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Coaching vs empowerment

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Coaching is a term that emerged from the world of sports. It consists of working together with a person in order to achieve a goal. It usually occurs between people of different work and personal experience, so that the experience (s) of one can help the other. Initially, coaches were the coaches of high-performance athletes. Later, this term is transferred to the company. With the same connotations. An experienced senior coaches a less experienced person, with the goal of helping you identify your strengths / weaknesses, and helping you clarify your goals.

Empowerment is the fact of delegating power and authority to subordinates and giving them the feeling that they own their own work. All this will be directed by a coach who will be a unique contribution of personal leadership; the explosion and use of nuances of personal talent will be the imprint of each player, which will make the difference, that is, they will be the protagonists.

Globalization and the acceleration of new technologies have driven a radical change in the administration and culture of companies, not only in the way of facing the market but also in decision-making.

Employees no longer depend on the willingness of a boss or supervisor to carry out their duties. Now they are responsible for their own actions, work as a team, and serve as important pieces in the company's leadership model.


Coaching is a methodology that achieves the maximum professional and personal development of people and that leads to a profound transformation, generating changes in perspective and increasing commitment and responsibility, which translates into better results.

It is a systematic process that facilitates learning and promotes cognitive, emotional and behavioral changes that expand the capacity for action depending on the achievement of the proposed goals.

It is an emerging discipline that works to facilitate the development processes of people: in professional evolution, in the transits of the working career, in the achievement of objectives, in the dissolution of obstacles to personal growth and in the search for improvement in performance levels.

In organizational spheres, coaching is consolidated as a powerful tool that enhances leadership, facilitates performance and accompanies training and coaching processes in order to guarantee the effective acquisition of competences. (What is Coaching ?, 2013)

Importance of Coaching

Coaching is of great importance for an organization since it is a promoter of changes within it, allows diagnoses of existing weaknesses within a company to be made, and then seduces its employees to improve those weaknesses. However, it is necessary to take into account that for this it is necessary that the leader (coach) is trained, since she must define roles, goals and responsibilities before starting any relationship with her team.

For coaching to take place in a positive way, the leader must make the most of his collaborators, since they are a fundamental part of achieving the proposed objectives. Likewise, it is necessary for the coach to promote good relationships within his team, in order to that this is known in a broader way, recognizing your most outstanding skills to make the most of them, and with this set out on a safe course towards the achievement of your goals.

Finally, it is necessary to point out the importance of coaching learning to listen, ask, and analyze all the situations that arise in their environment, this allows you to structure a good plan and integrate the members of your team through constant dialogue that allows the good development of the organization. (Organizational Coaching, 2011)

Coaching Benefits

  • It enhances individual capacity, which affects the benefit of a collective achievement. More capable and better qualified people perform better quality jobs and in greater quantity. It helps the workers of an organization achieve shared behaviors, acting as a great team in pursuit of their goals. With better communication and a better understanding of oneself and of others, collaboration grows. It clarifies the role of each person in the company. Working in the work of personal understanding and organization, people will have a much clearer understanding of their functions, helping to discover tools to face and resolve conflicts in order to overcome obstacles that arise in the organization, while also achieving a more satisfactory coexistence.Clarify the rules of the game about what is allowed and prohibited to do within the company, so that the organization advances in achieving its objective and does not lose strength along the way, towards the objectives. It facilitates the discovery of the means to respond to easy way to change, without the typical cases where people oppose the new because of the feeling of uneasiness and loss that is usually generated. It improves the fulfillment of promises and the coordination of actions. Each person, after having received the coaching sessions, will know their capabilities better, which makes it easier for them to acquire achievable levels of commitments and allows them to generate relationships of trust between the members of the organization, by learning about communication.Talking about the events that occur and not making ratings of what people are like. With this, it is possible to focus the conversations, in the companies, in the actions that are carried out. It improves the level of commitment to the company while reducing absenteeism. People in the organization have a more satisfying life. Helps people in the organization find their self-learning to exploit their strengths and potential within the company. Each person is more aware of themselves, which will allow them to contribute more and with less effort.Improves people's abilities to collaborate creatively, increasing the ability to manage uncertainties, expanding the field of vision on how they can be to do the things.Increases productivity and profitability as a result of increasing the level of job satisfaction and happiness of people at work. Better results are obtained in quantity and quality. (Benefits of Coaching, 2011)

Types of Coaching

Personal coaching

Also known as Life Coaching, this branch helps to excel in all fields of daily life, whether it is interpersonal relationships, career, dreams or family.

A personal coach helps to discover your own method and put it into action so that you can obtain successful results in the actions you take.

Help to:

  • Finding the dream job Excelling in a position Improving interpersonal relationships Developing emotional intelligence Controlling thoughts Discovering motivation Growing as a person

Business coaching

Business or business coaching is aimed at small and medium-sized companies. Help to:

  • Save time and money in setting up a business Reduce the risk of closure Expand your business skills Learn to take controlled risks Mobilize work teams Develop leadership Differentiate a product or service Improve the strategic vision Discover ways to expand a business

Organizational Coaching

Organizational, Corporate or Strategic Coaching is aimed at large companies, also known as organizations or corporations. It is generally promoted by Human Resources departments, since the prevailing goals are those of the company. The idea of ​​Corporate Coaching is to transform organizations by transforming the employees who work in it. When an individual changes, the environment around him is impacted, producing a micro effect that moves to a macro level. Help to:

  • Improve leadership in the management sphere. Develop leadership in the second line, so that when promoting it you have the necessary resources to take charge of the company. Train managers to identify the talents of their subordinates and assign them tasks. that they can execute with excellence. Expand communication in the department itself and between the different areas. Achieve effective work teams. Promote effective work competencies. Reduce working hours. Align workers' labor values ​​with business values. Create joint strategies.

Executive Coaching

As its name implies, it is aimed at company executives, who are in charge of directing the departments or destinations of a company. Help to:

  • Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses Empower your talents to achieve excellence in your work Align your personal values ​​with business ones Passionate about your work Develop leadership Inspire your staff to follow your vision Learn the skills of a coach and use them to bring out the best in your peopleDevelop a strategic vision that allows you to take advantage of market opportunities and take advantage of themBalance your personal and professional life.

Family Coaching

As its name implies, this branch is focused on families who want to improve their relationships and enhance their family capacities. Help to:

  • Become aware of your family's strengths and weaknesses. Empower talents to achieve excellence in communication and development as a family. Align the personal values ​​of each member with family members. Re-feel passion for family life. Develop family leadership. Develop a family vision and mission. Learn the skills of a coach and use them to bring out the best in the family. Develop a fairer and more uplifting way of solving family conflicts. Empower each person's abilities and gifts in the Family Heal wounds and restore relationships.

Transformational Coaching

It allows you to receive guidance to identify the opportunity behind each event and the infinite possibilities that arise from it. A transformational coach helps to understand the laws and principles that govern the universe, the way to handle energy and the impact of actions on daily reality. Its mission is to provide a space so that from true greatness, which resides in dimensions much higher than that of the ego, quantum changes take place. Help to:

  • Co-create with the universe in a conscious way. Learn to flow with the perfect universal order. Be aware and stay connected to the inexhaustible source of power: consciousness. Recognize, learn to manage and transcend the expressions of the ego. Understand the impact that the world internal generates in the external world and vice versa in order to experience life from the beginning of unity Listen to the voice of the soul behind its words, gestures and acts Understand the whole being and as a result give each expression the role its due to live a life self-governed by the expression of conscience.


Its meaning in Spanish derives from the words potentiate, power, enable and allow, among others. It covers all areas of the company, from resources and capital, to sales and marketing. Through this "empowerment" tool, the organization provides its workers with the technology and information necessary to make optimal and responsible use of it, thus achieving the proposed objectives.

Within the framework of this new business philosophy, the leader of the organization delegates power and authority to his employees. Decision-making no longer depends on a single person, but workers have the authority, criticism and responsibility necessary to carry out their daily tasks.

With this new tool the employee is given the opportunity to give their best, to obtain a higher performance in the human and professional level, to own their own work; replacing the hierarchical model of issuing orders, exercised from the highest level of the company, and strategically promoting teamwork

Importance of Empowerment

The current interest in empowerment comes from 8 forces that converge in the workplace. When the combination of these forces emerges, people start talking about the need to empower processes in their workplace.

These forces are:

  • Organizational development. People who work in organizational development have been very important in building the conceptual foundation of empowerment. The decades of study of the sociotechnical redesign of systems, decision-making processes, communication processes, have created the theoretical framework to validate the benefits of more consensual work systems. The movement towards quality has introduced many new concepts in the place of current job. Dr. Joseph Juran has introduced the concept of involving people in teams to diagnose or solve quality process problems. Juran's approach talks about quality circles and the use of inter-area teams to solve problems. Both quality circles and work teams have influenced the way people think about their work.Quality circles have given many employees their first approach to decision making, although that is a false empowerment, similar to that of student governments in high schools. Inter-area teams have provided new opportunities for people to participate in decision-making processes. Both processes have warned workers that they are able to evaluate and improve the way their work is carried out. Changes in the educational system. Educational systems have evolved to create involvement in decision making. Parents are consulted for greater participation in the governance of their schools, and teachers and school leaders are more empowered. The success of companies owned by their employees.People are becoming increasingly aware that there are many successful companies that belong to their employees. Many of these companies serve their clients better and use this concept as a marketing and advertising tool. The reduction of many companies. There is no doubt that large companies are shrinking. Large organizations tend to emphasize administrative control, they get stuck in autocracy, at least they have careful organizational design. Small businesses can be autocratic, but in many cases, successful entrepreneurs build their organization by involving their people in creative decision-making processes. A high level of worker education. In general, the average level of knowledge of workers is much higher than at any other time.Workers today have more formal education and incredible access to information through electronic media, and the increasing use of computers that open channels of communication. Anyone who works in a company with large numbers of employees and has access to a computer knows that such access to information creates new patterns of communication. People in different parts of the world can share information immediately and make decisions quickly. The influence of adult education. Adult education has reached the workplace with thousands of trainers, facilitators and educators. These people make it possible for groups to function effectively, and they often have a strong commitment to giving more participation to employees.Training and continuing education has reached a high value among today's managers, much more than in any other time. The understanding of a need for lifelong learning within the organization opens the company to change and the growth of empowerment and democratic processes. (Importance of Empowerment, 2009)

Empowerment benefits

  • The person has the responsibility, not the boss or the supervisor, or another department. The positions generate value, because of the person who is in them. People know where they are standing at all times. People have power over the way that things are done. The person has control over their work. The contribution of each individual's work is significant. Each person can develop a diversity of assignments. His work represents a challenge for each individual and not a burden. Their responsibilities have authority to act on behalf of the company. Employees participate in decision-making. Staff opinions are heard and taken into account. They know how to participate as a team. Their contributions are recognized. They develop their knowledge and skills. They have real support for.Increases end-customer satisfaction. Improves attitude change from 'having to do' one thing to 'wanting to do it'. Greater employee engagement. Improved communication between employees and managers. More efficient decision-making processes. Reduced operating costs.A more profitable organization.


Coaching is nothing more than helping the interlocutor to find his own goals, to think, and to know where he is. It is not giving advice on what should or should not be done. This is the most serious mistake. That is being a consultant. It consists of helping to clarify thoughts and concerns, helping to clarify them, and, of course, continuously monitoring results and developments.

Normally, coaching is accompanied by a series of conceptual models to be carried out. It is almost like encouraging a child to start walking, we encourage him when he falls, we help him when he needs it, but we do not do it for him, since it is a process that he must learn alone.

Empowerment is the way, in management, of giving responsibilities to subordinates or colleagues. Some might think that this is another way of delegating, but it hides some subtle differences:

To delegate is to transfer a task to another person, but the responsibility for it remains with us. In empowerment, we will hand over responsibility for homework and decision making.

Empowerment is, by definition, trust. We will trust the decisions made, encourage bad decisions and congratulate the good ones.

Delegating is a unique process, empowerment is an ongoing process.


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Coaching vs empowerment