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Personal business characteristics of managers in riobamba ecuador

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Apart from the analysis that can be carried out on skills, if they exist or develop as the person matures, there are qualities that are manifested in successful managers and entrepreneurs. Below are some of those characteristics called “personal entrepreneurial or business characteristics” CEP's, of the managers of Riobamba, which are presented grouped in the following way:


A. From the whole achievement

A.1. Search for opportunities

A.2. Persistence

A.3. Compliance

A.4. Quality and efficiency

TO 5. Take calculated risks

B. Of the whole of the planning

B.1. Goal setting

B.2. Planification and control

B.3. Information search

C. Of the whole of power

C.1. Persuasion and support networks

C.2. Self-confidence and independence

For the development of this study, the tool developed by Management Systems international (Washinton) was used, which consists of applying a survey of 55 statements made in the month of July-August 2010 to 154 male and female managers of 154 companies in Riobamba.

In the sample, it is essential to highlight that of the group interviewed, 73.4% are male managers and 26.6% are female managers. This shows that women who have not yet reached gender equality and equal opportunities, despite the fact that they in some sectors and characteristics are even above the trend line and average than men in relation to the profile determined in the present study.

For didactic and information processing purposes, the sample was classified into the following sectors:

Sector managers of industrial and artisanal companies, which represents 22.08% of the sample.

Managers of Savings and Credit Cooperatives and Transportation, 12.09%

Managers of the Services sector 37.09%, distributed in Various Services; Clinics, Hotels, Operators and Travel and Tourism Agencies, Banks and Financial.

Managers of the Commerce sector, 27.92% distributed in supermarkets, agricultural warehouses, household appliances and shops in general.

This also confirms the trend that the most relevant economic activities in Riobamba are concentrated in commerce and services; the manufacturing industry is less and less visible and the traditional and cooperative financial sector is becoming stronger in our territory. There are no samples from the agricultural sector, which is still not very common in its business organization in our environment.

The measurement was carried out sector by sector, but we abbreviated this explanation, to directly indicate the result that describes the general profile of the managers of Riobamba, in relation to the sets of general business characteristics analyzed, where explanations of why that business activity is declining in relation to the realities or immediate references in the so-called Planning Region 3, where Tungurahua, Cotopaxi and Pastaza, who determine important characteristics with respect to Chimborazo, in their business activities in industry, commerce, agribusiness and tourism.


Setting goals of the planning set and Being faithful to the fulfillment of the employment contract and looking for opportunities and having initiative of the achievement set, are the CEP's most representative of the general profile, which rather confirm that local managers are more induced to fulfill their short-term projections, focused on day-to-day activities and that requires trusting oneself to overcome the problems of the external environment and the internal management of the company.

The power and planning packages need to be reinforced through continuous training and self-training processes for managers, because “when daily work is not separated from important plans, people have great difficulty balancing resources between activities urgent and important. For when not doing urgent activities causes the most immediate pain, the tendency is to focus resources on those activities that are urgent. Let us remember that of "If we are from crocodiles to the neck, it is very difficult to stay focused on the primary objective that is to empty the swamp." This joke was not born because it is nice, It was born because each and every one of the people who work has experienced this situation. When the boss meets with them and asks them why such or such objectives have not been achieved, the answer we hear the most is: "I have not had time" or "Day to day does not allow it." (Luis Rojas Valdivia Strategy and strategic direction, / the emphasis is mine)

Each manager and company should evaluate its own process, based on planning, to determine if it is executing its action effectively. If the planning process is not generating the desired results, or does not exist, then the process should be resized or improved or formulated according to existing business paradigms that offer solutions to the most common causes of this weakness. The important thing is to understand that each manager forges his own business path.


The most developed CEP's in female managers is setting goals, followed by the CEP's of the Achievement Set. Weakness is common with male managers in the planning CEPs. The most developed CEPs of the male managers that are closer to the general profile are those of setting goals and having self-confidence, in the latter the female managers do not they have fully developed it.

Overlap of general CEP'S profiles, male and female. (See PDF)

The CEP¨s less developed and coincident in men and women that also denotes in general profile, is taking risks, hence it is explained that they are more dedicated and dedicated to the day to day than projecting their activities in the medium and long term.

In female managers, it is highlighted in their general profile of CEP's to demand efficiency and quality, plan and monitor, set goals, look for opportunities and have initiatives, in short it is clearer that management obeys sustained planning processes, but that in practice they are observed only from a traditional dimension.

This at the conclusion level excludes very few experiences of companies that are inserting business plans and strategic planning in their management, since they are the companies that have achieved significant levels of management and invest in these processes, while the vast majority see These processes as expenses and do not open spaces so that the academy, in the form of student practices or research and thesis topics, can somehow and even at a limited cost, enter the instruction of these strategic tools that will allow to focus the business turn towards the circumstances and game rules required by the market and the state.

The CEP¨s analysis determines the existence of a managerial profile more oriented to achievement than to the strategic, and especially due to the persistence it is explained, how many companies continue with all the problems of the environment and the absence of technological improvement in the market. This CEP is more decisive in the commercial and services sector, as well as the compliance of managers with respect to their employment contracts or the search for information that especially has more to do with so many issues today, with taxation, to which they resort most to external advice, precisely because of the fear that partial or total non-compliance will determine problems that are very annoying in relation to the time and accounting or legal procedures to solve them.


The issue of efficiency and quality is somewhat neglected in men and women, since there are almost no experiences in the sample (clarification) of micro, medium or small companies that work with ISO certifications, with the management system as the of Corporate Social Responsibility although they show important parameters in this regard, among others, due to the fear of the great structural transformation both in management and in the investments that must be made to become world-class companies.

Another of the strong weaknesses that the local managerial profile embodies is the failure to create support networks to face the challenges of the present and future in an associative way. There is only one known case in the subject of clothing that was structured in the manner of a business cluster, whose results, projections and progress are not disclosed, therefore its action may also be limited to the management of internal agreements between the companies that comprise it.

Although it is not a question of giving a rating to managerial performance, nor of uncovering structural and training deficiencies of them, the case is to locate at what level the managers of Riobamba are currently, to know what type of corrective measures, supports and initiatives Consensus could be given, to improve their strategic thinking based on the skills and projections that can be developed through a sustained and continuous program from the academy.

The level in which the managers are during 2010 between High, Medium and Low for the period of the study, is the average level, and, there are no substantial differences in location, neither in men nor in women, but if the merit of women who, in these small spaces, aim to be good managers and increase their participation in each of the sectors.

It should be noted that the ideal total score to reach is 250, each CEP's is valued at 25 points, for the reading of the data, we worked with averages of the 10 CEPs (according to the responses to the 55 referred statements), for it is easy to distinguish between the average scores of each CEP and its set in the radars (graphs), which served to account for the interpretation of an approximate and general profile of our managers, who also present exceptions of a high and others of a low score.

It is important to continue to carry out this type of measurements every year, since the current economic model and other elements of the environment make managers more prepared and process the information that determines the success or failure of the business.

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Personal business characteristics of managers in riobamba ecuador