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How should an educational institution work?


The school is an institution in charge of teaching, which is divided into two types; The public ones that are (free access) and private (whose administration responds to companies, that charge fees to the students, for the educational services that are provided to them) in both must demand an educational quality, in this 21st century, Societies are increasingly technified, with new modernizations, to improve the quality of life and social improvement.

The function of the school is to raise the quality of education so that students achieve a better educational level, based on the new competencies of “knowing how to be”, “knowing how to do” and “knowing how to live together”, promoting a good structure when making decisions for solving problems, where education is conceived as a principle for the integral development of the individual with the ability to open up to a pluralistic society, forming social individuals open to communication and dialogue.

Likewise, institutions must function, meeting the needs of all individuals, guaranteeing the right to all, offering a good educational quality in order to have a good social and work performance. According to the general education law, it establishes that the educational authorities must allow the right to education by accessing educational equity, equality, and permanence in the general services that it can offer them without distinction of vulnerable people and groups with limited resources..

It is necessary to recognize the importance of education, which must be played by the acceptance of a new "multicultural" society. For this reason, education enriches culture and improves its social conditions. Education acquires new characteristics, dimensions and functions, according to Sanvisens (1999), education of being: permanent, open system, opens to marginal sectors and is formulated as a social activity.

Supported in Article 3 of our Magna Carta, it establishes the basic principles of education that are freedom-secularity-free for all people, so the government is obliged to support all public institutions, allocating government support to cover the needs that are presented to them in said institution, avoiding falling into an educational gap and illiteracy, leaving behind the many problems that occur in schools.

La ley general de educación hace mención de que se le debe destinar un recurso a la educacion como es el 1% del producto interno bruto (que es la suma del valor de los bienes y servicios finales producidos en el país durante el año), con la finalidad que la población alcance un “máximo nivel de estudio”. Desafortunadamente la realidad no es esa, en nuestro país es uno de los principales lugares con mayor rezago educativo; Si en verdad se aplicara lo que está establecido en la ley, las cosas serían distintas que como vemos el 1% es un porcentaje muy bajo para resolver los problemas que se viven en la actualidad en la educación.

The definition of a school politically must consider social rights must be demandable (the right to a quality education), its fulfillment must also be controllable, with mechanisms based on internal performance (teacher-student absenteeism), academic performance of its students, community perception of the school.

In the same way, institutions must be directed by good actors with capacities to administer, manage and do something productive for their schools. The director's leadership is a determining factor in creating a culture of change, having an affective and positive attention with his work staff, good relationship with teachers, always attributing responsibilities to create cooperative-participative groups, to carry out institutional projects worthy and trained teachers are needed to promote values ​​and knowledge, as established in article 123 of the general education law (to pay attention to the fulfillment that each member performs, to demand a good production for them to carry out a good institutional operation,likewise, all staff working within the school must work together with others to be in harmony, all must intervene in decisions and actions that may affect them, have a good coexistence, avoiding conflicts between themselves that agreements are already reached. good results.

How an Educational Institution should work

All with the same objective, the school fulfills two fundamental roles, that of transmitting specific knowledge and a socializing role, these two roles are to improve human coexistence, having capacities to participate actively and productively in society, recovering all the values ​​that have been lost. over the years where all institutions must promote certain values ​​and norms that collaborate in the construction and consolidation of the common.

School is a privileged area to promote social cohesion, it is understood as "the force or action through which individuals belonging to a society are held together" and the place where citizens learn to relate, support each other, unite to achieve well-being for all members.

Therefore, it is suggested that the school as an institution needs to rethink the way to promote social cohesion, since it is understood as force or action, it is not something that exists naturally, it is not an essence, but rather it needs to citizens efforts to be built, preserved and eventually reformulated (Sorj and Tironi 2007). According to these authors, institutions are considered as the main basis for promoting union while avoiding polarization and social fragmentation.

The definition of how a good school should work is clearly political (it is not conceptualized as an institution that manages but as a political institution that governs), that is why we lack or have many problems because things are not managed according to the problems that arise in our contexts. Rather, orders from the highest are obeyed, such as "politics" which only brings plans and programs from other countries that are not our responsibility or that are not adequate in our context because they are more technologically advanced and in other aspects.

It must be defined politically how an institution should function, which must consider social rights - the problems that arise, and demand that they be controllable, so that schools are accountable for their results; the problem is that neither the schools are in charge of the problems nor of the regulations that should be fulfilled not only academic but also general.

On the contrary, it is proposed that institutions should be responsible for the functions that they must fulfill or that they fulfill, defining their own institutional policies in which they establish guidelines about a certain school.


This work has addressed the issue of how an institution should work, covering the needs of all people, offering a high educational level if it is to give a good "quality" so that all individuals can perform in the social world, That they are members open to communication, in order to perform socially and professionally.

It is necessary to mention that the institutions must be directed by trained actors and delivered for their jobs where they manage and create new and good projects for their institution. Everything that is proposed to be carried out to achieve an educational quality, also integrate all its staff who collaborate with him to obtain good results since the union is strong and all working with the same purpose is successful.

In order for all this to be achieved, you must work every day and the institutions must take responsibility for the problems that arise, looking for solutions or alternatives to improve-combat the obstacles that are experienced daily in an institution and have good results integrating to all the members who work in it.

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How should an educational institution work?