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How to delegate administrative functions


"The team wins with the best in every place and circumstance with a positive and inclusive mindset."

Assuming a position anywhere implies an act of personal responsibility and rooted in free will, since the expected results of those who have placed their trust in delegating this or that function, to which we are committed to act with, must be responded to. transparency, responsibility, ingenuity, trust, dedication, humility, strength and leadership in the chain of business processes, without stopping to consider that in the management of human resources, it is carried out with highly qualified collaborating personnel, trained in the solid organizational structure with adequate technological resources and functional facilities for the excellent performance of its activities. In this context, we will consider the important issues for effectively delegating functions and obtaining effective management.

Delegation as a definition, is the act of assigning to a subordinate the authority and formal responsibility to carry out specific activities, it requires changing not only the way of thinking and acting, but even the way of wanting since one must respond to the vision and mission established by the Board of Directors of the company.

Delegating effectively will allow you to assign the right work to the right level of responsibility. This will benefit both you and the members of the team, as receiving a new task improves the knowledge of the person taking it. In addition, it ensures that the work was carried out on time and by the person who has the experience or interest in the subject.

When you delegate, you assign another member of your team not only homework, but also the power and authority to do it.

So we can say that the Delegation of Functions is related to planning and organization, on the one hand and on the other hand with leadership - motivation, control, and performance result, for continuous improvement.

1.-The fear of delegating certain functions brings cost than satisfaction.- The functions are not delegated by:

• You are better than your colleagues and you do not have confidence in your colleagues

• You have great satisfaction in determining aspects of the job and are afraid of losing it

• You have the firm conviction that if you do not do it yourself, it will not be well done.

2.-Is assigning and delegating work a matter of trust?

-No doubt, if your team has a heavy workload.

-What will you solve, and what will you entrust to the other team members?

These are questions that are framed between doubts and fears, as well as the professionalism that is adopted. Before delegating we must ask ourselves certain questions:

a What is the need to delegate?

b What does the departmental or section requirement obey?

c What level of responsibility is required: Temporary or Permanent?

d What measure of concurrent control will be taken and what will be the evaluation indicator?

e Is the right person in the company and in which department or will he have to contract with what minimum required profile?

3.-How to delegate and probable consequences could be identified:

1.- Fear of Delegating

Causes because it is not delegated:

• Fear of losing control

• Because if the delegation is successful, it will be understood that the manager is not indispensable

• Because it is feared that the subordinate will not comply as expected of him.

• Because the manager is naive and suspicious.

Probable Consequence: The manager will continue to accumulate work and subordinates will not be motivated, and their growth and development will be slowed or stagnant.

2.- Delegate only crumbs or simple tasks

It is caused by the fear of delegating and consequently there will probably be minimal motivation and initiative in the subordinate; as a result inefficiency in the processes.

3.- Download the responsibility

Sometimes, it is usually a kind of manipulation of the manager on the subordinate to avoid problems.

Probable consequence.- The subordinate will resent when he realizes it, with all the inherent problems.

4.- Delegate responsibility

But not authority, which we know must go hand in hand with responsibility.

Probable consequence.- Frustration and demoralization in the subordinate, which could cause internal conflicts.

5.- Delegate against the subordinate

Sometimes it happens when the subordinate does not want to assume new responsibilities or when the manager decides in a hurry to pass the monkey.

Probable consequence.- Resentment in the subordinate, distancing between the subordinate Chief.

6.- Delegating too much power

It is frequent in very paternalistic managers, who seek more the effect of their people than efficiency.

Probable consequence.- Excessive decentralization as a consequence of inefficiency in actions and lack of authority.

"The flight of the geese, the work of the ants, the coexistence of the squirrels all this expresses the art of ordinary life knowing how to live".

7.- The Manager communicates poorly to his subordinates

Probable consequence.- Inefficiency in the processes and loss of resources.

8.- Ascending manipulation

When the subordinate returns the monkey to the manager, that is, he returns the delegated responsibility, on the pretext that he needs help.

Probable consequence.- Possible stress on the manager, shaky authority.

Due to the aforementioned, the delegation of functions and responsibilities is not an easy task to perform correctly, for this reason knowledge of the business processes and the personnel we have is required, since the motivation and organization of human energies in pursuit of the proposed goals and objectives must be well aligned and understood.

4.- The advantage when delegating:

• Increased available time.

• Facilitates organizational communication.

• Involves and identifies work groups by specializing them.

• Motivate the worker.

• Develops the capacity of employees to make decisions and creates a culture of risk mitigation in processes on time, creating organizational responsibility.

5.-Considerations for the effective delegation.

1. Identify and decide which activity is to be delegated

2. Select the person to be delegated

3. Previously define the type and degree of delegation.

4. Whenever possible, we should delegate based on objectives, not tasks.

5. Train the subordinate in a timely manner

6. Define the control points

7. Check that the subordinate (s) have understood the objectives; results have been achieved; rules and procedures; limitations and responsibilities.

8. Grant the corresponding authority to the responsibility

9. Do not accept the return of the delegated responsibility ("Monkey Pass…")

10. Keep in mind that every delegation includes an inherent risk.

11. Delegate in a motivating and conscious way of what you want to achieve.

There is no doubt that effective delegation means that the leader has enough confidence in the members of his team to be sure that they will carry out the task quickly and satisfactorily.

It is worth mentioning that the act of committing generates agreements about respect, honesty, and competition. The first means valuing the human dignity of the other; the second, act.

6.-Intelligent and creative work instead of intensely; allows to identify:

1. What type of work can be eliminated or automated ?;

2. What processes should be redesigned?

3. What activities can be delegated?

The time we spend thinking about these new approaches will help us perform better with leadership.

7.-What to delegate?

One of the most common problems in this election within the delegation of functions is the comfort of the manager, since tasks or uncomfortable activities are usually delegated from the superior, without thinking too much about the subordinate himself, for which we will identify the aspects below. that must be taken into account to delegate:

• Activities that some subordinate does better or equal to the boss.

• Training activities that allow the subordinate to develop skills.

• Task that contributes experience and improvement to others.

• Activities that help identify if any subordinate can be promoted.

• Activities to evaluate the subordinates' practical skills, specialized operations.

• Activities that occupy the manager excessive time and are routine in the workshop.

• Decision-making powers and signatures (Trusts).

It is necessary to keep in mind that:

"The superior will help the subordinate in his task only to the extent and degree to which he is unable to do it."

Being important to be extremely careful not to get lost in the heights when someone reaches a hierarchy and becomes incompetent having successfully performed as a subordinate, for this reason it is important to maintain guidelines by:

-Performance evaluation

- Manuals or job descriptions

Once the manager is clear on what activities to delegate to his subordinate, the next step will be to define the person to whom the activity or task will be delegated.

It is delegated to:

• The most capable collaborators

• The subordinates in the process of promotion

• Those who are capable of carrying the message to García

"Delegating favoritism can cost a lot for your mistakes."

8.- Form for the delegation of functions.

Responsible for: ……………………… Date of Assignment.: ……………………………… Term: ……………

Brief description of the task: …………………… …………………………………………………


Comment of the Manager.: ………………………………………………………………… ……………

Area to be clarified: ………………………………………………………………………………

Control Points: ……………… …………………………………………………………………………

The first checkpoint will be on ______________________________ at_______________

Phase to be completed: ………………… …………………………………………

Performance standard.: …………………………………………………………………………… …

Date this phase was completed …………………………………………………………………

Task completed …………………… Date: ………… ……………………………..

Observations and Comments: ………………………………………………………………

Recommendations for this person to be more effective in the next assignment ……………

9.-Activities or functions that we should not delegate.

• The establishment of objectives and results to be achieved by management.

• The delegation of personnel policies or actions guide of any unit of the company.

• The leadership of the group since the good leader is the one that creates leaders among his followers

• The ascending activities towards the high hierarchy.

10.-How to delegate responsibly ?:

• Make sure the chosen people are able to do the job.

• Make sure your instructions are not only understood, but are also accepted

• Always have good feedback when assigning tasks, catch mistakes before they cause problems

• Organize interdepartmental teams to tackle tasks that exceed departmental borders

• Establish control points

• Provide the tools and authority to get the job done.

• When faced with conflicting priorities, reconsider the order of importance. Diplomacy and open discussion with participants will help achieve achievable commitments.

• When you delegate, don't abdicate.

11.-The five types of delegations that are growing motivational factors.

• Activity, Tasks,

• Functions

• Responsibility

• Objectives

• Decision.

The delegation of a task is the simple step, for example: The head of the magazine's editorial says to a collaborator: “Andrés, call the airlines and find out about the schedule, quotas and price of flights on the Guayaquil route- Quito - Guayaquil for next Friday.

For these reasons, a simple activity has been delegated to do the subordinate.

The Functions, for example Andrés, take care of making the flight reservation for five journalists on the Guayaquil-Quito - Guayaquil route for next Friday. We note that a task is no longer delegated, but rather a result to be obtained, in which Andrés must put some initiative, more motivated, since his work has been delegated with greater responsibility.

The authentic delegation, because in it what is transmitted without losing it is the responsibility for a management, and that must be accompanied by a certain and parallel authority. For the example it would be: Andrés in view of his good management, I make him responsible for the flight reservations of the staff.

12.-Among the benefits of the delegation of functions.

The Delegation will provide Management:

• Have more time; it does delegate efficiently.

More dedication to more managerial activities; Since one of the managers' problems is wanting to do everything and keep everything under control.

• Work, more relaxed to make decisions; provided that the delegation of functions is timely.

The Delegation will allow subordinates:

• Be Motivated, since it must be a skill of the manager and must be present in all delegation processes to encourage collaboration and dedication to the entrusted activities, constituting a challenge with responsibility.

• Undertake new challenges and remain vigilant in contributing to strengthen and strengthen operational processes.

13.-Keys to exercise Leadership

The type of leadership that is implemented will denote organizational strength.

1. Quality

2. Innovation

3. Inspiration

4. Perseverance

5. Passion

6. Character

7. Charism

8. Energy and Enthusiasm

9. The complete leader

14.-Management Styles.

There are great entrepreneurs who have been successful in the business world who claim; the more power a boss has, the less he should use it, hence the teamwork, synergies, and flat hierarchies of today's best-managed companies manage to increase productivity by sharing power. These organizations are more likely to create ideas or power that really improve collective life. The management styles show us the panorama on which each style has its touch, which by itself do not work, but in a combined situation, which Professor Amado Salgueiro exposes in his management bibliographies indicates:

Participatory style, responsibility is shared with subordinates, consulting them and including them in the team involved in decision-making.

Democratic style, the tasks are discussed and determined in group, the boss only guides and supports. It presents proposals that can be evaluated in a group, the judging of the works is objective and creates a pleasant and trustworthy work environment, which does not mean that it is always effective.

Autocratic style, the superior imposes the norms and their criteria, establishing the strategy to be followed, planning and designing the work, and saying who should do it. It does not classify subsequent procedures, but decides the short-term activity phases.

Style Let Do, the group makes decisions freely without the participation of the boss, with what there is an absence of leadership. This is the case of the boss who does not serve as a manager at any level. It doesn't actually direct. The group itself makes the decisions and controls the results.

Paternalistic style, priority is given to personal interests over the needs of the organization. The boss is the one who makes the decisions without having the other possibilities of participation. Establish a protective attitude with subordinates. He is interested in his personal and professional problems as a father to his children. Although he consults them, it is he who makes the decisions.

Bureaucratic Style; The organization establishes a hierarchical structure with rules, blocking communication and establishing relationships where said rules prevail over the person.

The fundamental principle in Personnel Management is integration, by creating conditions that enable the members of the organization to meet the objectives and directing their efforts towards the success of the company since the survival of a company depends on the ability of people to cooperate at work, since a company is a whole, a comprehensive and interactive structure in which all decisions made in one of its areas impact, with greater or lesser force, on all others parts of the company structure. Therefore, it is the responsibility of all internal and external customer service.

Therefore, if we had to summarize in one word the conditions that must exist for the delegation to be carried out correctly and successfully, we would say CONFIDENCE. This is the key word in any such process. There must always be trust, but not in one way, but in every way, that is:

• Management's self-confidence, avoiding any fear of possible loss of control or success of the subordinate.

• Confidence of the Manager in the performance of the subordinate.

• Confidence of the subordinate in his own worth and ability.

• Confidence of the subordinate in his superior and in his actions.

Sometimes it will not be possible to achieve all this, if there is no communication, transparency and concrete objectives that are aware and socialized in order to attract benefits for the business organization.

How to delegate administrative functions