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Brief questions and management concepts


1. What is the mission?

Brief statement that summarizes the main strategic purposes and essential values ​​that must be known, understood and shared by all the people who collaborate in the development of the business.

2. What is the mission for?

To potentiate the organization's response capacity to the opportunities that are generated in its environment for senior management, middle management allows it to guide its programs in a clear and known way, as this will improve the performance of human and material resources. and financial. It is easy for operational staff to understand their involvement and importance in the job.

3. Who defines the mission?

The owners and senior management of the organization, by virtue of its hierarchical position.

4. How is the mission defined?

It is defined taking into account four aspects: strategy, purpose, values, policies and norms.

5. What is the remuneration offered by the organization to its different stakeholders?

To the employees it is the salary, for the shareholders it is the high profits on the invested capital.

For providers, being able to offer their products and services to these organizations.

For customers to receive a quality service; Regarding families, being able to have a family member within the organization.

6. What are the principles and values ​​of the organization and what are they for?

They are generators of commitment that in some way or another are identified with the context of the organizational culture in the company; But, that it is desired to consolidate and strengthen in the short, medium and long term and serve to create an organizational culture.

7. What are the organization's policies and regulations and what are they for?

They are the basic definitions that will be applied throughout the organization as a standard of action and activity policy in each of the functions, areas, tasks or work processes.

They serve to define the concepts of productivity, efficiency, quality and profitability.

8. What is meant by productivity, efficiency, quality and profitability?

Productivity: obtain a greater volume of products per unit of input used.

Efficiency: Simplify work methods and procedures.

Quality: Fully satisfy the needs of the clientele.

Profitability: Obtain adequate levels of return on capital and investment.

9. What do you mean when talking about the organization's field of action?

To two elements: basic activities of the organization and the identification of complementary activities.

10. What products and services are offered in the market?

Those that are made up of inputs from other organizations going through a production process and resulting in product and service lines.

11.- What is the added value that you can generate for your clients?

In tangible and intangible form.

The tangible elements: these are the attributes of the product or service that you deliver to your clients to satisfy a specific need and, mainly, they are determined by your designs and use of material. These elements can be easily appreciated by the consumer.

The intangible elements: They are the ones that we can touch worst that exist in the product or service. For example, if you buy a computer, the fact that the machine is delivered in the time indicated by the person who attended to it is an intangible added value element.

12.- What market segments do you want to serve with priority?

Segment A of the market is one that does not serve and does not want to serve. Segment B is the one that serves as a priority and constitutes, at this moment, the most important part of the market for you. Segment C is a complementary care market that you do not want to neglect. This serves to segment its market according to age, sex, schooling, nationality, domicile and state.

13.-What needs do you want to satisfy?

We must understand that there are a series of needs, requirements and expectations in each of the different market segments, waiting to be satisfied by the product or service that you are generating.

14.-what is your main competitive advantage?

It is that characteristic that makes us different from the competition that is the organization, human resources, information systems, technology, products and services, production process, finance, marketing.

15.- what is vision?

The vision is that idea or set of ideas that the organization has in the future. It is the most precious long-term dream. The vision of the organization for the future clearly exposes and to all stakeholders the great business challenge that motivates and drives creative capacity in all activities that take place inside and outside the company. Consolidates senior management leadership, since having conceptual clarity about what is required to build in the future, allows you to focus your leadership, leadership and execution skills towards your permanent achievement.

16.- Who defines the vision?

It is conceived by the group of shareholders and the senior management of the business. However, it is necessary to point out that these owners and managers nurture their minds with ideas and opinions from other groups of collaborators at the managerial and operational level.

17.- How is the vision defined?

In order to define the vision we must establish in the future what is intended to be achieved in the development of the organization, identify the strategic aspects on which attention must be focused to achieve the future objective and the evaluation of the correctness of the path traveled thus of the reconsideration of the objectives.

18.- On which strategic aspects should organizational efforts be concentrated to achieve the main idea in the future?

The strategic aspects on which efforts should be concentrated are: investing in training, reengineering processes, and achieving certification of quality systems.

19.- What is the periodic review?

It consists of observing the degree to which employees perceive the existence of various factors such as orientation and business direction, leadership capacity, clarity of strategic decisions, motivation and integration of work teams, strategic sense of operational tasks, shared commitment participation in the process of change, identification of a common idea, awareness of its leading role, dedication and pride of belonging.

20.- What is a strategic objective, what is it for, who defines it and how do you define it?

It is the frame of reference on which all the organization's specific strategies, plans, programs and projects are oriented. It serves to evaluate the general performance of the organization and measure the progress or lag that this manifests in relation to the great business purposes. They are defined by four main elements that are: objective image, key success factors, priorities, evaluation parameters.

21.- What are the key success factors that determine the fulfillment of the objective image?

They are leadership, productivity, effectiveness and efficiency, quality, profitability, growth, expansion, etc. Which together determine success.

22.- How is it possible to measure and evaluate the fulfillment of the strategic objectives?

It is required to identify the most suitable indicators to measure the degree of progress in the strategic objectives. The purpose is to develop a strategic information system that allows us to track, control and evaluate the efforts made in the organization to achieve them.

23.- What is an opportunity?

Situation or circumstance generated in the areas of the market, competition, the sectoral environment, the macroeconomic environment and the environment of the international economy, which significantly favors the development of the organization.

24.- What is a threat?

That situation that negatively affects the development of the organization in the short, medium and long term.

25.- Why detect opportunities and threats, who identifies them, how is it detected?

It serves to detect standardize their criteria and refine the choice of the best alternatives and strategies that drive the organization towards greater participation in the market.

The identification of these is carried out through the members of the organization, they are detected taking into account the market, competition, the productive sector, macroeconomics and the world economy.

26.- What is the trend of macroeconomic variables in Mexico and how do they affect the development of the organization?

The macroeconomic trend in Mexico shows the growth variables although the employment trend has not developed.

This affects the organization in increasing or decreasing the demand for its products or services.

27.- What is a fortress?

They are elements that the organization cultivates, internally and that serves to make its products more demanded.

28.- What is a weakness?

Element that prevents significantly raising the competitive capacity of the organization.

29.- Who are responsible for identifying the different strengths of weaknesses and what is the purpose of analyzing them, what is the scope of detection?

The people who handle the information are responsible for identifying it.

It is analyzed to make a simple and clear diagnosis of the current situation in which the company finds itself. The detection serves to counteract the damage that could have in the development of the company.

30.- What is a business strategy?

It is a set of actions and oriented towards: consolidation of strengths, elimination of weaknesses, taking advantage of opportunities and achieving strategic objectives.

31.- Explain the four positioning quadrants

Two variables, attractiveness and competitiveness, are managed to understand the strategic competitive position of the company's products and services.

The four quadrants that are managed are: high or low attractiveness and high or low competitiveness; it is there where the real position of the company with respect to the company will be discovered.

32.- What are operational strategies?

They are strategies used in determining clear activities that make it possible to consolidate strengths, overcome weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities, stop the impact of threats and achieve strategic objectives.

33. How is an operational strategy established?

The operational strategies consist of determining which are the key activities that will give us the possibility of:

  • Consolidate strengths Overcome weaknesses Take advantage of opportunities Stop the impact of threats Achieve strategic goals

34. How are the operational strategies to achieve the strategic objectives?

1.- The registration cards of each critical area that are directed towards the same strategic objective are integrated.

2.- Activity networks are built, linking the registration cards of the different critical areas, for the fulfillment of each strategic objective.

35. How is the organization's global strategy integrated?

• All registration cards of all critical areas are integrated

• A large network of activities is built based on all the registration cards, taking care of their linkage over time

• High priority key activities are selected

• Contingent activities are sought that at a given moment could replace the key activities of high priority and their respective registration cards are prepared.

36. How is an organization's strategic plan designed?

1.- INFORMATION: What information is needed to prepare a strategic plan?

2.- STRATEGIC PLAN: How is the information integrated to prepare the strategic plan?

3.- WORK PROGRAMS: How are the work programs integrated?

4.- BUDGET: How do you translate the strategic plan and work programs into an institutional budget?

37. What information is needed for the elaboration of a strategic plan?



- Responsable

- Compliance deadline

- Goal or expected result

- Budget or investment

- Coordination with third parties

38. How is the information integrated to prepare a strategic plan?

Filling out a worksheet as follows:

  • First column: indicate all the key activities that have been identified in each one of the registration cards. Second column: write down all the keys that correspond to each activity described. Third column: write the number (that corresponds to the priority) of the strategic objective to which each activity is directed. Fourth column: indicate if the key activity is of high, medium or low priority. Fifth column: indicate the name of the person who coordinated the key activity for its implementation. Sixth column: indicate the compliance deadline to which the person responsible is commits to carry out the key activity. Seventh column: the goal or the expected result of that key activity. Eighth column: the budget or investment. Ninth column: coordination with third parties.

39. How are the work programs integrated?

1.- By integrating the key activities per manager, each person or area develops their own work program.

2.- Integrating key activities by compliance deadlines, each work program can be evaluated on a monthly, quarterly, etc. basis.

40. How are the work programs translated into an institutional budget?

Noting what percentage of the budget for each key activity will be invested in human, material and financial resources.

41. what are specific projects?

These projects can be seen in two main aspects: the first refers to the activities carried out both in the strategic plan and in the work programs; the second, to the detection of a particular problem within the organization.

42. What are the characteristics of the specific projects?

  • First: the problem to be solved must be conceptualized and delimited. Second: the multicausal factors of said problem are analyzed. Third: alternative solutions are presented: clear, simple and practical. Fourth: the best alternative is chosen. Fifth: the convenient actions Six: the actions are followed up, evaluated and controlled, with the intention that the project really leads to the solution of the detected problem Seventh: the problem is solved and surveillance mechanisms are established to prevent it from arising again.

43. What is the process for the administration of a specific project?

1.- Form a work team, of no more than five or six participants, the number will vary depending on the specific project, but with the capacity to make decisions and carry out the necessary changes and transformations in the implementation of the projects.

2.- Name a project coordinator, who must have the following attributes: leadership capacity, conciliatory attitude, results orientation, high capacity for work and recognition by all the participants of that specific project. By appointing the coordinator, he / she agrees to carry out the project to a successful end and obtain the expected results.

3.- Clearly define the role of each member of the work team: the functions, responsibilities, and attributions of the tasks that must be carried out. If this is not done, there is a risk that the team members, not being clear about their functions, will not perform them accurately and, consequently, the expected results will not be obtained and the goals will not be achieved.

4.- They establish goals and results for each specific project. Goals must be measurable, realistic, focused on solving the identified problem, be concerted and understandable to all team members.

5.- The coordinator or the person responsible for the project, as well as all the team members, define the compliance deadlines, which must be realistic and consistent with the other activities or projects of the company, so that a comprehensive process is achieved of organizational synergy.

6.- Each member of the work team prepares reports on the degree of progress or development of the activities and responsibilities assigned to him in the work project. The report will be made in an active document, that is, one or two primers at most, and will be delivered to the coordinator every week.

7.- The coordinator integrates the reported progress or delays and presents them to senior management. This will be done in results delivery meetings in which all team members must participate, since it will allow them to know the experience, learning and difficulties they have had.

8.- In the case of those specific projects that have given solution to the problem that originated them, each participant will return to their work area, and evaluation sessions will be held permanently in order to prevent the problem from occurring again.

44. develop how the strategic evaluation is carried out?

  • MISSION AND VISION: In evaluating it, emphasis is placed on the values ​​and principles that give origin and meaning to the organizational culture as well as the field and action, the added value and the competitive advantage of the company. STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: The defined objective image is evaluated in the medium and long term; the key factors; priority and indicators to measure their degree of progress. OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS: Market behavior, competition, the productive sector to which the company belongs, the Mexican economy and the international economy are evaluated here. Those responsible for evaluating this aspect are the top management, the area directors and, if possible, a group of advisers who monitor and provide information about how the different dimensions of the environment are behaving. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES:How much the company has improved in terms of organization, human resources, production processes, marketing, etc. are evaluated. BUSINESS STRATEGY: The competitive composition of each product and service of the organization is evaluated. OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES: The key activities are evaluated, as well as its direction towards each of the strategic objectives. STRATEGIC PLAN: The degree of progress of the work programs and the application of the budget in each work area are evaluated. SPECIFIC PROJECTS: The implementation of the specific projects carried out is evaluated. by the work teams. The evaluators are the directors of each area and those responsible for carrying them out.The competitive composition of each product and service of the organization is evaluated. OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES: The key activities are evaluated, as well as their direction towards each of the strategic objectives. STRATEGIC PLAN: The degree of progress of the work programs and the budget application in each work area. SPECIFIC PROJECTS: The implementation of the specific projects carried out by the work teams is evaluated. The evaluators are the directors of each area and those responsible for carrying them out.The competitive composition of each product and service of the organization is evaluated. OPERATIONAL STRATEGIES: The key activities are evaluated, as well as their direction towards each of the strategic objectives. STRATEGIC PLAN: The degree of progress of the work programs and the budget application in each work area. SPECIFIC PROJECTS: The implementation of the specific projects carried out by the work teams is evaluated. The evaluators are the directors of each area and those responsible for carrying them out.The degree of progress of the work programs and the application of the budget in each work area are evaluated. SPECIFIC PROJECTS: The implementation of the specific projects carried out by the work teams is evaluated. The evaluators are the directors of each area and those responsible for carrying them out.The degree of progress of the work programs and the application of the budget in each work area are evaluated. SPECIFIC PROJECTS: The implementation of the specific projects carried out by the work teams is evaluated. The evaluators are the directors of each area and those responsible for carrying them out.
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Brief questions and management concepts