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How to achieve learning and teamwork

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From our perspective, it is considered that learning administration means knowing, understanding and appropriately managing the art of getting along with others in any human relationship that we establish in the different fields of life. The following is mentioned because it is known that “to administer is to do something through others”, and to this we add the characteristic of the universality of administration, we find that any social group is faced with the need to administer if desired achieve certain accomplishments appropriately.

Achieving this complex objective requires that we learn to communicate, therefore, it is necessary that we know that dialogue and discussion are the two elements of communication. Dialogue allows us to get to know others, that is, it is required to listen to what others say, a situation that allows ideas to flow freely and creatively. Anyone who learns to dialogue knows how important it is to listen to what is mentioned and therefore suspends their own perspectives and listens from others, not from the self. Discussion is the art of learning to direct ourselves to others in order to expose and defend our perspectives with equanimity and respect. Dialogue and discussion are complementary and allow for better decision-making, construction of ideas as well as being able to find solutions and improvements.

Learning the proper handling of dialogue and discussion gives the possibility of enabling and developing critical and creative thinking that will allow us to enhance our ability to work with other human beings. However, most people lack the ability to distinguish between dialogue and discussion and move between the two. In this regard, Bohm points out that the word discussion has the same root as percussion and concussion, which leads us to know that these concepts suggest a game where the purpose is normally "to win". If we reflect on the aforementioned, it is easy to deduce that we can only win when we accept that others also have great ideas that combined generate better alternatives.

Organizations currently require people who know how to manage themselves within work teams, a fact that leads us to recognize the need to learn to be in contact with other people in such a way that communication energizes the group. This learning allows people to increase their potential by joining forces and thereby replacing the weaknesses of some with the strengths of others.

For this, it is necessary to learn the discipline of learning in a team, an issue that leads to the need to transform ties of competition into ties of cooperation that intensify values ​​such as solidarity, companionship, reflection, availability, kindness in people.

Having a common direction allows harmonizing energies and avoiding waste. This requires the team to learn to work as such so that it can be in a position to align and develop the capacity to create the desired results collectively. Therefore, the process of learning as a team is essential for the group to build itself as such and generate a discipline that leads the members to develop a shared vision. This is how alignment becomes the necessary condition for the power of the individual to infuse power into the team.

To achieve team learning it is necessary to consider the following:

a) The team must learn to exploit the potential of many minds to be smarter than just one. That is why those groups that share a vision generate more productive results.

b) It is necessary that the members of a team are taught to act in an innovative, complementary and coordinated way, with the purpose of forming "operational momentum".

c) Team members must learn to behave in alignment in the other teams where they interact and act. Only by striving to have a collective mind is the team empowered further.

According to what has been previously expressed, it is essential to consider the fact that thought is largely collective, so it cannot be improved individually. Furthermore, thought is like a systematic phenomenon that arises from our way of interacting and exchanging a discourse, which in some cases becomes reciprocal. Precisely within the groups that want to work in an aligned way, they must learn to speak in such a way that the members develop a shared vision that leads them to generate values ​​of solidarity, cooperation, fellowship, work, productivity, freedom and continuous improvement. Dialogue and discussion are the two types of reciprocal discourse.

The dialogue

Dialogue is a learning method characterized by the fact that conversations take on "a life of their own," thereby allowing learners to go in directions not imagined or planned through savoring the art of conversation. In turn, it allows members of a team to open up to the flow of a broader intelligence that requires striving to be open-minded in order to be able to exchange everything that the mind of individuals is capable of generating. For this, it is necessary that the members of the team are willing and interested in learning to listen. Here are 4 techniques that will allow you to develop listening skills:

Verify: "You allow me to repeat what you said to make sure I understood you"

Clarify: «It seems to me that this is what you mean…»

Showing support: "I hear you, please continue"

Structure: "What do you think if we see the symptoms, we try to define the problem and then discuss possible solutions"

When the equipment is disabled in the art of knowing how to listen, they generally manifest the following characteristics:

Inability to make decisions by consensus. This is seen in tax or apathetic people.

Dominance by a team member, that is, there is a tendency to generate values ​​such as one-sidedness, verticality, submission, inconsistency and disinterest.

Interference which means that team members do not respect participation and there is generally a lot of interruption between themselves that is observed when many speak at the same time.

Lost ideas or lack of clear objectives that generally occurs because in team meetings there is no clear planning of what is desired.

Repetitive contributions.


The purpose of dialogue is to reveal the inconsistency of our thinking that manifests itself by:

Denying that thought is participatory; that is, according to our referential scheme we act. Example prejudice.

Deny that thought is presented and represented as in a theater; it is as if we were actors of our own "lack of reflection", forgetting that we are playing the role that our thinking dictates. This unconscious acting makes us lose contact with the broader reality in which the theater is generated.

Dialogue enables people to learn to observe the representative and participatory nature of their thinking, thus allowing them to adopt a more creative and less reactive stance. The basic conditions for dialogue are:

Be aware of our ideas, opinions, prejudices, needs and motives in order to submit them to the group's examination of them; that is, we should not adopt rigid and non-negotiable thoughts that make us feel compelled to defend them.

Consciously consider others as colleagues, so that we interact as such. This type of relationship does not imply that the same thoughts must be agreed or shared, on the contrary, the power of this way of interacting operates when there are differences in concepts. Therefore, it is essential to learn to visualize "adversaries" as "colleagues with other perspectives", in order to exchange ways of thinking in a relaxed and respectful way that helps us to leave behind the feelings of anger or anger that commonly They occur when people do not have the discipline to keep an open mind and believe that there is no other way to capture the world outside of what they perceive.

Build symmetrical relationships between team members; that is, avoid the idea of ​​superiority and / or subordination. Relationships where individuals perceive themselves as equals allow the flow of ways of thinking to take place through open dialogue and in a more balanced way.

It is necessary at the beginning of the formation of a learning team that there is a referee who "preserves the context of the dialogue". The functions to be performed by said arbitrator are:

Help, invite and encourage team members to be part of the process and results.

Keep the dialogue going and in balance.

Balancing your expertise and helpful attitude, but not taking on the role of "expert" or "doctor," which would remove the emphasis on the ideas and responsibility of the other team members.

Understanding that the art of dialogue is about experiencing the flow of meaning and seeing what is needed now.

Prevent "defensive routines" from arising between members; that is to say, to avoid that the members of the team assume roles that obstruct the harmonic flow, such as: "Victim", "know-it-all", "picky who does not propose", "I cannot", "the indifferent", "the fool ».

The discussion

Discussion is the necessary counterpart of dialogue and it is through it that different points of view are presented and defended. This process leads to decision-making, which will become productive when a conclusion or course of action emanating from the consensus converges.

Discussion is the art of defending our concepts with respect, subtlety, grace and flexibility; In other words, it is when our minds carry the purpose of sharing and enriching ourselves and not that of winning at all costs.

Developing skills and abilities for reflection, collaboration, and inquiry will be the foundation for building a stronger dialogue and discussion and less vulnerable to circumstantial details such as personal sympathies or dislikes. For all the above, we conclude that the group learning process consists of a continuous sway between practice and performance, where team members learn to become aware of their own performance. This will allow us to form mature teams, capable of investigating and analyzing complex and conflictive issues that give them the possibility of continual growth through learning to reflect-act simultaneously.

Based on what has already been explained, we teachers should consider this type of learning to be of utmost importance in university students, since this will enable them to be affective tools that will help them in the jobs they carry out or will carry out in the future.


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NAVARRO REYNOSO FRANCISCO Integration of medical teams in Emprendedores Magazine No. 94 July-August 2005

SENGE PETER. The fifth discipline, Granica, México 1998

How to achieve learning and teamwork