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How to avoid strategic bottlenecks in the company

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To be able to correctly approach "the process of concentration" from the strategic point of view, it will be necessary to stay within the framework of certain "rules" that are related to the proper management of the "balance of tension" or "circumstances of tension" (deficit, needs) until its materialization.

It will be necessary to be clear about certain basic concepts:

From emotional circumstances consciousness develops and from this, actions and relationships develop. For this reason, derived from these CURRENT emotional circumstances, the consciousness of TOMORROW and the material and financial processes of THE LAST TOMORROW can be foreseen, being able to influence them from their genesis. Emotional circumstances will always be managed by stressful circumstances again.

These sequence of connection facts are valid both from the extrovert and introvert point of view:


The perception of the needs (stress circumstances) of a well-defined target group (GO) leads to an emotional interaction with this GO. This shifts consciousness in the direction of problem solving. Based on a primary concept, an "inquiry" is made into the financial aspects. For the concrete conversion of the solution to the problem, a technical application is required, which ultimately translates into a material product or service.


Also within the company there are tensions and therefore needs and deficits, of the owners, employees, suppliers, etc. These tensions determine the emotional relationships between people and act on the conscience in front of work, colleagues, bosses and the company as such. This awareness, this predisposition, determines the quality of work and in turn its material effects.


Starting from the premise that all interaction processes occur both inside and outside a company, it is possible to determine any bottleneck on a scale between "stress conditions" and "material conditions". To enable its differentiated ordering, it will be necessary to use the following scale (see figure 1B). When the Concentration Process is followed from a strategic point of view oriented to Bottlenecks (see figure 1A), these are found sooner or later at the different levels of the scale (figure 1B).

Concentration Process in the Company

The concentration process summarized in figure 1:

  1. Starting point is non-specific average strength. From this non-specific average strength, maximum strength is developed. This is not achieved through greater effort, but through the concentration of forces in a clearly defined target group. This maximum strength must now be transformed in a concrete and systematic way into "information impulses" and "degree of knowledge". The more particular this strength is, the easier it will be to crystallize. The information should lead to an increase in influence vis-à-vis GO, suppliers, specialized media, special conditioning factors of the segment, opinion makers, etc. This is where confidence, inclinations, validation, attractive force are born. Attractive force and influence must be converted into independence and power in a directed way.This should even be a necessity for a society in progress. Only the one who uses his power to increase harmony and benefit for his environment, will stay on top. Therefore, power must cause a harmonic transformation.

Example of an analytical result: despite having a top-of-the-line product, no one knows. For this reason, the step in the previous figure says: «Convert maximum Strengths into Information» (see A). Obviously there is a Bottleneck, which turns out to be an information problem (see B). When investigating the reason, you will find the real "minimum factor", eventually in a poor communication strategy (that is, under "Strategic Problems", or there is no money to pay the advertisers, that is, under "Financial Problems" Only when the "minimum factor" is resolved will the development of the global system continue.

There is always a current Bottleneck, which already solved sooner or later is preceded by a new one. Within the concentration process, Bottlenecks can "jump" from one stage to another indiscriminately. In order not to "paper yourself", you will have to concentrate on such a Bottleneck, which further impedes the benefit of GO.

Figure 2 shows the interaction in its basic form. At the top - external - we will have to deal with the needs of the market (GO), scope, region and basic needs of the GO. In the lower part - internal - we find the scale slightly modified.

Management Hierarchical Scale

Explanation figure 2:

  1. The business management area can influence everything and deals with strategy and policies (automation). To achieve results, the instruments of administration and ESC are at your disposal. The analysis and actions of competitors, as well as the influence on opinion makers in the market, are a matter of tension and power. Along with ESC, the classic marketing and sales instruments play an important role here. The image is influenced by motivation, psychology and information. As instruments are used for marketing and sales, service to the GO and the flow of information to the GO. In order to achieve maximum strength with the consequent forced use of it by the GO, capital, profitability, facilities / processes and new and appropriately available know-how / materials.The instrument for this should be the constant adaptation of the concepts to the prevailing situation.

As it may come off, the areas intersect. There are no rigid limits. The model is at the service of orientation. Likewise, it is then possible to discuss, analyze and present all the areas in a circumscribed manner.

Application of the Model

In essence, we work with two samples of application of the model: Hierarchical Scale "Need for Action" (figure 3) and Hierarchical Scale "Management of Collaborators" (figure 4).

Hierarchical Scale "Need for Action"

  1. Review the questions on the left side of the figure. Start with the basic questions at the top. If you must answer NO or DON'T KNOW, the Bottleneck is on that scale and warrants action. What to do is described on the right side of the figure.

Example: questions related to GO, scope and region could be answered positively. When faced with the question of basic need, there is insecurity ®, so you should deal with the definition of your GO's basic need, on which your offer is based.

  1. Now answer the questions at the bottom of the figure. We suggest starting from the bottom, that is, starting from the base. Every question you can't answer YES requires action. If it were more than one, think about which area is the one that most limits its expansion towards the GO. Begin optimizing that point.

Example: the company has a first-line product and the dialogue with its target group works. The expectation of your target group is known. However, there is insecurity, if your offer continues to maintain an assertive satisfaction of the need. For this reason, both the needs and wishes of your GO must be updated ensuring that such demand is effectively adequately met. Otherwise, innovation will be necessary.

The Hierarchical Scale can also be used by parts:

Example: A new service is planned to be developed and progress is stagnant. Based on the scale, it is determined that the dialogue with the GO does not work, despite the fact that there is a clear strategy for this partial goal. The partial goal will have to be redefined within the context of the overall final goal, as well as the path to those goals. Within this new context, redefine and intensify communication towards the GO.

Of course, there are countless ways to use these scales as analysis guides, which will help to generate clarity about the current situation. The questions on the scale can also be modified and adapted to the specific situation of a particular company.

An example of modification and adaptation of the Hierarchical Scale is that of "Collaborators Management" (figure 4.)

Hierarchical Scale «Collaborators Management»

In general, the principle of application of the previous scale is valid. It can and should be used in situations of problems or conflict. Ask the questions for yourself and together with the collaborator. The scale offers a good starting point for reasonable conversation. The collaborator can classify their Bottleneck on their own. Contradictory classifications or evaluations between the parties can make misunderstandings appear, which can be clarified through the conversation about it. On the right side you will find action suggestions.

The scale presented here has an orientation towards collaborators in the sales area, however, the questions and actions can be modified in orientation to other areas, even between partners of a company.

Need for Action and Hierarchical Scale in the Company

Example: In the conversation the boss claims lack of commitment on the part of the collaborator. He visualizes the Bottleneck in motivation. However, after a time it is crystallized that the collaborator lacks specific knowledge and instruments in his field of action. A re-education for a new position is agreed, more in line with his profile of strengths and knowledge. With it also the motivation returns.

Figure 3 - each question (top left), answered with NO or DON'T KNOW, means need for action. What must be done is clear from the right side of the figure. Systematic concentration means taking the right action at the right time. Faced with several Bottlenecks, it is valid to determine the Minimum Factor and solve it as the first action. This Minimum Factor is the one that most limits current development.

Collaborators Management and Hierarchical Scale

Figure 4 - here the Hierarchical Scale was modified to the field of collaborators' management. Through the questions (left) and levels of development (center) it is easy and quick to determine systematically where the real problems lie. On the right side are the basic tips to eliminate the bottleneck found.

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How to avoid strategic bottlenecks in the company