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Management skills training

Table of contents:


The Course-Workshop was given at the request of the Management of the “Estrella” Training Center as part of the Tables and reserves training program, with the aim of developing skills in the use of the methods, techniques and tools, essential in management processes that take place in their organizations.


1.Characteristics of the Course-Workshop:

It was designed in full-time mode, with a duration of 24 contact hours and 72 hours of practice and research.

It covered 7 topics of essential competencies in management training and training.

The enrollment was 20 reservations and 19 were concluded.

It was developed with a broad participatory approach, linking the presentation of essential management techniques complementing the acquisition of knowledge, with the application of 15 instruments for evaluating characteristics, traits and competences, as well as with 10 group dynamics that promoted the acquisition of skills and abilities and reflection on its application to the participants' settings.

Additionally, more than 50 complementary bibliographic materials were delivered in digital format to facilitate the investigative phase of the participants.

Characterization of the contents, instruments and dynamics:

Competences: Concept, characteristics, types. Importance of your acquisition for managerial professionalism

2.Introduction to the Administration, Its systemic approach and main management functions. Presentation

  • Cobweb dynamics. Objective: to promote participants' initial knowledge and group cohesion

3. Motivation Techniques and their organizational relevance: Presentation

  • Motivation test that indicates the priority trend in each individual. Discussion and generalization of results Expectations test that measures the balance between individual expectations and the perception of what the organization receives. Discussion and generalization of results Organizational climate test that indicates the participants' qualification on 7 indicators of organizational climate, differentiating values ​​from the current state and the desired one, which allows identifying the critical points and gaps. Discussion and generalization of results Feedback

4.Communication Techniques: Presentation

  • Group dynamics: Concentric circles. Objective: to experience the need to communicate in groups and find new solutions to an unstructured problem. Communication Style Test that indicates the individual orientation of communication. Discussion and generalization of results Listening habits test that measures communication skills and competences. Discussion and generalization of results Listening test that evaluates frequency in the use of errors as listening. Discussion and generalization of results Test of “little stars” that demonstrates the impact on the results from an inadequate communicative emission in terms of length, clarity, manipulation, etc.Exercise measuring communication skills of description of geometric figures. Collective discussion Feedback test. Objective:Identify and contrast individual weaknesses and strengths by giving and receiving feedback Discussion and generalization of results Video projection and discussion on the impact of non-verbal language on communication and change Feedback

5.Leadership: Presentation

  • Group dynamics "Human knot". Objective: to evaluate the appearance of natural leadership traits in a group during the solution of an unstructured problem. Collective discussionGroup dynamics "Take off your shoes". Objective: Evaluate quality of leadership in group tasks. Collective discussionTest The profile of my personality. Objective: Self-evaluation of the main personality traits. Construction of an individual profile and contrast with the evaluation of the known group. Collective discussion Leadership Style Test. Objective: Identification of individual leadership style trend. Discussion and generalization of results Group dynamics "Alphabetical ordering". Objective: Identify natural leaders chosen by the group and Check their leadership skills and impact on the results of the task.Discussion and generalization of results Power Perception Test. Objective: To carry out the Profile of perception of the use of the different powers of the leaders. Discussion and generalization of results. Test of Individual Typology of Meyers Briggs: Objective: To characterize the individual differences of the participants and their impact on collective actions. Discussion and generalization of results Leadership evaluation associated with competences and behaviors according to UNESCO approach. Group discussion FeedbackDiscussion and generalization of results Leadership evaluation associated with competences and behaviors according to UNESCO approach. Group discussion FeedbackDiscussion and generalization of results Leadership evaluation associated with competences and behaviors according to UNESCO approach. Group discussion Feedback

6.Troubleshooting Techniques: Presentation

  • Dynamics "The knot of the handkerchief". Objectives: To stimulate creativity in solving problems through a change of mentality and traditional methods. Discussion and generalization of resultsDynamics "The puzzle". Objective: To stimulate creativity in solving group problems. Discussion and generalization of results Identification test of the individual Locus. Objective: Interpret the tendency to interpret the origin of the results that each man achieves. Discussion and generalization of results. Feedback

7.Techniques for working in groups and teams: Presentation

  • Dynamics "The ball". Objective: To experience the need for confidence and security in the members of the group. Discussion and generalization of results. Dynamics of "rare animals". Objective: To check the relaxing effect of a group technique to dispel tensions, conflicts, tiredness, boredom, etc. Discussion and generalization of results Group Attraction Test. Objective: To evaluate the availability and individual attraction towards the groups. Discussion and generalization of results Group dynamics "The web". Objective: To experience the threads or ties that can unite a group without differentiation, with equal opportunities to participate and to get caught up in the group's mission. Verification of the psychological transition from group to team.

8.Final feedback.

Evaluation of the initial expectations and final perceptions of the participants about the course. Objective: To know the final evaluation of the Course-workshop and verify the satisfaction of the expectations of the participants with the teaching process received.


During the course / workshop, the attention, discipline and enthusiasm of the group in the assimilation of the contents, analysis of application of the concepts to their reality and work environment, as well as the participation and interrelation achieved in the group dynamics was excellent.

They showed great interest in the interpretation and validation of the personal information offered by the different tests.

They expressed every day, through verbal and / or written feedback, their satisfaction with the quality and teaching content.

I consider that the selection of most of the compañeros and compañeras to integrate the Young Reserve is very appropriate.


100% of the participants expressed their very positive evaluation in writing about the development, quality, content and conduct of the Course-workshop, highlighting its usefulness, updating and applicability to the work they do and to their personal development. As well as the novelty and usefulness of the applied instruments that served to validate their perception of themselves and relate it to its possible impact on the groups. They added that the course allowed them to have fun learning and facilitated interaction to become better people.




Indicators Current Desired

Procedures 7.1 6.6

Liability 5.2 8.4

Goals 5.8 8.6

Stimuli 5.5 9.2

Clarity 5.6 9.2

Cordiality and

Support 5.3 8.9

Leadership 6.1 9.5

From their analysis it is interpreted that the participants perceive the current state of the organization's motivation climate at a low level, expressed in almost all the indicators with ratings around 5 points, the lowest being: Responsibility, Friendliness and Support, Stimuli, Clarity and Goals. In the case of procedures, referred in the Test to pressures imposed by the environment, they represented the highest evaluation and expressed wishes that they decrease.

It is interesting to see that this young reserve is demanding opportunities to assume greater responsibilities, which I suggest studying and completing in cases where appropriate.

However, their aspirations and expectations in the desired state are very high in terms of Stimuli and Clarity. And in turn, there are high gaps in leadership, stimulation and clarity and the rest of the indicators.

  • Completion: 11: 57.8% Power: 0% Affiliation: 3.15.7% Pending: 5. 26.3%

The priority needs identified are towards Realization, which must be mastered by the heads of the participants, to organize, distribute and match, to the extent possible, the assignment of tasks with their predominant motivations.

  • Balanced: 10: 52.6% Unbalanced: 8: 42.1% Slope: 1: 5.2%

Although the percent of balanced expectations between what participants deliver and expect to receive from their organization and what they receive is slightly higher than that of unbalanced, the latter represents almost half of the participants, which is significant.



  • People Oriented: 8: 42.1 percent Idea: 0Action: 3: 15.7% Processes: 5: 26.3% Pending: 3: 15.7%

The highest percent of communication style trend is people-oriented, Listens:

  • Bad habits: 2: 10.5% Good habits: 5: 26.3% Should improve: 10: 52.6% Pending: 2. 10.52%

The highest percent should improve listening: fundamental competence that must be trained, exercised and reported in the corresponding individual evaluations



  • Authoritarian: 4: 21% Democratic: 8: 42.1% Task focused: 2: 10.5% Relationship focused. 0% Slope: 5: 26.3%

The majority leadership style trend is democratic.

Perception of Power: Average values ​​of the group


  • Coercive: 5.3 Powers predominate in the group Connection: 6.3 expert leadership, award Expert: 12 and legitimate. They are lower Information: 9 the coercive and reference. Legitimate: 11 Reference: 6.4 Premium: 11.6
  1. Group attraction:
  • High: 12: 63% Very Good: 3: 15.7% Low: 3: 15.7% Pending: 1: 5.2%

The majority trend is highly attractive to groups, which is very positive as long as the assigned tasks can be carried out in this way.


  • As a result of the research of the basic and complementary bibliography delivered, and with the aim of applying knowledge to the body's own scenarios, the participants were assigned to prepare course work identifying problems related to the subjects taught, present In their respective scenarios, and based on the techniques learned, propose changes with their corresponding action plans. 8 papers were presented by the participants that included an important bank of problems, and interesting solutions developed through action plans. These works demonstrated an adequate level of assimilation of knowledge and techniques, managing to involve their respective work groups in the analysis and proposals,which constitutes an important contribution of the participants to the proposals for solving the problems in real time of "STAR" through the participatory route.
  • The processing of individual and group trends, shown by the participants in the applied tests, made it possible to carry out a detailed individual characterization of each one, which constitutes a valuable and rare instrument to continue the work of care and preparation of the reserve, for the areas and direction of "STAR" Boxes.


I consider that the results of the Course-Workshop "Management Competencies" were excellent both in content and in the use, participation and satisfaction of the expectations of the participants.


  • Undertake broader research to identify motivational tendencies in the cadres and reservations that lead to concrete actions in the areas, aimed at balancing the satisfaction of individual and collective expectations. Train participants in the need to practice situational differentiation of styles. communication, according to different scenarios, needs and personalities of the recipients. Continue training participants to improve leadership skills in order to balance the use of powers. Carry out a more detailed analysis with a representative sample of the tables and reserves of the organism to corroborate the perceptions about the climate and design an Action Plan to improve motivation,as a driving force for individual and group satisfaction Take advantage of the predominant characteristic of attraction to groups in the constitution of Project Teams for the solution of relevant problems and tasks and take advantage of the possible influence of positive leadership of the reserve on the labor groups to which they belong. Officially the course work to the corresponding Directorates, in order to analyze its possible execution and to follow up on the process by the Directorate of the Center for Studies and that of Tables as a concrete way of measuring the impact of the training carried out.

I offer to the Management of the Training Center and to the Management of "ESTRELLA" Boards to analyze the possibility of starting a Consulting Project aimed at studying the specialized care and evolution of this reserve from the application of methods and techniques according to their expectations, characteristics, typology, and abilities identified; as well as to generalize said experience progressively among the managers and main reserves of the organization.

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Management skills training