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Characteristics of commanders and leaders

The joint work of both managers and employees leads to success in an organization. However, the former must best command all the strategies and actions necessary to achieve them.

When we have a headache we cannot do anything. We do not feel able to carry out any task and the actions we carry out, we do them reluctantly or without knowing if they were successful. The same is true in the business environment. If senior managers do not know for sure what to do and how, staff will undoubtedly feel disoriented and very possibly do tasks without motivation and without order.

There is no doubt that the success of an organization is the sum of all the good deeds of all the personnel. However, those individuals who are responsible for a group or area, should set an example with their actions and good behavior. As they say out there: the son does what the father sees, in our case, the employee works as his superior does.

In addition, the high-level people in the company are the ones that most influence its culture. They do this by putting their ideals into practice, spreading their values ​​and taking the most appropriate actions that allow the company to improve, maintain, care for it and, of course, consolidate it in the market. In two words, seek the full benefit of it.

For something to work there must be a synchronization of all its parts. In a company, all the bosses must go in the same direction, because if any one "deviates", there is a risk that there will be a malfunction and the well-being of the company will be in danger. Competition between them should not proliferate seeking to determine who is the best, it is recommended that they support each other and everyone fight for the company.

As we noted in another article, individualism and the "super-ego" must completely disappear from those who are bosses. Their mentality must be based on service to others and on seeking the best mechanisms for the good of the organization, either by being more effective in their job, helping their subordinates or seeking to be an exemplary person of which their workers feel proud.

The boss must correctly handle all attitudes and increase the skills of his employees. You must ensure that everything is done well, at the right time and in the perfect "dose". The group must reflect to the others, what its director has tried to capture and it is his duty to always continue with the same enthusiasm, even if the leader is not at a certain moment.

The good example and good treatment of our superiors will make our commitment and dedication for what we do very high.

When there is a true commitment to achieve all of the above, the most likely is that the person seeks to improve more every day. It is not enough to be good bosses for a while. Integral growth is something that is cultivated at every moment and the most important thing is not to be better, but to maintain ourselves, applying new and better techniques and transmitting that energy and vitality to all those people with whom we live daily.

Respect must always prevail, both for employees and for company rules and regulations. If someone makes a mistake, they should be made aware of their mistake and seek to never break the law again. The communication of these rules must be done so that everyone knows them and abides by them, and if at any time someone violates them, seek the best solution.

Just as it is the task of the person in charge, helping their employees, it is their function to fulfill the objectives that have been set from the beginning. Nothing is obtained if there is good treatment, support, advice, etc., if the goals are not satisfactorily met. These evaluations will serve to determine who is not doing their job, what are the causes and what corrective and preventive measures will be taken in this regard.

A boss should be both reactive when there is a failure and proactive in anticipating any inconvenience that may arise. It is never good to delay solving something because the problem can take gigantic dimensions and cause much more damage than it did initially.

The same goes for good ideas or projects that you have. The director must fight to get ahead as quickly as possible, making the most of the opportunities for its realization. Of course, it is not enough just to be fast but also efficient and this will obtain excellent results on time.

There are countless tasks that a boss must complete. The above are just a few that, if done with total commitment and dedication and with the support of all the people necessary to carry it out, will help a company to be successful and its perfect work environment.
Characteristics of commanders and leaders