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Characteristics of inept employees in the company


Yes, this is without a doubt, just as there are Inept Managers, Inept Employees also swarm in companies and are even more common than the previous ones and the reasons why they are still active on the payrolls of organizations are more puzzling.

Inept employees are nothing other than those individuals, regardless of their place in the company, who not only do their jobs halfway with results of dubious quality, but delay or hinder the professional practice of others.

Everyone knows who they are, because they are easy to identify, they tend to show two unmistakable facets: the first is that they are extremely busy, with desks full of papers, notes, documents and whatever else suggests work pending, coupled with expressions that show the lack of time and the excess of things to do or are involved in every project that appears, meetings, visits or activities that take him away from the company facilities and that are the perfect excuse for not finishing his assignments on time.

Of course, there are diverse and interesting variations and combinations that considerably expand the characteristics of those who can be branded as inept employees.

Now, the ineptitude mentioned is directly related to the absence of added value to the administrative and production processes of goods and services of the company or organization where these individuals are present and not to the capacity or otherwise that they may have certain people in their professional practice.

Inept employees manage to look like ordinary workers, there are even those who spend twelve to fourteen hours on the job daily, so those who have not identified them still label them tireless and exemplary. But those who share with him, or they directly, manage to observe his deficiencies, finite or excuses without understanding why companies keep him active.

The reasons can be as varied as they are implausible, and range from the belief, by those responsible, of being in front of a person valuable to the company, to the social, family and even political and economic ties that “someone” has with them.

One of the most common explanations that have been obtained, during the study that was carried out to establish the reality of this phenomenon, is that “for some things this type of employee is relevant”; by delving into details, it could be known that, among them, they stand out:

  1. They are flatterers, they do not rule out participating in various activities even if they end up doing nothing. Due to their personality they know many people, so they serve as liaison. Although they are inept, they usually have such agility for certain situations that help to observe scenarios that have not been explored. They serve as filler when the case requires it because they intend to know the business better than its true founders… and the wildest of all: They are the perfect excuse to justify the absence of improvements, based on which it would be unfair increase others and not them.

Such statements have been expressed by the heads of companies or different units, who are perfectly aware of the existence of these employees in their ranks; Although they are repeated in different scenarios, it does not mean that they are exclusive characteristics of these individuals; The truth is that the existence of inept employees in companies is more incomprehensible than that of the previously mentioned inept managers.

However, and to provide some aspects that facilitate its more detailed identification, the following will be listed:

  • They are very social and always have something to say, or they are quiet and distant, complaining about the company constantly or sometimes, they always have an intelligent excuse that momentarily justifies their deficiencies or non-compliance, usually associated with work-related activities. the first to offer themselves in tasks that do not correspond to them, but that bring them closer to people with important levels of decision. They seem to know what they do or say, but their phrases or products are the result of the paraphrasing of opinions, comments or other people's work….

Among many others.

When in the last article I spoke about the Inept Managers, it was not lacking who immediately identified those who fit, but completely, with a good percentage of similarity, in the description I made… now it would be interesting to observe, those who did such an exercise, looking for matches again after reading this work.

Characteristics of inept employees in the company