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How do you start a project?


Projects go through different stages or life cycles, among them are: the initiation, formulation, execution, control and closure stage of the project.

The initiation and formulation of the project are very important planning stages, which will guide us throughout the process. In these we will find the problem that requires attention and the search for a solution.

How to start a project

To precisely define the problem, it will be necessary to have a diagnosis of reality, based on secondary information; research, books, magazines and primary information through surveys and interviews. For this we can resort to SWOT, analysis of the sectorial value chain and of the company, the diagnosis will lead us to the problem, it will allow us to discover not only needs but also opportunities.

When analyzing the space where the problem is, we can find several needs that we will have to prioritize and define based on a budget, time and resources.

With the diagnosis we will be able to determine which are the critical factors that we are going to work on and that by solving them will help us generate greater competitiveness (value proposition).

Diagnosis and definition of problems

After making the diagnosis, one of the methodologies that helps us define and analyze the problem is the Problem Tree method, which will guide us towards the objectives to propose a solution, which will become a project.

The Problem Tree is a participatory analysis technique that is compared to a tree where the branches, leaves and fruits that we can see are the “ effects of the central problem”; and the roots that we often do not see are the “causes of the central problem”.

The central problem is that negative situation that affects a company, person or group of people. The diagnosis will provide us with a general overview of the current situation and will be the basis for a good identification of the problem, and therefore will support the proper approach to a project. At the time of writing the problem, it is preferable that it be expressed in unmet needs or untapped opportunities.

It is recommended that the central problem is not expressed as the lack of a solution, since there would be no other alternatives for its analysis. For example, it would not be correct to define the problem as: «Lack of computer equipment in the company's personnel department», since the equipment is an alternative solution to a different problem, which may be: «limited management of the information on company personnel ».

For the analysis of the effects we must ask ourselves what consequences does the problem generate? That is, what are the negative results that we can see and perceive of the problem. The identification of the effects makes it possible to be clear about what the results and benefits will be in the project.

In the analysis we must also ask ourselves, Why does this problem occur? That is, what are the reasons or motives that many times we do not see and are the ones that originate the problem. To discover what are the causes that produce the problem, we need to analyze, inquire, ask.

Each effect will have a cause, which leads to the construction of the Problem Tree, whose diagram allows a better understanding of the central problem to be prioritized, facilitating the identification of possible solutions (project).

When we do not carry out an adequate analysis of the problem, the solution or activities that are proposed to face the problem could be not very adequate and instead have an impact of improvement and changes for the company or people, the solution could generate more problems.

A simple and straightforward example could be: “A lady goes with her child down the street. Suddenly the child cries, shouts and pressures her mother to go home; the mother believes that the child cries because of impatience and ends up calling his attention to stop crying, the afflicted child falls asleep ”.

After several hours, when they get home, the mother asks why were you crying? and the child says "I was hungry." And at that moment the mother realizes that she did not investigate the reason for the child's impatience, she reacted based on the effects (the child's crying). Therefore the importance of analyzing the causes of the problem (what is not seen). And it is precisely in the causes that we find the way to the appropriate solutions.

The problem is the common thread of all stages of the project, where the objectives, activities, tasks, indicators will be focused on solving the problem to seek consistent change and improvement, reflecting a positive impact on the group of affected people.

When the work team gets involved in the problem, analyzes it in its effects and causes, projects are built that, when executed, achieve the expected improvements and changes.

Problem tree diagram

Main source of information: Project Guide of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)


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How do you start a project?