Coach?

A coach is not the same as a consultant, because the latter is not allowed to give advice; It has a different methodology than that of a consultant and a therapist. Essentially it is a partner who has the purpose of asking very important and proactive questions that what they seek is to make the person receiving the coaching reflect on things that have never been asked and even on things that they did not even know they had to question themselves. same.

The coach's job is to make a person go towards his goals for himself, in his own way and at his own particular pace that does not have to be the same as other people since each process is different and in this respect it is not You can compare one person with another, it is like a suit tailored to each person; This is why a coach is not allowed to give advice or say what to do or how to do to who receives the coaching.

A rule of the coach is that he must fully trust the potential and abilities of his client to overcome his limitations by himself; In coaching, it is assumed that the client has all the necessary resources and skills and if she does not have them, she can learn them or seek help to overcome the negative situations they face, either personally or professionally.

Coaching works from the present with a view to the future; Past events are only taken into account to extract from them information that can be used for future work and not to remain anchored in the past; the role of the coach is to accompany his client as he walks his path towards his goals, he is like a guide who will guide him and at most he could ask his client if he can make a suggestion but never tell him where to go or what he has to do; Nor does he have to judge what is right or what is wrong in people because he is able to understand that each person has different realities, beliefs and circumstances in his life, although he can confront his client with his own contradictions.

Who is coaching for?

The figure of the coach is not like that of a personal trainer to do sports which indicates what to do, nor is he like a psychologist because he does not treat pathologies; A coach is for a healthy person who has obstacles at a professional or personal level and who wants to evolve, grow or overcome their difficulties, and is fully aware that they can do more than they have achieved so far, but they are also aware that you need a slight support to achieve your full development and have better results in your life.

Without exception, all people throughout their lives inevitably come to find themselves in unfavorable situations in which they do not get the results they want and are not leading their lives where they want but without a doubt they want to improve it and that is where they can enter the work of a coach.

How can a coach help?

The coach's job is to accompany his client and keep him on the path that leads towards his goals without him getting lost, helping him make his goals specific, realistic, measurable, achievable and relevant in a defined time and creating action plans that depend entirely from the customer.

The point is that the client becomes aware of his reality, that is, where he starts from and where he wants to go, making him assume responsibility and commitment to his own life, placing both his limitations and potential in the balance so that he himself can take steps little by little towards achieving your goals.

Coaching is used in different areas such as for getting a partner, having more confidence, writing a book, losing habits or finding others, etc. and it is assumed that the client has all the skills and resources necessary to achieve her goals.

Some questions that a coach could ask are: by when do you think that certain goals must be accomplished? What things do you think prevent you from reaching your goal? Or what do you think is the first step you should take to reach your goal?

Coaching seeks for people to become independent, seeks to develop autonomy, independence and responsibility in them; Through its methodology, people can achieve great personal development, it helps them grow and they learn things that they can occupy for the rest of their lives, because they work with tangible objectives and in each session the client comes out with a ready action plan and which should continue in your next session.

Coaching is a quick process, it is not like a therapy and therefore it requires the commitment, responsibility and active participation of the client to fulfill his own goals since the results depend on him and not on the coach.

Business coaching

In the business and personal environment, coaching is the interactive and transparent process by which the coach or trainer and the person or group involved in said process seek the most effective way to achieve the objectives set using their own resources and skills. There are many methods and types of coaching, techniques can include: motivational talks, seminars, workshops and supervised practices. In this environment, it seeks to facilitate the rapprochement between workers and the exchange of their knowledge, skills and experiences, making the most of the opportunities that arise at work, as well as facilitating the transfer of what has been learned to everyday situations that arise at work., promote an environment of continuous training, support and responsibility, thus improving the quality of work.

Company benefits

  • Increase the performance and productivity of your collaborators. Develop the staff.

The personal development of each collaborator in the company is crucial for a good general performance, the correct leadership for the personnel in their daily tasks can enhance that development or simply push it back.

  • Promote learning.

Coaching is learning in action, from your own work and life experience. The enjoyment and retention of people are also enhanced from that learning.

  • Improve relationships.

The mere act of asking a collaborator a question values ​​that person and their response. If only what to do is said there is no exchange.

  • Improves individual quality of life Improves work environment.

From the respect for the individuals in the organization, the improvement in relationships and the achievement of results that accompany coaching, the work atmosphere improves.

  • Increase creative ideas. Improve the use of human resources. Respond more effectively and quickly to emergencies. • Development of great flexibility and adaptability towards change. Generate more motivation in the staff. It facilitates the cultural change of the company. It provides a "life" tool.


The concept of empowerment arose in the era of feminism when it was sought that women had the same rights and opportunities as men.

"Empowerment is related to power, changing power relations in favor of those who previously had little authority over their own lives" (Romano, 2002).

There are different definitions of what empowerment is, for example in (meanings, 2017) the following definition can be found “empowerment is the process by which an individual, community or social group is provided with a set of tools to increase their strength, improve their capabilities and increase their potential ”.

Also Zimmerman (1988) says that "the term empowerment refers, in its most general sense, to the ability of people to understand and control personal, political, social and economic forces to make decisions that improve their lives."

Rappaport defines it as "the power that individuals exercise over their own lives, while democratically participating in the life of the community" (Rappaport, 1987).

Ortíz-Torres refers to empowerment as the “process by which individuals, groups, organizations and communities develop a sense of control over their lives, to act efficiently in the public sphere, have access to resources and promote changes in their common contexts. ”(OrtízTorres, 1992).

Chinome (2015) describes in his essay "Empowerment in Organizational Culture" that this is born with the idea that the effectiveness of the company and productivity increase when power, autonomy and control are shared ".

Empowerment itself is the fact of delegating power and authority to subordinates and giving them the feeling that they own their own work, implies that all employees at all levels of the organization have the power to make decisions without having to request the approval of their superiors.

This idea is based on the principle that those who carry out a specific task are the most suitable for making decisions about it, by allowing employees to make their own decisions, providing them with a perception that they are really influencing the company's results. from your area of ​​responsibility.

Empowerment encourages employees to become seriously involved in achieving the company's goals with a sense of commitment and self-control, and implies that managers give up a certain percentage of their decision-making duties to delegate it to workers and equipment.

Employees at all levels of the organization have the power to make decisions without having to request the approval of their superiors.

This idea is based on the principle that whoever develops a specific task is the best one to make decisions about it, by allowing employees to make their own decisions that provides them with a perception that they are really influencing the company's results. From your area of ​​responsibility.

Empowerment is a tool of total quality and is part of continuous improvement and reengineering; It is a strategic tool that strengthens the organization in the field of leadership and seeks synergy of the potential of each collaborator.

Also conceived as a cognitive, affective and behavioral process. Rappaport (1984) reports that empowerment involves a process and mechanisms by which people, organizations, and communities gain control over their lives. In its formulation of empowerment, processes and results are closely linked. For its part, Cornell Empowerment Group (1989) defines empowerment as an intentional, continuous process, focused on the local community, which implies mutual respect, critical reflection, care and group participation, through which people without equitable sharing of Valued resources gain greater access to, and control over, those resources. For Mechanic (1991) empowerment is a process in which individuals learn to see a greater correspondence between their goals,a sense of how to achieve them and a relationship between your efforts and life outcomes. For his part, Montero (2003) dispenses with the concept of empowerment to refer to its meaning with the term “strengthening”, typical of the Spanish language and used before the appearance of the concept of empowerment. He points out that there is an almost total correspondence between the two terms. She defines it as: “The process by which the members of a community (interested individuals and organized groups) jointly develop capacities and resources to control their life situation, acting in a committed, conscious and critical way, to achieve the transformation of their environment. according to their needs and aspirations, while transforming themselves ”(p.72).Zimmerman (2000) and Rappaport (1988) agree that empowerment is a construct that relates individual strengths and capacities (competencies), natural support systems and proactive behaviors to issues of social change and social policy.

Elements of empowerment

  • Delegation: Empowerment is based on delegation. Delegating allows the full potential of workers to be used for the benefit of the team.

Complete delegation involves sharing tasks, responsibility and authority. If one of these elements is not assigned, delegation cannot be effective. Delegating is not giving up.

Previous and follow-up processes are required for effective delegation:

  • Evaluate people's skills. o Define responsibility. Attribute sufficient authority and autonomy. Provide information, support and resources. o Regular monitoring. o Feedback and recognition. Recognizing a margin of error as a possibility to learn. Communication: communication is a fundamental component of empowerment. Information must flow and be accessible at all levels. H.H

Internal communication: good vertical and horizontal communication is necessary. In a vertical sense it discloses the tasks that are delegated and facilitates monitoring. In a horizontal sense, it enables teams to self-direct and create synergies.

  • Information and communication technologies: the use of new ICTs greatly facilitates empowerment. Examples of use are interactive process monitoring sheets (to track various levels of delegation and team status), geographic autonomy provided by teleworking or virtual meetings and collective drafting documents. Being able to empower and enable personal autonomy requires that people be trained both in concrete skills and, above all, in the culture of responsibility and autonomy. Therefore, the training tool that facilitates and is especially adapted to the requirements of empowerment is coaching. Furthermore, by assuming higher levels of responsibility,the worker will enter a process of continuous renewal of his competences and skills. The exercise of autonomy is, by itself, a training tool.

Google success story.

Much of Google's success is due to one of its empowerment policies, which is to allow all collaborators to take 20% of their time to dedicate it to things that they think are important, priority or to dedicate themselves to some personal interest..

This allows people to contribute their creativity to the organization; as a consequence the result is a company immune to obsolescence.

Something that Google collaborators mention is that when they are not supervised they feel freer and that they have greater efficiency and effectiveness to solve different situations in their area.


The needs of the company are often seen as expenses on many occasions, however, it is important that the leader analyzes the situation and manages to turn it around, that the amount of investments is greater, that is, not expenses, but more efforts to the later get profit from it. This is the case of the implementation of the tools previously developed, coaching is commonly used as a motivational workshop and despite having become a kind of fad, many of the organizations do not realize their real benefits and do not invest in this type of "Courses", to call it colloquially. As is known, a collaborator with clear goals, valorization and a sense of belonging achieves better results than if he felt total apathy for the interests of the organization.Of course, empowerment plays a crucial role in this regard, since being a way to provide security and a greater stretch of control of personnel, it allows the operation of the departments to be more practical, so that each person feels comfortable. Engaged to a greater extent because they now have greater responsibility, but unlike a position that requires responding to certain results, it is complemented by motivational characteristics that achieve a high taste for work as it ceases to be monotonous to become a daily challenge. It is there where the value of these theories lies that leave aside the common paradigms of doing subordinate work.It allows the operation of the departments to be more practical, so that each person feels more committed, since they now have more responsibility, but unlike a position that requires responding to certain results, it is complemented by motivational characteristics that achieve a high taste for work as it ceases to be monotonous to become a daily challenge. It is there where the value of these theories lies that leave aside the common paradigms of doing subordinate work.It allows the operation of the departments to be more practical, so that each person feels more committed, since they now have more responsibility, but unlike a position that forces them to respond to certain results, it is complemented by motivational characteristics that they achieve. a high taste for work as it ceases to be monotonous to become a daily challenge. It is there where the value of these theories lies that leave aside the common paradigms of doing subordinate work.It is complemented by motivational characteristics that achieve a high taste for work as it ceases to be monotonous to become a daily challenge. It is there where the value of these theories lies that leave aside the common paradigms of doing subordinate work.It is complemented by motivational characteristics that achieve a high taste for work as it ceases to be monotonous to become a daily challenge. It is there where the value of these theories lies that leave aside the common paradigms of doing subordinate work.

Thesis proposal.

"Implementation of a coaching and empowermet program to increase productivity in a company"

Objective: To promote a synergistic work environment, of commitment and responsibility to enhance the performance of employees.


The Orizaba Technological Institute is thanked for providing the necessary resources for the development of this article, Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for the assignment of the topic and the Engineer Monserrat Jiménez Hernández for their valuable contributions.


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Benefits of coaching and empowerment