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How management must deal with the current chaos


In the face of possible events that could set a different course in our organizations and in our lives, are you prepared?

Undoubtedly, current conditions indicate that events beyond our control could destroy our plans and projects that we have been carrying out throughout the year. Events of an economic nature such as the US deficit, the problems that are occurring in Greece and Spain and others of a political nature such as the next presidential elections in our country and, as if that were not enough, the issue of low investment as product of NO to labor and tax reforms, allow us to visualize a scenario without the best conditions to achieve what is foreseen in our business plans that we have made for this year.

What I have learned during so many years, leads me to seriously question whether these moments of change could give us a competitive advantage in the future and my answer is: YES. ANTICIPATION is one of the most important characteristics of leadership management and it is in this sense that I want to convey my message in this article.

Although it is true that the current moments allow us to visualize CHAOS around the corner, it is also true that we must take advantage of what we have learned during years and years of CRISIS that we have suffered, because in the midst of all this I continue to see strengthened, solid companies and perfectly renovated, which have not only been able to adapt to the circumstances they have gone through, but have also been able to take advantage of them. I continue to affirm that "great leaders are made in great battles and that it is turbulent times that bring out the best in ourselves." It is from this learning then that we must obtain our maximum competitive advantage against the possible changing conditions of our environment. They are moments of great definitions, they are times of taking actions for change that allow us to differentiate ourselves,in advance against a scenario of operational difficulty. They are the great moments for great leaders.

This is where management skills are put to the test for those who lead others because it is time to ignite people's "internal fire" to reach a climax of great contributions and solutions in the midst of Chaos.

Are you ready from the inside to change what is necessary in terms of processes and thinking and in that case anticipate others? In my previous article I stated that "Playing too cautiously can be dangerous." And now more than ever, we must act quickly if we want to advance above the rest and even more than that, emerge stronger from this apparent new GLOBAL CRISIS that is on the horizon.

Now more than ever, you must ask yourself if your structure has enough leaders to allow you to anticipate others by changing what is necessary, from within! To win amidst the turmoil.

The time is ripe to ask ourselves questions like these: What needs to be changed? What do we have good enough to leave it as it is? What are the things that we should definitely abandon? These questions are certainly hard for anyone running an organization, but we must stop to think about them. The size of your responses will be the size of your decisions and of the latter is the size of your leadership.

Practice tells me that if you do not have the necessary leaders in your structure to face difficult times, it will be you alone who will have to face it, and perhaps this will motivate you to carry out the same practices as always to reduce the cost of the operation, merely practical by the way that it has not been the best to solve in depth the problems that appear in the market.

The leaders now, not only have to think about how to best avoid the issue of the costs and expenses of their operation, but even further, position themselves in the best way to emerge stronger in the future, in front of their competitors and against your own plans.

My advice is that if you do not have the leaders, it is better that you start training them right now, because there is little time left. Leaders in all business areas, leaders who display qualitative and quantitative contributions throughout the organization. From purchases to the finished product. From the finished product to the product placed in the hands of the clients.

Efficiency will be required in all lines, character will be required to change what is necessary and in this sense be provided in such a way that their actions can have a high perceived value in their clients and in the market in general. It is before the most important moment to make a DIFFERENTIATION.

Expand your budget base to train your army before going into battle, do not under any circumstances allow it to take you by surprise, because you could be seriously injured. Make alliance with your clients through the differentiated service. Strengthen your relationship level to the point that it does not leave you in the midst of turbulence, as this would mean serious problems for you.

What to do? Decide if you anticipate and make the necessary changes to strengthen your business or expect someone else to do it before you! Think about what you will offer your customers in terms of product, packaging, price, logistics, and service.

Will you need to penetrate new markets? Where? How will do? What will you do to offer something to new customers that the competition doesn't offer you?

Hard truth? Not for true leaders. There are those who are already taking actions at this time and if you do not ask Steve Jobs what he is doing to reach volumes with non-screen computer machines with the possibility of connecting to any screen in the world, whether or not his signature. See what Coca Cola is doing looking to sell through prepaid cards by connecting via Black Berry… There are already clear examples of anticipation! And you? Deploy your training strategies to integrate true work teams. Teams that provide ideas for improvement.

Focus on improving and fighting, not defending what you have won. This is already done by many… Do the unthinkable with your people.. Prepare them for it! It is time for a new Alignment in the Company, with a new approach, with new definitions of what the responsibility of each position means, with information schemes aimed at empowering others to make decisions. It is time to free others to make their commitment to the change that is coming.

Align the capabilities of your staff and encourage greater commitment. Be close to your people and your clients to define the course and to achieve it. Your people will see it in action during tough times too so be prepared too. Don't leave the entire burden on them! Give yourself the opportunity to have a Coach for yourself and for key positions in the business, do not leave this aside. The future is already here, don't turn your back on it! don't be surprised by it. Take advantage of your success factors and change what is necessary, even if you think that it is not required to do so

His leadership is tested, his talent too, he has to prepare to do the unthinkable and react to any scenario that may arise during difficult times. You will decide whether to win or not, in the midst of Chaos and Turbulence.

If you consider that our firm may be an option for you, from this moment, I will put it at your service.

"Zero hour is just around the corner" It is time to seriously question whether you are ready to make the changes that are required in advance, not only to survive but to emerge stronger amid the turbulence and International Chaos. Did you already?

“You and only you will decide the future of your business. The leader will be responsible for waging the battle with his team. Their results depend on their training and their level of leadership ”.

Final thoughts: “Do not turn your back on the future, he is already here! The overall results of your business depend on your leadership capacity ”“ Prepare yourself with all your energy concentrating on the training of your team. It is they who will directly face the onslaught of the market and it is they, unfairly, who normally suffer the first consequences. ”

How management must deal with the current chaos