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Big data. analysis of large volumes of information

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In the time in which we live, it is very difficult to think of the home of any of our acquaintances who does not have access to the internet, since this tool is here to stay and it is something we want or not, we use Big Data every day for various activities From leisure, talking to our relatives who live far from us, for our work activities or simply doing any type of search.

With all these activities that we carry out, an impressive amount of data is formed, which is of utmost importance for organizations, since they know what is currently happening, regarding consumer interests or how to enter various markets, with This can make a forecast of what will happen in the future, it is difficult to fix everything that organizations can do with this information.

In the past, it was impossible to think that organizations could do all of the above, because although computers were already available to them, they were not yet powerful enough. But with the evolution of technologies, this is now a reality and big data has to be thanked for, which is the central concept on which this article will be based, in order to understand the power and scope it has for organizations, since It has significantly increased competitiveness and is a determining factor for decision making.

As mentioned above, the amount of data being generated is abysmal, making it complex to process. But companies need that data in near real time, and that's where Big Data will be the key.

Key concepts.

Some key concepts are mentioned below, so that the reader can have a better understanding of the article.

“It is a symbolic representation (numerical, alphabetical, algorithmic, spatial, among others.) Of an attribute or variable that is quantitative or qualitative. The data describe empirical facts, events and institutions. It is a value or reference that the computer receives by different means, the data represents the information that the programmer manipulates in the construction of a solution or in the development of an algorithm. " (Wikipedia, 2018)

"It is the body of knowledge with which man develops a better, healthier, more pleasant and above all comfortable environment for optimizing life." (Definista, 2011)

Big data

"Data set or combinations of data sets whose size (volume), complexity (variability) and growth rate (speed) make it difficult to capture, manage, process or analyze them using conventional technologies and tools, such as relational databases and statistics conventional or visualization packages, within the time necessary to be useful. ” (PowerData, 2018).

The origin of Big Data

Since writing was invented, man has stored information of different kinds, this has not changed, since nowadays with advanced data capture systems, it has become an everyday but very important procedure.

Data estimates that for the next decade there will be about 40 zettabytes of information generated around the world, which would be equivalent to multiplying each grain of sand fifty-seven times from each coast of the world.

Below are some events, which together with the emergence of the internet, gave rise to what we now know as Big data, according to Ciampagna (2015) the most representative are the following:

  • o The cost of accumulating digital information drops dramatically, so it is now cheaper this way than accumulating it on paper. o Google launches its information search engine, which would soon become the most popular in the world.
    • Michael Lesk forecasts that the speed at which digital information will grow will be ten times per year.
  • The term Big Data is used for the first time in a research paper titled: "Visual exploration of gigabyte data sets in real time."
  • Web 2.0 is created, a web page where users create their own information. Creation of Hadoop, which is a site with a Big Data environment and is completely free for users.
  • Cell phones excel in the use of the internet on computers for the first time, this causes a continuous connection and data traffic increases. A survey conducted among CEOs from different parts of the world, concludes that 88% say that BIG Data analysis is paramount to your organizations.

These data are those that are contained by retinal scanners, fingerprints or more sophisticated DNA readers, this type of technology associated for security measures, but which will ultimately become data that will be useful for organizations, as they could be elements for the security of a society.

Data transformation

Since the organizations have captured the data (in all the ways that were analyzed in the previous point), they will have too much, which perhaps because they are scattered, do not have much correlation with the rest. So now continue to put them together in the same space and have the same style.

In this part of the process the extract, transform and load (ETL) systems will enter, that its purpose will be to eliminate unnecessary data, group together those that are important in order to give them the same format and load them in a database established by the organization.

Big Data tools

Today, we can find various tools that help us develop Big Data, according to the Knowledge Engineering Institute (2016), some examples of the most commonly used tools today are the following:


Hadoop is the quintessential tool for working with Big Data, it is free to use and is considered the standard work environment for storing, although it also analyzes and processes large amounts of data, it is used by global organizations such as Facebook and Yahoo!


It is a powerful tool for searching large amounts of complex data.

It gives us the ability to analyze a large amount of data whenever we want and consult it. It can be used for full-text searches, since the data being ordered according to a criterion, the data is obtained very quickly.

"With Elasticsearch we can do complicated text searches, visualize the state of our nodes and scale without too many needs, if it were the case that we needed more power." (Institute of knowledge engineering, 2016)

Apache Storm.

This tool is intended to act at the moment, situated to process data constantly, an example would be those that come from social networks, an immense amount of data (it is estimated that around 700 thousand pieces of content are shared every minute on Facebook).

Analysis of data

There are various techniques in which organizations rely to analyze the immense amount of data they have, the most recognized are the following:


With this technique you can find the data that are related by their different variables. The intention is to find a forecast for what happens with other variables.

An example could be found in being able to sell a customer products similar to the ones they consume, through electronic sales.

Data mining.

Set of techniques that adjust statistical methods, with storage in databases. Data mining is related to other tools that seek to find patterns in significant amounts of data.


What you are looking for is this type of tool that, from the enormous amounts of data that are generated, divide it into smaller sections, in order to discover similarities between these data and know the conditions that point them out.

It is extremely important to find similarities between results and to make a preliminary assessment of the data to be analyzed.

Text analysis.

As most of the data generated by users are texts, such as e-mails, internet searches, among others. This process seeks to remove the information from that data, in order to model various topics or predict future searches by users.

Finally, how can we visualize the data?

Since we have the end result, after capturing, processing, and analyzing that vast amount of data, we must find some way in which it can be presented to the end user.

Various studies state that the end user prefers a presentation with a good structure, with comparative graphs showing the results instead of a table with a large number of numbers and simple conclusions.

An example of how this can be represented is through the Mondrian platform, “it is a platform that allows information to be viewed through the analyzes carried out on the data that we have. This platform tries to reach a more specific audience, and a more limited utility as an integral scorecard of an organization. ” (Wikipedia, 2018)

Also the infographics they have become fashionable when it comes to presenting the results obtained by data analysis, since it is a visually interesting, lively and simple material for mass reception.

An example of a recently created tool by Vodafone

In Spain, more specifically in the city of Barcelona, ​​during the Mobile World Congress event, Vodafone presented a tool for SMEs in the country to take advantage of Big Data so they can know and use the data generated by Vodafone consumers and this serve them for future decisions about their business.

Vodafone states that the data will be completely anonymous and the data will be about their behavior patterns, such as: the places they have gone to, how long they spend there, duration of calls, Internet pages they frequent, what they buy, mobile applications that install, among many other things.

91% of the Spanish population access the internet through a cell phone.

SMEs that hire their Big Data tool called "Vodafone Analytics" will have to pay a monthly subscription to access all this data.

This privileged information will allow a more solid decision-making about how much stock they need to have for a certain product, see if it is feasible to open new branches and in which places, advertising campaigns focused on certain sectors, among many other things.

Likewise, Vodafone points out that not only will it be directed at SMEs in the country, but also that public institutions may subscribe in order to make decisions about urban planning, the use of public transport, among various issues of importance to society.

There will be two variants of its commercialization, one that will be directly linked to what the organization needs and the other that places the information in modules and will cost around 1,000 or 1,500 euros per month.

Importance of Big Data

Throughout the reading, it has been possible to read or infer various advantages that it would mean for organizations to have in their hands everything that Big Data offers, but being a little more specific, according to PowerData (2018) these would be some advantages for various situations faced by organizations of all kinds.


That a client be happy and enjoy their stay is the key to success for an organization that operates in this area, but the degree of complacency is not always easy to quantify, especially when the organization wants it.

Using Big Data gives these organizations the ability to analyze the data thrown by their customers, analyze it, and pass judgment on a particular situation, thus perhaps avoiding a problem before it is too late.


In organizations focused on customer health, Big Data has a lot to offer. Medical records, health plans, acquired insurance, among many other activities can be difficult to control, as they are full of information of utmost importance to the organization.

It is where Big Data enters, where it will accurately and quickly analyze all the information stored and judgments about a diagnosis or treatment for a patient can be made in a timely manner.


Today the administration is facing a great challenge: that the quality and productivity be maintained or even improved, but with a short budget. With the help of Big Data, the operations are increased and the administration will have an expanded vision of all the activities that are carried out in the organization.

Retail. 5

How products are traded has advanced in recent years as consumers now expect retailers to know what they want and when they want it.

Big data is a great support for people who undertake this type of business, since they now have a significant amount of information about what the customer really wants, what their buying habits are, knows the brands or products to which the client is faithful, among other things. they can also

5 The concept is often linked to the sale of large quantities, but to many different buyers. (Porto, 2014)

forecast which products will be trending among consumers or recommend products of different kinds.

The increase of smart phones or different peripherals that have GPS, gives the ability to organizations to target advertising to customers when they are near a certain establishment. This increases the profits of the organizations that provide the service and gives the possibility of attracting new consumers.

Thesis proposal.

Implementation of Big Data in a SME in the City of Orizaba to improve its advertising.


Know what consumers are looking for, so that SMEs can carry out promotions, advertising their products, among others to increase their advertising.


I thank my family, for giving me all the support and the drive to continue day by day, to the Technological Institute of Orizaba for opening its doors to me and allowing me to continue my studies with the Master in Administrative Engineering and Doctor Fernando Aguirre and

Hernández for motivating me with his knowledge in the Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering seminar to carry out each of the assigned articles.


By reading this article, we have been able to realize that Big Data is a relatively new tool, but that for nothing in the world it will be temporary, since with the great flow of data that we have today, it is increasingly requested some methodology that allows us Big Data.

Big Data is a part of the gear of change in how organizations and even societies are managed. So I think, this will establish the foundations of what will be other types of evolution for the human being.


Ciampagna, JM (March 4, 2015). Professor José's blog. Obtained from

Definite. (August 23, 2011). Concept Definition. Obtained from

IGN Group. (May 2, 2017). IGN Group Management solutions for SMEs. Obtained from

Institute of knowledge engineering. (October 13, 2016). IIC Institute of knowledge engineering. Obtained from «http://www.iic.uam.es/innovacion/her tools-big-data-para-empresa/»

MARTÍNEZ, V. (February 27, 2018). Vodafone launches a 'big data' tool for SMEs to know their customers better. The world.

PowerData. (2018). PowerData Data management specialists. Obtained from

Wikipedia. (February 20, 2018). Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Obtained from

Wikipedia. (February 27, 2018). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Obtained from


A zettabyte is a unit of information storage whose symbol is the ZB, it is equivalent to 1021 bytes. (Wikipedia, 2018)


It is the process that allows organizations to move data from multiple sources, reformat and clean it, and upload it to another database to analyze it, or to another operational system to support a business process. (Wikipedia, 2018)

It is a combination of synthetic, explanatory and easy to understand images and texts in order to communicate information visually to facilitate its transmission. (Ofifacil, 2018)

Global Positioning System.

Big data. analysis of large volumes of information