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Cases and examples of infomulticulturality

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Infomulticulturalism is a new and unknown term for many people, so much so that in a quick search on the internet, we only found documents and blogs about it.

It is noted that it is made up of several terms that will be presented later, and in some years factors related to this topic will be investigated and defined, since it is a vital part for both individuals and organizations.

Throughout the planet earth there are an uncountable number of different types of cultures, each of them have a particular mode of communication, among these, some may seem familiar or similar, the reality is that in each place the way of communicating the information is done differently or the same words have different meanings, we must also consider that objects, actions, figures, shapes, etc. they have different names in each culture.


Every problem raises alternatives of courses of action, in order to overcome or reduce the gap, in order to achieve the objective (Lazzati 2013), for this, the appropriate decision must be made for the problem or problems that arise.

To take into account decision-making, we must have judgment, which is the process by which we form opinions, reach conclusions and make critical evaluations of events and people. On the other hand, Decision making is the process by which a choice is made between different options or possible ways to resolve different situations in life in different contexts: business, work, economic, family, personal, social, etc. Decision making basically consists of choosing an option among those available, in order to solve a current or potential problem.

A 1978 study by Lichtenstein et al. Shed much light on the important role that heuristic affect plays in decision making. The researchers found that judgments of benefits and risks were negatively correlated.

That is, they found that people underestimate risk as we have a more optimistic view of benefits. The same is true in reverse, the higher we think the risks are the worse we value the possible benefits.

It was observed that certain behaviors, such as alcohol consumption and smoking, were rated as high risk and low benefit, while others, such as the consumption of antibiotics or vaccines, were considered high benefit and low risk.

A little later, in 1980, Robert B. Zajonc argued that affective reactions to stimuli are often the first reaction to occur automatically, and subsequently to influence the way information is processed and judged.

In 2000, Finucane and others theorized that a positive feeling toward a situation (that is, positive affect) would lead to a lower perception of risk and a perception of greater benefit.

The art of making decisions is based on five basic ingredients:


They are collected both for the aspects that are in favor and against the problem, in order to define its limitations. If the information cannot be obtained, the decision should then be based on the available data, so they fall into the category of general information.


If the decision maker has knowledge of either the circumstances surrounding the problem or a similar situation, then these can be used to select a favorable course of action. In case of lack of knowledge, it is necessary to seek advice from those who are informed.


When an individual solves a problem in a particular way, either with good or bad results, this experience provides information for solving the next similar problem. If you have found an acceptable solution, all the more reason you will tend to repeat it when a similar problem arises. If we lack experience then we will have to experiment; but only in the event that the consequences of a bad experiment are not disastrous. Therefore, the most important problems cannot be solved with experiments.


You cannot speak of a particular method to analyze a problem, there must be a supplement, but not a replacement for the other ingredients. In the absence of a method to mathematically analyze a problem it is possible to study it with other different methods. If these other methods also fail, then intuition must be relied upon. Some people laugh at intuition, but if the other ingredients of decision making don't point out a path to take, then this is the only option available.


Judgment is necessary to combine information, knowledge, experience, and analysis in order to select the appropriate course of action. There are no substitutes for good judgment.

The conflict that exists when making a decision usually develops in different circumstances such as:

The state of mind.

The moments of sadness, anxiety, fear, euphoria and any other, alter the perception level of a concrete reality, and any decision is determined by the mood of the moment, it would be better to look for a moment of tranquility to choose with greater success.

The importance of the situation.

In these situations, a large amount of stress is managed, and more if the options are unknown, which causes an emotional imbalance.

The fear of change.

There has been talk of the comfort state, in which the individual prefers to be in a conformist situation before deciding on a change, for fear of the consequences that a step forward may bring.

Multiple options to take.

In this situation the individual does not decide on any option, possibly wanting everything for himself. Egoism is another face of indecision, since wanting to have everything assumes that all options are included and discards all decisions and sacrifices.

Low self-esteem

When there is low self-esteem or ignorance for the most basic human rights, the individual is susceptible to being influenced by other people who want to take advantage of him, because they are manipulated in his decision-making.


Infomulticulturalism is a new and modern word whose purpose is to explain the factors that affect the numberless experiences.

It is developed how each one of these concepts is combined to give life to one where it is explained how the information with its different sources, the different cultures, are mixed to create an idea or the analysis of a case so that He can understand wherever he is talked about, be in tune with everyone, regardless of the geographical area they are in.

Infomulticulturalism is based on 5 terms:

  • InformationCulturePluriculturalityMulticulturalismGlobalization

Information is a set of data with a meaning, that is, it reduces uncertainty or increases knowledge of something. In truth, information is a message with meaning in a certain context, available for immediate use and that provides guidance for actions by reducing the margin of uncertainty regarding our decisions.

Communication is a process where a connection is established at a certain place and time to exchange or share ideas in which the sender and receiver understand the information being shared.

The communication process begins when an individual wants to transmit a message to another. Communication must be fluid since it is based on transmitting a message and waiting for feedback, this is how the communication cycle is generated.

There are different concepts of culture, some speak of culture as an abstraction from the observation of the behavior of some group of individuals where they have patterns of behavior within their social group, even defined as the knowledge acquired to interpret some experience and generate behaviors all people need their culture to try to integrate properly within a social group.

Culture is education, training, development or improvement of the intellectual and integral faculties of man. Culture is also the set of different ways of thinking and living, cultivated, which are commonly designated by the name of civilization.

Culture includes both language, industry, art, science, law, government, morals, religion, as well as the instruments in which cultural achievements are materialized and through which practical effects are produced. intellectual aspects of culture.

Multiculturalism is said to be a relationship based on respect between cultures. It is said that it is a process in which different cultures or members of these are related in a harmonious way. This means that any difference that may exist is managed through dialogue, the existence of dialogue between different cultures is a historical event although in ancient times it was not an event that was commonly present.

Undoubtedly, multiculturalism will continue to exist over the years, the importance here is that whatever the culture it is, it must always respect the others based on tolerance and acceptance of different ideological, cultural and religious forms. to coexist within the same geographical space having different customs, traditions, being from one culture or another.

Multiculturalism promotes the recognition of cultural difference as well as the right to it. Multiculturalism is a de facto situation as a proposal for social organization. It is a concept that is associated with the existence of different types of cultures within the same geographic space.

These cultures inhabit the same place but this does not mean that they influence each other within this coexistence. There are some basic aspects to be able to develop multiculturalism with integrity and respect between cultures.

  • Acceptance of all cultures. Right to the diversity of different types of organization within society. Recognizing and accepting the existence of other cultures. That opportunities and treatment are equal. All inequality, exclusion, discrimination must be rejected and marginalization. The spaces of public and social area for individuals and groups must be open to all cultures. The dignity and rights of each of the cultural groups must be respected.

So it is understood that multiculturalism is the ability to coexist harmoniously within a society all groups that have social, cultural, religious differences, or who speak different languages.

Globalization is a form of interdependence between different countries of the world. It is a phenomenon caused by the increase in border transactions for the acquisition of goods or services, coupled with the accelerated increase in technological advances. It has different economic, political and technological aspects, these are the following:

  • Social, economic and political transformations in different countries with respect to a global character. Unification of markets, societies, cultures. The elaboration of different production processes of the same industry located in different countries. The universally accepted standardization of similar products. advancement of technology, transportation and telecommunications network. Impressively fast access to information, events and happenings throughout the world.

With all these data, infomulticulturalism can be defined as a process of sharing information between cultures, and people with different identities. The global information that is shared influences organizational cultures, this new concept highlights the importance of managing information within different cultures regardless of religion, sex, political ideas, which they handle, always seeking the unification of exchange of the information that is being made. One of the important aspects to achieve infomulticulturalism is the use of ICTs, since with this tool you can capture data, process it, store it so that it can be expressed and reach the receiver in a code that understands it.


Infulticulturalism takes precedence over the receiver decoding the information in the message, since the characteristics of their culture and the situation must be taken into account, so that the reception of the information or message can be carried out with the greatest possible success.

Information technologies are the tools and methods used to collect, manipulate, or distribute information, and information technology is generally associated with computers and related technologies applied to decision-making.

Diversity in cultures makes the communication process difficult. For a better relationship with other cultures, you need to understand what concepts are important to each group and why. Each meaning depends on the receiver, not the sender. The meaning of a symbol is related to some past experience. What for some people represents something, for others it represents a different thing. For example, for a Mexican person a pig represents food, however for a Muslim it represents a religious taboo.

There are cultures that place great importance on hierarchy and tradition, and communication expresses respect for values ​​such as status, gender, age. These are traditionalist cultures as opposed to modern societies.

The interconnectivity of the world today makes communication between many different parts of the world possible, while at the same time creating work teams and collaboration with people from different contexts. This scheme makes this massive exchange of information exist between very different people who undoubtedly assign value to it and interpret it according to what they have learned and the way popular culture has influenced them. That interconnectivity encompasses the concept of a global village, where geographical differences are not obstacles to communication and individuals perceive themselves as citizens of the world and their differences may vanish at different levels. This can have a positive sense when finding greater equality and the intention to create a new order for human organizations,but pejorative when diluting the primary characteristics of a person by his identity and culture. The author delves into how man generates tools and media, these media reach certain types of users and also generate different levels of capture of this message, which is why he assigns meanings and values ​​to these media, dividing them into:

Cold Media: Television, Radio, Book, Magazine, Cinema.

Hot Media: Telephone, Live Chat, Video Conferencing.

Thus, the messages that today massively build that popular culture, define personalities and allow references to objects and people, using them as symbols to persuade and to communicate more deeply a message that we want to reach the largest number of users and in addition to this, generate a response that we can measure. For the company, it is an undoubted tool to make its clients perceive them as their own extension and generate belonging.

The way in which the consumer or collaborator will appropriate or value the information will depend on their prior knowledge and on those characteristics that define their identity and culture. In any case, both manage information regarding the products or services that companies offer in the market, the way in which communities operate and the messages that are transmitted in them, do allow us to see a line of expression of those who distribute them. In addition, they leave us open to questions about how these media are capable of transmitting wars and "real" events at the same time that they happen and while we are in our living room or in a bar, passively observing conflicts that redefine concepts of life and culture.


Within organizations, infomulticulturalism should be considered as a relevant element at the moment when the communication process and the exchange of information between the workers, managers and directors of the organization is carried out, that is, internally. In this case, multicultural management can be carried out in the organization with the aim of promoting social participation and facilitating relationships between people from different cultures.

Likewise, infomulticulturalism can intervene externally in an organization, for example in the international negotiation process. This originates between two people from different cultures who seek to reach a generally purchase-sale agreement for a product. In this process, care must be taken when transmitting a message since, probably, for some it is an idiom or a common word, it can cause a high impact on others, it can even be interpreted as an offense.

When we talk about Mexican culture, there are differences, as in many Latin American countries, between the culture of those who live in the capital or "chilangos" and those who live in the rest of the country.

Differences between Oriental and Western culture

There are differences between cultures, so there are then friction between people, such as between Eastern and Western culture.


Decision making is a frequent and daily activity of thought that occurs automatically. Automatic decisions are usually fast and determined, as in the case of driving and we see the traffic light turning red, which we decided to stop; They tend to be slow and less automatic, where it requires more mental effort because the different options presented are uncertain or have a certain degree of risk, as in the case of investing in the stock market.

The social, economic and political processes of globalization have built a scenario in which technical and theoretical instruments are required for public, private and / or groups of people that allow them to have reliable data and information for their analysis and use as well as for the design of policies related to the areas of multiculturalism, thus improving communication and understanding between people.


I want to thank my parents first, since while I did not have the support of Conacyt, they supported me financially, while I was here in Orizaba.

To Conacyt for the support he is giving to me and my colleagues so that we can continue studying a postgraduate degree, to the institution and body of postgraduate academics, without them I would not have adequately prepared myself to be able to reach the first semester. To Dr. Aguirre of the FIA ​​subject, for being a teacher with a very different approach to teaching than most of the professors I have had throughout my student life. To my colleagues, since until now we have been united and we support each other if one does not understand the issues or to hand over any documentation.


Arrioja Carrera (2011). Infomulticulturality. Scribd.

Cancino Velásquez (2012). Infomulticulturality, communication and information technologies. Gestiopolis.





Gerrig, G. Zimbardo (2005). Psychology and life. Ed Pearson Education.

Lazzati Santiago (2013). Decision making. Ed Granica, Buenos Aires.

Zúñiga Montalvo (2015). The process of infomulticulturalism. Gestiopolis.

Cases and examples of infomulticulturality