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Competitiveness as a challenge for companies

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The topic to be discussed will be how the competitive environment is facing us in these times where there are different companies that are dedicated to the same thing and in a massive number of companies they fight to be part of the client's life, but at the same time what complicated that it is at the moment of competing already in the market. Also how demand influences the existence of this fight between large companies.

Competitive environment


This essay was conducted in order to emphasize how common it is to live in a competitive environment, not only for companies but also for the final consumer because it puts them in a position of choice in order to acquire their good or service. The theme was chosen because it is common to walk and even travel by truck to home, to work or a gold place and to see a company everywhere and next to or in front of a similar one, and it is where I realize that it is so normal to see how they end between each other. More than that it is because clients are very focused on living in the midst of this globalization in a very competitive market. That every day a new competitor for other companies is being born.

II. Background

Competition has been around since primitive times when among themselves they fought to be the main ones that acquired their products, they tried to negotiate with the buyers to show them that what they offered was better than that of the competition.

Before, it was so easy for companies to grow with the mere fact of taking out a small advertisement, this is because the competition was very small, but it still worked, it was a large market and all the companies had enough space to be able to operate without no problem.

As time progresses, the needs become very high, those needs are taken advantage of by companies to get new products from the company and new business opportunities, all this is like an epic battle that never ends since the company only benefits.

It is not only about getting a new product, it is constant innovation, there are certain things that have been dealt with for a long time, but as the changes progress it is obvious that goods and services also have to improve to be at the forefront " Competitiveness is the result of constant quality improvement and innovation. ” (Bernal, 2012)

According to the aforementioned, competitiveness is innovation, but not only once it is done, but also what remains to always be in the hands of technology.

For Ford in the beginning they did their quality tests in a very human-style way, they were very slow processes since in those times there was no technology like now, but it must be recognized that despite this, their standards were very Strict, Ford did it so that its competitors did not leave them fierce in the market, although it should be mentioned that there was very little competition.

Accordingly, we give continuity to thoroughly enter our essay to learn more about the competitive environment.

III. Development

The competitive environment is a very interesting topic, that is why in this essay we will talk about what it is in order to know about the topic, we will also talk about what is the role of companies within this environment and among other topics.

"The competitive environment, also known as the market structure, is the dynamic system in which the company competes" (Mack), according to what the author comments, I very much agree because this is how companies compete in the market to be better. In the course of the study at some point I read the book of the entrepreneur's guide where he said "… do not be uniform…" (Herrera, 2006) personally when I get to this phrase I was shocked because it talks about how it is that we should always be equal to the others, that not because we want to be superior we have to go to very strong extremes, such as lowering the costs of products to the point of production costs,because that way the customer only gets used to seeing a low price and when they notice that same higher product it is very difficult for the customer to buy it because they know that if the price drops it is because it no longer works or it already has a fault, and even so Let us know that the client does not have anything and I take it seriously, that is why not because there is competitiveness in the market we have to reach points that instead of helping us we are not doing harm, another thing that in the competitive environment should To know is that for there to be a good sale we must take into account that the human factor is essential for this participation since it is they who make all this possible.that is why not because there is competitiveness in the market we have to reach points that instead of helping us we are not doing harm, another thing that in the competitive environment should be known is that for there to be a good sale we must bear in mind that the human factor is essential for this participation since it is they who make all this possible.that is why not because there is competitiveness in the market we have to reach points that instead of helping us we are not doing harm, another thing that in the competitive environment should be known is that for there to be a good sale we must bear in mind that the human factor is essential for this participation since it is they who make all this possible.

It is very common that in the family the black sheep is the one that does not fit and this displeases many, in the case of companies something very similar occurs, between several companies where all the flock is the same one has to look for the difference to be competitive and that is where you want to be different to differentiate ourselves, to do a good marketing you don't need to spend a lot, you can do cheap advertising with a lot of potential, for the competitor you will always be looking for the best regardless of the cost in order to see the enemy underneath, but it is at that moment where the aforementioned is applied to do well without having to spend a lot.

When in an environment there are various competencies, the environment is no longer healthy since the client puts them in a position of not knowing which one to choose, although in the end the one who ends up choosing and the one that puts companies in those positions are the customers. So in a competitive environment these days it is very difficult.

The more demand a product has, the more shocks there will be between competitors, the quality is not only in the product, for the customer, quality is sometimes very common that it is only the name of the product, because just as companies show that they are capable of to have the client in their hands, and without taking into account that to reach certain points one goes through various quality standards, clients only say whether or not they have quality for everything they see on TV, what they tell, or simply because they fall in love with the brand.

Strategic planning helps us to avoid competitiveness in the market, doing a good market research on what the customer wants requires a very well prepared team. By doing strategic planning by setting goals you avoid competitors from being one step ahead of us.

That is why it is very important that we bear in mind that planning is a very necessary method to avoid a competitive environment.

Today there is a lot of competitiveness and there will be more and more this is because the more needs the client has, there will be new companies that start to meet that need.

It is very common that if there is competitiveness in the market, the environment between companies is not very pleasant. This is because they are in constant struggle to demonstrate who is the best, but all this causes the employees of each of the companies to be more pressured. to deliver good results.

One way to measure competitiveness is the SWOT where the main strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats are highlighted.

The SWOT helps us to know our competitors and to know what we have to improve to be a little better than them.

Hoping that this essay will please the reader, we leave it to your discretion. What will you do to avoid competitiveness in your companies? Let's take into account where we live. Without further ado, we must try to be more black sheep to differentiate ourselves from white sheep.

IV. Conclusions

It was intended to carry out the test in the most opportune and precise way, making the reader know from how competitiveness was emerging, to what benefits as clients we obtain at the end of the fight between large companies. As a last point of view, it is very important for entrepreneurs to get out of their comfort area to be able to be in the area with other different weapons in order to attack the competitor not as war but as constructive, since you can win from both. As mentioned, you always have to seek to be the black sheep so as not to be the same before others, you must always stand out.

For new companies it is very common that they fight each other to have an opportunity in the knowledge of the client. Hoping it is to the liking of the reader, he leaves himself in readiness and criticizes the essay presented.


  • Bernal, A. (2012). Monographs. Retrieved on March 3, 2014, from http://www.monografias.com/trabajos/competitividad/competitividad.shtmlHerrera, D. (2006). The entrepreneur's guide. Barcelona: Empresa activa.Mack, S. (sf). Houston's voice. Retrieved on March 24, 2014, from
Competitiveness as a challenge for companies