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Management skills in the management of an organization

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One of the most debated management issues in organizations in the last decades is the competency-based management approach and, therefore, a concern in organizations has been knowing which managerial competencies to possess to successfully manage an organization.

We can define competencies as “all those observable and measurable human capacities necessary to achieve excellent performance and high-quality results. These capabilities include both skills and knowledge, as well as attitudes, motivation and commitment. ”

In this sense, many researchers from organizations have proposed various models of managerial competencies in the management of an organization, finding many coincidences in them, for this reason I am going to consider three that in my opinion are the most relevant: Strategic, intra-strategic and personal effectiveness.

Strategic competencies

It involves the strategic capacity of a manager and his relationship with the external environment.

Intra-strategic competitions

It implies executive and leadership capacity and its relationship with the internal environment of the company.

Competencies of personal efficacy

They are those habits that facilitate an effective relationship of the person with his environment.

Let's now look at each of these competencies:

Strategic competencies


Recognize and take advantage of opportunities, dangers and external forces that affect the competitiveness and effectiveness of the business.


Identifies the key points of a complex situation or problem and has the capacity to synthesize and make decisions.


Use the resources in the most ideal, fast, economic and efficient way to obtain the desired results.


Respond promptly and effectively to customer suggestions and needs.


Develops and maintains a wide network of relationships with key people within the company and the sector.


Get the support and agreement of key people and groups that influence your area of ​​responsibility .

Intra-strategic competitions


He communicates effectively, using both formal and informal procedures, and provides hard data to support his observations and conclusions.


Assign goals and tasks to the right people to do the job and plan their follow-up.


Listen, take into account the concerns of others and respect their feelings.


He is concerned that his team members have the decision-making capacity and the necessary resources to achieve their goals.


It helps its collaborators to discover their areas for improvement and to develop their professional skills and abilities.


It fosters an environment of collaboration, communication and trust among the members of your team and encourages them towards the achievement of common goals.

Competencies of personal efficacy


INITIATIVE: Shows an entrepreneurial behavior, initiating and pushing the necessary changes with tenacity.

CREATIVITY: Generates innovative approaches and solutions to the problems that arise.

PERSONAL AUTONOMY: Make decisions with your own criteria, not as a result of a simple reaction to your environment.


DISCIPLINE: He does at all times what he has set out to do, without abandoning his purpose despite the difficulty of doing it.

CONCENTRATION: Maintains a high degree of attention to one or more problems over a long period of time.

SELF-CONTROL: Control your emotions and act appropriately in different people and situations.


TIME MANAGEMENT: Prioritize your objectives, scheduling your activities appropriately and executing them on time.

STRESS MANAGEMENT: Maintains personal balance in situations of special stress.

RISK MANAGEMENT: Make appropriate decisions in situations of great responsibility and high degree of uncertainty.


SELF-CRITICISM: Frequently and deeply evaluates his own behavior and the reality that surrounds him.

SELF-KNOWLEDGE: Know your strengths and weaknesses, both professionally and personally.

PERSONAL CHANGE: Changes their behaviors, in order to strengthen their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.

In conclusion, competence is a deep personality characteristic in relation to a higher standard of success. The adoption of managerial competencies in the management of an organization is directly related to the achievement of quality and competitiveness in organizations, therefore it will imply leaving behind some attitudes and developing new ones, changing some habits and incorporating others, that allow managers to be more competitive and thus achieve high levels of effectiveness and efficiency.

Management skills in the management of an organization