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Organizational capacity and leadership as alternatives for the health system in mexico



The current situation worldwide is really worrying with an infinity of problems related to our role as people, however, these phenomena favor the creation of alternatives aimed at bringing organizational development on good terms. In the SNS (National System) in Mexico, which has weaknesses at the organizational level, it is important to act in the sense of generating opportunities that can occur from management actions with proper organizational direction through strategic leadership that It allows breaking paradigms of resistance to change and in which actions with sustainable approaches are included with continuous participation in a team of managers, public servants, workers and users for the satisfaction of needs in health services.

Key words: National Health System, leadership, organizational capacity, discipline, organizational development


Global changes generate certain uncertainties in society. Changes are taking place in Mexico that over time can generate direct and indirect effects. At the individual, family and social level we are currently presented with changes that affect us such as: the economic, environmental, labor, food and health. The strategies of change and the breaking of paradigms of resistance to change together with good and effective leadership actions can be very interesting alternatives in view of a source of social development to achieve stability in the various contexts that relate to us.

This essay presents a contextual approach emphasized to a current perspective in Mexico, especially the organizational one of the SNS (National Health System), as well as a proposal as an alternative based on experiences and models developed in organizational development in various companies by breaking paradigms of resistance to change and the generation of others with an emphasis on continuous improvement, in addition to the inclusion of organizational discipline in the development of activities.


Currently worldwide phenomena are arising that as human beings interrelate us, dealing with manifestations, problems and situations that keep us in mutual relationship in various contexts of our daily life. In Mexico, there are a series of current problems in many factors in which our society is being otherwise affected, it should be noted in this regard: lack of development, social insecurity, unemployment, poverty, epidemiological problems, currency devaluation For this reason , among others, it is for this reason that alternatives must emerge with the focus of facing such situations, foreseeing the uncertain future that lies ahead.

It is important to be clear that changes in various contexts are inciting us to develop proposals for improvement, however, in this sense, personally and at the organizational level there is the phenomenon of resistance to change which can be considered fear o Lack of initiative for situational analysis (internal and external) that could ultimately affect the organization, in this term it is of utmost importance that paradigms are broken and new ones are generated for the achievement of the mission, vision and business objectives.

Today, in Mexico, government proposals are presented as alternatives to the problem of social demands where the set of political-structural reforms are found and include: educational reform, financial reform, energy reform, reform of the national health system and reform labor. These actions of the Mexican government are, from my perspective, sufficient reasons that should generate changes in organizations, especially governmental ones.

Of all these important contexts in which Mexican society is involved, the one that should be given the most attention is health systems, from an economic point of view, health represents the most precious asset, since a welfare state it creates opportunities for all people. The SNS (National Health System)At the organizational level, it presents at the organizational level a series of irregularities that ultimately end up affecting users, among these we can mention many comments from the same users such as: lack of input, poor attention, deficiency in infrastructure, cumbersome procedures, to name a few. The discontent is such that currently, the marketing actions of the competition (private sector) of the Health System are generating actions of competitive advantage through the dignified treatment of users, medicines, quality care and low cost, as well as other services to favor of health.

The SNS in our country is losing competitive advantage because it presents problems in the organizational strategic planning of its institutions (IMSS, ISSSTE, SSA, PEMEX, SEDENA) compared to the private sector.

An emerging alternative that is currently being implemented worldwide is the development of new adequate models of organizational capacity through strategic leadership actions. Models in this sense are known and successful strategies are known in other countries in which they have been generated satisfactorily. It should be noted that it is not necessary to copy models but rather to adjust those models adapting them to our contexts. In order to generate organizational capacity it is important to keep in mind that a basic element is discipline, the leaders of the organizations must implement actions aimed at disciplinary acts with the aim of continuous improvement, that is why a program design to solve problems must be taken into account, keeping in mind the needs of the organization exercising power and control, always taking into account the investment to carry out these actions. Other actions that must be taken by every leader must take into account the inclusion of all the participants in the organization, that is, involving both internally and internally people or other entities to solve problems.Based on this, a phenomenon called triangulation is generated in which all the participants play their role, which is of utmost importance to the company. Leadership should not be seen as the action of a specific person, it is a misconception that has remained for a long time. There are organizations that develop integral leadership where members of the board of directors, workers, creatives and society participate in leadership actions in order to promote discipline in the company and achieve objectives, mission and vision seeking the satisfaction of customers and users.


The changes that currently affect the SNS in Mexico should be inspiring sources for managers, staff and society to generate proposals and / or alternatives to maintain themselves in the face of these events, leadership in actions aimed at the permanence of the SNS must be maintained. directed towards a situation in which all parties are favored, both society in general, users, workers and commercial chains in the health area. From my perspective, the leadership actions of health institutions in our country must be carried out by managers through actions that include all the necessary elements.For this, it is necessary to know the external context of the organization, in addition to generating individual changes, changes in company personnel and change in beneficiaries or users through teamwork and ideal strategic planning, active participation and satisfaction. of the needs with sustainable actions allow the integral development of society in the health field and in this way the fixed vision is maintained that health is the most precious asset that we have as human beings.

Bibliography and / or electronic references

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Organizational capacity and leadership as alternatives for the health system in mexico