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Characteristics of business resilience


This research focuses on showing specifically (the individual) and systematically (company) to address the issue of business resilience, the human factor is the main engine to carry out actions that generate adaptation to constant market change.

A human resource to which this strategy is not inculcated will be a factor of weakness in times of crisis, therefore, it is necessary to propose possible scenarios that put the stability of the organization at risk in order to take preventive measures, as in other areas of business management., a company that has no vision and accident prevention is a vulnerable company, business resilience is a culture that has priority in new organizational strategies, flexibility is essential today as market demands compel companies to keep in full expectation not to be left behind in this competitive fight. The effects of not taking into account this type of measures can result in cadastral losses


Key words: Resilience, human resource, organizational culture, prevention and correction.


The effect of globalization on the organization is an issue that keeps entrepreneurs interested in taking advantage of possible competitive advantages, application of strategies, effective planning and in general effective management of their businesses. Not only globalization influences, locally, competition, market needs or the remnants of day to day promote this type of forecast. It is well known that external and internal factors affect companies depending on their nature, but what measures should be taken in this regard? exist?. The importance of undertaking the issue of business resilience arises intrinsically from the need for organizations to cope with changes in the macro and micro economic environment and not just those aspects. Of course, it is useful to mention the definition of said term that was originally adapted from other subjects or sciences,specifically from physics and / or social sciences, it comes from the English term "resilience", which implies the ability of a material to recover its original shape after being subjected to high pressures. For psychology, it is defined as the ability of a person to overcome traumatic circumstances such as the death of a loved one, an accident, etc.

If we approach human capital in the business environment, it is always constantly solving problems within the organization, a fact that makes useful its ability to face them in a resilient way. Organizational resilience can be defined as the ability of a system to absorb changes, which can be seen as a series of sudden crises (López, 2009; Smith and Graetz, 2011), and still retain its essential functionality (Walker et al., 2006). The present investigation, tries to change this topic focusing on the benefits that it brings with it if it is promoted in the organizational culture, analyzing in principle what it is, its characteristics, scope and advantages and will allow the reader to understand its importance.



The economic, cultural, natural, warlike crises or of any type at national and international level affect all sectors of the industry, the lack of training, vision, resources or human talent, diminishes the possibilities of acting before them, the question It arises from knowing how to deal with it all. A company that manages to do so with the least degree of impact is one that can be considered as resilient. It could be said that they are those capable of absorbing internal or environmental changes without diminishing their profitability, since they have a high capacity for adaptation, which brings benefits.

The strategic direction, the business vision, the market positioning, the financial situation, the marketing, the advertising, the information structure, the equipment, the technological supports and a host of other relevant issues in business management are, without a doubt, many of the factors that contribute to achieving this differential performance. However, companies they function in one way or another by people, therefore they are human-dependent as long as their activities - be they industrial, commercial, financial or of any other type - are always subject to the psychophysical state of their members, since they are ultimately these who daily make decisions that directly affect the final result of the business. That is to say that there is mutual influence between the human factor and the organization, the collaborator has the possibility of influencing the company in such a way that if it is not motivated, it does not have growth, it receives an insufficient salary or it does not have the commitment, this is reflected in their work, in dealing with the client and in the general results.

In the economic sector, unequal theories or proposals have been postulated, but not different in nature. First-generation resilience is underpinned by models of resistance and refers to individual strengths. This contribution has allowed the evolution of the attributes of individuals and institutions to face adversities based on fundamental determining aspects such as the culture and values ​​of each community. Second-generation resilience houses intellectual and critical developments, opening the game to other possible gazes, with creativity, with innovation, in a more hostile and turbulent world. In this sense, resilient companies would be those that, in times of constant changes derived from economic-social crises and / or the globalization of business,They perform better than others and still obtain extra benefits from adverse or unforeseen circumstances.

The concept of resilience has three defining characteristics: According to the definition of the Resilience AlJiance and as mentioned by Berkes, Colding and Folke (2000)

  • It is the amount of change or transformations that a complex system can support while maintaining the same functional and structural properties; It is the degree to which the system is capable of self-organization, It is the ability of the complex system to develop and increase the ability to learn, innovate and adapt.

From another similar approach but in the same direction, researchers from the Santa Fe Institute carried out work on the robustness of the economic, social and ecological systems considered as complex phenomena. In them, robustness is considered as the magnitude of volatility that can be compensated by the complex system before reaching the collapse of its characteristics, processes and main functions. His research aims to identify and understand the dynamics common to these systems so that they can give rise to the formation of a theory in this new field that allows the complex systems of our world today to be increasingly sustainable over time. In line with that established by Berkes, Colding and Folke (2000),the concept of resilience is directly associated with the sustainability of any complex system. Most significantly, understanding that resilience is not a property absolute and fixed but, on the contrary, it is variable in time and space, and depends to a large extent on the actions and relationships of the system and on the environmental volatility of the context in which it is found.

If a system begins to lose resilience, the potential for change increases, that is, the possibilities of moving to a different state or organizational configuration increase even if it is subject to small disturbances or disturbances that were previously insignificant or did not produce any adverse effect. Faced with a situation that previously did not show problems, some drawbacks may arise, in which the learning ability could not maintain its resilient potential

Holling (2001) demonstrated that the concept of resilience emerged as a way to analyze why some systems collapse when they are impacted and others do not. Considering the meaning of resilience, Gruhl (2009) defines it as the capacity of adaptation or resistance that allows people to return to their original position, regardless of what happened; For his part, Sambrano (2010, p.17), defines resilience as "the capacity that people have to react satisfactorily to adversities", and Grotberg (2003) points out it as the capacity of the human being to face the adversities of life, overcoming them and even being transformed by them.

The concept of resilience applied to organizations, does not have an exact definition, is postulated by various authors and they agree that it is a way of adapting to change, resilience is considered to be a difficult term to define and specify in an empirical way and is extremely related to measures of situational success and failure. However, even with this, it is not an underdeveloped or unusual technique in its application to institutions.


According to Sambrano (2010), resilience has seven characteristics, you are focused on the qualities of the human being, these factors are important to consider for the understanding of human capital in the organization;

Introspection: refers to the ability of self-criticism possessed by certain individuals, to observe themselves and the environment, to ask deep questions, giving honest answers.

Morality: it is understood as the transcendent meaning given to certain actions, wishing others their own good, encompassing the different values ​​internalized by each person through vital development, which makes them capable of discriminating between good and bad.

Creativity; It is considered as a state of consciousness that generates a network of relationships to identify, raise, produce and solve problems in both relevant and original ways. On the other hand, it is established that it is about producing something from nothing, giving life to simple elements or modifying what already exists.

Humor: ability to face situations in a playful or fun way, using the crisis as a source of inspiration. "State of mind, considered persistent, that allows training to critically relativize emotional experiences, Bizquerra (2008).

Independence: like the ability to see problems objectively, setting limits without being passionate or influencing your own maps; "The ability to maintain physical and emotional distance from problems without falling into isolation, helping to establish limits with adverse environments" Melillo and Suárez (2008).

Relationship: as the ability to provide, sustain and establish strong long-term relationships, both of trust and solidarity with other people. For its part, the relationship refers, according to Melillo and Suárez (2008), to the ability to establish intimate ties, which in turn are satisfactory with other people, allowing them to offer themselves to others and accept them in their own lives.

Initiative: as the ability to self-demand, to appear in person's own responsibilities, of the decisions made and of the consequences generated, while Covey (1997) (cited by Belzunce, Danvila and Martínez, 2011), defines the initiative as proactivity, a change-oriented attitude of responsibility.

On the other hand, there are factors that promote resilience in the individual, according to Fergusson (2000), In the foreground, intelligence, which is defined as the intellectual ability that allows the individual to create ways to solve problems or conflicts, learning from them, without being overcome by any adversity. Gender, on the other hand, is defined as the differences between roles, needs, both strategic and practical, between men and women, which must be satisfied to achieve both equity and sustainability. In other words, it is a symbolic system that insists on the need to account for the relationships established between the different elements of the system or cultural ideals of both men and women, as well as their relationship with systems such as nature. sexualityreligion, among others.

Regarding emotional ties, it is established that the presence of significant interests or people outside the family, favor the manifestation of resilient behaviors in adverse personal or professional circumstances. On the other hand, in relation to the parental attachment factor is the presence of a warm, nurturing and supportive relationship, although not necessarily present at all times, capable of guiding protection towards the harmful effects of adverse means. Finally, temperament is defined, according to Pueyo (2007), as the emotional characteristics of a subject, which include susceptibility to emotional stimulation, both strength and habitual speed of responses, quality in the predominant state of mind, in addition to peculiarities of fluctuations of direction and intensity.


Resilient organizations have high capacities to cope with the changes that have occurred in any of their areas of operation, from operational, administrative, logistic or any other, and in a systemic way, as each cell is immersed in said strategy. These factors are key in determining the resilience of a company: 1. Its organizational culture is focused on generating greater resistance to unforeseen events.

They have knowledge of the situation because previously it was warned about said scenario, they know their threats through an analysis of them according to their environment and historical data.

They are engaged in vulnerability management and key activities for the same purpose.

Culture of adaptation, agility and innovation within the organization.

The factors to take into account as changing will depend on each organization since each one presents its own indexes capable of taking the organization to a stormy situation.

Very often, organizations facing uncertainty and crises have looked for more or less effective alternatives to go through them. Resilience can be framed within the strategic processes of an organization.

Currently, organizations are constantly searching for some keys to anticipate and overcome moments of crisis to achieve a greater degree of effectiveness. In that search they have approached disciplines such as ecology, anthropology, linguistics, psychiatry, among others.

Although resilience assimilated by the social sciences involves two moments: 1) the transit of trauma, that is, the ability to pass the critical moment, and 2) exit through a process of reconstruction towards a new reality.

Regarding disruptions as precursor elements of resilient processes, they can be divided into three categories, depending on their probability of occurrence: 1) Natural disasters, 2) Accidents, and 3) Intentional attacks.

In the case of organizations, according to Sheffi (2007: 65), the model of an encrypted profile in the hypothetical development of a disruption is divided into eight stages:

The preparation. In some cases, a company can anticipate and prepare to minimize post-disruption effects.

The disruptive event. It is the moment in which a tornado is unleashed, an accident occurs, a bomb explodes, a supplier leaves the business, the union calls for a strike or any other disruption characterized by generating a high impact and having a low probability of occurrence.

The first answer. After the disruptive event occurs, the first moment in a physical incident case corresponds to the immediate response team (police, fire, paramedics), who must attend to the initial damage. The duration of this phase will depend on the nature of the event, from putting out the fire in the event of a fire to months to dismantle, Types of disruptions:

Natural disasters, attacks, intentional accidents clean and re-raise the destroyed. In other types of disruptions, such as those that refer to labor or information technology-type actions, the first response is aimed at avoiding physical damage and injured people. This sometimes involves stopping the processes and verifying the absence of physical damage to the plant, equipment or personnel.

The delay in impact. The full impact of some disruptions is felt immediately, but others may take some time before affecting an organization; it depends on factors such as the magnitude of the disruption, capacity and preparedness, the inherent resilience of the firm, and the supply chain. The total impact. Sometimes, once the full impact of the disruption is received, performance drops dramatically. In other events, when the disruption directly hits an organization's facilities, the full impact is immediate.

Preparing for recovery. This moment begins immediately or in parallel with the first response. In the business field, this can be exemplified by evaluating new suppliers or redirecting the resources destined for the old ones if the latter suffered any damage or accident.

The recuperation. Reestablishing vendor production or distribution or bringing products back to customers, repairing damaged infrastructure, or correcting damage to information technology can be time consuming. To return to normal operations, some companies increase the workday (overtime), hire more people, look for maquila companies, among other strategies.

The long-term impact. It will generally take some time to recover from the effects of a disruption. But this circumstance will be exacerbated if the relationship with customers was affected in the process, in this case the impact will be long-lasting and difficult. On the other hand, the risks are immanent to any organization, even the resilient one, because they can arise in a single business unit or a single project.

In the case of the resilient organization, the “trick” consists in defining the frame of reference, built on the basis of asking the right questions, in order to obtain the answers of interest according to the real problem being faced.


There are factors that are useful to identify the areas of opportunity in the organization, as well as to integrate the business resilience culture strategy, which vary according to the needs and according to them, internal change or analysis of the possible is achieved. change that must have, described below as an example.

Pain management

Pain management basically refers to the fact that in the organization there are often problems that are already considered routine daily and that everyone sees as something normal, something that they have already become accustomed to since they do not really feel a difficulty since they are used to coexisting with these problems and therefore they do not do something to solve them, it is as if refugees in a kind of Comfort zone lived inadvertently and without ambition for something better; It can be considered as a form of resistance to change.

A factor that also determines the success or rather the failure of an organization is wanting to solve current problems with old methodologies. In other words, it is possible that yesterday's successes are today's failure. For this reason, it is very important to be up-to-date, not to stay in the Comfort zone and to see how problems are being solved today. and at the same time it is a quality that allows them to overcome current and future crises. Resilience is more than anything an attitude, although this is mostly founded on culture, it is the attitude of each person, a resilient attitude is willing to learn unlearn and relearn,what does this mean; This means that all people have learned things in previous years in previous decades throughout our lives, however those methods with which we solved some problems are no longer effective in our current times and therefore we must have then We could have had the ability to learn but what has been learned may not be effective in our days and therefore we must also have the ability to unlearn, that is, let ourselves be taught by new experts and put aside our prejudices about what we have learned, forget what we have learned. We know and learn again what we are missing. This is precisely the last step in learning.This means that all people have learned things in previous years in previous decades throughout our lives, however those methods with which we solved some problems are no longer effective in our current times and therefore we must have then We could have had the ability to learn but what has been learned may not be effective in our days and therefore we must also have the ability to unlearn, that is, let ourselves be taught by new experts and put aside our prejudices about what we have learned, forget what we have learned. We know and learn again what we are missing. This is precisely the last step in learning.This means that all people have learned things in previous years in previous decades throughout our lives, however those methods with which we solved some problems are no longer effective in our current times and therefore we must have then We could have had the ability to learn but what has been learned may not be effective in our days and therefore we must also have the ability to unlearn, that is, let ourselves be taught by new experts and put aside our prejudices about what we have learned, forget what we have learned. We know and learn again what we are missing. This is precisely the last step in learning.

Learn new things things that are more at the forefront ways and methodologies to solve problems or crises to the adversities that are presented to us How resilience was said at the beginning is about attitude.

Organization identity

More than anything in an organization, the corporate image does not work alone, but that that image must have a background and that background of the corporate image is the corporate identity or the identity of the organization. Because an organization can give the public to the people, the city and its environment, a certain image about what can be said to be a socially responsible company, an ecological company, a company that cares about the health of its workers, its customers that cares For the environment that works with the best production quality standards, it can speak wonders of the organization, but if there are other walls of that beautiful corporate image, there is nothing to support it, that is, the true identity of the organization does not it is very difficult to sustain that corporate image.For example, you can say that within your organization, workers are respected, there is a good work environment, they all get along great, everything is like an ideal job, but that is only the corporate image, the image remains the public, but if at bottom, within the organization there is a bad work climate people do not work as a team there is no synergistic leadership the work of each one is not valued there is no good communication good instructions then the identity of the organization is really bad its image can be apparently good but its identity its essence what really happens within the organization is different,therefore, special care must be taken in the identity of the organization because a good identity the organization an identity that is socially responsible is a more resilient organization true social responsibility is a quality and makes a company a more resilient company is by That is why the identity of the organization must be carefully taken care of.

The identity of the organization can be seen from the personal point of view and from the collective point of view, that is, it can be worked from those two points of view or from those two levels.

On a personal level, the identity of the organization is dictated by the leadership for the emotion that the workers are provided, that is, the motivation that is given to each of the collaborators. And of course, the collaboration, the contribution of each of those who work. In the organization. Now the idea of ​​identity at the collective level, that is to say at the level of the organization, is dictated how you can perceive through your culture the way of doing your work, your codes of conduct, etc.

Another quality of a resilient company is memory, but what does memory mean in an organization? Well, both collectively and personally we have all had problems or adversities or crisis difficulties to overcome but each of these adversities challenges has left us an experience from which we can learn and that is what memory in the organization is about the organization as anybody has had problems to overcome and has overcome them and that is why it still exists now it is a matter of precisely that experience -that memory- to be able to solve in some way or rely on those results by elliptically combining them with avant-garde solutions or with avant-garde methodologies for solving problems that are being presented, just because a solution is old does not mean that it is completely useless but you can take some parts of it because both yesterday's problems and today's problems have some things in common.

The process of change respecting what already exists

Organizational resilience and the process of change are not something that should be taken so lightly. I mainly refer to the process of change. The process of change is not something that can be taken so lightly because there are interests at stake. organization has already lost too much and really the solutions have to be drastic and this is given by a phrase that perhaps many have to know and that is that sometimes to build a new world you have to destroy the old one but that only works for very cases extremes everything depends on the situation of the company often in companies we are not in that situation but there are many interests at stake and a process of change has to be done respecting the interests that are already the interests that exist at that time is say get it to coexistthe future with the past, you cannot fire people who already work there and replace them with new young people. There is a process if there is a culture on which the survival of the organization also depends, then a way must be found in which progress can be made without affecting the rights of people who have already worked for that company.

Another very important aspect to make a company resilient is that it has synergistic leadership. Leadership was previously considered as making decisions using the knowledge and skills of a single person or of a specific group of people, however, today Leadership in an organization is intended to be synergistic. This means that every opinion of the people who are interested in solving problems in the organization is taken advantage of. This refers to the fact that each opinion is important and you can take advantage of these opinions if you They organize and structure themselves eclectically generating a viable solution.

Eclectic leadership is also part of a good organizational climate since it takes into account the opinion of those who work and collaborate in the collective body. In addition to that, you can obtain data and details that from a specific perspective you would not appreciate. In other words, a single person cannot see everything, but other people with a different vision and a different preparation may see things that a leader with his or her unique knowledge cannot take into account, and that information may be crucial for solving a certain problem..

However, synergistic leadership must also be systemic, that is, what must take into account all aspects of the organization because a problem not only affects a department, only one aspect of the organization, but indirectly affects the entire organization and The organization's problems are not solved only with a single branch of knowledge, but the organization as a whole must be attended to.

Resilience is attitude and attitude determines the success of both a person and a company.

When having organizational resilience, examples of paths that can be taken to overcome certain circumstances are foreseen, for example, challenges can be benchmarking when a company goes through a certain crisis and its main problem is that it does not have an organization. and the most appropriate and avant-garde technology and procedures and methodologies that also depend on an organizational diagnosis. Depending on the organizational diagnosis, what is the main problem is identified, what are the problems that emanate from the main problem and through diagnosis,For example, in this case that has just been described, you can use the path or you can opt for the path of benchmarking, which aims to analyze a specific leading organization and adapt its procedures according to the needs of your own organization. an example of a path that can be taken as part of the strategies.

Of course, the characteristic of a resilient company is also the innovative vision of its managers and not only of its managers and note but of each of the collaborators who elaborate or who work within the organization since their opinions are taken advantage of through synergistic leadership different advances can be obtained insofar as who generates the opinion is related to the problem.

Ocean Blue is also a resilient measure since, as has already been discussed, Ocean Blue is about seeking a New Horizon or a new Market Niche that is not being served so that a new business is generated without competition, it is say for example if in an organization the problem is that there is a lot of competition then let's say it so the organizational diagnosis was that the main problem is excess competition And then it is a way to overcome this crisis is precisely the search for blue oceans search for markets that have not been served and make this a new business model, a new market, a new way of generating wealth and generating money. "Mismanagement can be more destructive than an atomic bomb."

A clear example of organizational resilience is what many call the Japanese miracle. Japan is a country that was and was devastated after the Second World War, however, in little more than half a century, it passes from being a country that was in ruins to become a world power, but all this arises from a systemic point of view because the discipline influences the culture the leadership of each one of the members of the survivors of this country.

Japan was devastated by two atomic bombs, however, today it is a world power. Its culture is a critical factor in the reconstruction of this country with enormous resilience, an admirable resilience, unlike our country, Mexico, since it has not had a crisis of that kind. type however in the same time 50 years, its progress is minimal compared to the land of the rising sun.


According to Schneider (2007), when facing an instability environment, five areas must be studied that will allow us to resist it; it is that both companies and their members can develop capacities or skills to enter a strategic process through the determination of the following: strategy, structure, system, skill and culture.

The strategy is defined by Schneider (2007) as a set of actions as well as decisions to be taken by the company regarding its constitution, in order to face and beat its competitors, aspects such as: who are they, where are they determined it is operated, how it is operated and what are the objectives to be achieved; thus achieving a sustainable advantage over the competition.

It also determines strategic resistance, such as the ability to anticipate, not just respond adequately to a given crisis; it is about the change being permanent but not traumatic facing challenges of knowledge, strategy, policy or ideology.

On the other hand, it indicates that the structure refers to the way in which people are specialized and divided in the organization, as well as the way of distribution of authorities in it. It is also understood as the sum of the ways in which the organization divides its work into different activities and then coordinates them; According to the author, it is frequently referred to the organizational chart, which represents a graphic illustration of the relationships between the units, as well as the lines of authority between supervisors and subordinates by using boxes and connecting lines and attributing authorities.

As for the systems, these are the formal and informal processes or procedures used by the organization to manage itself daily; which include control systems, performance measurement, motivation systems, compensation, awards, among others.

People, money, machinery, technology and materials can enter administrative systems, which interrelate with administrative processes to deliver products or services in the most efficient way possible; thus processing interpersonal relationships, regulations, techniques and principles to achieve job improvement.

According to Schneider (2007), skills refer to the set of distinctive competencies that reside in an organization, which can be about people, management practices, systems or technologies. Culture is closely related to shared values, as it represents a complex pattern of beliefs, expectations, ideas, values ​​and behaviors of the members of an organization, which includes routine ways of communicating, norms between teams and individuals, dominant values, rules and organizational climate.


Once resilience has been defined, its characteristics and the factors that promote it, it is determined that it could be used as a strategy for modern organizations; considering that Organizational Resilience refers from different points of view to: "the ability of an organization to absorb shocks and deep impacts without losing the ability to fulfill its mission" (Sampedro, 2009).

Also, it is defined as “Those companies capable of absorbing changes and ruptures, both internal and external, without affecting their profitability and that even develop flexibility such that, through rapid adaptation processes, they manage to obtain extra benefits, whether these are pecuniary or intangible, derived from adverse circumstances. (Minolli 2000)

Hence, it can be assumed as the organizational capacity to anticipate key events related to emerging trends, constantly adapt to change and recover quickly after disasters and crises, and Hamel and Välikangas (2003) as the capacity to dynamically reinvent models business and strategies as circumstances change. Also, they point out that in turbulent times, the only advantage that companies have is having the ability to reinvent their business model before circumstances force them to do so, which is known as Strategic Resilience, where organizations do not avail themselves only from the drive to be successful but that its members acquire and develop such characteristics.

Strategic resilience is not about reacting or recovering from a single crisis, but constantly adapting and anticipating deep and long-term trends, making changes before they are extremely necessary; that is why one of the main characteristics of resilience is creativity and initiative.

In a resilient organization there is a lot of enthusiasm and little trauma; This is why modern companies must develop these attitudes by liberating nostalgia, denial, arrogance and being aware of how changes affect their current success, seeking to go beyond operational excellence and impeccable execution. of activities. Resilience, according to Hamel and Välikangas (2003), requires innovation against those values, processes and organizational behaviors that systematically favor perpetuation over innovation.


It is not possible to separate human capital from the organization's operating system, since they are interdependent, as previously analyzed, a company that is prepared to face the changes and demands of the market, is a company with a future, that is why it is not They must ignore the approach of possible risk scenarios that may affect them, take preventive and corrective measures with the support of training and a culture of resilience for employees. All efforts must be directed from the beginning to the confrontation of possible contexts, since the importance of this is based on the possibility that when the time comes, such acts do not cause severe effects on the numbers, profits and prospects of the company.

Summing up, the organization must take into account factors such as the strategies to be implemented that will contribute to the development of resilience, the structure, that is, the hierarchical or organizational distribution of the company, since the effectiveness of what is implemented depends on it, the culture that must go integrated to the policies and values ​​that it determines, and finally the skills of each individual, analyzing their ability to adapt to change and the various qualities that allow them to perform teamwork. Likewise, improvements and improvement of distribution channels, changes in industry regulation, analysis of the number of direct and indirect competitors as well as customers and changes in the technology implemented.

Business resilience is a tool that should not be ignored by any entrepreneur, it is an excellent opportunity to get to know the organization better through pre-established analyzes such as SWOT, supported by others that adjust to the line of business and needs of the organization.


The Orizaba Technological Institute is thanked for providing the necessary resources for the development of this article, Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández for the assignment of the topic and the Engineer Monserrat Jiménez Hernández for their valuable contributions.


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Hamel, G. and Välikangas, L. (2003). In search of resilience. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 1, No. 9.

Hitt, M. (2006). Administration. Mexico. Pearson Education.

Minolli, C. (2000). Resilient companies, some ideas to build them. Online document. Available in:

www.ucema.edu.ar/u/cpcbm/Inv estigacion / Resiliencia / Empresas_Resili entes.pdf. Consultation: 10/13/2017.

Pueyo, A. (2007). The personality. Spain. UOC Publishing.

Sambrano, J. (2010). Resilience, positive transformation of adversity. Venezuela. Alfa Publishing House.

Schneider, B. (2007). Resilience. How to build successful companies in contexts of instability. Colombia. Editorial Norma.

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Characteristics of business resilience