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How to implement and evaluate a quality model

Table of contents:


When a company is functioning and decides to implement a quality model, it is a sign that the company has the purpose of remaining and growing in the market, being competitive, protecting the interests of the shareholders, taking care of the source of work and improving the quality of life of your staff.

Implementing quality models has as its main objective that companies systematically develop better quality products, goods and services and meet the needs and desires of customers.

A model is required that unites the mission of the company and the effort of each area in a synergy of results towards competitiveness and world-class quality.

A quality model with agile and understandable processes and procedures for all involved, going through the stages of design, raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, delivery and customer satisfaction.

The objective of the working group is to implement the appropriate quality model applicable to the characteristics of the company in question.

The basis for designing and implementing a good quality model is to deeply understand the characteristics and needs of the company that will apply it and the wishes and claims of its current and potential customers.

It is necessary that all the elements of the quality model are structured in such a way that they allow a control and assurance of all the processes involved with quality.

The quality model consists of bringing together all the activities and functions in such a way that none of them is subordinate to the others and that each one is planned, controlled and executed in a formal and systematic way.

The managers and key men responsible for implementing the quality model are required to understand that companies are made up of a set of interdependent and interconnected elements that seek the same objective.

It is required to see the company, as a dynamic entity that feeds back from inside and outside and that has interactions and interdependencies with the different actors related to the company. (Suppliers, credit institutions, clients, personnel, etc.).

To be successful in implementing a quality model, managers need to understand the need to promote the following concepts in the company:

  • Establish a quality culture in the company. Establish customer-focused care by creating maximum value. Instill in everyone the premise of doing it right, the first time and always. Create perseverance and perseverance in order to improve products and services. Make innovation proposals to improve the effectiveness of the value chain. Establish that the processes, methods and systems must be subject to continuous improvement cycles. Establish a program for the design and implementation of the processes and systems that make up the quality model. Contribute to society by promoting quality values ​​and generating a commitment to the well-being of society and to the conservation of the environment.

What should be sought is to create a quality culture so that improvement becomes automatically continuous.

Quality Management Committee

The managers who will form part of the quality management committee that coordinates, establishes and communicates the following must be defined:

  • The objectives and the quality policy. The organization of the model. The responsibility and hierarchy of each position and person. The appointment of process leaders, key men and supervisors and technicians The general work program of all involved. The implementation and monitoring of the quality model. The corrections and adaptations that are required. The management of the necessary resources.

It must be decided who is responsible within the committee throughout the process from design to implementation of the Quality Model.

Depending on the size and complexity of the company, the structure of the quality management committee must be adapted.

It is suggested in the following table that the positions of the functional structure are responsible for occupying the positions of the quality management committee structure.

The company's top-level managers should be the leaders of the key processes, the mid-level managers the leaders of the support processes, and the key men are the heads of departments and trusted personnel. Technical supervisors are the experts in quality models.

Each case must be adapted to the structure with which the company operates

Main functions of those involved in the implementation of the quality model

Main functions of those involved in the implementation of the quality model

Comprehensive diagnosis

The best way to start the implementation of a quality model is to carry out a comprehensive evaluation to have a diagnosis that allows us to know your current situation, your strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats, and based on the result, establish strategies and mechanisms to facilitate implementation of the quality model.

During the implantation of the model it is necessary to evaluate the systems and processes, the people involved and the qualitative and quantitative results that are being observed, to know what causes the deviations and what causes the limitations during the implantation of the quality model and the projected improvements.

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of having a comprehensive diagnosis of the company in the implementation of the quality model.

The periodic evaluation of the quality model allows for permanent improvement processes.


To implement a quality model requires that the personnel involved be very clear that it is understood by a process.

A process can be said to be the combination of methods, information, materials, machines, people, the environment and measurements that are used together to obtain a service or convert inputs into products with added value for a client.

A process is a set of activities to obtain a product or service that satisfies an internal or external customer. They are a sequence of activities that are constantly repeated to always offer the same result for which they are predictable and measurable.

Traditionally, companies are structured on the basis of functional areas, unlike process management, which perceives the organization as an interrelated system of processes that contribute to increasing customer satisfaction.

Process management has a different vision from the traditional one and coexists with functional administration, assigning leaders to key processes, making possible cross-functional management that generates value for the client.

The processes flow through different areas and positions of the functional organization.

It determines which processes need to be improved or redesigned, establishes priorities and defines improvement plans that allow achieving established objectives.

It makes it possible to understand the way business processes are configured, their strengths and weaknesses.

Continuous improvement processes

Improving is a necessity for any person or company that wants to be competitive with the premise that things can always be done better.

Continuous improvement is a culture, a way of being of people and companies where improving is the name of the game.

For a company to be competitive, it is not enough to implement isolated or accidental improvements, but it must be done in a constant and strategic way. In this is the secret of the continuity and improvement of the process.

The basis of continuous improvement processes is to repeat these elements cyclically, to feed back and adjust the achievements made so as not to lose what has already been achieved.

The aim is to ensure that there are indeed advances and not setbacks in implementation.

Each improvement project that arises must be in accordance with the resources available to make it feasible.

Continuous improvement processes, the search for quality and excellence are not ends in themselves, but are means that allow companies to have a more successful position every day.

Continuous improvement must be established as a policy and strategies must be established to implement it.

The purpose is to create maximum value for customers and consumers through continuous improvement of the systems and processes and of the products, goods and services offered by the company.

New processes

The implementation of a new process requires compliance with the following:

  • Have a defined program of activities. Have an organized participation of the staff. Have trained personnel with enough time to get involved in the implementation. Have the necessary financial resources. Create new and different activities. Document and have evidence of what is said to do. Generate an authentic and lasting commitment from all the personnel involved.

Process characteristics

  • They are intended to satisfy an internal and external client. A process can have one or more internal and / or external clients. All processes must have a leader. They must be documented. They have measurable inputs and outputs. They have a beginning and an end, that is, they have limits. For every output there is a customer and for each input there is a provider. The inputs are all the outputs of other processes. They are the outputs of the previous process. They can be permanently measured and improved.

Key or substantive processes

  • They are the ones that make up the company. They determine the value and the technical and economic feasibility of the products and / or services that are provided. They support the value characteristics that markets and customers expect. Each service or product is the result of the combination of several key processes. A key process is made up of other support processes.

Characteristics of key processes

The processes with the greatest impact on customers are those that must meet the following requirements:

  • Have clear objectives and consistent with the possibilities of the company. Clearly define the specific strategies to be applied in each process. Have as key process leaders people who meet most of the requirements required in the job description. Identify, establish and document the roles and responsibilities of process leaders to ensure their efficient execution. Be structured and systematized to guarantee the efficient and effective operation of the company. Have the facility to be redesigned and have a vision of how they want to be seen once they are modified. Being redesigned, they must have a greater influence on all the company's processes to achieve a comprehensive change.Be precisely defined and described to trigger the spiral of continuous improvement of the processes themselves • Incorporate improvement cycles into the processes considering customer needs. Include research and development activities to adapt and improve processes and respond to changing market needs. Have the possibility to measure the results and validate the processes. Guide processes towards simplification and competitiveness through technological innovation and updating. Ensure that products and services permanently satisfy internal and external customers. Impact on the performance of the company.Include research and development activities to adapt and improve processes and respond to changing market needs. Have the possibility to measure the results and validate the processes. Guide processes towards simplification and competitiveness through technological innovation and updating. Ensure that products and services permanently satisfy internal and external customers. Impact on the performance of the company.Include research and development activities to adapt and improve processes and respond to changing market needs. Have the possibility to measure the results and validate the processes. Guide processes towards simplification and competitiveness through technological innovation and updating. Ensure that products and services permanently satisfy internal and external customers. Impact on the performance of the company.Impact on the performance of the company.Impact on the performance of the company.

Example of key or substantive processes

  • Human Resources Administration. Accounting. Finance. Production. Operation. Logistics. Acquisitions. Marketing. Sales Maintenance Management information system.

Example of some support processes or adjectives

  • Prepare the payroll. Personnel management (Recruit, select, hire and induce staff) Select a provider. Buy supplies, products and services. Produce a product. Provide a service. Keep the machinery in the best conditions. Prepare and contract a plan for mass media. Control the entrances and exits of the warehouse. Prepare the physical inventory. Carry out a market study or research. Design a control system for a key process.

Example of some support processes in the accounting and budget area

  • Accounting process: Cash, accounts receivable, prepayments, current assets, fixed, documents payable, business accounts payable, taxes, other accumulated expenses, capital accounts, income and expenses, etc. Budget control process: budget planning, budget exercise, budgeting and distribution of the area budget. Financial control process. Cost control process. Prepare financial reports.

Process evaluation

The key and supporting processes need to be periodically evaluated for anomalies and possible improvements.

To define the processes to be evaluated, the following is required:

  • Consider the number of key and support processes and assess their complexity. Define and identify the processes to be evaluated. Define the limits of each process. Identify the inputs and outputs of the processes. Analyze, define and document the selected processes.

The following is required to perform a process evaluation:

  • Identify the key processes that you want to evaluate. Define the inputs and outputs, that is, the process limits. Define the characteristics and needs of the clients. Establish strategies to meet customer expectations. Identify the inputs and inputs required by the process. Determine the characteristics and specifications of the inputs. Identify the process outputs and the required quality specifications. Verify that all areas and staff are aware of updated versions of processes and procedures. Verify that all model processes and procedures are reviewed and updated. Determine with senior management the processes and areas where specific improvements are required. Verify the variability of the key or substantive processes.Verify if support processes provide value to key processes. Evaluate the design of the key and support processes, the definition and formalization of the borders, results indicators, performance standards and critical variables of the support processes.

Process measurement

In order to measure the key and support processes it is required:

  • Have measurement criteria and information collection systems to know the progress, deviations, setbacks and achievements in the processes. Promote a culture of measurement and information to make timely, objective decisions, consistent with reality, the possibilities and needs of the company. Identify, classify and measure the performance of support processes to ensure the quality of the final result.

Sometimes the measurements and information is incomplete and the indicators are not 100% accurate, but if the inaccuracy is not very relevant in terms of the overall results, they can be a good reference.

The primary purpose of quality models is that companies systematically develop better quality products, goods and services and meet the needs and desires of customers.

It is essential to base the quality model on customer satisfaction as it is what guarantees the success of any well-run business.


The strategies, knowledge and attitudes that companies must have to satisfy their clients are the following:

  • Strategies
  1. Have a company philosophy aimed at satisfying customer expectations. Establish actions that foster lasting relationships with customers. Constantly redesign processes, products and services with a central focus based on customer expectations and needs. Create alliances strategic with clients. Establish procedures to convert complaints and recommendations into improvement actions.
  • Investigation
  1. Have effective research strategies and systems to deeply understand the wishes, needs and expectations of current and potential customers of the company. Clearly identify market segments. Permanently measure customer satisfaction by segment. Know what customers think about the quality of the company's services and products. Know and establish international standards in the products and services provided.
  • Communication
  1. Establish effective communication with clients. Resolve problems and complaints in a timely manner. Provide 100% reliable information. Appoint a person responsible for preparing the information provided to clients to ensure their objectivity and validity. Promote that clients obtain and perceive the tangible and intangible aspects of quality. Have a clear, effective and open communication to disseminate objectives, policies, achievements and competitive advantages. Provide products and services with added value.
  • Attention
  1. Encourage the staff to be courteous, friendly, attentive, respectful, timely and cordial. Appoint trained personnel to respond promptly to the opinions, suggestions and complaints of customers regarding the quality of the products and services provided.


Deep knowledge of suppliers and excellent relations with them is essential to comply with the requirements and standards of the quality model.

The following actions are required:

  • Design, develop and structure value chains with suppliers. Select suppliers based on the profile required by the company, such as: ISO certification, geographic location, efficient distribution logistics, adequate purchasing policies, sufficient manufacturing capacity and delivery of goods in the agreed times and qualities. Provide feedback to suppliers on how to improve their products, services and processes. Generate strategies, support actions and joint development based on customer needs. Promote the development of continuous improvement processes in supplier companies. Carry out joint planning, logistical agreements, strategic alliances, exchange of key information, etc. to achieve better coordination, organization and effectiveness.


  • Monitor the characteristics of the products and services that are acquired as they are vital to succeed in a quality system. Plan, control and permanently verify acquisitions to enter a continuous improvement program and avoid quality differences. Contemplate the purchase of materials, products or services necessary at the scheduled time, to meet the expectations and requirements of customers. Permanently analyze and evaluate the service and behavior of suppliers and the standards of products and services.


An efficient information system is an essential tool to implement a quality model since it allows better communication, facilitates operations and decision-making.

The information system is required to comply with the following:

  • Provide the necessary data for the correct, timely, reliable and effective decision-making, the improvement and innovation of the processes and the efficient administration and operation of the company. To be useful for decision-making in the production, administrative, commercial and communication processes with clients, providing reliable, timely, consistent and truthful information. Have easy access to information for internal and external users. Allow comparisons of systems, processes and indicators with companies that have the best practices in the line of business in question. Permanently verify the reliability of the sources of the information system. Define measurement criteria to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the information system.


To have the right technology and meet the requirements of the quality model, you must:

  • Know the financial possibilities of the company to invest in technology. Identify the knowledge and technological needs of the company. Stimulate, manage and protect the knowledge, technology and experience generated by the company. Orient investment in technology to customer satisfaction. Consider changes and / or updating of equipment and tools based on the needs and possibilities of the company. Investigate the latest technological developments, to respond to the changing needs of the market and be competitive. (new equipment, programs and materials that may be needed). Have experts in the processes where updated technological knowledge is required.Define a method to exchange and share innovations and knowledge with other companies in the business or similar. Include measurement criteria to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the administration, use and updating of technology.

Environmental impact

In the implementation of the quality model it requires the care and conservation of the environment in all the actions of the company, so the following should be considered:

  • Establish precise and clear environmental policies. Permanently minimize the environmental impact that the different processes of the company may generate. Use technology with low environmental impact. Establish a training program for all managerial, administrative, operational, and support staff in environmental care. Participate with the community in the protection and recovery of the ecosystems of the region.

Evaluation of a quality model

To carry out a comprehensive evaluation of a quality model, it is necessary to consider the following points:

  • Verify that the philosophy of the quality model is being followed by all company personnel. Check if all activities are carried out in a systematic way and if there is objective evidence to confirm this. Identify and prioritize opportunities for improvement and innovation. Evaluate the validity of the established measurement criteria and compare them with those used in the draft. Check if all cases in which the specifications are not met are resolved. Verify that work methods are established and that approved procedures are developed to support them. Determine if there are quality losses in the products and services offered. Evaluate the results by areas, programs and processes. Evaluate efficiency,efficiency and economy in the use of resources and in the administration and operation of the company as a whole. Evaluate the performance and competitiveness of key or substantive processes and those of support or adjectives. Know if you have a specific purpose and direction for continuous improvement. Find out if periodic benchmarking studies are carried out to find out the best practices. Evaluate the impact of new projects. Evaluate the development and quality of life of company personnel. Compare the financial results before and after implementing the quality model. Compare the percentage of the market the company has in relation to previous years. Evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Carry out inspections and tests at strategic points of the processes.Evaluate the performance and competitiveness of key or substantive processes and those of support or adjectives. Know if you have a specific purpose and direction for continuous improvement. Find out if periodic benchmarking studies are carried out to find out the best practices. Evaluate the impact of new projects. Evaluate the development and quality of life of company personnel. Compare the financial results before and after implementing the quality model. Compare the percentage of the market the company has in relation to previous years. Evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Carry out inspections and tests at strategic points of the processes.Evaluate the performance and competitiveness of key or substantive processes and those of support or adjectives. Know if you have a specific purpose and direction for continuous improvement. Find out if periodic benchmarking studies are carried out to find out the best practices. Evaluate the impact of new projects. Evaluate the development and quality of life of company personnel. Compare the financial results before and after implementing the quality model. Compare the percentage of the market the company has in relation to previous years. Evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Carry out inspections and tests at strategic points of the processes.Know if you have a specific purpose and direction for continuous improvement. Find out if periodic benchmarking studies are carried out to find out the best practices. Evaluate the impact of new projects. Evaluate the development and quality of life of company personnel. Compare the financial results before and after implementing the quality model. Compare the percentage of the market the company has in relation to previous years. Evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Carry out inspections and tests at strategic points of the processes.Know if you have a specific purpose and direction for continuous improvement. Find out if periodic benchmarking studies are carried out to find out the best practices. Evaluate the impact of new projects. Evaluate the development and quality of life of company personnel. Compare the financial results before and after implementing the quality model. Compare the percentage of the market the company has in relation to previous years. Evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Carry out inspections and tests at strategic points of the processes.Compare the financial results before and after implementing the quality model. Compare the percentage of the market the company has in relation to previous years. Evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Carry out inspections and tests at strategic points of the processes.Compare the financial results before and after implementing the quality model. Compare the percentage of the market the company has in relation to previous years. Evaluate customer loyalty and satisfaction. Carry out inspections and tests at strategic points of the processes.

It is required to permanently supervise and evaluate the correct operation of the quality model.

Advantages of implementing quality models

The advantages of implementing quality models can be summarized as follows:

  • Have an opportunity to correct processes that have become out of whack over time. Classify companies as world class. Certify the international competitiveness required to compete in all markets. Change the attitude of company personnel. Develop and improve the level and quality of life of the staff. Generate an organizational culture focused on meeting customer requirements. Continuous improvement in the quality of the processes used, services and products. Make the company more competitive. Reduce costs in all processes. Increase the productivity, effectiveness and utility of the company. Ensure the satisfaction of internal and external clients. Having products and services with added value. Have full customer acceptance. Permanently have better processes.products and services. Having measurement criteria and indicators that are consistent with those used in the course in which the company operates and be able to compare them with best practices to learn about the company's strengths and weaknesses and establish the necessary strategies to improve.


Jack Fleitman:

www.ciemsa.mx professional consultants


How to implement and evaluate a quality model