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Fruver marketers. a productive agribusiness. presentation


New Approaches:

Globalization: Made the world small. New markets. Changes in consumer mentality. Subsistence production. Changes in demand. Production for the generation of wealth and surpluses. Difference physical product vs. service. Organic agriculture: healthy health service



The green revolution: System 1. Productionist

The new approach: System 2. Business: Agribusiness with an: Integrated approach

  • Oriented to the consumer (customer) Customer satisfaction Productive chains (Link of the chain) Competitiveness (Cost Efficiency)

Presentation objectives

  • Publicize the organization of a medium-sized fruit and vegetable company ("FRUVER") Motivate the audience to think of a new business not for the sale of a product, but a service, called: Health

General "FRUVER"

Types of businesses:

  • FRUVER's internal processor FRUVER's external processor Agribusiness = Concession THE FRUVER COMPANY: o Characteristics o Own and private organization o Management under its responsibility o Executes the processes from the purchase to the sale of the service


o It is contractual in term

Organization by processes

  • Organizational structure Board of partners Fiscal auditor

General management

  • Administration, Production, Marketing, Sales

Organizational structure

Company or Agribusiness Name


The Administration area is the systematic and timely support for all the operations of the company


Budget Accounting

Payroll-welfare-kardex-training-meetings-wages and benefits-employee funds-industrial safety transporters

Records-financial reports-special reports-projections-inventories


Records-purchase invoices-sales invoices-payments-portfolio

General services

Cleaning-maintenance-conservation of areas


  • Materials and supplies-endowment

Marketing: The word marketing comes from the English word market, which represents a group of sellers and buyers willing to exchange goods and / or services for something of value.

The universal functions of marketing are: buying, selling, transporting, storing, standardizing and classifying, financing, taking risks, and obtaining market information.

More about Marketing

The functions

The exchange usually involves buying and selling. The purchasing function means searching for and evaluating quality goods and services. The sale function requires promoting the product

The transport function refers to moving

The storage function involves storing the products according to size and quality

Standardize and classify include ordering products according to size and quality

The financing provides the cash and credit necessary to operate. (Produce, sell, buy, store…)

Risk taking involves enduring the uncertainties that are part of marketing

Who performs the functions of marketing

Producers, consumers and marketing specialists

Facilitators are often in a position to carry out marketing functions. Features can be scrolled and shared


Sales are vital, not only today but throughout economic history and in the future, due to a simple question: if there are no sales, there are no profits, there are no returns for the investor, there is no salary or employment, that is to say, there is nothing. Every company, for profit, lives on what it sells, be it a multinational or a small producer.

  • -Market research-Sales plans-Research of majority market prices-Price lists -Family basket-Sales conflicts vs. Purchases and production-: quality-inventories -Types of customers-Fixed points of sale-Sales force-Direct sales in plant

-Returns and uses

The processing of the FRUVER is linked to the perishability of the product and to you as an employee or entrepreneur: if the product perishes, and you will do it with the Transport: Safety and integrity of the FRUVER

  • -Reception and preparation of orders and logistics -Recall of products ((Dry and wet warehouses, sequential priority)) - Weighing of products-Simultaneous invoicing-Location in area according to clients (Sheets)


  • -Verification of orders-Counting of baskets or packaging-Vehicle loading-Counting of baskets per vehicle-Departure of vehicles and organization of warehouses-Controls: Closed vehicles, route, schedule, departure and arrival verification-Return of vehicles- Delivery of returns and new orders-Vehicle washing

QUALITY. Concepts:

  1. Inspection to the product Total quality, to the company
  • Customer satisfaction Continuous improvement Everyone's commitment Process management

OPINION: The quality is not in the product (object) it is inside people because you are the one who selects between the optimal and the worst


  • Marketing: Systems and Organizations - Monografía.com www.monografías.com / trabajo / comercializa / comercializa.shtml - 4 Mar 2005Instrument to promote the commercialization of agricultural production for the benefit of rural producers. Organ www.infoaserca.gob.mx/rtherManual For the Preparation and Sale of Fruits and Vegetables From the field to the market ”FAO Agriculture Department Andrés F. López Camelo Ph.D. INTA EEA Balcarce Balcarce, Argentina
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Fruver marketers. a productive agribusiness. presentation