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Competences and skills of directors, coordinators and managers


Some time ago, a discussion arose about the differences that exist between the people who have coordination positions, those who are directors, and what a managerial management should develop, what is the border between each other? How do we know that their management should be paid according to the work they do?

The three positions that I will deal with in this reflection are: Coordinator, Director and Manager, understanding that the first is part of tactical management in the organization while the second and third are more related to strategic expectations in the organization..

I will begin by clarifying then that the expected performance in each of these positions varies in terms of the management that each of them must carry out and the results they deliver, which means that it is not enough to be clear about the name of the position but the actions that It must be carried out independently of the studies it has carried out, which leads us to suppose as a thesis that the position we carry out is not necessarily linked to the training we have received. The position is a title that is born from the organization chart, not from the academy, and therefore, organizational success runs the risk of being left in the hands of the capacity that the occupants of the positions have to make the correct and opportune decisions that the company needs.

Finding the behavioral differences between each of these positions can be a challenge to the imagination since we can fall into the generalities of management and confuse the name of the position with the expectations we have regarding the results of each of them.

Indeed, if we start from the description that the DISC model offers us, for example, we will conclude that there is a common ground that is associated with high dominance and influence and a mixture between stability and conformity that suggest the same result-oriented profile more than management, that is to say that in some way the three positions have a strategic vocation but it does not necessarily mean that they already are.

In the following reflections I will try to carry out a brief characterization of each one of them and I will try to establish the borders that could help talent scouts recognize the difference between them, it could also help those who are in the process of professional growth so they can recognize the aspects that must be developed and trained to achieve the level of growth required and recognized by others as strategic.

First, it is necessary to give scope to what might seem a tautology as to what is expected of each position, this could also explain the reason why in some organizations the position of director has a greater value and weight compared to that of manager.

In general, a coordinator is a position that is oriented to organize, order the resources and / or people necessary to carry out a specific task with a view to obtaining a result, it is about recognizing how the people who are part of the teams can contribute more efficiently in the expected results. The coordinator defines the moment in which each of the participants in a project must present their contribution, is responsible for giving each one the resources they need to do their homework, and follows up and accompanying them to ensure that the established deadlines are met. delivering the expected results.

A director, for his part, is more oriented to administer and direct the management of the work team so that he does not make a mistake in the direction he should take, his main responsibility is oriented to identify the key aspects of each member of the team to enhance their abilities and that can show its potential in the development of the assigned tasks. The director accompanies her team and evaluates with them the management and the results obtained. It is characterized by its ability to identify the best position in which to put team members, by their ability, knowledge and experience.

The Manager has an essentially strategic mission that requires them to understand that their responsibility is in the ability to offer the expected results from the resources they have and the human team that has been assigned to them, in such a way that their management will be qualified from the moment the task begins, that is, when it generates an action plan that allows it to diagnose the current status of the project or area in which it will work. Their ability to understand that the success of their management is determined by not making mistakes when selecting their work team, having the technical, financial and infrastructure resources they need and being clear about the functions that each of them Must perform.The manager focuses more on the result than on management (that's what the coordinators and directors are for), therefore his tasks are at the beginning and at the end of the process since he will ultimately be the one who must answer for the results before the presidency of the organization or board of directors of the project or company.

The name of the position is important, but the management it carries out is much more so, this is how we see in the managing organizations that act as directors and even as coordinators, neglecting the strategic component required to lead the area they lead to outstanding results. As many times the team members do not recognize or value their managers and do not feel supported or represented in them, they end up being distant figures with whom they have no contact who are more like the gods of Olympus who do not part of the human race and therefore there is not enough trust and closeness to talk to you about the important issues that occur in your management area and end up looking for solutions on your own or finding solutions elsewhere in the organization.Or they are managers who end up getting so involved in the daily task that they are not finally recognized by the team as their leader, since they are one more companion who also does not solve their emergencies and needs as day-to-day limits their ability to review and accompany the results for being focused on management.

A coordinator maintains a close and permanent relationship with the assigned task and with the work team; It has times and spaces every day for team members to report the progress and difficulties encountered in the process that allow it to establish the required adjustments and allocate new resources to ensure compliance with the task at the established times. The conductor, for his part, with that of the orchestra, defines and assigns the people who, according to their profile, can give superior but expected results, making the most of the talents and abilities of both the people and the teams for which they are responsible.

At the risk of being wrong and / or falling short I risk suggesting 7 characteristics that are part of the common ground that both coordinators and directors and managers must go through, these are observable and evaluable behaviors and therefore each of you will be able to decide if you agree or perhaps prefer to remove or add a feature. The common characteristics and that I consider that any person who occupies any of these three positions should develop are:

  1. They are oriented to the result that has been assigned to them: They are clear about what is expected of them and they understand that their management requires resources that allow them to obtain superior and differentiating performances for the team members under their responsibility. They are responsible and assume the consequences of their actions: They understand that they are the representatives of their team and therefore cannot delegate responsibility for the results obtained. They are enthusiastic about the assigned tasks: They are passionate about what they do, they transmit vehemence when animating and motivating team members. Inspire others by example. They take on the challenge of taking the first step, of guiding and orienting the team but also of pushing it when necessary.Build trust in your work team: Credibility is the basis of trust, therefore it will be your teammates who grant this characteristic to whoever has been appointed to occupy this position in the organization. Handles high performance standards: A good score is required in the results and therefore the quality expectations will never be absent in the management. Verify the results they obtain: At the beginning of the trip we know the destination, therefore the occupants of these positions monitor the tasks on a daily basis but have their sights set on the defined arrival point, this allows them to adjust the tasks, resources and responsibilities to team members.

Now, a coordinator must specifically have some characteristics or behaviors that allow the organization to differentiate it from other positions, I consider that they can be:

  1. Seeks to be precise and without errors in what it does Manages the development of tasks It tracks and knows what the team does Corrects the errors that appear

Those who occupy the position of director for their part also have, in my opinion, the following characteristics from which we can differentiate and specifically qualify their task, they are:

  1. They like to overcome challenges and are not afraid of new and unknown experiences They look for information that allows them to make a better decision They trust in the capabilities of their team Mobilizes the team through their ability to influence Transmits optimism to their team Presents the results of the team

Finally, the Managers have could add to their characterization the following generic behaviors that show their strategic nature

  1. They are direct in their way of speaking, not very diplomatic They have and transmit a lot of energy They make decisions based on the information they have They are competitive always looking to get there first They like to explore new alternatives They are innovative They imagine the future of the organization based on their responsibility They are diplomatic when speaking to avoid conflicts

As I mentioned at the beginning of this reflection, it is an attempt to delimit the boundaries between one function and another, between what one position is expected to do and another and at the same time to characterize the behaviors that the organization requires at the time of delegate to a person the tasks and activities of an area or department.

I hope that these ideas allow us to advance in the construction of a practical model for evaluating the performance of those who occupy leadership positions in the organization and who are sometimes not clear that beyond the required knowledge it is necessary to develop talents that allow them to be recognized in the growth path that can take it to the next level or consolidate its management.

* José Manuel Vecino P. * Master in Environmental Management, Human Management Specialist, Human Management Manager, Business Consultant and University Teacher.

Competences and skills of directors, coordinators and managers