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Buying abroad in companies with a deconstruction approach

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In this essay I will address the topic of types of purchases, defining its concept and whether to focus mainly on the topic of purchases abroad, and expose the cause of some companies making this type of purchases, the quality standards that suppliers of different countries with the products they import, etc.

All this information will be directly related to the deconstruction approach established by Jacques Derrida, in order to know the way in which the terms and conditions that are established at the time of the purchase process are used.

Deconstruction: Deconstruction is a type of thinking that critically criticizes, analyzes, and revises words and their concepts. The deconstructivist discourse highlights the incapacity of philosophy to establish a stable floor, while still claiming its analytical power.

Purchases: Purchases is a process in which the applicant participates who formulates the requirement of both a heritage asset and a consumer good in the process of their activity within the institution.

In addition to the service requesting the purchase, the Purchasing office itself participates, this purchasing office receives the request, selects the supplier and registers the offers, then selects the supplier and issues the purchase order.

Purchases abroad: Sometimes there is no national production or manufacture of the good or service that the company needs, so it has to be purchased in another country.

Quality standards: It is a process that starts from the self-evaluation criteria of an organization, this serves to measure the excellence of the service provided by the organization.


  • Supplier of goods. Company or natural person, whose activity refers to the commercialization or manufacture of some product, which have a monetary value in the market, likewise the suppliers of goods have the main characteristic of satisfying a tangible market need. Service provider. Company or natural person, whose activity seeks to respond to the needs of the client, which due to its main service characteristic is intangible, that is, it cannot be touched, but the service is also supported by tangible goods to achieve said activity.

Import: Import is the legitimate transport of national goods and services exported by one country, intended for the internal use or consumption of another country. Imports can be any product or service received within the border of a State for commercial purposes. Imports are generally carried out under specific conditions.

Buyer: person or organization that demands goods or services provided by the producer or supplier of goods or services. In other words, it is an economic agent with a series of needs and desires that has an available income with which it can satisfy those needs and desires through market mechanisms.

Shopping abroad

Sometimes there is no national production or manufacture of the good or service that the company needs, in such a way that it has to acquire it in another country; at this time we are facing an international purchase. Purchases abroad have covered a lot in this time since there are too many products that are exported and imported, Purchases abroad in relation to deconstruction are based on how to initiate purchases, that is, analyze the payment conditions, the main problems that may arise in a purchase, the different terms and concepts used in a negotiation in the Foreign. Derrida mentions that deconstruction is related to linguistics.

An important barrier and which would be one of the main problems we encounter when shopping abroad is the legal aspects, since the rules in each country are different, so both the seller and the buyer must be very careful when negotiate purchase orders and each clause must be clearly defined. Quality standards are another point that should be carefully considered and clearly established, since it is very likely that the version requested by a country is different from the one that the supplier country offers and there are problems when the foreign supplier supplies a product. with better or worse quality than what is actually required. Delivery times and inventories must be considered, since when buying imported products,delivery times are longer due to this, buyers protect themselves from unexpected fluctuations in supply, which is why very high inventories are managed in purchases. And finally; Perhaps the language is the greatest barrier that can exist to achieve a good negotiation with a foreign supplier, industrial purchases require a high degree of technical language and it is essential that both buyer and seller genuinely master the language, otherwise the Negotiation will not be entirely clear.Industrial purchases require a high degree of technical language and it is essential that both buyer and seller genuinely master the language, otherwise the negotiation will not be entirely clear.Industrial purchases require a high degree of technical language and it is essential that both buyer and seller genuinely master the language, otherwise the negotiation will not be entirely clear.

A very important factor that must be considered in these purchases abroad are the suppliers.The process for locating foreign suppliers is basically the same as that used in the search for national suppliers; Sometimes representatives of a foreign firm visit the buyer offering the products he manages and talking about the company he represents, if the buyer is interested, proceed to investigate. Other Companies do not remain static and send their buyers abroad in search of potential suppliers, after consulting foreign publication guides, embassy trade departments, foreign stable suppliers, etc. This in order to know and know how trustworthy these suppliers are, since if negotiations were started, the investments would be very high and the buyers would not be willing to risk their capital.

The cost of the materials or products that are bought from import, is not only given by the unit price and quantity, it will also be necessary to pay for the freight (both foreign and national), taxes and expenses for customs services. The payment terms of the supplier must be well negotiated, since the longer the term, the greater the financing we have from the supplier, it is the buyer's obligation to negotiate these conditions as optimally as possible.


We conclude that all these points and factors that have just been mentioned in the development of the topic that comprise purchases abroad, are of utmost importance and must be considered and analyzed in detail by the buyers and be perfectly understood since they are very important points. Delicate and if bad decisions are made they can be very harmful and represent losses for companies since it is worth mentioning that when making purchases abroad it is because it must represent profits and be beneficial for buyers otherwise it would be a bad investment.

Buyers must perfectly understand each of the terms that are handled in a purchase abroad, the rules of the supplier countries with which it is intended to negotiate, what the payment conditions would be, the procedure that each purchase requires, establish the same standard of quality of products or materials to be negotiated between the countries involved, to negotiate with a reliable supplier that meets the needs of the buyer, all this is what is required to know for the purchase abroad to be successful.


  • Anthology acquisition and supply.upgch.
Buying abroad in companies with a deconstruction approach