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Comparison of the products and activity analysis of the icatel company

Table of contents:


This work presents various topics related to the design, elaboration and production of the product.

We discuss in this work topics related to the comparison of two similar products produced with different technologies and the complexity for the satisfaction of the potential consumer.


The need for highly skilled, up-to-date and knowledgeable workforce in certain cases of the new technologies launched on the market, facilitating client-company communication.

We will demonstrate through a flow chart the degree of complexity of product development.

The evolution, design, labor, capital, and new technologies applied to the market are also mentioned, aiming at the satisfaction of potential consumers.



I.1 - Description of two products (one recent and the other at least 15 years old)

25-year-old television: This device mainly worked with a component called a valve (a kind of lamp) that had to heat up when turning on the television, which made the image take a long time to appear, the emitted image was in black and white, as the technology was still it had not developed. It had a box of great size and weight and emitted radiation harmful to humans. The materials used in its production in general were non-recyclable materials. The components were large in relation to those currently used, spare parts were more difficult to obtain, there was little trained manpower to repair them and a low level of consumer purchasing power, the television was then considered a luxury item.

Current TV: This equipment works mainly with microchips (integrated circuits) that handle tuning, video, contrast, etc., when turned on, the image is activated immediately because its components are made of semi-conductive materials (silicon), emits a color image due to the evolution of technology, they emit low radiation trying to protect the consumer, sharp image, sound fidelity, the boxes are lightweight and are made of biodegradable material. The components are small. The television is in popular use. Ease of getting technicians or product support. High level of component standardization. Automated assembly. Manufacturers must meet quality standards.

I.2 - Comparison of the two products described according to the assembly design and the recycling design.

According to the mounting design

Televisions from 25 years ago:

In their production, there was a low level of mechanization in production, empirical assembly. For the choice of inputs or raw material, some factors that are currently regulated by different entities were not taken into account, that is, they did not have very well established production standards, the market they were targeting was minimal because it was a luxury good (Few units produced). Due to the production technology they had, color images were not obtained, the image definition was low and the sounds were not very well purified, they radiated radiation harmful to humans, the components were large and the Boxes were large, which made the TV quite heavy. It consumed a lot of electrical energy and its design was slow to evolve

Current televisions:

In their production, there is a high level of mechanization in production, highly mechanized and automated assembly, application of robotics in the process. For the choice of inputs or raw materials, factors currently regulated by various entities are taken into account (very well-established production standards), the market it is targeting is popular (high demand). Due to current production technology, highly defined images and adjustable colors are obtained, the sounds are highly refined, there are televisions with stereo sound, low radiation levels, they use microchips (integrated circuits) as components, they have various sizes, the boxes are produced from biodegradable material and are light, energy consumption is lower and their design evolves year after year.

In both cases the project was feasible for production, the plants had to evolve significantly. Currently the production of several of the components used is outsourced (standardization), which reduces production costs and does not have to invest in the production plant to increase its capacity, which would imply a high unnecessary cost.

According to the recycling design:

Previously this concept was not used in the production of televisions, the important thing was to produce and sell the television regardless of what it could become tomorrow. Thanks to this type of design, the materials used in the manufacture of televisions are currently biodegradable, some components can be reused as they are standard for various equipment. There are rules that regulate their production.


OVERALL DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPANY ICATEL supplier of public telephone and card devices

II.1.-. Determination of the degree of contact with the client.

High degree of contact with the client, who in this case are the distributors of the cards for public telephones. Through them the attention of the final consumer is captured, their complaints, inconveniences of public telephones, care for them (due to the high rate of insecurity and patoterismo in our environment), requests for other telephones for other areas in the national territory. Support is made with publicity and advertising materials and promotions with promoters in places with an influx of potential consumers of the service, thus supporting the distributor. These distributors are interacted with through the vendor roster and scheduled visits from the commercial department manager.

Main distributors, universities, schools, pharmacies, public entities, and even private sector companies, kiosks, etc.

II.2.-. Capital intensive company Determination and Justification.

It is a capital intensive international company (corporate contractual relationship with a partner company in Brazil) there is a mixed contribution of capital and technology in the area of ​​communications.

The presentation of public telephones, their comfort, location, technology, colors, easy use, the device itself directs the user with easy-to-understand instructions, such as inserting the card, the procedure to follow to make the call, and the number to dial to be attended. by the telemarketing department

II.3.-. Degree of Mechanization and Degree of Automation.

High degree of mechanization and automation in the manufacture of magnetic cards and telephone devices produced by the partner company in Brazil, use of robotics in the assembly process. Automated component controls in computer labs at the Brazil plant.

Control when receiving the equipment in our country for later installation. Establishment of processes instilled in sellers to reach the distributor. Circular contact between the company, distributors and customers.

In Paraguay there is a terminal (laboratory type) for the control of equipment and cards. A Department equipped with high-tech materials and instruments to repair those that may have faults at source and participate jointly with COPACO in their installation.



III.1.-. Explanation of the needs and / or expectations of the potential clients detected.

Based on surveys conducted with potential customers, the following were identified as the most outstanding needs:

  1. In some places lack of easily accessible means of communication. At all times. Magnetic cards with accessible prices. Ease of use of the phone or functionality of the equipment. That the devices are located in places where there is not much noise to communicate better. If it is possible that it is not in the sun.

These are the most outstanding points.

We can also conclude based on the group selected for the interview that the location of the teams should be directed to neighborhoods and companies such as pharmacies, hospitals, universities, schools.

Based on current demand, it is imperative to know how this current technology revolution is affecting the way of doing business and learn to face them. Relationships, mobility and distribution chains are important. Search and present competitive advantages of the company to consumers.

III.2.-. Determination of the idea of ​​the product to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

In the business world. mobile technology is essential to achieve success (import technologies join internationally) to achieve a highly competitive product and service design.

Globalization has caused companies that want to expand their businesses to be forced to venture internationally. There is no single strategy to do it, much less an optimal organizational structure, since each company has a market and a competitive advantage different from the others.

That maxim that said “keep it simple” is no longer enough. Pleasing a global audience, and making their customer experience "simple", has become difficult thanks to globalization. Managers must find ways to provide solutions (not just products) that are elegantly integrated, regardless of where they are in the world.

Identify the “level of internationalization” that the company wants to achieve, from simple exports to managing multiple units that develop and sell products anywhere in the country. Based on this, the methods and designs are detailed to face the multiple challenges, such as geo-politics, transformation and competition. This was applied by the company in question

III.3.-. Product or service design.

1. The identification of needs has been carried out based on surveys carried out in various areas of the country. Taking samples of the different social classes.

  1. Advance planning of the product: based on the requests and needs of the consumer, a striking product has been designed that directs the use of the same to facilitate the use of this equipment by the consumer. Advance design: The Marketing Department together with the Production Department have chosen Colors (yellow and blue) very striking for the ears of phones will be used fiberglass and iron posts painted in blue color.Detailed Engineer Design: The height, location, support, etc.Design and development of the production process: The general production and design will be in charge of ICATEL Brasil based on the information gathered in our environment. Product evaluation and improvements:It will be evaluated at the product launch stage based on 300 units launched, information will be collected from final consumers and distributors Product employment and support: Outsourced technical service will be carried out by the company TEMATEL SA with Paraguayan and Brazilian technicians who know the product.

III.4.-. Flow chart of the production process.


Production process of public telephones

(See PDF)

III.5.-. Adequacy of the product to the reality of the market.

Market data will be collected monthly based on a survey carried out by developers, sellers, distributors.

Three months after the product launch, a joint evaluation of the companies in Brazil and Paraguay will be carried out.

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Comparison of the products and activity analysis of the icatel company