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Gold circle. from what for? to what?

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The way of communication between people and organizations has changed and has been improved over the years, as different strategies or methodologies have been discovered that facilitate the way in which new communication channels can be established, improving the information flow, promoting an acceptance or a positive impact on the recipient of the message, and waiting for the latter to perform an action proposed by the sender.

Thinking of the companies or industries that seek to generate a stable communication channel that can have a positive impact on the way of thinking of their clients, is how the author Simón Sinek refers to the way in which the processes can be improved Communicative, from a psychological perspective and understanding of the way of thinking of the human being and the way in which he makes decisions. Mention can be made in which a seller seeks to establish a flow of information with his potential client, presenting a product, its characteristics, and the way in which it works, which for the vast majority of clients does not take much importance because it just looks like a data series that you're throwing away almost immediately,because there is no deep connection between the way of thinking of the seller in conjunction with the knowledge they have, with the way of thinking and analyzing customer information.

From this problem arises the need to communicate correctly, and not only in the aspect of carrying out a purchase-sale transaction, in organizations, also the need to create work groups that share the same feeling and the same commitment to achieve the established objectives and the power to develop an effective and efficient work that meets the expectations that are held. For this reason, Sinek proposes the so-called "Golden Circle" or "Golden Circle" which refers to creating an impact on the way of thinking and reasoning of individuals, that is, not only providing information or data that on many occasions are irrelevant, or that they will not promote a feeling of commitment or identification, but in showing firstly the "for what" the actions that have been implemented are being carried out.

"True innovation changes the course of industries or even of society." Simon Sinek (2009)

For what? Or why?

In the way in which communication or the flow of information is carried out today, this is a step that is left to the last, either in the realization of a sale or in the formation of work groups within a company.

However, in the “Golden Circle” it is the first step that must be taken, since sharing the goals and objectives with one or more people can promote a feeling of commitment and direct recipients of the message to better analyze It forms the information, since not only is the data retained, but it directly affects the way in which it makes decisions.

It is necessary to focus the communication with the feelings of the receiver, because in this way, the decision you make will be totally guided by the communicative process that you have. For example:

When a working group intends to start a task or an activity, different aspects related to each person can be highlighted, that is, the benefits that can be obtained from correctly carrying out the activity or activities can be presented, for example obtaining a greater economic gain, care for the environment, being applied for a promotion, etc. This information will undoubtedly touch the feelings of the person who receives it, and with it the way of thinking and analyzing as well as the conduct that said person will take, will be totally focused on the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to her, since her.


The intermediate step is to show the paths that are planned to be followed in order to achieve the established objectives or goals, since in a direct and very well-founded way, the processes and methodologies to be followed must be presented in order to foster a positive attitude that allow to make correct decisions.

It is essential to know and be very clear that the way in which a person decides is based on the perception they have of their environment and what they can feel. The behavior that is followed is directed by the "emotional part" of our brain, but this lacks the capacity for language, so later a reasonable and credible explanation must be given by the "rational brain" that allows generating a feeling of confidence and security when making decisions. In this way you can justify the behavior you have and the decisions you make, if you have created a positive impact on the senses of a person or group of people.


Reference should also be made to what is going to be done in a clear and concrete way, that is, the actions that each person will carry out and is expected to carry out correctly or in the case of a communication process of the company with the client, specifies what the product or service offered is, but already from a recognition and identification approach that allows a better understanding of the qualities of the actions or of the elements presented.

Innovation or novelty?

It is necessary to make the difference between what is an innovation and what is a novelty. The Dictionary of the Spanish Language (2014) mentions the following definitions:


  1. Action and effect of innovating. Creation or modification of a product, and its introduction in a market.


  1. Quality again.New thing.Fashion item. U. m. in pl.Change occurred in something.Recent event reported.

Once the difference between these two terms has been established, reference is made to the author Sinek (2009) who mentions that a novelty can lead to sales, however its impact will not last long. In his book titled English with: Start with the why (2009), Sinek presents a very interesting argument about the difference between companies that remain at a certain level, and leading companies such as Apple, the author mentions that all organizations and people know what is done, or what is done, many know how what is done, but it is a low percentage of companies that know why or why it is done. This knowledge of the reason why things are done,It is a fundamental basis for leading companies to connect so fully with their customers and with the potential market they have.

The golden circle, or golden circle. (Sinek, 2011)

This system refers to the hierarchy of concepts that must be defined within a company or organization, and graphically represented three concentric circles can be seen, which starts from the center where the why or what is for, in an intermediate circle is the how and finally there is a circle where the what is established (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Golden circle.

And due to this new communication process strategy, different companies have implemented a "Golden Circle" in their ideologies, such as:

The example of Apple

In the Apple company, the following concepts are handled:

There is a firm conviction to challenge the status quo in all the products that are offered to the market, the Why is based on thinking in a totally different way from the conventional one. The How is directly related to the way in which this status is challenged, producing goods that are friendly to the final consumer and with a striking, practical and good-looking design. And the One that is focused on the manufacture of electronic and computational elements such as music players, cellular mobile phones, software, computers, tablets and online commerce stores.

By generating this change of perception in its client, Apple comes to positively alter the way in which its products are conceived, since it denotes a feeling of belonging and acceptance, if a person acquires any product of the brand, what which in some cases leads to covering certain psychosocial needs. This concept of why Apple is found in all the company's products, allowing it to innovate and generate new ideas that please the market. Products such as ITunes and IPhone were, in their time, products that broke with different paradigms and “norms” established in society and in the way in which music and cellular mobile phones were commercialized.

A more recent example was the creation and launch of the iPad, as it was a highly questioned product, compared to notebooks, however, once again taking into account the way in which the customer is sought to have a feeling of status, A marked difference could be made between these products that, although similar, took different paths in terms of their applications. Following this type of ideologies and strategies is that Apple has established itself as a leading company in the computing and online commerce branch, in 2011 and 2012, consecutively received the title of the most innovative company in the world and has been maintained in that top ranking granted by Fast Company.

That is why Sinek (2011) concludes that no external agent can identify the why of a company, an organization or a person, since it is a unique concept, which will make a difference with respect to others in terms of decision-making and that will be reflected in the products or services that it offers, in the processes and methodologies that it follows, and in general its way of guiding and behaving in the market and in society in general.

Some of the most representative phrases of this ideology are the following:

"People don't buy what you do, they buy Why you do it" Simon

Sinek (2011)

Undoubtedly, it is emphasized that the correct order to be able to do a business is making known the reason or the reason why it is being proposed or implemented, that is, it seeks to create a direct relationship between the reason for the product or the service, and the client or the market in general, because in this way, by touching or generating an impact on the consumer's senses, it is possible to greatly favor the positive image of the good and the company.

"If you speak from your heart of your beliefs, you will attract those who believe the same" Simon Sinek (2011)

In many situations that arise in the daily routine within a company or organization, it is necessary to have the confidence and certainty of the things that are sought to be implemented or put into practice, that is, to generate a change in any type of element, As it could be a process, a methodology, a strategy or a tool, you must be completely convinced that this change will help improve the current situation. Similarly, when doing business, you should try to convince the customer of all the benefits and positive approaches that the consumption of the product or service can offer to the market, and this will only be achieved if the company or the organization, is convinced of the quality and advantages of its product or service.

“There are leaders and people who lead. Leaders have power or authority but those who lead inspire us ” Simon Sinek (2011)

Businesses and industries are not looking for bosses, they are looking for leaders. People who have their own initiative, who look for the ways and paths that must be followed in order to lead the company to improve, to be a leader, to obtain benefits and competitive advantages. These people must have great qualities and specific abilities that allow them to be able to work as a team, to know how to deal with people, and to have clear and precise objectives and goals in mind.

Thesis proposal

Implement the "Golden Circle" strategy in a marketing company in the region.


Restructure the communication process strategies followed by a marketing company in the region.


Special thanks to the Orizaba Technological Institute, to Professor Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, who teaches the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, for all the knowledge he shares with his students and to the Master in Administrative Engineering that promotes the culture of learning. As well as thanking CONACYT for the support provided and for the areas of opportunity that it generates, with its different programs for graduate students.

Sources consulted

  • Marcos Santos. (2014). The Golden Circle: How to sell more and motivate your people, all in one. June 17, 2014, from Evoluzión / Alternative Coaching Website: http://www.somosevoluzion.com/como-vender-mas-y-motivar-a-tu-gente/Guiovanni Quijano. (2015). The Golden Circle, discover Why they follow the Leaders. January 18, 2015, Marketing and Finance Website: https://www.marketingyfinanzas.net/2015/01/el-circulo-de-oro-descubra-el-porque-siguen-a-los-lideres/Simon Sinek. (2009). Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action. TED September 2009 Website:
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Gold circle. from what for? to what?