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Keys to emotional leadership


To be more efficient, effective, productive and competitive, work teams need to be led intelligently.

A competitive team is led by an intelligent professional, who directs the actions of team members by thinking and feeling.

We are very clear, and assimilated, that cognitive intelligence, associated only with reason, under whose command is logic, reflection, and the accumulation of data, is necessary to carry out a project with a team of people. What we are not so clear about is that emotions (ours and those of others) well managed, can help a manager to be more productive, more profitable in his organizational management.

The ability to know and control emotions (own and others), is called Emotional Intelligence.

The proper management of emotions, enhancing the positive ones: joy, hope, love, compassion, and reducing the negative ones: anger, fear, sadness, guilt; it is a sine qua non to guarantee the success of an excellent management.

We live immersed in continuous change, in uncertainty, where emotions are occupying the role that logically corresponds to them.

To direct with emotional intelligence we must deepen and know what the competencies of this type of intelligence are:

1.- Knowledge of your own emotions (Self-awareness).

  • The knowledge of oneself, our defects and qualities. The ability to recognize a feeling at the same moment that it appears. The ability to self-evaluate in an objective and realistic way.

2.- The ability to control emotions (Self-control).

  • Emotional self-control is the domain that the person exercises over their reactions and the expression of their emotions.

3.- The ability to motivate oneself (Self-motivation).

  • Control of emotional life and its subordination to a goal may be essential to maintain motivation.

4.- The recognition of other people's emotions.

  • Empathy is feeling what the other is feeling to better understand their feelings.

5.- Control of relationships (social skills).

  • Proper use of communication. Relate appropriately with the emotions of others.

Continuing with the deepening and knowledge of emotional intelligence we must know what its basic skills are:

  1. Organization of groups. Coordinate and mobilize the efforts of a group of people. Negotiate solutions. Prevent conflicts and solve existing ones. Personal connections. Settled in empathy, basic for teamwork. Social analysis. To intuit the feelings, motives, and interests of people.

You may ask yourself: What is emotional intelligence for? What performance can I get from this type of intelligence? Among the benefits we must mention:

  1. Self-confidence, and the ability to encourage the development of others. Ability to lead teams Adaptability Achievement motivation

All these benefits can be summarized by saying that managing emotions helps us to be more efficient and to develop professionally.

In the business world, it is very important to optimize resources: material and human. To optimize these resources, it is not only necessary to pay attention to the balance sheet and tangible assets. Intangible assets: expectations, values, solutions, feelings; They make the difference from a normal company to an excellent company.

Those responsible for valuing and enhancing assets (tangible and intangible): Directors, managers, heads of different areas, have to lead their teams with an Emotional Leadership style to optimize the performance of human capital.

The emotional leader:

  1. Create future: bet on ideas that become facts. Take advantage of time: manage it effectively. Think that the best time is spent on people. He knows how to convince (Persuade). It is based on your own conviction. Try to influence others in a positive way. Work in team. Listen to your collaborators. Know the needs of the people. He knows how to relate. It adapts to its environment. Is sensible. With emotional balance: Mind and Heart.
Keys to emotional leadership