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How to manage the effective use of social networks in the company


Facebook, Twitter, Youtube are some of the social networks that many areas of Human Resources and / or Communications have incorporated into their companies. This phenomenon that occurs in Chile and in the world, is just starting, so it is still working in most cases in an improvised way and with unclear rules of action, so that in addition to taking advantage of the advantages that these practices bring With it, the risks involved are also controlled. Perhaps that is why there are organizations that still view this issue with a significant degree of suspicion and mistrust. So what minimum aspects should we consider to transform these 2.0 platforms into our allies?

Before continuing, and in case anyone has doubts about the level of impact that social networks and the internet have on companies, let me share some figures.

According to a study carried out by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) Chile, more than 90% of people use the internet for their work or study; and over 60% use Facebook.

In addition, other international investigations have concluded that social networks are already the number one activity on the internet. So, is there still any hint of doubt about the degree of significance of these platforms?

Navigating within the company

According to what I have had to know, apparently the executives have not understood well what is the focus of this type of technology, since most continue to see them as an "innovative" means to continue only informing the news to their workers. This makes it necessary to remember what is the differentiating value of these networks.

In summary:

  • Encourage online interaction, through chats, emails, information exchange (photos, videos, audio files, etc.), posts, etc. In this way, communication between bosses and teams can be strengthened and knowledge can be managed more effectively. It creates networks and social groups, through forums, common interest groups, debates, and surveys. This can promote cohesion between areas, for example, working under the concept of profiles, which defines the levels of access to information of different users, bloggers, followers, etc. They collaborate in the co-construction and permanent “feeding” of the site, with basic knowledge of the internet and office. This strengthens the feedback at the different levels.

When analyzing these points, we realize that -in short- each person is a means of communication, which is a great opportunity in terms of enriching the relationship with collaborators, but at the same time it can represent a risk if it is not managed properly this level of instantaneousness and interaction.

If we consider that, as identified in an international investigation, carried out by the MarketingSherpa consultancy, only a third of large companies have a written policy on how to handle communication on new platforms, while among small companies this figure does not reach 13% (in Chile this figure is much lower), we realize that there is still a long way to go.

What if someone posts a comment against one of the managers?

This is precisely one of the main fears that the executives of those companies have that have not yet incorporated these platforms; however, there are certain key aspects to consider, to exercise greater control over them. The detail is that the organizations that already work with these systems have focused on creating their own and attractive versions of the networks, such as "My Tube" (based on the world-renowned YouTube video site), but a number very few of them consider the minimum aspects to manage them.

So what are we talking about? How do we minimize risks?…

  • Requesting the registration of all users (name and password), so that it is recorded in the system each time they participate, creating different profiles, to differentiate the levels of information and participation, according to the profile (age, type of position) and each worker's area of ​​belonging, ensuring that there is a person in charge of the Administration / Moderation of the platform (s), who facilitates interaction and controls the publications and posts, establishing a clear Use Policy for your employees, so that they know what the general action framework is, what issues will be covered, how they can participate, etc.

Note that the above seeks to have a more effective administration and encourage participation, in no case censor people!

Finally, and with the challenge of improving management and making the most of the use of these platforms, it is necessary:

  • Understand that incorporating new technologies implies a natural change in any organization and, therefore, attitudes of resistance, indifference, adherence, etc. will appear in people. Do not dispense with other traditional media and / or channels, especially in the period of transition. "Keep pace" in the use of the platform. Encourage participation. Consider the opinions of the different groups to improve the tool (s), which encourages a sense of belonging. Adopt strategies to manage change (communications, training, mitigate impacts, resistance management, incentives, etc.).

In short, by understanding the vision of these platforms and adopting the strategies and actions necessary to manage them, we will be able to work properly with social employees.

How to manage the effective use of social networks in the company