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Coaching and empowerment as development tools

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This reading shows the reader two tools that have revolutionized the approach that was given to the collaborators of organizations, Empowerment and coaching beyond being two concepts are weapons for the development of the administration of new organizations, that is why that it is of utmost importance to understand what they are and how to implement them, the following article details in each one.


Empowerment is the way, in management, of giving responsibilities to subordinates or colleagues. Some might think that this is another way of delegating, but it hides some subtle differences:

  1. To delegate is to transfer a task to another person, but the responsibility for it remains with us. Empowerment transfers responsibility for tasks and decision-making. Empowerment is, by definition, trust. Delegating is a unique process, empowerment is an ongoing process.

(AREARH, 2007).

Empowerment, according to (JOHNSON, 2005), is "the fact of delegating power and authority to subordinates and giving them the feeling that they own their own work." In other words, it means empowerment, empowerment or empowerment (the word empowerment is made up of en and power which means "power" in English, which is an antecedent of the French pouvoir). It can also be said that it is "where the optimal benefits of information technology are achieved."


Coaching is a methodology that achieves the maximum professional and personal development of people and that leads to a profound transformation, generating changes in perspective and increasing commitment and responsibility, which translates into better results. (APPLE, 2011)

Coaching is consolidated as a powerful tool that enhances leadership, facilitates performance and accompanies training and coaching processes in order to guarantee the effective acquisition of skills. As it says (LEONARD, 1998)


“A coach is your partner in achieving personal goals. Your coach in communicational and life tools, who accompanies you in generating changes. Unconditional support of successes and mistakes. Guide in personal development. Co-designer in the creation of new projects. Breath in stormy times. He is the one who wakes you up when you are willing to hear your own alarm. ”

It is a method that consists of accompanying, instructing and training a person or a group of them, with the aim of achieving some goal or developing specific skills (WIKI, 2016)



In the 1930s, Elton Mayo, Mary Parket Follett and Chester Barnard highlighted the importance of the individual in management. As scientific management evolved, people management, on the other hand, developed gradually, even though there was an imbalance between what the theory said and what was actually carried out in companies.

In the 1950s Douglas MacGregor, Maslow and Herberg spoke more emphatically of the potential available to workers, providing insights regarding motivation, such as Maslow's theory and his pyramid.

Peter Drucker, named the visionary of business management, published The Practice Of Management, in this book he exposed the importance of marketing and innovation, giving a nascent contribution to what we now know as management by objectives.

In the 1960s, The Human Side Of Enterprise, by Douglas McGreGor, was written, where the author exposes the X and Y theory, the first one based on Taylorism, the second, showed a compliant, competent and committed employee. In this period, widely used trends emerged today, such as knowledge management, customer orientation, leadership, competency management, and intelligent organization.

In the 80s there was a lot of talk about theories and postulates regarding quality, raised by Deming and Juran.

Also during these years Ouchi wrote the Z theory. In 1982 the book "In Search of Excellence" by Peters and Wateman was written, this writing contributed to raising awareness of aspects of management such as: customer and staff care, sensitivity both to customer expectations, as to the concerns of employees and their capabilities and personal traits.

In recent years when talking about emotional energy, it is related to the so-called emotional intelligence, however, this has to do with many disciplines that arose previously such as: quality, Leadership, innovation, team spirit, prejudice and different points of view. This was the foundation of Empowerment.

In the early 90s, Empowered, OR self-directed, teams emerged. Before that, teamwork emerged in various modalities, such as quality circles and development groups. Employees were given the opportunity to speak publicly about their views, and then contrast them even with their superiors.

Consequently, self-directed teams emerged, with more or less autonomy, in the United States, companies began to use Empowerment as a management method, such as the Ritz-Carton hotel chain, this hotel chain obtained the national award for quality in the year 1992.

(PEREZ, 2005).


The essence of this concept is:

  • Responsibility for the results. Power for decision-making. Material resources for the execution. Information and necessary knowledge. Professional competence of the empowered subject.


According to Koontz and Weichrich, it acts in this way:

Power = Responsibility (P = R)

  • If Power> Responsibility (P> R) = The boss, who is not responsible for his actions, would have an autocratic behavior. If Responsibility> Power (R> P) = Employees would feel frustrated due to the lack of power that requires to exercise the tasks for which they are responsible.


Empowerment is based on the following 10 principles

  1. Assign responsibilities in the various tasks to be carried out Assign authority and responsibility for their activities Define standards of excellence Provide training necessary to achieve quality standards Provide information and knowledge Provide feedback on performance Timely recognize achievements Fully trust the employees Leave spaces for the process Collaborate with dignity and respect


  • It leads to innovation and creativity. Better decisions are made, which are made as a team. It means jobs. The process requires trained collaborators to take on increasing responsibilities. Staff feel responsible not only for their task, but also for making the organization work better. The individual solves his problems instead of duplicating orders. The organization is structured to facilitate the task of its members, so that they can do not only what is asked of them, but also what is asked of them. You need to do. The information is processed and managed by all members of the work team. Leadership generates participation. The leader is democratic, not taxing. Self-discipline and commitment by team members.Respect and recognition of the ideas of all team members.


  • Personal satisfaction: the work must be satisfactory and relevant Responsibility: Everyone must feel responsible for the functions they perform Coaching: Leaders guide, support and teach in order to continuously improve performance and professional development Self-esteem: positive and developed Participation: Continuous communication and display of information between managers and employees. Control: Control will be measured and adapted according to each personality. Teamwork: Teams will be created where the most important are the members and the decisions made by the group unanimously. Interdependence: Interpersonal relationships and the management of conflict situations must be preserved. Information technology: The media improve decision-making, creating more dynamic and modern companies.ready to take on the new changes.


Empowerment redefines the way an institution directs its members. To achieve this, three aspects must be taken into account: Relationships, discipline and commitment.

Relationships: they must be effective to achieve the objectives set by the organization

Discipline: the order in which individuals work must be promoted, an organized environment that allows activities to be carried out adequately, roles and the scope of functions and responsibilities must also be defined.

The commitment: it has to be coherent and decisive at all levels, driven by loyalty, persistence and the energy of action. The following steps to achieve this method are mentioned below:

  1. Obtain the full support of the superiors to the project. Define the vision of the project and share it with all those who participate in it. Develop the organization's approach, strategies and values, which should be shared by the members of the organization. Create work teams in a continuous way. Train the organization's workforce in concepts related to leadership, delegation, self-directed teams, among others. Properly design the positions: Tasks, objectives and responsibilities incorporated into each of them and communicate to all concerned about it. Correctly define the objectives at the corporate level and those expected from each individual and that must be aligned with the organization's strategy.Form appropriate communication systems to have feedback on the system Define performance management systems to evaluate and develop the performance of each of the members of the company, indicating the strengths and weaknesses and consequent action plans as well as associated career plans. Define variable remuneration systems.

When a team is created, a development process can be deduced and on its way it goes through three stages to reach it, which are the following:

  1. Recruitment of individuals. When teams focus on them as people, they create individual goals, share no responsibilities, and avoid change. Groups When members develop a group identity, they define their roles, clarify their purpose, and set standards for working together.
  • Team. When teams focus on purpose, they not only understand it but are committed to it and use it to guide actions and decisions.

(VICENTE, 2013)



For a few years, researchers in business administration sciences began to take an interest in the topic of coaching, to give it a conceptual and comprehensive form.

In 1994 the theories of Ken Blanchard are exposed on the experience of one of the most famous World Cup coaches: Don Shula, who was coach of the team of the American football league the Miami Dolphins, and who led them for 22 years, leading them to the finals over five major league seasons. Don Shula is considered a coach of coaches.

At work the language, the attitude, are also changed; Labor ties become strong, where what counts is mutual growth, development and learning with a common destiny.


Coaching is a system that includes concepts, structures, processes, work tools and measurement instruments and groups of people, it also includes leadership as a particular way of selecting people or creating developing groups of people.

This tool helps employees improve their job skills through praise and positive feedback based on observation.

It also improves performance permanently. Coaching, is a conversation that involves at least two people, in companies it would be a supervisor and an individual, however, it can be between a superior and her team.

It is important to mention that even though managers, supervisors and leaders have conversations in which they want to improve some aspect of individual or team performance. If no improvement occurs, then coaching did not occur.


Coaching should be implemented when:

  • There is poor or poor feedback on employee progress, leading to poor job performance. When an employee deserves to be commended for performing some skill. When the employee needs to improve some skill on the job.


The coaching process focuses on performance, provides tools for achieving the designated purposes for managers and supervisors. This can be accomplished through the following phases:

  • Development of a synergy relationship. Use of the four roles of performance-focused coaching:

Training, Problem Solving, Adjusting Performance and Maintaining Performance.

  • Employee Development Manage rewards that build commitment and drive achievement.


Coaching has boomed in recent years in organizations, but there are reasons why coaching is important for companies:

  • Facilitates people to adapt to changes in an efficient and effective way. Mobilizes the core values ​​and commitments of the human being. Stimulates people towards the production of unprecedented results. Refreshes relationships and makes communication effective in human systems.Encourage people for collaboration, teamwork and consensus building.Discover the potential of people.

For the development of coaching you need a person called a coach, which is explained below.


As explained in the definitions, the coach is a leader who cares about planning the personal and professional growth of each person on the team and their own.

He has an inspiring, winning and transcendent vision and that, by example, discipline, responsibility and commitment, guides the team in walking towards that vision, turning it into reality.


  1. CLARITY: A coach ensures clarity in communication, that is, supervises that the information arrives clearly and precisely where it should go. SUPPORT: It means supporting the team, providing the help they need, be it information, materials, advice or just understanding. BUILDING TRUST: A coach lets people on your team know you believe in them and what they do. Celebrate successes but show mistakes MUTUALITY: Share a vision of common goals PERSPECTIVE: Understand the point of view of the collaborators. Ask questions to get involved with people. RISK: Let team members know of their mistakes but that they will not be punished with dismissal. PATIENCE: You have time and patience not to react negatively to problems. CONFIDENTIALITY:Maintains the confidentiality of the individual information collected. RESPECT: Has an attitude of respect towards all individuals.


  1. Inspiring visionary leadership Talent picker Team coach Trainer in the field vendor Individual vendor performance consultant Career development motivator and mentor Teamwork manager Innovative strategist


Seeing the manager as a coach and as the creator of a culture for coaching is a new paradigm for management.

The prevailing paradigm has to do with control, order and obedience, which has the effect that individuals become objects of measurement. Coaching aims to discover actions that empower people to contribute more fully and productively, with less alignment than the control model implies.

Coaching should not only be seen as a subspecies of management, but as an essential nucleus, if we analyze carefully when managers are really effective, coaching is happening, that is why it is proposed that coaching can be the essential difference between manager ordinary and extraordinary.

Management can be seen as a people-based science that focuses on creating and maintaining an adequate work environment that enables people to achieve desired results and achievements.

Coaching refers to the activity of creating, through communication, the climate, environment and context that empowers individuals and teams to generate results.

Coaching creates a new approach to management, one that fosters a partnership between managers and employees so that both can achieve more than they have previously imagined.


  • Managers see their role in directing and controlling their people, for predictable results. Coaches see their work as a way to empower their people to achieve unprecedented results. Managers have goals and are focused on pre-defined goals. Coaches are oriented to the commitments of the people who coach and align the goals with the common goals of the company. Managers try to motivate people. Coaches insist that people motivate themselves. Managers are responsible for the people they lead. Coaches demand that the people they coach are responsible for themselves. Managers gain the power of authority from their position. Coaches get them from their relationships with the people they coach and from their mutual commitments. Managers lead teams.Coaches create possibilities for others to lead, and managers determine what the team can do. Coaches make unreasonable commitments and then plan how to carry them out. Managers solve problems against limits and obstacles. Coaches use limits and obstacles to declare breaks and get unprecedented results. Managers focus on techniques to get people to do the job. Coaches provide a way to see possibilities and to choose for themselves. Managers use rewards and punishments to control behaviors. Coaches trust and allow individuals to decide their own behavior. Managers may or may not like the people they lead. Coaches love people they coach like it or not. Managers uphold and uphold the existing organizational culture.Coaches create a new culture.


Coaching and empowerment are not pretty ideas, they are becoming a strategic necessity for companies committed to success.

We frequently associate coaching with sports, the interest in taking coaching to business organizations is something recent.

Coaching and empowerment are a different paradigm, both require a new way of observing, a new way of thinking and a new "way of being".

The global economy and competition are constantly changing, for this reason you need people who are able to think for themselves and respond instantly to what is needed and wanted, as in international competition.

(Yonny, 2006)


In this work, it has been shown how Empowerment and coaching have allowed employees of the organization to be given voice and vote in matters that previously were only a matter for senior management, these tools have also developed a true spirit of team in companies, since everyone has the power to express their opinions and make decisions that lead to the realization not only of individual goals but also those of the industry.


  • AREARH. (02 of 2007). RH AREA. Retrieved from http://www.arearh.com/rrhh/empowerment.htmASSOCIATION, AM (05 of 2012). AMA. Obtained from https://www.ama.org/Pages/default.aspxJOHNSON, Y. (2005). SLIDESHARE. Retrieved from http://es.slideshare.net/alexander_hv/coaching-yempowerment-46472148MALOTA, EM (04 of 2013). ACADEMY. Obtained from http://independent.academia.edu/EulaliaMariaMalotaMANZANO, M. (2011). LEADERSHIP. Obtained from http://www.lider-haz-go.info/que-es-coaching/PEREZ, EE (04 of 02 of 2005). MAILXMAIL. Obtained from http://www.mailxmail.com/curso-VICENTE, YH (2013). VERACRUZ UNIVERSITY. Obtained from http://www.uv.mx/iiesca/files/2013/01/empowerment2005-1.pdfWIKI. (02 of 2016). WIKIPEDIA. Obtained from https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoachingYonny, FM (MARCH 2006). UDO LIBRARY. Obtained from http://ri.biblioteca.udo.edu.see / bitstream / 123456789/652/1 / TESIS-658.312404_F476_01.pdf
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Coaching and empowerment as development tools