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Committees, teams and group decision-making

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Within the organizations and due to the complexity of the activities carried out in them, different working groups have been created, which are classified in different ways but always pursue the same purpose: to try to make the best decision for the benefit of the organization.


A committee is a group of people in charge of an issue and is one of the most common resources of organizations. Although they have been widely criticized, when committee meetings are properly conducted and serve the stated purpose, they can result in increased motivation, better problem solving, and increased output.

Four stages of group processes

  1. Training: where the members know each other. Storm: the objective of their joint action is determined and conflicts arise. Regulation: the group agrees norms and certain rules of conduct. Performance: the group applies to its task.

Line and staff committees

Some committees assume administrative functions, but others do not. If the authority of a committee involves making decisions that would affect employees since they will be responsible for executing them, the group is called a line committee with administrative functions. If your relationship of authority with a superior is advisory, then it is a staff committee.

Formal and informal committees

Formal committees are part of the organizational structure, with specifically delegated duties and authority. When committees are organized without specifically delegated authority, but simply to carry out group analysis or group decision-making activities on a particular problem, they are considered informal.

Permanent and temporary committees

Formal committees are generally permanent and temporary committees are formed when the study of a particular problem is conducted for a relatively short time.

Eight reasons for the formation of committees

  • Deliberation and group criteria: The discussion of ideas and the examination of a matter with the intervention of all the participants. Committees can contribute to problem solving and the development of new ideas.Fear of excessive authority in one person: The reluctance of a CEO or department head to take full responsibility for a decision may be grounds for establishing a committee.Representation of Stakeholders: When executives face particularly difficult internal issues, they may choose to elect committee members in such a way that stakeholders are properly represented.Coordination of Departments, Plans and Policies: Allows individuals not only to obtain first-hand knowledge of plans and their functions in their execution,but also make suggestions for its improvement. Transmission of information sharing: It saves time and clears up all confusions rather than through memoranda, even if they are well written. Consolidation of authority: The need or not to modify the structure should be determined Organizational in order to concentrate in one position the indispensable authority for recurring decision-making Motivation through participation: Committees allow broad participation in decision-making and it is common for those who participate in program planning to be more enthusiastic in its acceptance and execution.Elusion of actions: To delay the solution of a problem or even indefinitely postpone a solution.It saves time and clears up all confusions better than through well-written memoranda. Consolidation of authority: The need or not to modify the organizational structure should be determined in order to concentrate in a single position the indispensable authority for the recurring decision-making Motivation through participation: Committees allow broad participation in decision-making and it is common for those involved in planning a program to be more enthusiastic about its acceptance and execution. of a problem or even indefinitely postpone a solution.It saves time and clears up all confusions better than through well-written memoranda. Consolidation of authority: The need or not to modify the organizational structure should be determined in order to concentrate in a single position the indispensable authority for the recurring decision-making Motivation through participation: Committees allow broad participation in decision-making and it is common for those involved in planning a program to be more enthusiastic about its acceptance and execution. of a problem or even indefinitely postpone a solution.The necessity or not to modify the organizational structure must be determined in order to concentrate in a single position the indispensable authority for recurring decision-making Motivation through participation: Committees allow broad participation in decision-making and it is common for those who Participate in the planning of a program to be more enthusiastic in its acceptance and execution.The necessity or not to modify the organizational structure must be determined in order to concentrate in a single position the indispensable authority for recurring decision-making Motivation through participation: Committees allow broad participation in decision-making and it is common for those who Participate in the planning of a program to be more enthusiastic in its acceptance and execution.Committees allow broad participation in decision-making, and it is common for those involved in program planning to be more enthusiastic about its acceptance and execution. Action delusion: To delay the solution of a problem or even indefinitely postpone a solution.Committees allow broad participation in decision-making, and it is common for those involved in program planning to be more enthusiastic about its acceptance and execution. Action delusion: To delay the solution of a problem or even indefinitely postpone a solution.

Disadvantages of committees

They are expensive in terms of time; they can result in compromise of the “least common denominator” type, in which the essential is barely saved; they can conclude to indecision; they can be self-destructive; they can provoke the dispersion of responsibility, and finally they can provoke situations in which a few people impose their will on the majority.


It is a small number of people with complementary skills committed to a common purpose, a series of performance goals and a working method for which all of them are mutually responsible. Team members must be convinced of the value, significance, and urgency of the team's purpose. On the other hand, they must be selected according to the skills required for the fulfillment of the purpose. A team must contain the exact mix of skills, such as functional or technical skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills, and, of course, human relations skills.

Other groups in administration

Aside from committees, there are teams, boards, task forces, and negotiation sessions, all of which involve group activities.

A group is a congregation of two or more people who act independently and uniformly in pursuit of common goals. Its members share one or more goals, require interaction and communication among their members, assume certain functions, and are generally part of a larger group.

Groups provide social satisfaction to their members and a sense of belonging and support for the needs of individuals as well as security.


As can be seen, both committees and teams being “groups” go through different stages in their formation and when they are well defined they have different functions. Working groups in general have their advantages and disadvantages, but we believe that their success depends a lot on the company and how good their organization is, that they land in productive meetings and not just waste of time and resources to the company.


  • Administration Book: A global perspective. Authors: Koontz, Harold; Weihrich, Heinz McGraw Hill Publishing, 1998.
Committees, teams and group decision-making